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近年来,沙漠化问题日益受到关注,虽然各学科有关沙漠化的研究很多,也取得了显著的成果,但是在微分方程领域中有关沙漠化的研究却相对很少,在国内几乎空白.通过讨论绿洲-沙漠交错带中沙漠与绿洲之间的相互作用关系,参考传染病模型,根据数学物理原理建立了沙漠扩散预测模型,最后以民丰县为例验证了模型的正确性.利用龙格-库塔方法对数学模型进行了数值模拟,并与遥感图像处理技术相结合对民丰县绿洲进行了沙漠动态变化分析与预测,得到了较理想的结果,预测得到的结果与实际数据之间的偏差合理.提出的数学模型简单且实用,在预测和治理沙漠扩散工作中具有较大意义.  相似文献   
富士苹果短截、拉枝对当年生新梢叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以''富士’苹果(Malus×Domestica Borkh.)幼树为试材,研究短截和拉枝处理后抽发的当年生新梢光合特性和叶绿素荧光的差异。结果表明:1)拉枝处理显著提高了叶片叶绿素含量和厚度,短截处理叶片叶面积显著高于拉枝处理和对照;2)短截处理显著提高了叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度,但降低胞间CO2浓度。相反,拉枝处理提高了叶片的胞间CO2浓度,但降低了新梢叶片的净光和速率、蒸腾速率,气孔导度与对照基本相同;3)短截处理提高了叶片PSⅡ量子效率和光化学猝灭系数,降低了叶片非光化学猝灭系数,短截处理叶片PSⅡ量子效率和光化学猝灭系数在整个试验过程中显著高于其他处理,相反,叶片非光化学猝灭系数显著低于其他处理,对照组与拉90°处理叶片非光化学猝灭系数没有差异。这些结果表明,短截处理叶片PSⅡ量子效率的光合电子传递活性较大,较多的能量用于CO2同化,而用于热耗散的能量相对较少。相反,拉枝叶片PSⅡ量子效率的光合电子传递活性较低,用于热耗散的能量相对较多,而用于CO2同化能量较少。  相似文献   
The ecological environment in Central Asia is vulnerable to pressure from human activity due to the physical geography and climatic fragility of this region. A set of indicators suitable for the future assessment of this pressure needs to be proposed. Thirty‐six topsoil samples (0–5 cm) were collected from roadsides in a suburban region of Bishkek, the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia, and a risk assessment of anthropogenically disturbed potentially toxic elements (PTEs) was systematically conducted with classic statistical methods. The results of detrended correspondence analysis and principal component analysis clearly showed that topsoil samples with high contents of PTEs (Pb, Zn and Cu) were strongly affected by traffic within a distance threshold of 200 m and that anthropogenic effects decreased significantly with increasing distance from the highway. The enrichment factor and anthropogenic contribution for Pb were the highest among the three PTEs, with average values of 2.0% and 47.4%, respectively, suggesting enrichment. However, the results of the human health risk assessment also indicated that noncarcinogenic risks did not occur for any of the anthropogenic PTEs. The reported method provides a new systematic pathway to reveal anthropogenic influences on the geochemical composition of soil. The conclusions of this work will be highly valuable as important guidelines for agriculture, and the results of the PTE contents will provide a scientific basis for soil collection in future studies.  相似文献   
Jizzakh Province in Uzbekistan is one of the largest irrigated areas in Central Asia without natural drainage.In combination with aridity,climate change and extensive irrigation practices,this has led to the widespread salinization of agricultural land.The aim of this study was to identify opportunities to improve the reclamation status of the irrigated area and how best to effectively use the water resources in Jizzakh Province based on investigations conducted between 1995 and 2016.A database of field measurements of groundwater levels,mineralization and soil salinity conducted by the provincial Hydro-Geological Reclamation Expeditions was used in the study.The total groundwater mineralization was determined using a portable electric conductometer(Progress 1T)and the chloride concentration was determined using the Mohr method.The soil salinity analyses were conducted by applying two different methods:(1)the extraction and assessment of the soluble salt content,and(2)using an SM-138 conductivity sensor applied to a 1:1 mixture of soil sample and water.The analyses of the monitoring results and the salt balance in the"irrigation water–soil–drainage water"system clearly demonstrated that the condition of the irrigated land in the province was not significantly improved.Under these conditions,the stability of crop yields is achieved mainly through the use of large volumes of fertilizer.However,excess amounts of mineral fertilizers can also cause the salinization of soils.The average groundwater salinization value in most of the irrigated land(75.3%)fluctuated between 1.1 and 5.0 g/L,while the values were less than 1.0 g/L in 13.1%of the land and in the range of 5.1–10.0 g/L in 10.5%of the land.During the period of 1995–2016 the salinization level of the irrigated land in Jizzakh Province increased slightly and the area could be divided into the following classes:no salinity(17.7%of the total area),low salinity(51.3%),moderate salinity(29.0%),and high salinity(2.0%).Detailed studies of the salt balance in irrigated land,the impact of climate change,increased fertilizer use,and repeated remediation leaching on the groundwater level and mineralization should be conducted in the future,due to the possibility of accelerated salinization,fertility decline,and reduced yields of agricultural crops.  相似文献   
玛纳斯河流域绿洲土壤养分空间变异特征与格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用经典统计学及地统计学的半变异函数定量研究了玛纳斯河流域绿洲表层土壤(0~10cm)中有机质、全氮、全钾和全磷4种养分含量的空间变异特征。结果表明:4种养分含量数据均服从正态分布,有机质、全氮和全磷的理论模型属于指数模型,全钾的则符合球状模型。全氮和全钾的空间自相关范围为24.18km和35.78km,空间结构上具有中等空间相关性,随机性因素引起的全氮和全钾的变异分别占48.93%和48.23%,是结构性因素(气候、母质、地形、土壤类型等)和随机因素(施肥、耕作措施、种植制度等)共同作用的结果;有机质和全磷的空间自相关范围为79.10km和82.63km,空间结构上具有强相关性,块金值与基台值之比分别为25.06%和20.00%,其空间变异主要由结构性因素引起的。在地理信息系统(GIS)支持下,通过Kriging插值研究了玛纳斯河流域绿洲土壤养分的空间水平分布规律并对土壤养分要素含量等级进行了评价。有机质、全氮和全钾具有南北部高,中间低,由南北向中心递减的趋势;有机质、全氮、全钾含量为较丰富以上等级面积分别占研究区的0%、97.91%、99.69%;全磷含量从中心往南递增,北部分布较均匀;全磷含量为较丰富以上等级的面积占研究区的10.62%。  相似文献   
山桃抗盐碱性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价山桃抗盐碱性,以一年生实生苗为试材,采用0.4% NaCl溶液、pH 9.5 KOH溶液灌根处理的方法评价其抗性.结果表明:盐溶液处理30 d后,实生苗存在极强、强、中等3种抗性类型,分别占群体总数的95.0%,4.0%,1.0%,群体抗性分离显著;碱溶液处理16d后,实生苗仅存在极强、极弱2种抗性类型,各占群体总数的99.0%、1.0%,群体抗性分离明显.山桃为极强抗盐碱型树种,其群体中绝大部分植株抗盐性和抗碱性极强,是优异的抗盐碱型桃树种质资源树种.  相似文献   
试验旨在研究去势对青年新疆褐牛不同时期日增重、体尺指标及血清生化指标的影响。选取21月龄的青年新疆褐牛62头,分为试验组(去势)和对照组(未去势),试验动物分别于22、23、24、25和26月龄进行体重及体尺指标测定,并采集血样。预试期10 d,正试期150 d。结果表明,对照组日增重在23、24月龄时显著高于试验组(P<0.05),在25、26月龄时极显著高于试验组(P<0.01);对照组全期平均日增重较试验组显著提高13.40%(P<0.05)。对照组体高在24、25、26月龄时显著高于试验组(P<0.05);对照组体斜长、体直长、胸围在23、24、25、26月龄时显著高于试验组(P<0.05);试验组尻长和坐骨宽在23、24、25、26月龄时显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。试验组血清尿素氮和白蛋白含量在23、24、25、26月龄时显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而血清球蛋白含量则呈相反趋势;对照组血清谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶活性在24、25、26月龄时显著高于试验组(P<0.05)。综上所述,去势降低了青年新疆褐牛的日增重、生长速度和蛋白质代谢能力,但提高了青年新疆褐牛沉积脂肪的能力。  相似文献   
[目的]对比不同饲养方式对新疆褐牛生产发育的影响.[方法]选取16月龄左右的青年新疆褐牛68头,分为散栏组和栓系组.青年牛为试验对象分别于10月、11月、12月、次年1月和2月进行体型外貌的线性评定及体尺指标测定,并定期采集血样.[结果]在两种饲养方式中自由采食散栏饲养能提高青年新疆褐牛日增重(P<0.01),散栏全期青年牛平均日增重845.58 g显著高于栓系的619.11 g,提高了36.58%,散栏在12、1、2月份日增重显著高于栓系,分别高出13.61%,32.32%,53.47%.散栏式饲养显著提高了青年牛血清磷含量(P<0.01),在12、1、2月份分别高出栓系组0.62%,7.89%,14.29%了,而栓系式饲养的青年牛血清磷含量逐步下降.在两组青年牛之间血清钙含量影响不大,两组血清钙差异不显著(P>0.05).自由散栏饲养方式在全期生长中的速度较快,体斜长,胸围,胸深,胸宽,腰角宽,腰高,坐骨宽,髋宽等基本处于继续增长趋势.[结论]散栏饲养方式能显著提高青年新疆褐牛的日增重,同时还能加快其体高,胸围,体长等体尺的生长,散栏饲养血清钙、磷含量显著高于栓系饲养.  相似文献   
With the classical statistical and geostatistical methods,the study of the spatial distribution and its influence factors of soil water,salinity and organic matter was carried out for 0-70 cm soil layers in Manas River watershed.The results showed that the soil moisture data from all soil layers exhibited a normal distribution,with average values of 14.08%-21.55%.Geostatistical analysis revealed that the content of soil moisture had a moderate spatial autocorrelation with the ratios of nugget/sill ranging from 0.500 to 0.718,which implies that the spatial pattern of soil moisture is influenced by the combined effects of structural factors and random factors.Remarkable spatial distributions with stripped and mottled features were found for soil moisture in all different soil layers.The landform and crop planting had a relatively big influence on the spatial distribution of soil moisture;total soil salinity was high in east but low in west,and non-salinized soil and lightly salinized soil appeared at the northwest and southwest of the study area.Under the effect of reservoir leakage,the heavily salinized soils are widely distributed in the middle of the study area.The areas of the non-salinized and lightly salinized soils decreased gradually with soil depth increment,which is contrary to the case for saline soils that reached a maximum of 245.67 km2 at the layer of 50-70 cm.The types of soil salinization in Manas River watershed were classified into four classes:the sulfate,chloride-sulfate,sulfate-chloride and chloride.The sulfate salinized soil is most widely distributed in the surface layer.The areas of chloride-sulfate,sulfate-chloride,and chloride salinized soils increased gradually along with the increment of soil depth;the variation range of the average values of soil organic matter content was between 7.48%-11.33%.The ratios of nugget/sill reduced gradually from 0.698 to 0.299 with soil depth increment,which shows that the content of soil organic matter has a moderate spatial autocorrelation.The soil organic matter in all soil layers met normal distribution after logarithmic transformation.The spatial distribution patterns of soil organic matter and soil moisture were similar;the areas with high organic matter contents were mainly distributed in the south of the study area,with the lowest contents in the middle.  相似文献   
玛纳斯河流域绿洲土壤春季盐渍化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用经典统计学和冗余分析方法,对玛纳斯河流域绿洲土壤全盐量(TS)、pH、电导率(EC)、钠吸附比(SAR)和盐分离子组成的空间分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:土壤全盐量呈现明显的底聚特征,各层土壤全盐量均值在5.80~9.02 g•kg-1,表现为轻度至中度盐化;各层土壤中,pH在8.2~8.4、EC在0.70~1.38 mS•cm-1、SAR在0.25~0.64,未出现碱化现象。冗余分析表明:不同层次土壤中,Ca 2+与SO 42-、Na+与SO42-保持较好的关联性。TS的空间分布,在 0 ~70 cm 全剖面上主要受控于Na+、SO42-、Ca 2+和Mg 2+;分层与全剖面的情况略有不同,但Na+、SO42-在各个土层仍为最主要的控制离子。EC在全剖面上的空间分布受控于 Na+、SO42-;50 ~70 cm 土层主要受Na+与Cl-的控制,其他土层与全剖面相同。 pH受控于CO32-;除0~10 cm土层受HCO-3影响外,其他土层与全剖面相同。SAR在全剖面的空间分布受环境因子的影响较小,除50~70 cm土层受Cl-因子的制约外,0~50 cm土层未表现出明显的控制因子。  相似文献   
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