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Datura ferox seeds do not germinate when they are incubated intact and in darkness, even after 24 months of dry storage. If allowed to absorb water vapour for 3–4 weeks at 20°C, they lose dormancy, germinating even when incubated in darkness. The breakage of dormancy is directly related to the vapour pressure of the atmosphere where the seeds are stored, and good aeration is necessary for the process to occur. If seeds absorb liquid water, the toss of dormancy is much less than that of seeds stored in a saturated atmosphere. A similar effect is observed when seeds are buried in a soil at field capacity. The results indicate that a certain degree of imbibition, under good gas-exchange conditions, is important for breaking dormancy. As a hypothesis, it is proposed that most of the population remains dormant when not enough O2 is available for (he imbibed seed. The low rate of O2 entry could be due to poor diffusion through the water-saturated seed coat (seeds which absorb liquid water) or to a low O2 level in the surrounding atmosphere (soil at field capacity). One of the possible roles of O2 could be to oxidize the inhibitor(s) present in these seeds. La rupture de la dormance des semences de Datura ferox considérée comme un effet de l'absorplion de l'eau. Les semences de Datura ferox ne germent pas quand elles sont mises au germoir intactes et à l'obscurité, même aprés 24 mois de conservation au sec. Si elles peuvent absorber de la vapeur d'eau pendant 3 à 4 semaines à 20°C, elles perdent leur dormance et germent meme & à l'obscurité. La rupture de la dormance est en relation directe avec la pression de la vapeurd'eau de l'atmosphére dans laquelle les semences sont conservées; une bonne aération est nécessaire pour que le processus se déclanche. Si les semences absorbent de l'eau à l'état liquide, la rupture de dormance est beaucoup moindre que celle de semences conscrvées dans une atmosphére saturée. Un effet analogue est observé lorsque les semences sont ententes dans un sol ayant atteint sa capacity au champ. Les résultats indiquent qu'un certain degriS d'imbibition, sous de bonnes conditions d'changes gazeux. est important pour la rupture de la dormance. Comme hypothtése, il est proposé que la plus grande partie de la population reste dormante lorsqu'il n'y a pas assez d'oxygene disponible pour la semence imbibeée. Le faible taux d'absorption d'oxygéne pourrait étre du à sa fuible diffusion à travers l'enveloppe saturée d'eau de la semence (pour celles qui absorbent l'eau à I état liquide) ou à un bas niveau d'oxygene dans Tatmosphére environnante (cas d'un sol à la capacityé au champ). Un des rôles possibles de l'oxygéne pourrait être d'oxyder les inhibiteurs presents dans les semences. Das Brechen der Keimruhe in Samen von Datura ferox ah ein Effekt der Wasseraiifnahme Samen von Datura ferox keimen nicht, wenn sie bei Dunkelheit gehalten werden; auch nicht, wenn sie zuvor 24 Monate trocken lagerten. Wenn sie bei 20°C, 3 bis 4 Wochen tang Wasserdampf aufnehmen, verlieren sie die Keimhemmung und keimen sogar im Dunketn. Zwischcn dem Brechen der Keimruhe und dem Damptdruck der Luft in der sie gelagert werden, besteht eine direkte Beziehung. Fur diesen Vorgang ist eine gute BelCiflung Vorausselzung. Wenn die Samen flijssiges Wasser aufnehmen, ist der Verlust der Keimhemmung wesentlich geringer als wenn sie in einer gesättigten Atmosphäre gelagert werden. Eine ähnliche Wirkung wird beobachtet. wenn die Samen im Boden bei Feldkapazität gelagert werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für das Brechen der Keimruhe ein bestimmtes Mass der Aufnahme bei ausreichendem Gasaustausch wichtig ist. Als cine Hypothese wird vorgeschlagen, dass die meisten der Population dormant bleiben, wenn für die mil Wasser vollgesaugten Samen nicht ausreichend O2 verfügbar ist. Der geringe Zutritt an O2 konnte auf die mässige Diffusion durch die wassergesättigte Samenschale (Samen die fliissiges Wasser aufnehmen), oder auf einen geringen O2-Gehalt in der umgebenden Luft (Boden bei Feldkapazität) zurückzuführen sein. Eine der möglichen Bedeutungen die dem O2 zukommen, könnte in der Oxidation des bzw. der Hemmstoffe der Samen liegen.  相似文献   
A dog with traumatic monoplegia had a spinal cord lesion, identified using conventional magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, the intrathecal use of gadopentate dimeglumine allowed identification of two sites of cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the vertebral canal, supporting a diagnosis of brachial plexus avulsion.  相似文献   
Three oceanographic surveys carried out in the Sicilian Channel during the spawning season (June to July) of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) showed a close relationship between anchovy reproductive strategy and important hydrographic structures. A time series of satellite‐derived sea surface temperature images of the Sicilian Channel were analysed by means of empirical orthogonal functions and the dominant empirical modes were studied in detail. The first empirical mode captured much of the original variance and reproduced the trajectory of the Atlantic Ionian Stream (AIS), the principal hydrodynamic feature of the area. The time coefficients of modes 1 and 2 had seasonal signals which, when combined, accounted for the enhancement of the thermal front, clearly visible off Cape Passero (southernmost coast of Sicily) during summer. As the area constituted the principal nursery ground of the Sicilian Channel anchovy, the combination of the time coefficients of these modes was considered a potential indicator of the food particle concentration usually associated with oceanic fronts, which provided the energy requirements for larval growth. Mode 3 described the north/south displacements of the mean AIS trajectory, which modified the surface temperature regime of the anchovy spawning habitat. Therefore, the time coefficients of this mode were used as a potential indicator of anchovy spawning habitat variability. The capability of time coefficients of modes 2 and 3 to modify the main pattern depicted by mode 1 were tested successfully against in situ oceanographic observations.  相似文献   
Our aim was to characterize the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of canine disc extrusion accompanied by epidural hemorrhage or inflammation. We correlated the imaging characteristics of this type of disc extrusion in 46 dogs and compared these features with clinical signs and pathologic findings. Data from 50 control dogs with MR imaging features of a disc extrusion with no associated hemorrhage or inflammation, characterized by a T2‐hypointense extradural mass, were used for comparison of the relative location of the two types of lesions and prognosis. Disc extrusion causing epidural hemorrhage or inflammation is more common in the caudal aspect of the lumbar spine than disc extrusions that do not cause signs of hemorrhage or inflammation (P<0.05) in MR images. In dogs with disc extrusion and associated epidural hemorrhage or inflammation, there was no association between MR imaging features and signalment, the presence or absence of hemorrhage, or pathologic findings. The appearance of the lesion created by disc extrusion with epidural hemorrhage and inflammation encompasses a wide variety of imaging features, likely related to the duration of the hemorrhage and associated inflammatory changes. In 10 of 46 dogs these secondary changes masked identification of the disc extrusion itself in the MR images. An awareness of the variety of MR imaging features of disc extrusion accompanied by extradural hemorrhage or inflammation is important to avoid making an incorrect diagnosis and to facilitate a proper surgical approach. The prognosis of dogs with disc extrusion accompanied by hemorrhage or inflammation does not appear to be different than for dogs with disc extrusion and without imaging signs of epidural hemorrhage or inflammation.  相似文献   
The most common cause of peripheral facial nerve paralysis in dogs, in the absence of otitis media, is thought to be idiopathic. Gadolinium-enhanced (Gd) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been used to study peripheral facial weakness in humans with a wide variety of disorders, including Bell's palsy, the clinical equivalent of idiopathic facial nerve paralysis in dogs. Gd-MR imaging may be useful to demonstrate abnormal enhancement of the intratemporal facial nerve. The aim of this study was to define the role of the Gd-MR imaging in dogs with idiopathic facial nerve paralysis, with regard to pattern of enhancement, and to search for prognostic information. Six dogs with peripheral facial nerve paralysis, followed between 2003 and 2005, were studied. Physical and neurologic examinations, as well as clinical tests, were performed, including routine hematology, serum biochemistry, thyroid screening, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and MR imaging. The time interval between the onset of the clinical signs, the progress of the disease, and the final recovery was noted in each dog. The following four intratemporal segments of the facial nerve were analyzed: internal acoustic meatus, labyrinthine segment/geniculate ganglion, tympanic segment, and mastoid segment. Along its length, contrast enhancement was found in four dogs. In this group, contrast enhancement of the facial nerve was found in all segments of two dogs, in three segments of one dog, and in one segment of the other dog. In the four dogs with enhancement, one recovered completely in 8 weeks and three have not recovered completely. The two dogs without evidence of enhancement recovered completely in an average time of 4 weeks.  相似文献   
Objective— To investigate the efficacy of adhesive incise drapes in reducing bacterial contamination of clean canine surgical wounds.
Study Design— Randomized clinical trial.
Animals— Dogs (n=100) having elective ovariohysterectomy or stifle surgery.
Methods— Dogs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: drape or no drape. Swabs obtained from the inner edge of the surgical wound at the beginning (swab 1) and end (swab 2) of surgery were submitted for microbial culture. Number of colony forming units was counted for all positive cultures and change in bacterial counts between swabs 1 and 2 was calculated. Percentage adhesive drape adherence at the end of surgery was calculated from a digital photograph of the surgical site. Duration of surgery/anesthesia and the anesthetic induction agent used were recorded.
Results— There was a significant increase in bacterial counts between swabs 1 and 2 ( P =.001). Wound contamination was 14% (6 drape; 8 no drape; P =0.78) with Staphylococcus spp. most commonly isolated. Median percentage drape adherence at the end of surgery was 89.3% (0–100%). Duration of anesthesia was significantly related to wound contamination ( P =.013), but duration of surgery and anesthesia induction agent were not.
Conclusions— Adhesive incise drapes did not reduce wound contamination of clean canine surgical wounds.
Clinical Relevance— Use of adhesive incise drapes in clean surgical procedures is of questionable benefit in dogs.  相似文献   
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