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长白山阔叶红松林显热和潜热通量测算的对比研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了探寻近地面层湍流运动规律,定量分析森林下垫面物质与能量垂直输送,本文利用常规气象梯度和开路涡动相关观测系统的数据,应用涡动相关法和空气动力学法对长白山阔叶红松林的显热和潜热通量进行了测算,并对两种方法得到的结果进行了对比。结果表明,两种方法得到的显热和潜热通量结果相差不大,而且随时间变化的曲线形状也极其相似。而且,二者得到结果的线性相关性显著。  相似文献   

The effects of soil scarification (mounding), slash removal and clear-cut age on the natural regeneration in clear-cuts was evaluated using data from four sites in southern Sweden. The treatments were carried out during a good seed and establishment year for birch ( Betula pubescens Ehrh. and B. pendula Roth). Scarification had the strongest positive effect on the density of naturally regenerated seedlings, especially in birch, but also in pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst]. Slash removal had a positive effect on birch density. No statistically significant effect of clear-cut age was found. In addition, no statistically significant interactions between clear-cut age and scarification or slash removal were found. The ingrowth of field vegetation was the fastest in areas that were not scarified, less rapid in areas scarified on old clear-cuts, and the slowest after scarification in fresh clear-cuts. In conclusion, it may be possible to control the density of birch during a good establishment year for birch. If birch is desired, the best combination of treatments is to remove the slash and scarify; otherwise, these treatments should be avoided.  相似文献   
阔叶林采伐更新技术调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过系统调查分析三种阔叶林采伐更新方式所形成的林分外貌特征和效益,总结阔叶林采育技术,为科学经营提供依据。  相似文献   
Little attention has been given to the relevance of habitat complementation concept to the population dynamics of insect herbivores. Late instar larvae of the pine processionary moth (PPM) Thaumetopoea pityocampa move in late winter from pine stands, their feeding habitat, to neighbouring habitats where they pupate until next summer. They search for sunny exposed soil which they can find in open areas. We investigated the effect of both forest cover and soil origin, with three matching types (pine stand, broadleaved stand and open area) on the survival of PPM pupae. The microclimatic soil variables which significantly differentiated cover types and soil origins were the maximum temperature and the mean relative humidity in spring, soon after pupation has occurred. A significant effect of the cover type, but not of the soil origin, was detected on the proportion of dead, emerged or diapausing pupae. Open areas were more suitable for pupae survival than forest covers (pine or broadleaved stands), due to warmer and more humid soil conditions. In this study, we provide one of the first examples of habitat complementation for an insect herbivore, as PPM population can benefit from the combination of pine habitats for the feeding of larvae with open habitats for pupation. The presence of broadleaved stands next to pine stands might also represent an ecological trap for PPM pupae, as broadleaved habitats may turn to be less suitable for pupae survival in spring when the apparition of leaves creates cooler conditions.  相似文献   
通过对浙江天童常绿阔叶林中马尾松的菌根研究,比较分析了马尾松在不同样地及不同季节菌根感染率的状况,结果表明,菌根感染率与季节及样地类型有密切的联系,12月份左右,在裸地中菌根感染率较低,只有2.67%;而7月份左右,在马尾松林中,菌根感染率达到了76%.其次,通过一年多对各样地子实体的采集研究和实验室分析,确定在这个阔叶林中与马尾松共生的菌根真菌共4科6属8种,其中硬皮马勃科(Scleroderrnataceae)豆马勃属(Pisolithus)的彩色豆马勃(P.tinctorius(Pers.))和大包硬皮马勃(S.bovista Fr.)以及红菇科(Russulacese)乳菇属(Lactarius Dcex Gray)的松乳菇(L.deliciosus(L.ex.Fr)Gery)分布较广泛,在多数样地中均可找到相应的子实体.最后,本文通过菌根在生态系统中的作用,初步探讨了菌根与常绿阔叶林整体退化机制之间的关系.  相似文献   
阔叶红松林倒木贮量动态研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
代力民  李扬等 《林业研究》2002,13(2):107-110
本文研究了中国吉林省长白山区阔叶红松林倒木贮量的动态变化规律。阔叶红松林倒木贮量包括其现有倒木及其年输入量等贮量的变化规律。阔叶红松林现有倒木贮量开始为16.25 t·hm-2,以后随时间减少,到100年分解掉其干重的85%左右,300年后所剩无几。倒木年输入量平均约为0.6 t·hm-2,其贮量是随时间而增加,200年后稳定在31 t·hm-2,可保持到该群落的顶级时期。倒木总贮量的变化在初期呈增加趋势,而后随着现有倒木的完全分解,倒木贮量就与其倒木的年输入趋于一致,最后稳定在上述水平上。图4表2参9。  相似文献   
对拟赤杨、火力楠、米槠、山乌桕等 4种阔叶树进行BCTMP制浆、打浆强度分析、漂白工艺研究、与硫酸盐木浆配抄强度比较及黑液分析 ,结果表明 ,拟赤杨、火力楠、米槠、山乌桕等 4种阔叶树具有较好的制浆适应性  相似文献   
We studied the leaf litter-dwelling fauna of managed deciduous forests and primeval reference sites in Western and Central Europe and addressed the questions if the higher overall species richness close to downed coarse woody debris (CWD) is related to intra-specific or inter-specific aggregation, if the aggregation pattern changes with the amount of CWD on the forest floor, and how much CWD is needed for different taxa. The analysis is based on shelled Gastropoda, Diplopoda/Isopoda, Chilopoda and Coleoptera. Among-sample heterogeneity was lower close to CWD than distant from CWD. This was most pronounced in Diplopoda/Isopoda and Gastropoda. Diplopoda/Isopoda are comparatively mobile and assemblages were already quite homogenous close to CWD at levels above 5 m3 downed deadwood ha−1. Gastropoda have a low mobility, and more than 20 m3 downed deadwood ha−1 is needed for assemblage homogeneity. We further focused on the Gastropoda as sensitive indicators. Enhanced densities and species richness close to CWD were not a simple function of leaf litter weight, thus effects of densities on heterogeneity are not solely driven by leaf litter accumulation close to CWD. In contrast to euryecious litter-dwellers such as the Punctidae, stenecious slow active dispersers such as the Clausiliidae clearly require more than 20 m3 CWD ha−1 for an even distribution. Specialists depending on CWD even seem to have gone extinct in some managed forests. For conserving the litter-dwelling fauna, we propose a target of at least 20 m3 downed CWD ha−1 in already managed forests and rigorous restrictions for deadwood removal from still (almost) pristine systems.  相似文献   
从1999年8至10月,2000年的4至6月,2002年8月至2003年9月,在平均树高为26米的长白山阔叶红松林内,用红外气体分析仪(2250D,LI-CORInc.和LI-COR,820)测定了不同高度的二氧化碳浓度。根据测定的数据,分析了阔叶红松林二氧化碳廓线的日变化和季节变化动态。结果表明:CO2浓度的垂直分布在白天和夜间是不同的,在接近地面处CO2浓度始终最大。从季节CO2廓线看出,在植物生长季节林冠处CO2浓度有明显的成层现象,不同高度(60~2.5m)的CO2浓度3月份变化较小差值为10mmol穖ol-1,而在7月份变化较大,差值为60mmol穖ol-1。7月份林冠处(22,26,32m)CO2浓度梯度较大,浓度差为8mmol穖ol-1。计算位于涡度相关仪器之下的40米高空气柱中CO2贮存状况表明,年际贮存是负值,但对NEE的贡献很小。图4参11。  相似文献   
安徽省青阳县栎类阔叶林树木生长规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以46年生栎类解析木为基础,运用DPS统计软件进行回归分析,分别采用Logistic、Richards、Compertz、Mitscherlich、Gauss、Log-modified、Density7种理论方程与二次曲线对栎类进行拟合,建立栎类树高、胸径、材积的最优数学模型,对其生长规律进行分析。结果表明:建立的生长模型中Richards方程拟合效果最好、精度最高。故选择Richards方程为栎类树高、胸径、带皮材积、去皮材积生长模型。栎类树高的平均生长量在20年时达到最大值,而树高的连年生长量最大值出现在14年,在20年时平均生长量与连年生长量相等。栎类胸径的连年生长曲线与平均生长曲线在24年时相交。栎类材积生长量在14年前生长较缓慢,在46年内还未出现材积平均生长量的最大值。材积的连年生长量曲线与平均生长量曲线在46年内还未相交,说明其未达到成熟龄。探讨了安徽省青阳县天然次生栎类阔叶林的生长规律,为栎类阔叶林合理利用和培育提供参考。  相似文献   
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