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Clinical, radiological and ultrasonographic findings from 22 cats with gastrointestinal lymphosarcoma were reviewed. The most common clinical findings were anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, depression, fever, anemia and a palpable abdominal mass. Abdominal radiographs of 12 cats revealed a mass associated with the gastrointestinal tract and/or mesentery, and decreased serosal detail, suggestive of peritoneal effusion. The most common ultrasonographic finding was transmural gastric or intestinal thickening associated with loss of normal wall layering, reduced wall echogenicity and localized hypomotility. As is noted in people, other patterns such as transmural-segmental, transmural-nodular, transmural-bulky and mucosal infiltration were represented. In 3 cats, mesenteric lymph-adenopathy was responsible for most of the mass-effect. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy, automated microcore biopsy, endoscopic biopsy or necropsy confirmed the diagnosis of lymphosarcoma in all cats. Chemotherapy was instituted in 19 cats. Only 6 cats had a complete response to treatment. The results of this study indicate that ultrasonography is a valuable tool for the diagnosis of feline alimentary lymphosarcoma and that biopsies can be obtained under ultrasonographic guidance.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy and core biopsy in the diagnosis of infiltrative gastrointestinal diseases. Six dogs and seven cats with clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease underwent ultrasonography and intestinal lesions were identified. One or more ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy and/or core biopsy procedures were performed in each patient. Each patient also underwent one of the following additional procedures for comparison of results: 1) surgery (n=4), 2) endoscopy (n=2), 3) post mortem exam (n=3), and, 4) for lymphoma diagnosed with ultrasound-guided procedures, response to chemotherapy (n=4). Correct diagnoses were obtained in nine of the 13 patients, incorrect diagnoses in two of the 13 patients, and inconclusive diagnoses in two of the thirteen patients. Of the 16 total ultrasound-guided procedures performed, ten were confirmed as correct, three as incorrect, and three were non-diagnostic. Intestinal lesions with bowel wall thickness greater than 2.0 cm had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than lesions of lesser wall thickness. Gastric lesions had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than small and large intestinal lesions. Malignant lesions had a higher percentage of correct diagnoses than benign lesions. There were no complications. Ultrasound-guided gastrointestinal fine-needle aspiration biopsy and core biopsy appears to be a safe, accurate, and rapid procedure for use in the diagnosis of infiltrative gastrointestinal disease.  相似文献   
Historical, physical examination, clinicopathologic, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings of 13 dogs with hepatic abscesses were reviewed. Liver abscessation was characterized by number, size, shape, echogenicity and location. Solitary lesions greater than 3 cm were more common than multiple ones. The abscesses were mainly poorly echogenic lesions, often with central cavitation. The shape of the lesion ranged from round to oval or irregular. Enhancement artifact, abdominal effusion, regional lymphadenopathy and hyperechoic perihepatic fat, were identified in several dogs. Ultrasound-guided aspiration was performed in 10 of 13 dogs, and confirmed abscessation with cytologic and microbiologic evaluation. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage of abscesses was performed as an adjunct to medical management in four dogs.  相似文献   
In a retrospective study of 21 dogs with intestinal adenocarcinoma, the signalment, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, ultrasonographic features, treatment, and outcome were reviewed. Anorexia (n = 16), vomiting (n = 15), diarrhea (n = 10), and weight loss (n = 9) were the most common clinical signs reported. Ultrasonographic features that were evaluated included location, length, wall thickness, echogenicity, regional motility, layering, regional lymphadenopathy, and fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site. All lesions were transmural and associated with complete loss of wall layering. Maximum wall thickening at the lesion site ranged from 7 to 17 mm (median 12 mm, mean 11.9 mm). Most of the dogs had a lesion measuring from 23 to 63 mm in length, (median 40 mm, mean 42 mm). Most intestinal lesions were poorly echogenic and had an irregular lumen. Fluid accumulation proximal to the lesion site was identified in 17 of 21 dogs, and in 13 of 17 dogs the fluid accumulation was considered moderate to severe. Regional lymphadenopathy and/or nodular mesentery/omentum were noted in 12 of 21 dogs. The tumor was located in small intestine for 15 dogs and in the colon for the remaining 6 dogs. Fifteen dogs were treated by surgical resection of the intestinal mass. Their median survival time was 233 days. Only gender appeared to influence survival. Female dogs lived a median of 28 days, whereas male dogs lived a median of 272 days.  相似文献   
The psittacine skull is a complex anatomic structure, frequently traumatized but difficult to adequately image with standard radiographic procedures. Multiple views including a ventrodorsal, a lateral, and complementary oblique projections are necessary to fully evaluate potential skull fractures in the avian patient. Magnification radiography is a relatively easy procedure that aids the review of small osseous structures. Familiarity with psittacine skull anatomy greatly facilitates radiographic interpretation of cranial trauma.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic utility of parathyroid ultrasonography to differentiate causes of hypercalcemia in dogs. We analyzed qualitative and quantitative ultrasound imaging findings and clinical pathology data from 33 dogs that underwent parathyroid ultrasound examination as part of the diagnostic evaluation for hypercalcemia. Diagnoses of the diseases causing hypercalcemia included parathyroid carcinoma (n = S), parathyroid adenoma (n = 15), parathyroid adenomatous hyperplasia (n = 6), chronic renal insufficiency (n = 3), and hypercalcemia of malignancy (n = 4). All parathyroid lesions were round or oval and hypoechoic compared with surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Adenomatous and adenocarcinomatous glands were 4 mm or larger in longest linear measurement on US examination and were statistically significantly larger than hyperplastic glands. (p < 0.001) Linear measurements of parathyroid glands acquired at the time of ultrasound examination correlated well with direct siz determination after surgical excision. (r2= 0.9, p < 0.0001) Parathyroid lesions <4 mm are highly suspicious for parathyroid adenoma or carcinoma, while US lesions <4 mm most likely represent primary adenomatous hyperplasia or secondary parathyroid hyperplasia. Parathyroid size estimation from ultrasound examination is an accurate predictor of true size.  相似文献   
A submental approach using a 5, 7.5 and 10 MHz mechanical sectorial transducers was used to evaluate the ultrasonographic appearance of the normal and abnormal canine, feline and equine tongue. Seven normal animals were used to characterize the in vivo normal ultrasonographic appearance of the oropharynx. Consistently seen anatomical landmarks included the lingual parenchyma, lingual artery, soft and hard palate interfaces, mandible, basihyoid bone and sublingual musculature. Seven fresh canine, feline and equine cadavers were dissected to confirm the ultrasonographic findings. Seven animals with signs of ptyalism, dysphagia, halitosis and visible lingual lesions were also studied. A foreign body and abscesses secondary to a penetrating wound were detected in a horse. Ultrasound guidance aided surgical dissection, removal of the foreign body and intraoperative drainage of the abscesses. Ultrasound provided valuable non-invasive documentation of the architecture, size and margins of six lingual neoplasms. Ultrasonographic monitoring of the response to the treatment of lingual lesions may be beneficial in the management of patients.  相似文献   
Radiographic features of 23 dogs with functioning adrenocortical tumors are described. In 56% of the dogs, radiographic detection of adrenomegaly, with or without calcification, was an aid in the diagnosis of adrenocortical neoplasia. Adrenal gland calcification did not distinguish adrenocortical adenoma from carcinoma.  相似文献   
The ultrasonographic findings in 20 dogs with 25 healing enterotomy and enterectomy sites resulting from the removal of foreign material or correction of intussusceptions are presented. In this prospective study, dogs had preoperative abdominal ultrasound examinations followed by sequential sonographic examinations on the first, third, sixth, and 10th days postenterotomy or enterectomy with an additional sonographic examination after 20 days postoperatively. Documented sonographic features included length and maximal intestinal wall thickness of the enterotomy or enterectomy sites, echogenicity of omental/mesenteric fat, amount of free gas and abdominal effusion, and gastrointestinal motility. Sonographically, 57% of enterotomies and 100% of enterectomies were visualized. Pneumoperitoneum, hyperechoic omental/mesenteric fat, and abdominal effusion did not appreciably hamper evaluation of the intestinal surgical site. Absent wall layering at the surgical site was noted in 96% of dogs at day 1 postoperatively. At the final sonographic examination, wall layering remained altered to absent in 100% of dogs and normal thickness was noted in only 20% of dogs. The median maximal wall thickness was 7 and 8 mm for enterotomies and enterectomies respectively, which occurred between days 1 and 3 and days 3 and 6 postoperatively. Effusion and increased echogenicity of omental/mesenteric fat localized to the surgical site were noted in 42% and 60% of dogs respectively at day 1 postoperatively, with resolution noted between days 3 and 10 postoperatively in 92% and 80% of dogs. Generalized abdominal effusion and pneumoperitoneum were seen in 100% of dogs immediately postoperatively and resolved in 80% by day 10.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term outcome of dogs with gallbladder mucocele. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 30 dogs with gallbladder mucocele, including 23 that underwent cholecystectomy. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, history, and clinical, ultrasonographic, and surgical findings. Follow-up information was obtained for all dogs that survived the perioperative hospitalization period. RESULTS: 23 dogs had signs of systemic illness; 7 had no clinical signs. Median values for serum activities of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase, serum total bilirubin concentration, and total WBC count were significantly higher among dogs with gallbladder rupture than among dogs without rupture. Sensitivity of sonography for detection of rupture was 85.7%. Overall perioperative mortality rate for dogs that underwent cholecystectomy was 21.7%; mortality rate was not significantly greater for dogs with rupture. Aerobic bacteria were isolated from the bile or gallbladder wall in 8.7% of dogs. All 18 dogs discharged from the hospital had complete resolution of clinical signs. In dogs that underwent in-hospital reexamination, serum liver enzyme activities were significantly decreased, compared with preoperative activities. Persistent increases in serum activities of 1 or more liver enzymes were detected in 9 of 12 dogs; 6 of 12 dogs had persistent abnormalities in hepatic echogenicity. Mean follow-up period was 13.9 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cholecystectomy is an effective treatment for gallbladder mucocele. Although perioperative mortality rate is high, prognosis after discharge from the hospital is excellent. Rupture of the gallbladder warrants emergency surgical intervention but does not preclude a positive outcome.  相似文献   
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