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1. Chicks of a light‐bodied strain were deprived of food on alternate days from 15 to 46 d of age.

2. Hyperphagia, amounting to twice the intake of control birds early in the experiment, occurred on the repletion day.

3. Final body weight attained 80% of that of the controls.

4. Body fat concentration decreased at first but returned to that of controls after 3 weeks.

5. A consistent hyperlipaemia was observed after food deprivation or restoration.

6. There was a marked increase in the digestive enzymes found in the small intestine, but not in the pancreas during the repletion day.

7. These responses may be considered as mechanisms to reduce the physiological manifestations of starvation.  相似文献   

1. Activities of digestive enzymes in meat-type chickens under ad libitum or alternate-day feeding were determined from 14 to 83 d of age. 2. Final body weight of intermittently fed birds attained 75% of that of the ad libitum-fed controls. 3. When compared with the ad libitum-fed counterparts, a marked increase in the relative weight of the pancreas and intestinal contents were found on repletion days. On depletion days the relative weights of the pancreas and of the intestinal contents were about half those found in ad libitum-fed birds. 4. The activity of the digestive enzymes in the pancreas, expressed as U/g pancreas or U/kg body weight, was not affected consistently by the feeding regime. In the small intestine a marked increase in relative activity (U/kg body weight) was observed on repletion days and a marked decrease on depletion days as compared with ad libitum-fed controls. The activities per g intestinal contents following food restoration did not differ significantly from those of ad libitum-fed controls except for trypsin, which was higher in the former. On depletion days the activities per g intestinal contents were lowest, lipase excepted.  相似文献   
1. Body weight and the weight of the digestive organs and activities of some digestive enzymes were determined from hatching to 23 d of age. 2. Relative daily growth rate peaked at 11 d of age (22% gain/d) and then decreased gradually. 3. The vitelline residue was decreased rapidly from 4.6 g at hatching to negligible values from 4 d of age. 4. Maximal allometric growth of the pancreas and small intestine was 4-fold and that of liver 2-fold greater than that of the body. 5. Activities (units/kg body weight) of the digestive enzymes measured in the pancreas and intestinal contents increased with age. In the pancreas maximal values were attained on day 8 for amylase and lipase and 11 for trypsin and chymotrypsin. In the small intestine maxima were attained on day 4 for lipase, 11 for trypsin and chymotrypsin and 17 for amylase. 6. The development of secretion of digestive enzymes in the post-hatched chick could be a limiting factor in digestion and subsequently in food intake and growth.  相似文献   
1. The relative weights of the gastrointestinal segments and of some other internal organs from light and heavy breed chicks from hatching to 21 days of age were compared.

2. The relative weight of the duodenum and jejunum was higher in the light breed than in the heavy one, the reverse relationship was found for the ileum and caecum.

3. The relative growth of the pancreas, heart, cerebrum and cerebellum was greater in the light breed.  相似文献   

A total of 600 rats was distributed equally among 15 diets formulated from mixtures of raw and toasted soy flour and casein so as to provide 5 different levels of trypsin inhibitor (TI) at 3 levels of protein (10%, 20%, and 30%). Animals were sacrificed at the end of 6 months and at 3-month intervals thereafter over a period of 22 months. Increases in the secretory activity of the pancreas, as measured by trypsin and chymotrypsin activities in the pancreas and small intestines, were associated with increasingly higher levels of TI and protein but did not change appreciably with time. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pancreas, as reflected by changes in pancreas weight and RNA and DNA content, developed at an early stage (6 months) and were likewise positively correlated with the levels of TI and protein in the diet. Although the hypertrophic response remained unchanged with time, hyperplasia became more pronounced as the period of exposure to TI was prolonged. The peptide test confirmed the stimulatory effect of TI on the pancreas, but some functional impairment was noted in those animals which had been fed raw soy flour for 18 months of or longer. The appearance of nodules on the pancreas was observed by gross inspection after 15 months, and these became larger and more numerous with time. The incidence of nodules was highly correlated with the level of TI in the diet and was highest when the diet contained 20% protein.  相似文献   
The development of osteoporosis involves the interaction of multiple environmental and genetic factors. Through combined genetic and genomic approaches, we identified the lipoxygenase gene Alox15 as a negative regulator of peak bone mineral density in mice. Crossbreeding experiments with Alox15 knockout mice confirmed that 12/15-lipoxygenase plays a role in skeletal development. Pharmacologic inhibitors of this enzyme improved bone density and strength in two rodent models of osteoporosis. These results suggest that drugs targeting the 12/15-lipoxygenase pathway merit investigation as a therapy for osteoporosis.  相似文献   
1. Fat deposition in abdominal, mesenterial, sartorial and gizzard adipose tissues (AT), liver, breast muscle, skin and carcase was studied in male broilers, selected for high (HF) and low (LF) abdominal fat and fed on diets differing in energy density and total fat content. 2. There were no significant differences in body weight in the experimental groups. The relative weight (g/kg body weight) of the dissected adipose tissues was higher in HF than in LF birds. Fat concentration in the AT (sartorial excepted), skin and body was higher in the HF compared with the LF birds. The lines did not differ significantly in liver and breast muscle fat content. 3. Abdominal AT was affected by selection or dietary fat more than other AT and total body fat. 4. In the HF birds increasing energy density from 12.3 to 13.4 MJ/kg (dietary fat kept constant: 5.46 g/MJ) significantly increased the weight of the abdominal, mesenterial and sartorial AT. Increasing dietary fat (at both energy densities) decreased the weight of the AT, whereas increasing both energy and fat did not affect it. In the LF birds, similar but milder and insignificant trends were observed. It is suggested that this interaction has biological significance.  相似文献   
1. Growth rate, food intake and utilisation were determined for goslings (Anser cireneus) from hatching to 7 weeks of age.

2. The relative weight of the carcass (body without feathers, skin or intestinal content) decreased from 0.83 of total body weight at hatching to 0.73 at 7 weeks. The skin relative weight increased from 0.12 at hatching to 0.17 at 2 weeks of age and subsequently remained constant. The weight of feathers increased from 0.034 of body weight at hatching to 0.08 at 7 weeks.

3. The fat of the carcass and skin increased during the 7‐week experimental period. The skin retained about half of the total body fat.

4. While amino acid compositions of feathers and skin proteins were quite similar to data reported for other birds, carcass proteins were lower in methionine and lysine.  相似文献   

1. Body weight, the weight of digestive organs and activities of some digestive enzymes were determined from hatching to 14 d of age in meat‐ and egg‐type chickens.

2. Relative daily food intake and growth rate were much higher in meat‐than in egg‐type chickens. Relative daily food intake peaked at 30% of body weight at 3 d of age in meat‐type, and at 20% of body weight at 6 d of age in egg‐type chickens and then decreased gradually. The corresponding values for growth rate were 20 and 14%.

3. Allometric growth of the small intestine, intestinal contents and liver was greater in meat‐type chickens, but the growth of the pancreas attained a higher value in the egg‐type birds. Diminution of the vitelline residue was similar in the two breeds.

4. Pancreatic digestive enzyme activities were similar between stocks, but activities in the small intestinal contents were lower in meat‐type chickens.

5. The secretion of digestive enzymes in the newly‐hatched meat‐type chicken could be a limiting factor in digestion and, consequently, in food intake and growth.  相似文献   

1. A study was made of the effect of urea, added to chick diets of different protein contents with or without added methionine, on growth and body composition.

2. In chicks fed on diets containing urea, concentrations of urea were higher in the blood and digestive tract but not in the excreta, as compared with chicks fed on diets containing soyabean as the only source of protein.

3. Urea‐nitrogen was utilised better for growth when the diets were supplemented with methionine rather than unsupplemented.

4. Body fat content was decreased with the increase in protein content of the diet. Addition of urea decreased body fat less than an equivalent amount of protein.

5. There was no correlation between body fat and body weight in groups fed on diets containing 189 or 216 g protein/kg, but there was a significant correlation between these variables in groups fed on diets containing 292 g protein/kg or either concentration of urea. This phenomenon was much more pronounced in diets not supplemented with methionine.  相似文献   

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