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One-day-old brown layer chicks were exposed to an aerosol of an arthropathic and amyloidogenic Enterococcus faecalis strain alone or after being subjected to treatment with formaldehyde gas (100-200 ppm). Four-day-old chicks were also treated with the same aerosol but after treatment with a Newcastle disease vaccine virus (NDVV) aerosol or intramuscular injection with methylprednisolon at day 1. The same E. faecalis strain was inoculated intramuscularly in day-old chicks as positive control. Bacteremia with time showed that 24 hr after the aerosol the day-old exposed chicks had the highest rate of positive blood cultures (70%-80%). Lower numbers of bacteremic birds at this point in time were found in the chicks treated with E. faecalis aerosol at day 4 (3/10 in the methylprednisolon-treated group and 0/10 in the NDVV-treated group) and the E. faecalis intramuscular-injected group at day 1 (2/10). Formaldehyde gas treatment did not favor the occurrence of bacteremia. NDVV aerosol exposure or injection with corticosteroids did not favor the occurrence of bacteremia 24 hr after E. faecalis aerosol exposure at day 4 either, although 66 days after aerosol, one bird (1/14) treated with NDVV showed bacteremia. A few bacteremic birds were found 10 days after aerosol in the NDVV- and methylprednisolon-treated groups, whereas at 14 days after aerosol, one bacteremic bird was seen in the group subjected to E. faecalis aerosol at day 1, indicating the occurrence of chronic bacteremia. In contrast to the E. faecalis intramuscular-inoculated birds, no joint pathology was seen in the aerosol-exposed groups in spite of the occurrence of chronic bacteremia.  相似文献   
In the Netherlands S. Paratyphi B variation Java increased in poultry from less than 2% of all isolates before 1996 up to 40% in 2001. This development in poultry runs in parallel with that in Germany and appears not to occur in other European countries. A German study shows that in the late nineties it concerns isolates of only one multi-resistant clone of Java (in Holland as well) whilst isolates before the middle nineties were genetically much more heterogeneous and sensitive to antibiotics. Although the exposition of humans to contaminated poultry meat is relatively high, human patients with a Java infection are rare. Treatment of poultry flocks with quinolones was about 13% in 2000-2001. Resistance to flumequin of Java increased from 3% between 1996-1999 to 20% between 2000-2002 whilst that of other serotypes in poultry remained about 7%. Java is also fast becoming less sensitive to ciprofloxacin which is the antibiotic of first choice in serious cases of salmonellosis. The ministries of public health, agriculture and the production boards, with their research institutes, together with the poultry meat production chain integrations have recently decided to work together in order to determine the public health importance of the Java epidemic in poultry and finding measures for effective control in the poultry industry.  相似文献   
The in vitro activity of flumequine in comparison with several other drugs was tested against 17 P. multocida, 16 P. haemolytica, 21 S. dublin, 21 S. typhimurium and 21 E. coli strains, isolated in (veal) calves in the Netherlands. The MIC50 of flumequine for the respective pasteurellas was 0.25 and 1 microgram/ml, for the salmonellas and E. coli 0.5 micrograms/ml. In comparison with flumequine, enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin showed higher in vitro activity, with MIC50 less than or equal to 0.008 micrograms/ml for ciprofloxacin. Decreased susceptibility of the pasteurellas was found for kanamycin, neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, oxytetracycline and doxycycline. The MIC50 of minocycline for P. multocida was 0.5 micrograms/ml and there was no cross resistance with the other tetracyclines. P. multocida was very susceptible to ampicillin (MIC50 less than or equal to 0.03 micrograms/ml), P. haemolytica, however, was 100% resistant to this drug. Both pasteurellas were susceptible to cephalothin and approximately 50% of the strains of both bacteria were resistant to chloramphenicol. The MIC50 of either spiramycin or tylosin was greater than or equal to their respective breakpoint-MIC values. Both pasteurellas were susceptible to the combination of trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole. However, for P. multocida, the addition of sulphamethoxazole to trimethoprim had no synergistic effect on its MIC. In comparison with trimethorpim, aditoprim was less potent. Therefore only P. multocida was susceptible to aditoprim.  相似文献   
To obtain radiographic information concerning the equine stomach, a gastrographic contrast examination is required. This study describes this procedure in detail. A powerful radiographic unit, the tubehead linked to an image intensifier and suspended by an electromechanical overhead gantry system, is required. To obtain accurately positioned radiographs during the fluoroscopic examination, a cassette holder with a stationary grid is mounted at the entrance window of the image intensifier. The examination is performed in the unsedated standing horse after 24 hours of starvation, using a combination of survey radiography and fluoroscopic viewing after the inflation of air, followed by the administration of barium sulphate suspension by stomach tube. The gastrographic contrast examination is performed in three experimental animals and 23 abnormal horses. Pneumogastrophy appeared to be valuable to diagnose gastric tumors, to differentiate between gastric tumors and other masses in the cranial abdomen, and to visualize gastric parasites, even in large horses. The use of barium sulphate suspension does not result in an adequate double contrast of the stomach, but it may aid to diagnose esophagogastric or pyloric stenosis and gastric or duodenal ulcers.  相似文献   
A sagittal fracture of the navicular bone in five horses was treated by means of lag screw. Intra-operative radiographic monitoring and a specially developed guide apparatus was necessary to implant the screw precisely along the transverse axis of the navicular bone. Internal fixation resulted in progressive radiographic narrowing of the fracture zone. In all five patients the fracture healed (bony union) without superfluous callus formation.  相似文献   
Phyllosphere yeasts may play an important role in suppressing necrotrophic pathogens. In a randomized block design, yeast densities on flag leaves and second leaves of field-grown wheat were left unchanged (D), or were lowered by sprayings with carbendazim (A), or were raised by sprayings with a mixture ofSporobolomyces roseus, Cryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens and nutrients (B), or with carbendazim, carbendazim-resistantS. roseus andC. laurentii var.flavescens and nutrients (C). The application of carbendazim to plots A and C would avoid a biased interference of carbendazim due to other effects than reducing the natural yeast population. Prolonged differences in yeast density would be reflected in differences in severity of diseases caused by carbendazim-insensitive necrotrophic pathogens.Both treatments B and C enhanced the yeast density about 10-fold at the beginning of leaf colonization, 2 to 3 weeks after leaf emergence. Untreated leaves (D), however, were rapidly leaves. Initially, the yeasts were suppressed by carbendazim (A). However, progressively the yeast population consisted of carbendazim-resistant strains which made the carbendazim sprayings ineffective. Therefore, the substantial differences in yeast density were of limited duration. The effect of the treatments on naturally occurringMycosphaerella graminicola (anam.Septoria tritici), Puccinia recondita f. sp.tritici and the total necrotic leaf area (D-value) is discussed.Samenvatting Fyllosfeergisten kunnen misschien een belangrijke rol spelen in de onderdrukking van necrotrofe pathogenen. In een blokkenproef werd de dichtheid van gisten op vlagbladeren en tweede bladeren niet beïvvloed (D) of verlaagd door bespuitingen met carbendazim (A), of verhoogd door bespuitingen met een mengsel van gisten (Sporobolomyces roseus enCryptococcus laurentii var.flavescens en voedingsstoffen (B), of met een mengsel van carbendazim, carbendazim-resistenteS. roseus enC. laurentii var.flavescens en voedingsstoffen (C). De grootste verschillen in dichtheden van de gistpopulaties werden verwacht tussen de behandelingen A en B of C. Door alle veldjes A en C met carbendazim te behandelen wordt een eenzijdig effect van carbendazim, berustend op andere eigenschappen dan de onderdrukking van de natuurlijke gistpopulatie, voorkomen. Langdurige verschillen in de populatiedichtheden van de gisten zouden weerspiegeld kunnen worden in verschillen in aantasting door carbendazimongevoelige necrotrofe pathogenen.Aan het begin van de bladkolonisatie door gisten, 2 tot 3 weken na het verschijnen van het blad, leidde zowel behandeling B als C tot, een 10-voudige verhoging van de gistdichtheid. De onbehandelde bladeren (D) werden echter spoedig door de van nature voorkomende gisten gekoloniseerd en het verschil tussen de onbehandelde en met gist bespoten bladeren werd snel kleiner. Aanvankelijk werden de gisten door carbendazim (A) onderdrukt. Geleidelijk bestond de gistpopulatie echter uit carbendazim-resistente stammen, zodat de carbendazim bespuitingen nauwelijks meer effect hadden. Hierdoor werden grote verschillen in gistdichtheden niet langdurig gerealiseerd. Het effect van de behandelingen op de natuurlijke infectie doorMycosphaerella graminicola (anam.Septoria tritici), Puccina recondita f. sp.tritici en op het totale dode bladoppervlak (D-waarde) wordt besproken.  相似文献   
The effect of clenbuterol on the incidence of abomasal lesions in veal calves was studied in two fattening units. Some of the calves in each unit were treated with 1.6 micrograms clenbuterol/kg bodyweight/day from the seventh until the 23rd week of the fattening period. In one unit the calves were fed milk replacer only and 176 of the 236 calves were treated with clenbuterol. In the other unit the calves were fed roughage pellets in addition to milk replacer and 92 of the 194 calves were treated with clenbuterol. Only in the second unit did the calves treated with clenbuterol have significantly fewer abomasal lesions.  相似文献   
An arteriographic and histological study of the arterial blood supply of 35 navicular bones, from 19 adult horses with no clinical or radiographical signs of navicular disease, is described. The arteries enter the navicular bone from four directions: distal, proximal, medial, and lateral. The navicular bone can be divided into areas which receive arteries from one, two, or three directions, whereas the distal supply covers the largest part of the navicular bone. The distal arteries enter the navicular bone through the nutrient foramen which contains loose connective tissue, nutrient vessels and myelinated nerves. At least 77 per cent of the nutrient foramina contains synovial membrane. Twelve per cent of the arteries in the navicular bone show histological changes. Thickening of the intima with or without splitting of the internal elastic membrane and hyalinization, fibrosis and hypertrophy of the media were observed.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin, a quinoline derivative with marked bactericidal activity against gram-negative bacteria, was studied in calves and pigs following intravenous and oral administration. Ciprofloxacin was rapidly and well distributed in the body, exhibited a short elimination half-life of 2.5 h in both species, and was rapidly absorbed after oral administration (Tmax:2 to 3 h). The oral bioavailability in calves was 53 +/- 14% and for 1 pig 37.3%. The renal clearance of the unbound ciprofloxacin for both species was of the same order, indicated a predominantly tubular secretion pattern, and accounted for about 46% of the total drug elimination. No complete drug mass balance could be demonstrated. Small amounts of two metabolites were detected in the urine of calves, but not in pig urine.  相似文献   
The examination of 70 cattle with haematogenous osteomyelitis resulted in the classification of the bone lesions into two main groups: the physeal type, in which an infection, usually of metaphyseal bone, originated at or near the growth plate, usually in the distal metacarpus, metatarsus, radius or tibia, and the epiphyseal type, in which an infection originated near the junction of the subchondral bone and the immature epiphyseal joint cartilage, most often in the distal femoral condyle epiphysis, the patella and the distal radius. Combinations of physeal and epiphyseal defects and even diaphyseal involvement were occasionally seen. Epiphyseal osteomyelitis was mostly caused by salmonella infection, physeal by Corynebacterium pyogenes, salmonella and other bacteria. The salmonella affected animals were with one exception less than 12 weeks old and the majority had had some previous illness or came from a problem herd. The C pyogenes affected calves were in almost all cases more than six months old. The prognosis of the metaphyseal infection was in general satisfactory, and surgical intervention (osteotomy or sequestrectomy) was often required. The prognosis of the epiphyseal type was grave but two of the three animals in which physeal and epiphyseal defects were accompanied by diaphyseal lesions recovered.  相似文献   
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