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为揭示睡莲(基部被子植物)的开花特性,探究雄蕊在睡莲花瓣节律性开放过程中的作用.本研究以蓝鸟睡莲(Nymphaea 'Blue Bird')为实验材料,在去雄(摘除雄蕊)后记录花瓣开放角度和萎蔫时间,并于去雄后第6、24、48及72小时测定花瓣的生理生化指标变化.结果 显示,去雄后睡莲花瓣的开放角度小于对照组,在第48小时与对照组开放角度差异最大,达到49.31°,而去雄后花瓣萎蔫的时间与对照组相同,均出现在第72小时;去雄引起了花瓣多项生理生化指标发生变化,其中,含水量在第24小时与72小时显著低于对照组,比对照组分别低0.7%与0.9%;可溶性糖含量变化显著,在第24小时和48小时比对照组分别高出0.48与0.68 mg/g;脯氨酸(Pro)含量在第72小时显著高于对照组;过氧化物酶(POD)活性从第24小时起比对照组显著升高;而丙二醛(MDA)含量则与对照组无明显差异.以上结果说明,去雄导致了睡莲花瓣开放角度及生理状态发生改变,该发现进一步地揭示了睡莲的开花特性,首次证明了雄蕊对于花瓣节律性开放具有调节作用,为花瓣开放闭合及切花保鲜等领域的研究提供了新的思路.  相似文献   
滴灌下生物质改良材料对盐渍土水盐氮运移的调控效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究生物质改良材料对滴灌盐渍土水、盐、肥运移过程的调控效应,采用土箱模拟试验,研究了水肥一体化滴灌条件下,生物炭和腐殖酸两种改良材料对盐渍土水、盐、氮运移和再分布过程及其时空分布特征的影响规律。结果表明:在滴灌条件下,盐渍土壤水盐的时空动态变化表现出明显的水分入渗驱动的盐分运移过程和蒸发扩散驱动的水盐再分布过程;铵态氮含量在时间上表现出先增大、后减小的变化趋势,在空间上的运移再分布特征较弱;硝态氮含量初始时空分布表现出与水盐相似的运移特征,受铵态氮硝化作用的多重影响,后期空间分布与铵态氮空间分布相似;生物炭通过提高土壤饱和导水率,增大了入渗阶段土壤水、盐、氮的运移速率和分布范围;腐殖酸通过提高土壤田间持水率增大了再分布过程土壤水、盐、氮的分布范围和强度,同时其对尿素的水解和硝化过程表现出更强的抑制效果。应用生物质改良材料在改变土壤物理性状进而调控滴灌土壤水盐运移的同时,还影响土壤氮素转化运移过程及其分布,这为水肥一体化滴灌盐渍农田的节水、控盐、减肥治理提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
【目的】探究Landsat8 OLI数据和KNN算法在森林蓄积量估测中的潜力。【方法】以湖南省湘潭县为研究区,采用Landsat8 OLI数据和同时期的二类调查数据,通过距离相关系数筛选特征,分别采用线性回归模型(MLR)、K-近邻模型(KNN)、距离加权KNN模型(DW-KNN)和优化欧式KNN模型(FW-KNN)对森林蓄积量进行估测。使用十折交叉方法进行精度检验,对检验结果进行对比分析。【结果】3种KNN模型的估测结果均高于传统的线性模型,并且在3种KNN模型中,FW-KNN算法效果最好,决定系数达到0.69,为3种模型中最高;3种KNN模型中,本研究优化欧氏距离KNN模型的估测精度最高,其均方根误差为30.3%,相比于传统KNN模型的均方根误差降低了5.1%,相比于DW-KNN模型降低了3.3%。【结论】采用DW-KNN蓄积量估测结果明显优于其他两种模型,说明通过特征与蓄积量的相关性优化样本间的距离是一种可行的KNN优化方法。  相似文献   
Antimicrobial peptides are a class of proteins with antibacterial functions. In this study, the anti-lipopolysaccharide factor isoform 3 gene (ALFPm3), encoding an antimicrobial peptide from Penaeus monodon with a super activity was expressed in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which would develop a microalga strain that can be used for the antimicrobial peptide production. To construct the expression cluster, namely pH2A-Pm3, the codon optimized ALFPm3 gene was fused with the ble reporter by 2A peptide and inserted into pH124 vector. The glass-bead method was performed to transform pH2A-Pm3 into C. reinhardtii CC-849. In addition to 8 μg/mL zeocin resistance selection, the C. reinhardtii transformants were further confirmed by genomic PCR and RT-PCR. Western blot analysis showed that the C. reinhardtii-derived ALFPm3 (cALFPm3) was successfully expressed in C. reinhardtii transformants and accounted for 0.35% of the total soluble protein (TSP). Furthermore, the results of antibacterial assay revealed that the cALFPm3 could significantly inhibit the growth of a variety of bacteria, including both Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria at a concentration of 0.77 μM. Especially, the inhibition could last longer than 24 h, which performed better than ampicillin. Hence, this study successfully developed a transgenic C. reinhardtii strain, which can produce the active ALFPm3 driven from P. monodon, providing a potential strategy to use C. reinhardtii as the cell factory to produce antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
通过对白屈菜低温应答过程的转录组分析发现膜脂不饱和化相关基因的表达在一定过程中发生变化,脂肪酸去饱和酶基因FAD2在随温度的变化趋势为正"V"型,且表达量变化显著。利用NCBI等在线软件对序列进行相关生物学信息分析,并对白屈菜FAD家族成员FAD2基因的完整开放阅读框(ORF)进行克隆,并命名为CmFAD2。选用克隆载体pMD-19-T,转化大肠杆菌DH5α,测序验证序列正确性及完整性。将目的基因与植物表达载体pRI-201-AN连接构建重组DNA pRI-201-AN-Cm FAD2,电击法转化农杆菌LBA4404,利用菌液PCR法验证成功。该基因可作为药用植物抗寒品种创制的候选基因。  相似文献   
为测定致羔羊脑炎粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)的生长曲线,寻求一种快速而准确的方法测定不同生长时期粪肠球菌数量,并客观评价其毒性强弱及其对小鼠脑组织的影响,试验采用平板菌落计数法和OD-Monitor振荡比浊法(Dλ值法)测定粪肠球菌的生长曲线,探究该菌在合适时间段内的吸光值(D600 nm)与平板菌落计数法测定的活菌数(CFU)的关系。用粪肠球菌感染小鼠,观察记录小鼠的死亡情况,最后采用Karber法计算粪肠球菌感染小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)。用LD50的剂量感染小鼠,及时采集死亡小鼠脑组织,未死亡的小鼠72 h后全部剖杀取脑组织,一部分做涂片染色,制作病理切片,观察病理变化;一部分进行培养,用于PCR方法进行细菌的回收鉴定。结果显示,用两种方法测定此株粪肠球菌的生长曲线基本一致,在2~8 h生长迅速,为对数生长期,8~14 h生长缓慢,为稳定期,14 h之后死亡数增加,进入衰亡期;对12 h粪肠球菌D600 nm与CFU的关系进行探讨,成功建立回归方程:y=20.769x-1.3422,R2=0.997;其感染小鼠的LD50为7.77×1011个活菌。以此剂量感染小鼠,脑组织涂片染色和培养染色,均能看到革兰氏阳性球菌;PCR结果显示,均出现了大小为112 bp的条带。对脑组织进行病理学观察发现该菌可导致脑组织充血、出血、形成微血栓,脑膜充血。通过生长曲线和其D600 nm与CFU关系的建立,可实时监测粪肠球菌数量,为后期更深入研究粪肠球菌穿越血脑屏障的机制奠定重要的理论基础。  相似文献   
The microbial community structure and function under forest in tropical peatlands are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the microbial community structure and diversity in natural peat swamp forest soil, disturbed peat soil and mineral soil in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, using 454 pyrosequencing. The results showed that the natural peat soil had the greatest fungal species richness (Chao1), which was significantly (< .05) larger than that in the other two soils. Community structure of both fungi and bacteria in natural peat soil differed significantly from that in the disturbed peat soil (= .039 and = .045, respectively). Ascomycota (40.5%) was the most abundant phylum across the three soils followed by Basidiomycota (18.8%), Zygomycota (<0.1%) and Glomeromycota (<0.1%). The linear discriminant analysis with effect size (LEfSe) showed that Ascomycota (< .05) and genus Gliocephalotrichum (< .05) dominated in natural peat soil. Functionally, pathotrophs were more abundant in disturbed peat soil (< .05). Proteobacteria (43.8%) were the most abundant phylum followed by Acidobacteria (32.6%), Actinobacteria (9.8%), Planctomycetes (1.7%). Methylocystis, Telmatospirillum, Syntrophobacter, Sorangium and Opitutus were the more abundant genera in disturbed peat soil, whereas Nevskia and Schlesneria were more abundant in mineral soil and natural peat soil, respectively. The natural peat forest soil supported a more diverse microbiology; however, the land use of such a soil can change its microbial community structure. The results provide evidence that the disturbance of tropical peat land could lead to the introduction and spread of a large number of fungal diseases  相似文献   
To identify the possible quarantine viruses in seven common sunflower varieties imported from the United States of America and the Netherlands, we tested total RNAs extracted from the leaf tissues using next-generation sequencing of small RNAs. After analysis of small RNA sequencing data, no any quarantine virus was found, but a double-stranded RNA(dsRNA) molecule showing typical genomic features of endornavirus was detected in two varieties, X3939 and SH1108. Full-length sequence and phylogenetic analysis showed that it is a novel endornavirus, temporarily named as Helianthus annuus alphaendornavirus(HaEV). Its full genome corresponds to a 14 662-bp dsRNA segment, including a 21-nt 5′ untranslated region(UTR), 3' UTR ending with the unique sequence CCCCCCCC and lacking a poly(A) tail. An open reading frame(ORF) that encodes a deduced 4 867 amino acids(aa) polyprotein with three domains: RdRP, Hel and UGT(UDP-glycosyltransferase). HaEV mainly distributed in the cytoplasm but less in the nucleus of leaf cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) experiment. This virus has a high seed infection rate in the five varieties, X3907, X3939, A231, SH1108 and SR1320. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the virus of the family Endornaviridae in the common sunflower.  相似文献   
概述了ZHM19的选育过程、特征特性、产量、纤维品质和抗病性等特点及主要栽培技术措施。  相似文献   
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