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In this study we investigated the temporal relationship between ovulation, egg formation, oviposition and the changes in plasma concentrations of progesterone, luteinizing hormone and estradiol-17beta during the egg laying cycle in farmed ostriches. In 10 egg-producing birds, transcutaneous ultrasound scanning was performed at 3h intervals and blood sampling at hourly intervals during a period of at least 48h (one egg laying cycle). In hens (n=8) that ovulated during the observational period, the ovulated egg was first detected 2h after oviposition; thus, ovulation occurred shortly after oviposition in all birds. During the period between two consecutive ovipositions, the developing egg remained for 9h in the proximal part (infundibulum, magnum or isthmus) and for 39h in the distal part of the oviduct (uterus). In ovulating hens, plasma progesterone concentrations showed a characteristic and consistent profile: from basal levels of around 0.1ng/ml concentrations started to increase 12h before oviposition, reached an average maximum of 3.5ng/ml at 3h before oviposition and returned to basal levels 3h and 30min after oviposition. Changes in plasma luteinizing hormone and estradiol-17beta concentrations showed comparable patterns of elevation and decline relative to the timing of oviposition and ovulation. However, variation in their individual basal concentrations was generally larger and peak values were less conspicuous than those of progesterone. In non-ovulating hens (n=2) neither progesterone, nor luteinizing hormone nor estradiol-17beta showed elevations to peak concentrations before oviposition. These data demonstrate that during the egg laying cycle of ostriches, events such as ovulation, egg development and oviposition evolve according to a rather strict time schedule, and that progesterone, luteinizing hormone and estradiol-17beta reach peak concentrations shortly before ovulation. Additionally, our findings also show that on-farm ultrasound scanning is a useful technique to discriminate between ovulating and non-ovulating hens.  相似文献   
From September 1998 to September 1999, at drying off 397 cows on 73 Dutch farms were treated, with two antibiotic containing dry cow products (cloxacillin; penicillin-neomycin). Farms and cows were selected on an increased bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC) and individual cow somatic cell count. The objective of the trial was to compare the efficacy of both products under field conditions. Both products proved to be highly effective against streptococci and penicillin sensitive staphylococci. Because of the low incidence of infections caused by Escherichia coli and penicillin resistant staphylococci no conclusions could be drawn on differences in activity for these two pathogens. No significant differences were found between the two products in cure rate of existing infections at drying off, incidence of new infections during the dry period, incidence of clinical mastitis during the dry period and the course of the individual cow cell counts during the trial.  相似文献   
The objective was to study the use of ultrasound as a complementary test in the breeding soundness evaluation in male pigs and study the pattern of echogenicity of the testicular parenchyma in boars of different racial groups. Twenty‐six adult boars from four different racial groups were used, 10 from the Piau breed (group 1), four from the commercial and finishing group (group 2), six Pietrain breed (group 3) and six from the Duroc breed (group 4). All animals were evaluated for breeding soundness evaluation and the ultrasound examination of the testicles. The groups of animals that were evaluated showed no difference in the main semen parameters that were evaluated, except for the sperm volume, concentration of the ejaculated sperm and the supravital staining; the lowest figures were for the animals from the Piau breed (group 1). In relation to the testicular biometrics, Duroc animals (group 4) had a greater scrotal width compared to the other groups. But when we assessed the intensity of pixels of the testicles, there was a difference between groups. The groups 2 (finishing animals), 3 (Pietrain) and 4 had no difference between themselves. Group 3 had greater pixel intensity in relation to group 1. Of the 26 animals studied, five showed an abnormality during ultrasound evaluation, like hydrocele, hyperechoic mass in the testicular parenchyma, cyst in the head of the epididymis and the presence of fluid in the head and tail of the epididymis. The various animal groups studied did not differ in the principal reproductive parameters evaluated, showing that despite the great variability of reproductive traits between breeds and within the same breed, the breeding soundness evaluation, the more complete it is, is essential for the selection of breeders and the ultrasonography of the reproductive system becomes an important addition in this examination.  相似文献   
Pelvis size plays an important role to prevent dystocia in cattle caused by the foeto-maternal disproportion in commonly primiparous females. The reproducibility and repeatability are two important aspects for the reliability of the measurements to use in the selection of cattle for culling. Pelvic measures were taken with a Rice pelvimeter from 224 young cattle (180 females and 44 males) of four beef breeds in South Africa. One experienced and two inexperienced observers each measured pelvic height and width twice. The proportion measurements with a maximum difference of 0.5 cm within animal compared with the first measurement by the experienced observer are around 80% and by the inexperienced observers around 50% for pelvic height and around 60% for pelvic width. Breed and sex do not affect the reliability of pelvimetry by an experienced observer. Under- and overestimation of pelvis size were observed in inexperienced observers, which seems to be unrelated to breed and sex.  相似文献   
Drying off cows with antibiotics is an effective method to cure existing infections at drying off and to prevent new infections during the dry period. In the recent years, a shift has been observed from contagious to environmental pathogens. This influences the general preventive measures and the choice for the drying off treatment. Important factors influencing the efficacy of dry cow products are general hygienic measures, length of the dry period, production at drying-off, somatic cell count at drying-off and the udder pathogens circulating on the farm.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to determine the contribution of cow factors to the probability of successful insemination accounting for the serial number of inseminations in analysis. The investigation was performed with 101,297 insemination records in 51,525 lactations of different cows from 1368 herds obtained from the Dutch milk production recording database. Cows that had a first insemination (AI) between 40 and 150 days post-partum with one or more inseminations (≤6 inseminations) were selected. An insemination was defined successful when not followed by another insemination and when the cow calved between 267 and 295 days after insemination, or when the cow was culled between 135 and 295 days after the last insemination. Breed, parity, days in milk, lactation curve characteristics, milk production traits, moment of AI related to peak milk yield time (before or after peak milk yield), the last calf (female, male, twin or stillbirth) and season of insemination were selected as independent parameters for a model with successful rate of insemination as dependent parameter. A multivariable logistic regression model was used within cow and farm as a random effect. The probability of successful insemination was the highest in the first insemination and decreased in the following inseminations. However, the success rate of all inseminations increased in a later stage of lactation. The improvement in the successful inseminations in a later stage of lactation was better in multiparous cows than in first parity cows. Insemination in summer and before peak milk yield time reduced the success of insemination. The success rate was the lowest in 100% Holstein Friesian cows compared with other breeds and was the highest when the last calf was a female calf compared to a male calf, twin or stillbirth. In conclusion, the success of first and following inseminations depended on parity, breed, season of insemination, last calf status, daily milk yield at insemination date, serial insemination number and days in milk at insemination date.  相似文献   
Resistance to coccidiostats and possible future restrictions on their use raise the need for alternative methods of reducing coccidiosis in poultry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of selected phytochemicals on Eimeria tenella sporozoite invasion in vitro. Four phytochemicals were selected on the basis that they reduce the virulence of Eimeria spp. and/or provide immune modulatory benefits to host cells: betaine, carvacrol, curcumin and Echinacea purpurea extract (EP).Madin–Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells were covered by medium containing phytochemicals at the highest concentration which was non-toxic to the cells. Salinomycin 50 μg/ml was positive control; negative control was medium only. E. tenella (Houghton strain) sporozoites were added to wells and after incubation for 2, 4 or 20 h at 37 °C, cells were fixed and stained with hematoxylin–eosin. Ten evenly spaced fields per well were photographed and the percentage of cells invaded by sporozoites was calculated and normalized to the control.At 2 h, carvacrol, curcumin and EP showed a significantly lower percentage of sporozoite invasion than the untreated control; in contrast, betaine treatment represented a significantly higher invasion percentage. Combining carvacrol with EP inhibited E. tenella invasion more effectively than applying the compounds individually, but the further addition of curcumin did not reduce invasion further.In conclusion, this study shows that invasion of MDBK epithelial cells by E. tenella sporozoites is inhibited in the presence of carvacrol, curcumin, or EP and enhanced by betaine. There may be potential for developing these phytochemicals as anti-coccidial feed or water additives for poultry.  相似文献   
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