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On acid sandy soils of Niger (West Africa) fertilizer N recovery by pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is often more than 100 per cent in years with normal or above average rainfall. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by N2-fixing bacteria may contribute to the N supply in pearl millet cropping systems. For a long-term field experiment comprising treatments with and without mineral fertilizer (F) and with and without crop residue application (CR) a N balance sheet was calculated over a period of six years (1983-1988). After six years of successive millet cropping total N uptake (36-77 kg N ha?1 yr?1) was distinctly higher than the amount of fertilizer N applied (30 kg N ha?1 yr?1). The atmospheric input of NH4-N and NO3-N in the rainwater was about 2 kg N ha?1 yr?1, 70 % in the form of NH4-N. Gaseous NH3 losses from urea (broadcast, incorporated) were estimated from other experiments to amount to 36 % of the fertilizer N applied. Nitrogen losses by leaching (15 to > 25 kg N ha?1 yr?1) were dependent on the treatment and on the quantity and distribution of single rainfall events (>50 mm). Decline in total soil N content (0-60 cm) ranged from 15 to 48 kg N ha?1 yr?1. The long-term N balance (1983-1988) indicated an annual net gain between 6 (+CR-F) and 13 (+CR+F) kg N ha?1 yr?1. For the control (-CR-F) the long-term N balance was negative (10 kg N ha?1 yr?1). In the treatment with crop residues only, the N balance was mainly determined by leaching losses, whereas in treatments with mineral fertilizer application the N balance depended primarily on N removal by the millet crop. The annual net gain in the N balance increased from 7 kg ha?1 with mineral fertilizer to 13 kg ha?1 in the combination mineral fertilizer plus crop residues. In both the rhizosphere and the bulk soil (0-15 cm), between 9 and 45% of the total bacterial population were N2-fixing (diazotrophic) bacteria. The increased N gain upon crop residue application was positively correlated with an increase in the number of diazotrophic and total bacteria. The data on bacterial numbers suggest that the gain of N in the longterm N balance is most likely due to an N input by biological nitrogen fixation. In addition, evidence exists from related studies that the proliferation of diazotrophs and total bacteria in the rhizosphere due to crop residue application stimulated root growth of pearl millet, and thus improved the phosphorus (P) acquisition in the P deficient soil.  相似文献   
借助Ⅱ和Ⅲ型一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)特异性抗体对成年爪蛙(Xenopuslaevis)视网膜中含NOS的结构进行了免疫细胞化学定位研究。发现视杆和视锥细胞的视网膜杆、少数神经节细胞和无足细胞的细胞体均含有NOSⅡ免疫反应物质,缪勒细胞呈现强的NOSⅡ免疫反应性,外神经丛层的神经突起亦含强的NOSⅡ免疫反应性。在视网膜的细胞结构中,未见NOSⅢ免疫反应性。该结果暗示由NOSⅡ产生的一氧化氮可能参与视觉传导的调节。  相似文献   
The Höglwald, located in Bavaria, is a pure Norway spruce stand, where experimental plots which were limed or not were subjected to normal or acid irrigation (Höglwald Experiment). The growth of the forest herb Oxalis acetosella improved greatly with liming. Callose concentration in leaves of Oxalis reflected the lime effect with about a 2.5 times lower callose concentration in the limed compared to unlimed plots. Acid irrigation increased callose concentration only in the unlimed plot. A negative exponential relationship was established between leaflet area and callose concentration. In a Diagnostic Field Fertilization Experiment in the vicinity of the Höglwald Experiment, Ca and Mg were applied either as carbonate or sulphate and Mn and Si added to experimental plots. In this experiment, it was demonstrated that it was not liming per se, but the application of Ca, that greatly increased the growth of Oxalis. Again, there was a negative correlation between leaflet area and callose concentration in leaves. Chemical analysis of leaves revealed that a Mn concentration > 3.5 mg (g DW)?1 and a Mg concentration > 10 mg (g DW)?1 led to increased callose concentration.  相似文献   
Hydroxamic acid content of triticum species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Fifty-five accessions of Triticum species were analyzed for content of hydroxamic acids (Hx), a natural resistance factor against various organisms. Hx were found in all accessions analyzed. Extreme values were found in wild diploid species: highest in T. speltoides (16.0 mmol/kg fr. wt) and lowest in T. tauschii (0.21). Modern polyploid wheats sharing the same genome did not show substantial variations in Hx levels. The data suggest possible sources of high Hx levels for wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser schildert die gegenwärtige Situation in der Bekämpfung von Schädlingen in deutschen Lebensmittelbetrieben, Er weist auf die Begünstigung mancher Schädlingsarten durch die Technisierung und Rationalisierung der Betriebe hin. Probleme der schriftlichen und persönlichen Beratung sowie die Organisation und Durchführung der Bekämpfung von Lebensmittelschädlingen werden eingehend besprochen, ebenso die wichtigsten Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen gegen die Einschleppung von Schädlingen unter Berücksichtigung der Einrichtung von Sicherheitsschleusen und Bestrahlungsräumen. Die zur Zeit in der Bundesrepublik üblicben Entseuchungsverfahren für ganze Betriebsanlagen werden unter Beschreibung der wichtigsten Begasungsmethoden diskutiert. Besondere Hinweise gelten der Bekämpfung eingeschleppter Schadlinge und der Vernichtung von Nagetieren. Auch die Problematik in der Beurteilung von Reklamationen wird erörtert. Darüber hinaus finden die Bestimmungen des neuen Pflanzenschutzgesetzes sowie der Höchstmengen-Verordnung — Pflanzenschutz — im Hinblick auf die Bekämpfung von Lebensmittelschädlingen besondere Berücksichtigung.
Summary The author describes the present pest control situation in German food processing plants. He refers to the constant spread of some pests favoured by modern food processing techniques and by the rationalization of plants. Problems of advisory work carried out by personal consultation or written information as well as the organization and implementation of pest control are discussed in detail. This applies also to the principal prophylactic measures against an introduction of pests into the plant by the installation of safety sluices and radiation chambers. The disinfection methods for entire plants presently applied in the Federal Republic of Germany and the principal fumigation methods are also being described. Special recommendations are given for the control of the pests introduced and for the eradication of rodents. Furthermore, the problems relating to an assessment of reclamations are being discussed. In view of the control of pests on food special attention is paid to the regulations of the new Plant Protection Act and to the Regulations on the Maximum Quantity of Residues Tolerated on Food (Plant Protection).
Between 2000 and 2004 a disease occurred in an aviary in Germany affecting various bird species belonging to the order Passeriformes including Collared Grosbeaks (Mycerobas affinis), Eurasian Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris), Brown Bullfinches (Pyrrhula nipalensis), Grey-headed bullfinches (Pyrrhula erythaca) and Yellow-bellied Tits (Periparus venustulus).The major clinical signs included increased mortality of fledglings and young birds, as well as feather disorders and feather loss in adult birds. In addition, adult Eurasian Bullfinches showed in one year a disease course, in which the major symptom was inflammation of the skin beginning on the basis of the beak and spreading over the head occurring a few days before death. Bacteriological and parasitological investigations did not reveal any consistent findings. Using a newly developed polymerase chain reaction protocol, DNA of the recently discovered finch polyomavirus (FPyV) was demonstrated in several affected birds. Because of the consistent detection of FPyV-DNA and the similarity of the symptoms with those observed during infection with the closely related avian polyomavirus in other bird species, an etiological role of FPyV in the observed disease is assumed.  相似文献   
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