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Climate change severely impacts agricultural production, which jeopardizes food security. China is the second largest maize producer in the world and also the largest consumer of maize. Analyzing the impact of climate change on maize yields can provide effective guidance to national and international economics and politics. Panel models are unable to determine the group-wise heteroscedasticity, cross-sectional correlation and autocorrelation of datasets, therefore we adopted the feasible generalized least square(FGLS) model to evaluate the impact of climate change on maize yields in China from 1979–2016 and got the following results:(1) During the 1979–2016 period, increases in temperature negatively impacted the maize yield of China. For every 1°C increase in temperature, the maize yield was reduced by 5.19 kg 667 m–2(1.7%). Precipitation increased only marginally during this time, and therefore its impact on the maize yield was negligible. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by an insignificant amount of 0.043 kg 667 m–2(0.014%).(2) The impacts of climate change on maize yield differ spatially, with more significant impacts experienced in southern China. In this region, a 1°C increase in temperature resulted in a 7.49 kg 667 m–2 decrease in the maize yield, while the impact of temperature on the maize yield in northern China was insignificant. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by 0.013 kg 667 m–2 in southern China and 0.066 kg 667 m–2 in northern China.(3) The resilience of the maize crop to climate change is strong. The marginal effect of temperature in both southern and northern China during the 1990–2016 period was smaller than that for the 1979–2016 period.  相似文献   
为建立‘哈伯’南天竹组织培养和种苗繁育技术体系,以半木质化带芽茎段为外植体材料开展植株再生研究。通过观察对比试验法、L9(34)正交试验设计完全随机法、极差分析、显著性检验、LSD多重比较,探讨了‘哈伯’南天竹组培的最适培养基配方。试验结果表明:最佳诱导培养基为MS + 6-BA 2.0 mg/L + IBA 0.1 mg/L +蔗糖30 g/L,诱导萌动率71.77%,成活率85.51%;最佳增殖培养基为WPM +6-BA 1.5 mg/L + IBA 0.01 mg/L + 蔗糖30 g/L,增殖系数6.3;最佳生根培养基为1/2 MS+ IBA 0.5 mg/L + NAA 1.0 mg/L + 蔗糖20 g/L + AC 0.2 g/L,生根率97.63%;试管苗移入泥炭土:珍珠岩=3:2(V/V)混合基质中,移栽成活率96.67%。该试验建立了高效稳定的组培快繁技术体系,得到的组培苗后代能够稳定的保持母本优良性状,为工厂化育苗提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
以内蒙古鄂托克旗为例,基于GMS中的MODFLOW模块构建了地下水流数值模拟模型,分析了模型结构(含水层厚度、参数分区)与模型参数不确定性因素对模拟结果的影响.研究结果表明:含水层不确定情景(含水层下边界概化为隔水底板平均值870 m)与实际情况水头差值绝对值的累计和最大为701 m,对模拟结果起了主控作用;当含水层下边界概化为910,940 m时,累计和分别增加为1 013,1 593 m;与仅考虑单个不确定性因素相比,同时考虑模型参数与含水层不确定情景累计和最大为738 m,同时考虑参数分区与含水层不确定情景累计和最大为791 m.因此,在构建地下水流数值模拟模型时,应优先考虑含水层空间结构概化的合理程度,同时考虑多个不确定性因素对模拟结果的综合影响,使地下水数值模拟模型能更精确地反映真实的地下水流状况.  相似文献   
以猪脂肪、氢氧化钠、氯化钙为原料,在实验室条件下探索脂肪酸钙的加工工艺和加工过程。利用正交试验设计(L_(16)4~5)对脂肪酸钙的加工工艺系数进行反复筛选,探索脂肪酸钙的最佳加工工艺参数。结果表明,脂肪酸钙的最佳加工工艺参数为氢氧化钠用量占脂肪重的27%、氯化钙用量占脂肪重的25%、皂化反应时间为5h、复分解温度为90℃、用水量为脂肪的4倍。  相似文献   
为建立一种针对寨卡病毒的快速诊断方法,本研究根据寨卡病毒的3’端保守基因序列,设计合成1对引物,建立了检测寨卡病毒的荧光定量PCR方法。结果显示:所建立的检测方法的Ct值与标准品在1.41×10^1~1.41×10^10^ copies/μL具有良好的线性关系,相关性为1,斜率为-3.502;灵敏性结果显示,该方法的检测限度为1.41×10^1 copies/μL,是普通PCR的10000倍;特异性结果显示,对CHIKV、DENV和JEV无特异性扩增,特异性强;重复性试验结果显示,组内和组间变异系数均小于1%,重复性好。本研究建立的SYBR Green I real-time PCR检测方法,可用于寨卡病毒感染的快速诊断。  相似文献   
[Objective] The aim of this study is to evaluate nitrogen efficient cotton germplasms and improve nitrogen use efficiency. [Method] Eighty cotton germplasms were selected and evaluated in the hydroponic experiment under low (0.25 mmol·L-1) and high (5 mmol·L-1) nitrogen concentration. Different traits for screening were identified and nitrogen use efficiency types were classified. Field experiments were also performed for comparison and confirmation of the identified germplasms. [Result] The results showed that there were significant differences in the total plant dry matter, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency in cotton germplasms at the two nitrogen levels. Based on coefficient of variation, principal component analysis and correlation, six traits including total plant dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total nitrogen accumulation, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency were used as screening indicators. According to the Heatmap clustering analysis and the nitrogen efficiency comprehensive index, two germplasms (Lu05R59 and CCRI 69) were identified as low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient, and two germplasms (Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30) as low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient. The results of field experiment were consistent with the results of the hydroponic culture at the seedling stage. [Conclusion] It was finally determined that Lu05R59 and CCRI 69 were the low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient germplasms, and Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30 were low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient germplasms. The results of these studies provide the possibility for screening and rapid identification of nitrogen use efficiency in cotton at the seedling stage, and provide the ideal materials and theoretical basis for further study of cotton nitrogen efficient.  相似文献   
以小麦条锈菌高感品种铭贤169为试验材料,设置了-50、-45、-40、-35、-30、-25、-20℃7个不同温度梯度,研究了小麦条锈菌夏孢子离体处理后的致病力。结果表明,在-35~-20℃低温下,条锈菌夏孢子可存活10 d,接种寄主小麦后病叶率2.36%~74.39%,平均严重度0.13%~4.21%;-40℃下可存活8 d,病叶率1.23%~2.78%,平均严重度0.01%~0.29%;-50℃下可存活6 d,病叶率1.04%~1.39%,平均严重度0.01%~0.17%。随着处理温度的降低,夏孢子致病力逐渐下降。在相同温度下,随着夏孢子离体处理时间的延长,致病力亦呈逐渐下降趋势。  相似文献   
前期研究中通过对秀珍菇经低温诱导后不同发育阶段样本进行转录组测序及差异表达基因分析发现,ID为Cluster-6377.64510的基因(命名为PpFBD1)在原基形成前期的样本中高表达。为进一步了解分析其表达特性及功能,根据转录组测序结果设计特异性引物,利用RT-PCR技术从秀珍菇中克隆获得了该基因的cDNA全长。该基因由342个核苷酸组成,编码一个由113个氨基酸组成的蛋白,蛋白相对分子质量约11 ku。进化树分析显示,PpFBD1编码蛋白与糙皮侧耳hydrophobin1编码的疏水蛋白亲缘关系最近。Gene Ontology功能分析表明,PpFBD1主要参与真菌类细胞壁的合成。荧光定量RT-PCR检测显示,该基因在菌丝体经低温诱导后恢复至室温阶段(原基形成前期)表达量最高,这表明其可能参与调控秀珍菇原基形成过程。本研究结果为阐明秀珍菇原基形成机制提供参考。  相似文献   
高校公寓文化建设的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从校园文化、学风建设、素质教育、思想教育等方面,阐述公寓文化的作用和意义,提出理顺管理机制、发挥学生主体作用、加强制度建设,开展公寓文化活动等几点建议。  相似文献   
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