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At the time of AI following Ovsynch protocol, a total of 51 buffaloes were randomly divided in a first group (n = 30) subjected to conventional AI into the uterine body with 20 million non-sex sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa, while a second group (n = 21) was inseminated near the utero-tubal junction (UTJ) ipsilateral to the ovary carrying the preovulatory follicle with 2.5 million live (4 million total) sex-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa. The semen used for flowcytometric sorting was collected and processed on a farm in Italy, and then shipped to a laboratory in Germany. Eleven buffaloes were inseminated with X-chromosome bearing spermatozoa and 10 with Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa. Conception rates after conventional and UTJ inseminations were 43.3% (n = 13) and 42.8% (n = 9) respectively (p = 0.97). Eight of the nine foetuses obtained after insemination with sexed spermatozoa corresponded to the sex as predicted by the cell sorting procedure (five male and four female foetuses by ultrasound vs six male and three female foetuses by cell sorting). In conclusion, for the first time buffalo semen has been successfully subjected to procedures for flowcytometric sperm sorting and freezing. Low doses of sexed spermatozoa have been deposited near the UTJ giving conception rates similar to those of conventional AI with full dose.  相似文献   
黄花蒿粗提物对几种害虫拒食性的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以黄花镐为原料进行浸提,经生物活性测定,结果表明黄花蒿Artenisia annua L.粗提物对供试的6种害虫均具有拒食性。其中对黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki、赤拟谷盗Thibolium castaneum Herbst、谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica Fabricius拒食性极强,对棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover、棉红蜘蛛Tetranychus urticae Koch及豇豆荚螟Etiella zinckenella Treitschke 也具有较强的巨食性。使用黄花蒿粗提物时,以稀释500倍和800倍效果最好,处理与对照之间有极显著差异。  相似文献   
花卉是21世纪的朝阳产业,我国花卉种植面积已居世界第一,而贵州花卉处于起步阶段,许多花卉仍需从外地进货,这对于经济条件并不富裕,而地理环境条件都有利于花卉种植的贵州极为不利。通过对贵州花卉产业发展现状、发展优势的深入分析,探索相应的发展对策,以期对贵州花卉产业的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   
淄博市小麦白粉病重发生原因及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了2007年淄博市小麦白粉病重发生的原因,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   
研究围垸养殖对洪湖自然保护区水质的影响,从浮游生物视角评价水质现状及发展规律,以期为洪湖自然保护区科学管理及水生态修复提供基础数据。2019年6月在洪湖自然保护区不同方位水面布设10个采样点,开展水质及浮游动植物现状调查和分析,计算生物多样性,并与环境因子做CCA分析。调查共检出浮游植物6门57属74种,以蓝藻门的微囊藻、硅藻门的颗粒直链藻、绿藻门的单角盘星藻为主要优势种;浮游动物61种,以萼花臂尾轮虫和广布中剑水蚤为主要优势种。浮游植物Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数均值为2.26,浮游动物均值为2.12,水质为中度污染状态,但有重度污染的趋势。CCA分析表明,浮游植物分布与SD呈正相关,与WT、CODMn等呈负相关;部分轮虫及大部分原生动物与SD、As呈正相关,与WT、Chl-a等呈负相关。洪湖自然保护区水体处于中富营养型状态。围垸养殖会导致洪湖水体有机物沉积、水质恶化,并对浮游生物种类组成和数量产生重要影响。  相似文献   
水土流失重点防治区划分是水土保持规划的重要组成部分.在重庆市市级水土流失重点防治区划分的基础上,结合潼南区实际情况,以村为基本划分单元,运用ArcGIS空间分析工具,采用定量指标与定性指标相结合的方法,建立专题图层数据库,采用空间分析法进行了潼南区水土流失重点防治区划分,确定重点预防区面积为112.41 km2、重点治...  相似文献   
NaCl胁迫对兰州百合苗期生长和发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在温室条件下,对苗期的盆栽兰州百合进行不同浓度的NaCl(0,0.2%,0.4%,0.6%,0.8%NaCl水溶液)胁迫试验。结果表明:在胁迫的30 d时间内,NaCl胁迫造成兰州百合植株的生根数目减少,高度增长缓慢,花卉质量变劣。同时使百合各组织(根、鳞茎、茎和叶)生物产量减少。NaCl胁迫也导致百合叶片细胞膜透性增大,脯氨酸含量增加,叶绿素含量减少,同时可溶性糖含量也呈现减少的趋势。兰州百合可耐0.4%NaCl胁迫。  相似文献   
集雨农业是指收集、存储雨水径流并将其作为农村家庭人畜饮用水、环境卫生用水和农业补充灌溉用水的农业生产活动,包括收集、存储、输送、利用等多个过程,但目前各地的集雨农业技术研究多注重单项技术研究,而没有把它们当作一个整体来进行研究,导致许多地方出现收集与存储、收集与利用、存储与输送、存储与利用等脱节的现象,使各个环节的雨水利用转化效率普遍偏低。本文首先比较系统完整地提出了集雨农业雨水利用转化效率的概念,将集雨农业的雨水收集、雨水存储、雨水输送和雨水利用等各个过程看作一个整体进行研究分析,然后结合有关试验资料提出了提高集雨农业雨水利用转化效率的途径。  相似文献   
灵芝膜喙扁蝽在浙江一年发生二代,若虫期为5龄,以成虫在土中的段木周围及灵芝棚内紧贴土面的木片、竹片下越冬。该虫具有群集、假死、喜阴等习性。每年6~10月为发生为害期。膜喙扁蝽以灵芝菌丝为食,灵芝段木受害后,灵芝产量明显减少,品质下降。研究结果表明,该虫的防治可采用农业防治与化学防治相结合的方法,农药以敌敌畏、辛硫磷和百树得为宜。  相似文献   
AIM:To study whether homocysteine (Hcy) inhibits the expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) by microRNA-33 (miRNA-33) signaling, and reduces the efficiency of reverse cholesterol transport (RCT).METHODS:RAW264.7 macrophages were induced by oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) to establish foam cell model. Oil red O staining was used to determine whether the model was established successfully. miRNA-33 mimics and miRNA-33 inhibitor were transfected into the cells by Lipofectamine 2000, and the cells were exposed to Hcy at concentration of 5 mmol/L for 24 h. The intracellular lipid droplets were observed by Oil red O staining. The expression of ABCA1 and ABCG1 at mRNA and protein levels was determined by real-time PCR and Western blot. The cellular cholesterol content was analyzed by HPLC, and effluent rate of cholesterol was detected by the method of liquid scintillation counting.RESULTS:Compared with blank control group, the lipid content in miRNA-33 mimics group was increased, and the expression of ABCA1 and ABCG1 at mRNA and protein levels was decreased (P<0.05). The intracellular cholesterol content was increased gradually (P<0.05), and the cellular cholesterol efflux rate was gradually decreased (P<0.05) in miRNA-33 mimics group. Compared with blank control group, the testing results in miRNA-33 inhibitor group were the opposition of those in miRNA-33 mimics group (P<0.05). No diffe-rence of the above indexes among blank control group, miRNA-33 mimics-NC group and miRNA-33 inhibitor-NC group was observed.CONCLUSION:Hcy inhibits the mRNA and protein expression of ABCA1 and ABCG1 through miRNA-33 signaling, and reduces the efficiency of RCT in RAW264.7 macrophage-derived foam cells.  相似文献   
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