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Experiments were carried out on seeds of Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) to examine the germination behaviour of hard (impermeable) and soft (permeable) seeds and to test various physical and chemical treatments against hardseededness. There was no evidence, in fresh or in old seeds, of leachable germination inhibitors or of leachable compounds affecting hardseededness. Marked differences were found between hard and soft seeds in respiration and leakage. Oxygen uptake was negligible in hard seeds. A rapid efflux of K+ ions from hard and soft seeds was detected during the first minutes of immersion. Subsequently, the rate of leakage of hard seeds decreased markedly. After 4 h of imbibition, conductivity measurements differentiated individual hard and soft seeds. Abrasion, percussion and immersion in sodium hypochlorite had no effect on hard seeds, but mechanical scarification and immersion in sulphuric acid reduced hardseededness. Gamma radiation did not affect the hard coat but damaged the embryo. A. theophrasti seeds were exposed to organic solvents such as acetone. ethanol and methanol, and to pesticides such as butylate, EPTC, metham-sodium, vernolate and methyl bromide, in liquid or gaseous phase. Some of the treatments reduced germination of soft seeds, but none, even methyl bromide, had any significant effect on the number or viability of hard seeds, proving their complete impermeability.  相似文献   
Summary. Early development of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers, was studied on one-node rhizome fragments planted at successive dates over a year. Aerial growth followed the changes in external temperature; in the cool season tops grew very slowly but remained alive. New rhizomes were formed only at temperatures exceeding 15–20°C. Flowering occurred in the warm season from May onwards. No relationship was found between flowering and rhizome formation. The age of plants forming new rhizomes decreased from 5 months for the January planting to less than 2 months for the May-September plantings. Rhizome bud germination was maximal between 23 and 35°C, slow below 20°C and inhibited at 10°C. The weight ratio of tops to subterranean parts of established plants was near 1 in winter, declined in March-April and remained at 0·5–0·6 from May onwards. An established sward of C. dactylon was sampled from September to November of the following year. Dry weight was lowest from January to mid-April, rose in spring and decreased in late summer. Almost no rhizomes were found deeper than 45 cm. Underground parts from the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm horizons constituted 62, 26 and 12% of the total weight, respectively; rhizomes formed more than 90% of the total underground dry weight. In the warm season the dry weight of the subterranean organs amounted to 2, 0·7 and 0·4 kg/m3 of soil in the three horizons, respectively. Percent dry matter in tops and subterranean parts was about 35–45% in the winter and 50–65% in the warm season. Up to 2% reducing sugars was found in various parts of the plants. The water-soluble sugar content of rhizomes was high in November-December, decreased in late winter, rose again in spring, and decreased in late summer. Percent germination of rhizome buds fluctuated greatly during the year, but complete dormancy was never recorded. Newly-formed rhizomes showed a high germinative capacity. Similar germination percentages were found on fragments with one node and those with several nodes. Développement du Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.  相似文献   
Summary. Plants of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum helepense (L.) Pers. and Cyperus rotundus L. were treated with the following growth regulators by dipping or foliar spraying: chlormequat, N-dimethylamino succinamic acid (B–995), MH, 2-chloroethane phosphonic acid (ethephon), flurecol and chlorflurecol. Effects varied from stimulation to inhibition of aerial growth, increases in shoot number, and kill of plants. The effect of combinations of foliar spraying with ethephon, MH, flurecol or chlorflurecol followed after 2 days by spraying with the herbicides dalapon or aminotriazole activated with ammonium thiocyanate, was investigated. The herbicides applied alone had no marked effect but combinations were generally more toxic. Ethephon stimulated growth of C. dactylon but combination with dalapon was phytotoxic. MH sprayed alone and combinations of flurecol or chlorflurecol with dalapon or aminotriazole were highly inhibitory to S. halepense. None of the treatments completely inhibited regrowth of C. rotundus. Effets de diverses substances de croissance sur Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. et Cyperus rotundus L. Résumé. Des plantes de Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. et de Cyperus rotundus L. ont été traitées par trempage ou pulvérisation folaire avec les substances de croissance suivantes: chlorméquat, adde N-diméthylamine succinique (B-995), hydrazide maléique, acide 2-chloroéthane phosphonique (éthéphon), flurécol et chlorflurécol. Les effets furent variables, depuis la stimulation jusqu'à l'inhibition de la partie aérienne, l'accroissement du nombre de tiges et la mort de la plante. L'auteur a étudié l'effet de combinaisons de pulvérisations foliaires avec l'éthéphon, I'hydrazide malélque. le flurécol ou le chlorflurécol suivies deux jours plus tard de traitements au dalapon ou à l'aminotriazole activé avec le thyocyanate d'ammonium. Les herbicides appliqués seuls n'eurent pas un effet marqué mais les combinaisons furent en général plus toxiques. L'éthéphon stimule la croissance de Cynodon dactylon, mais la combinaison avec le dalapon fut phytotoxique. L'hydrazide maléique appliqué seul et les combinaisons de flurécol ou de chlorflurécol avec le dalapon ou I'aminotriazole furent hautement inhibiteurs pour Sorghum halepense. Aucun des traitements n'inhiba completement la repousse de Cyperus rotundus. Wirkung von Wackstunsregulatoren auf Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. und Cyperus rotundus L. Zusammenfassung. Pflanzen von Cyrwdon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. und Cyperus rotundus L. wurden durch Eintauchen oder Blattspritzung mit folgenden Wachslun Lsregulatoren behandelt: Chlormequat, B-995, MH, 2-Chlorächanphosphonsaure (Ethephon), Flurenol und Chlorflurenol. Die erzielten Effekte variierten zwischen Stimulierung und Hemmung des Sprosswachstums, Erhöhung der Zahl der Triebe und Abtötung der Pflanzen. Die Herbizide Dalapon und Aminotriazol, letzteres mit Ammoniumthiocyanat aktiviert, wurden zwei Tage nach Blattsprilzung mit Ethephon, MH, Flurenol oder Chlorflurrnol angewandt und der Effekt der Kombinationen untersucht. Die kombinierten Behandlungen erhöhten die Toxizität, hingegen blieb die Anwendung von Herbiziden allein ohne merkliche Wirkung. Ethephon stimulierte das Wachstum von C dactylon, aber eine Kombination mit Dalapon war phytotoxisch. MH allein sowie Kombinationen von Flurenol oder Chlorflurenol mit Dalapon oder Aminotriazol wirkten auf S. halepense stark hemmend. Keine dieser Behandlungen konnte das Wiederaustreiben von C. rotundus vollständig verhindern  相似文献   
Ten herbicides, bromacil, chlorthal-dimethyl, diphenamid, diuron, fluometuron, neburon, prometryne, pyrazon, simazine and trifluralin at two doses were repeatedly sprayed, in autumn and in spring, for 4 consecutive years on non-cultivated, sprinkler-irrigated field plots. Herbicidal effect was assessed at 1–2 month intervals on the natural weed population and after each observation a paraquat + diquat spray destroyed emerged weeds. The response of various weed species to herbicides varied markedly but a herbicide-induced shift in the composition of weed population did not occur, presumably because of the paraquat treatment. The overall phytotoxicity to weeds present was, in decreasing order: diuron, bromacil, simazine, trifluralin, prometryne, neburon, fluometuron, pyrazon, diphenamid, chlorthal-dimethyl. Persistence of herbicides was in decreasing order: diuron = bromacil, simazine, neburon (at higher rate), fluometuron, trifluralin, prometryne. Control produced by pyrazon improved with the number of applications, but that of diphenamid and chlorthal-dimethyl remained weak and short. After repeated applications, the activity of these herbicides increased or remained at similar level, but in no case decreased. Soil samples were taken 5 months after each application and bioassayed. Phytotoxic residues were detected beneath the disturbed top-soil from bromacil, diuron, fluometuron and simazine after the first application, and from neburon after the second application; residues from trifluralin were found in the top soil only after the fifth application. After the seventh spraying, residues of bromacil were found in the 45–60-cm soil layer. Ammonia content in soil samples taken from treated plots after the fourth, sixth and seventh application was generally similar to the untreated control. In these samples, nitrate content appeared to be correlated negatively with remaining weed number; the control thus contained less nitrate than efficient herbicidal treatments. Soil samples taken after the seventh application of bromacil, diuron, fluometuron, neburon and simazine, which contained appreciable residual concentrations, did not show significant differences from control, in an in vitro nitrification test.  相似文献   
Diuron and fluometuron at 0–6 kg/ha and propham at 4 kg/ha were sprayed on the soil surface and left exposed for 2 weeks to hot and sunny weather. All three herbicides were completely deactivated when sprayed on wet soil; on air-dry soil a smaller but appreciable loss of diuron and propham was recorded. Shallow incorporation after spraying on dry soil reduced greatly the dissipation. A light irrigation after spraying or after 1 week of exposure increased the loss of the herbicide. Conditions du sol affectant la disparition du diuron, du fluomituron et du prophame de la surfaee du sol Le diuron et le fluométuron à 0,6 kg/ha et le propham à 4 kg/ha ont été appliqués en pulvérisation à la surface du sol et laissés exposés pendant deux semaines à la chaleur et à un temps ensoleillé. Les trois herbicides ont été complétement inactiveés lorsqu'ils ont été appliqués sur un sol humide; sur un sol séchéà l'air, il a été enregistrée une perte faible mais appréciable, de diuron et de prophame. Une incorporation superficielle aprés la pulvérisation sur un sol sec réduisit beaucoup la dégradation. Une irrigation légére aprés la pulvérisation ou aprés une semaine d'exposition augmenta la perte d'herbicide. Bodenverfidltnisse, die den Verlust von Diuron, Fluometuron und Propham eon der Bodenoberflache bedingen Diuron und Fluometuron wurden mit 0–6 kg/ha und Propham mit 4 kg/ha auf die Bodenoberfläche gespritzt, wo sie zwei Wochen lang, heissem und sonnigem Wetter ausgesetzt waren. Wurde auf nassen Boden gespritzt, dann wurden alle drei Herbizide vollständig desaktiviert; bei lufttrockenem Boden wurde ein geringer, aber deutlicher Verlust vonDiuron und Propham beobachtet. Flache Einarbeitung nachder Spritzung erniedrigte bei trockenem Boden den Verlust sehr. Leichte Beregnung nach dem Spritzen, oder eine Woche nach dem die Herbizide an der Bodenoberflache dem Wetter ausgesetzt waren, erhöhte den Herbizidverlust.  相似文献   
Summary. Single tubers of Cyperus rotundus L. were planted at intervals over the year. Plant growth was slow and sprouting of tubers was inhibited at temperatures below 20°C, but tubers overwintered at temperatures above freezing point. In the warm season, plant growth and tuber formation rate closely followed air temperature and tubers were forming within 1 month from planting. No inflorescence appeared during the cool season. In autumn-planted C. rotundus grown in containers, the ratio of aerial to subterranean weight decreased from 1·1 in December to 0·2–0·4 in summer. The weight of tubers in mid-summer was about 10 times more than that present in December. Tubers formed at ail times of year and at various locations on plants sprouted readily in laboratory tests (76–100% sprouting). C. rotundus planted in March at wide spacings was grown in field conditions free of other plant competition for 20 months. Within 2 months the plants had spread to 90 cm. At the end of the first and the second summer of growth, the mean area of one plant was 7·6 m2 and 56·7 m2, respectively, and patches had expanded then by 2·8 m and 5·4 m, respectively, from the initial shoot. After 20 months of growth all tubers were present within the 0–40 cm soil depth, 60–70% of them in the 0–20 cm layer. About 30% of the tubers were within 1 m and 60% within 2 m of the plant centre. Under the patch centre there were about 1000 tubers per m2 with 0·3 kg dry weight; in the upper 20 cm more than 3500 tubers weighing 0·9 kg were present per m3 of soil. Croissance, formation de tubercules et propagation de Cyperus rotundus L. issu de tubercules uniques  相似文献   
J. MENASHE  R. GOREN 《Weed Research》1973,13(2):158-168
Summary. The metabolism of [14C]fluometuron in Citrus was studied by feeding the herbicide to either young seedlings or to excised organs. Most of the uptake of fluometuron occurred via the roots during the first 24 h and radioactivity was found after 16 days to be in the rootlets (36·5%), mainroot (34·5%), stem (13·7)% and leaves (15·2%). By feeding [14C]fluometuron to excised organs it was established that although most of the fluometuron breakdown occurred in the rootlets, other plant parts were also capable of metabolizing the herbicide. Therefore, the presence of metabolites in the upper plant organs was not entirely due to translocation from the rootlets. These results suggest that the resistance of Citrus to fluometuron is due to its breakdown in the tissues, probably induced by an N-demethylase enzyme system, similar to that reported for cotton (Frear, Swanson & Tanaka, 1969), in which harmless metabolites arc formed. Détoxification du fluométuron par les tissus de Citrus  相似文献   
M. HOROWITZ 《Weed Research》1976,16(4):209-215
Bioassay techniques used in herbicide studies are based on the response of chosen organisms, superior plants or microorganisms, to the chemical. Various means of assessment are used: germination, weight or size of plant parts, modifications in physiological activities such as photosynthesis and transpiration, and typical symptoms. Several special bioassays are described. Dose-response relations are affected by the age of the indicator plant and environmental conditions of growth. Results can be estimated visually or by objective measurements; for correct interpretation appropriate controls and standards must be included in each experiment. Examples are given of bioassay procedures developed to investigate various aspects of herbicide behaviour: soil effects, dissipation from the soil surface, movement in soil, degradation and persistence.  相似文献   
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