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The temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates and microbial metabolism mean that temperature is a key factor regulating soil trace gas emissions and hydrochemistry. Here we evaluated a novel approach for studying the thermal response of soils, by examining the effects of temperature on gas emissions and hydrochemistry in (a) peat and (b) soil from a Sitka spruce plantation. A thermal gradient was applied along an aluminium bar, allowing soil to be incubated contemporaneously from 2 to 18 °C. The approach demonstrated clear differences in the biogeochemical responses of the two soil types to warming. The peat showed no significant emission of CH4 at temperatures below 6 °C, while above 6 °C, a marked increase in the rate of release was apparent up to 15 °C (Q10 = 2.5) with emissions being similar between 15 and 18 °C. Conversely, CH4 emissions from the forest soil did not respond to warming. Nitrate availability in the peat decreased by 90% between 2 and 18 °C (P < 0.01), whereas concentrations in the forest soil did not respond. Sulphate availability in the peat decreased significantly with warming (60%, P < 0.01), while the forest soil showed the opposite response (a 30% increase, P < 0.01). Conventionally, thermal responses are studied by incubating individual soil samples at different temperatures, involving lengthy preparation and facilities to incubate samples at different temperatures simultaneously. Data collected on a given thermal response is usually limited and thus interpolated or extrapolated. The thermal gradient method overcomes these problems, is simple and flexible, and can be adapted for a wide range of sample types (not confined to soil). Such apparatus may prove useful in the optimization of management practices to mitigate the effects of climate change, as thermal responses will differ depending on land use and soil type.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIntheworldoftoday,theglobalclimatechangeanditsinfluenceonecologyhavebe-comeaveryimportantproblem,towhichmanyscientists,governnentleadersandordinarypcoplepaycloseattentionI1-'].Inl979,theWorldClimateResearchProgram(WCP)waslaiddowninthefirstworldclimatemeeting.lnl99(),thesecondworldclimatemeetingwasconvcl1edinGencva,andalltl1eexpertsagreedthattheglobalwarmlngwillbeextremelyseriousdisasterthananynatUralcalamityever.Attl1eMectingof"WorldEnvironmentandDevelopment,"holdinBrazil…  相似文献   
赵花荣  任三学  张玲  田晓丽 《玉米科学》2024,32(4):55-64,76
基于2019-2022年夏玉米播期试验资料,分析夏玉米生理成熟后延迟收获对子粒农艺性状改善、增产效应。结果表明,早播10 d至晚播20 d处理的有效灌浆结束日均比生理成熟期延后,子粒有效灌浆持续日数依次比其花后10 d至生理成熟期日数延长28~9 d,播期每推迟10 d延长日数减少6.3 d。子粒农艺性状有明显的改善,百粒重、穗粒重提高,子粒增产效应明显,理论产量增产率16.95%~7.66%,增产量1 960.36~681.51 kg/hm2,对照增产最多,比晚播10、20 d增产粮食多2.4~2.9倍。为华北地区提高气候资源利用效率和粮食生产提质增效提供参考。  相似文献   
根据1997、2000年的监测资料,分析了塔里木河上游地下水水位的时空变化,反映了不同的土地利用方式对地下水水位的影响。在农田灌溉模式下,在垂直河道方向上地下水水位的变化受到塔里木河干流水位、农田灌溉和潜水蒸发的影响。沿河道的横切方向上地下水位的变化与距河道距离成正相关,但具有明显的滞后反应,其滞后时间随垂直河道的距离增加而增加。干流水位明显影响地下水的范围为3.5km。农田灌水使地下水水位在3、11月份明显抬升,也在7月份时对地下水水位产生影响,使其抬升。潜水蒸发量随地下水水位的升高而增加,使地下水水位变化趋于缓和。  相似文献   
1971~2009年阜康绿洲气候变化规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据阜康市气象站1971~2009年平均气温、降水量资料,运用线性趋势估计、小波分析、距平与累积距平、滑动t检验等方法,对阜康绿洲年平均气温和降水量变化趋势、周期特征、突变特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)1971~2009年,阜康年平均气温和降水量均呈波动式上升;年平均气温以0.44℃/10a的线性倾向率上升,其相关系数...  相似文献   
以米脂县孟岔村为研究对象,通过设计农户问卷,将研究区农户划分为种粮农户、打工农户、种果农户、种粮兼顾打工农户等四大类,并利用GIS、GPS技术将土地利用的空间信息和农户微观主体的社会经济行为与特征联系起来.随后使用完全信息静态博弈,建立了不同类型农户的两两博弈关系模型,通过模型分析得出: (1) 农户以自身利益最大化为决策目标,并考虑了其他农户的决策行为对其产生的影响,孟岔村最终形成了"少数农户承包旱地经营果园,部分农户承包水浇地,部分农户完全脱离土地外出打工,大部分农户农忙时种粮和农闲时打工"的土地利用和家庭经营模式;(2) 上述土地利用模式使研究区域土壤侵蚀量有了明显的降低并有效地增加了农户的收入.  相似文献   
近50a来黑河流域气候变暖对农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1960~2009年间黑河流域及其周围15个气象站点的逐月气温观测数据,运用多年趋势线法、Mann-Kendall法、小波分析等方法,对黑河流域气候变化进行了研究。结果表明:近50年来黑河流域气温总体呈增加趋势(β值为0.027℃/a),线性增长率为0.28℃/10a,相当于50年中气温升高了1.4℃,其中20世纪70~80年代气温上升缓慢,至20世纪90年代以后气温显著上升;空间分布上,年均气温变化呈现出由西向东逐渐增温的趋势,其中流域中上游东部和下游地区气温升温幅度较大,以中游民乐和下游额济纳旗最为显著;流域年均气温变化存在着10~15年左右的主振荡周期和6年左右的次振荡周期,其中以13年左右的振荡周期最强;流域年平均气温在1987年发生突变,之后进入偏暖期;同时进一步分析了气候变暖对农业生产的影响,为合理利用本地气候资源提供参考依据,使流域农业得到持续稳定的发展。  相似文献   
Self-bonding is the main factor of the performance expression of binderless boards, and therefore its clarification is considered to be an important issue. For this purpose, a series of chemical analyses were conducted on kenaf core binderless boards and their chemical changes during the hot-pressing process are discussed in this article. First of all, binderless boards were prepared from kenaf core powder at different pressing temperatures (without steam-explosion process) and were used for chemical analyses after they were reduced into powders and extracted with methanol. To investigate their chemical changes, lignin, holocellulose, and neutral sugar contents were determined, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recorded, and the nitrobenzene oxidation procedure was applied. As a result, it was found that parts of lignin and hemicelullose were decomposed during the hot-pressing process; however, the contribution of the resulting fractions to selfbonding was not observed. In addition, progress of condensation reactions in lignin and the formation of chemical bonds by low molecular weight conjugated carbonyl compounds in methanol extractives were observed. Thermal softening of lignin is also suggested to play an important role in the expression of board performance.  相似文献   
黑河是我国一条重要的内陆河,对黑河流域年径流量的变化特征进行深入研究,具有重要的现实意义。文中应用Kendal趋势检验法、R/S分析法、条件概率分析法和M arkov过程基本的理论,对黑河上游莺落峡水文站1945~2000年实测年径流量时序变化的趋势特性及丰枯演化规律进行了研究。结果表明:莺落峡年径流量变化具有如下主要规律:呈增加趋势,但是并不显著;变化存在正的持续性,预计进入21世纪后将继续呈微弱增加趋势;无论何种长度的连续年数,都是连枯的概率最大、连平的概率次之,连丰的概率最小;径流枯水状态的自保守性最强,平水状态的自保守性次之,丰水状态的自保守性最弱;无论处于何种初始状态,径流向枯水状态转移的概率最大,向平水状态转移的概率次之,向丰水状态转移的概率最小。在径流的长期演化过程中,枯水状态的出现机会占有优势,平水状态和枯水状态的出现机会相同。  相似文献   
根据米脂县1971-2004年气象资料,利用Thomthwaite Memoria模型,在分析该县气候变化趋势的基础上,计算并预测了气候生产力对气候变化的响应。结果表明:年平均气温以0.045℃/a的速率递增,远大于全国同期增温速度,20世纪90年代为近34年来最暖期,且冬季气温升高(变暖)对年平均气温升高(变暖)贡献最大;年降水量递减率为-0.248 mm/a,夏季递减速率远大于冬季;气候生产力与年降水量增减变化步调一致,但变化趋势却相反,且该县年降水量对气候生产力的影响程度远大于气温的影响,气候暖干化致使气候生产力利用率仅为21.44%;"冷湿型"气候对该县农作物生产有利,公顷产量将增加4.66%,"暖干型"气候对农作物生产不利,气候生产力将减少17.12%。  相似文献   
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