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赤腹松鼠及其危害防治的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)是一种以植食为主的树栖啮齿动物,广泛分布于亚洲东南部。随着国内人工造林面积的大幅度增加,生态环境的不断改变,赤腹松鼠对人工林的危害日益严重,已成为森林鼠害的主要害鼠之一。本文从生物学、危害、防治3个方面综述了国内外自20世纪80年代以来有关赤腹松鼠研究进展和防治状况。  相似文献   
集中投饵防治松鼠害研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江省浦江县被赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus styani.)剥皮危害的树种有51种,面积达2.7万hm~2,占全县山林面积的45%。采用集中投饵灭鼠效果优于散点投饵,并且操作简便,成本低,见效快。  相似文献   
原宝东 《林业科技》2011,36(1):25-29
2008和2009年3—5月,采用直接观察法对广西宜州龙江河畔赤腹松鼠春季栖息地的选择进行调查和分析,结果表明:赤腹松鼠喜欢郁闭度好、水源距离10-50m、坡度20—40°、避风性良好、坡向东坡和南坡、坡位中坡位或上坡住、食物因子良好,人为干扰距离10-20m,海拔50—150m,乔木密度〈50株,灌木密度50~200株,乔木距离1~4m,灌木距离〈2m的栖息地;水源距离、坡度、海拔、灌木距离、人为干扰距离和灌木密度无显著差异(P〉0.05),郁闭度、避风性、坡向、坡位、食物因子、乔木密度和乔木距离存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   
Integrative taxonomy, a multi‐disciplinary approach adding modern techniques to traditional morphology‐based methods (e.g. molecular and morphological criteria), can play an important role in bioinvasion research to identify introduced taxa, discover pathways of introduction and inform authorities to control and prevent future introductions. The present study is the first on introduced populations of Callosciurus, Asiatic tree squirrels, known as potentially invasive species in Europe (Italy, Belgium and France). We combined molecular (mitochondrial DNA markers: CoxI, D‐loop) and morphometric analysis on skulls, comparing them to the widest morphological and molecular datasets ever assembled for Callosciurus. Squirrels collected in Italy and Belgium share the same haplotypes and skull characteristics, but are conspicuously different from the French population in Antibes. Genetic data revealed close similarity between French squirrels and Pallas's squirrels, Callosciurus erythraeus, from Taiwan, China. Italian and Belgian squirrels formed an independent taxonomic lineage in genetic analyses, whose taxonomic rank needs further investigation. The morphological and morphometric characteristics of these 2 populations are, however, similar to known specimens assigned to Callosciurus erythraeus. These results may indicate a common origin for the populations found in Belgium and Italy. In contrast, French specimens suggest an independent introduction event of squirrels originating from Asia.  相似文献   
The Pallas squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus; common name in Japan: Formosan squirrel) was introduced in the 1950s and has established populations throughout southeastern Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Some tree species in natural forests, parks, and gardens in residential areas have been intensively debarked by the squirrels, especially in winter and spring. The amounts of chemical components, such as polyphenols, resins, flavanols, and sugars, in the bark were compared among species and individual trees collected in the forest of Yokohama Nature Sanctuary. Interspecific differences in the extent of stripping were not related to the amounts of the four chemical components. For individual trees, the bark with feeding scars tended to contain more sugar than that without scars.  相似文献   
[目的]为提高山核桃的产量提供技术指导。[方法]介绍了红腹松鼠对山核桃的危害特点,并研究了驱避剂——树宝对红腹松鼠的防治效果。[结果]近年来红腹松鼠在山核桃产区的危害呈加重趋势,常造成竹林、天然次生林林缘分布的山核桃减产85%~95%;驱避剂——树宝对红腹松鼠具有很强的驱避作用,在清除受害林木周围乔木和灌木的基础上,每年在树干50 cm以下涂刷2次树宝(7月中旬和8月中旬各1次)可有效避免红腹松鼠对山核桃的危害,防治效果达80%以上。[结论]该研究为控制红腹松鼠对山核桃的危害提供了新方法。  相似文献   
为确定在大别山地区采集到的一个Callosciurus属松鼠样本的物种归属及分类地位,利用分子遗传学手段的对所采样本进行研究。采用Cyt b基因结合PCR技术、测序技术及BLAST技术分析样本的遗传信息,再通过MEGA建树确定样本的分类地位。BLAST分析结果显示该物种的遗传信息与赤腹松鼠序列相似程度最高,而建树结果显示与赤腹松鼠聚为同一支,从而确定该物种应为赤腹松鼠,属哺乳纲、啮齿目、松鼠科、丽松鼠属。  相似文献   
赤腹松鼠是洪雅林场第一大林业有害生物,林场在人工柳杉林区设立固定监测样线对赤腹松鼠实施专项监测。监测数据表明,2006年以前林场受到赤腹松鼠危害的人工柳杉林面积达0.76万hm2。2006年至今,林场采用人工捕杀的方式防治赤腹松鼠对人工林的危害,取得了明显的防治效果,赤腹松鼠危害面积下降为0.32万hm2。  相似文献   
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