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Forty-six isolates of Taylorella equigenitalis were analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after separate digestion of the genomic DNA with ApaI and with NotI. The isolates had been obtained from horses in six European countries and were classified into 18 genotypes. In Belgium, 2 genotypes were detected in 2 isolates, in England 9 among 15, in Finland 2 in 2, in France 2 among 10, in Sweden 3 among 5, and in Switzerland 3 among 12. Two English isolates and 4 French isolates gave identical PFGE profiles to those of Kentucky 188 from the United States. A common genotype was found in 5 isolates from Belgium and England and also in 10 isolates from France and Switzerland. The analysis of genomic DNA from 12 isolates of T. equigenitalis obtained from male horses in France, Sweden and Switzerland gave no evidence of a sex-related difference in the genomic DNA. Genomic DNA from 11 streptomycin (STM)-susceptible isolates obtained in Sweden and Switzerland were classified into four genotypes by PFGE. Each of the six genotypes determined among the 17 isolates from these two countries had single phenotypes for resistance or susceptibility to STM.  相似文献   
Complex antigenic mixtures were separated on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of SDS. After electrophoresis, the gels were cut into equal fractions. Antigens were eluted from the fractions and could be bound to different solid phases on which a conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed. Antibody binding fractions could then be related with the bands of a stained gel run in parallel. This technique proved to be fast and sensitive. Antigens present in nanogram amounts in individual fractions were sufficient for the detection of specific antibody. We describe here the application of this technique to antibodies specific of parasite, viral, bacterial and mycoplasmal antigens and to antibodies against hormones and a muscle protein.  相似文献   
Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was diagnosed in a 3 1/2 year old cow of the Simmental breed. The cow was little less than 6 months pregnant and was admitted to the clinic because of severely disturbed general health. The most important clinical findings were increased heart and breathing rate, rectal temperature of 39.9 degrees C, nosebleed and petechiae on the nasal mucosa. Additionally, the cow showed petechiae on the vaginal mucosa, haemorrhage from the rectum lasting several hours after rectal examination and severe haemoglobinuria. Haematological and biochemical examinations showed increased liver enzymes and severe changes in all coagulation parameters (platelet count, PT, PTT, thrombin time, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products). Based on the mentioned findings the diagnosis DIC was made. Possible causes were severe necrotic endometritis and placentitis combined with fetal death. High counts of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens were determined in liver, lung and abomasal contents of the aborted fetus as well as in the placenta. Uterine secretion contained Actinomyces pyogenes besides.  相似文献   
In several animals species, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were described as agents causing diarrhea. The histopathogenic pattern of EPEC is due to a typical adherence to enterocytes, called "attaching and effacing" (AE). This lesions are characterized by the formation of pedestals, cups and a marked loss of microvilli on enterocytes. In view of using an "in vitro system" (HeLa-cell culture) to test the adherence of EPEC, we first tested bovine EPEC in several laboratory animals. Various strains of mice, one day chicks (peroral) and a three day old calf (ligated intestinal loops) were inoculated with a bovine pathogenic EPEC (S 102-9). The adherence of EPEC "in vivo" was histologically, electron microscopically and bacteriologically investigated and compared to adherence to HeLa cell cultures. AE-lesions were found on calf enterocytes as well as on HeLa-cells, no lesions were seen in mice and chicks. The ligated intestinal loop test seems to be a useful model to compare "in vivo" to "in vitro" adherence.  相似文献   
A total of 21 pigs aged 7-17 weeks with clinical symptoms suggestive for Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy were examined for Lawsonia intracellularis by analysing the following parameters: (i) intestinal gross and histological lesions, (ii) presence of comma-shaped bacteria in enterocytes by Warthin-Starry and a modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain, (iii) PCR amplification of L. intracellularis DNA from intestinal mucosa by using two oligonucleotide primer pairs targeting a 255-bp DNA fragment of the 16S rDNA-gene and a 319-bp DNA fragment of the L. intracellularis chromosome. Specificity of PCR reactions was confirmed by using DNA extracted from the L. intracellularis reference strain N343 (ATCC 55672) as well as by DNA sequence comparisons of PCR amplification products with data bank entries. Intestinal gross lesion indicative for PPE were observed in 20 pigs (95.2%). For all 21 pigs, the L. intracellularis aetiology was confirmed by histological as well as bacterioscopical examinations. Specific PCR amplification products were obtained from 20 pigs (95.2%). Taking PCR positivity as the definite criterion, L. intracellularis was diagnosed in 20 pigs from 11 herds in seven Swiss cantons (Argovia, Berne, Fribourg, Grisons, Lucerne, Schwyz, Thurgovia). To grow L. intracellularisin vitro, the cell culture method of Lawson et al. (J. Clin. Microbiol. 1993: 31, 1136-1142) was adopted. Inocula prepared from heavily infected fresh and frozen ileal mucosa of 15 pigs were cultured in rat enterocytic IEC-18 cells (ATCC CRL 1589). Six cell culture passages of 10 days each were completed. The reference strain N343 was examined for cultivability, accordingly. Except for occasional specific PCR amplifications from cell cultures up to the second passage, any indications for growth of L. intracellularis in IEC-18 cells were not found.  相似文献   
Abortion cases of 144 goats und 86 sheep were investigated etiologically during 2 lambing seasons (1996/1997, 1997/1998). Macroscopic inspection of fetus and placenta was completed by histopathology and bacteriological isolation of agents. In addition, immunohistologically the following antigens were labeled in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections: Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Chlamydophila abortus (formerly Chlamydia psittaci serovar 1) and Border Disease Virus. From farms with abortions caused by Chlamydophila abortus specific data were recorded. In 75% of abortion cases in sheep and in 59% of cases in goats an etiologic diagnosis could be substantiated. Chlamydophila abortus is the most commonly involved agent in the etiology of caprine and ovine abortion (sheep 39%, goats 23%), followed by Toxoplasma gondii (sheep 19%, goats 15%) and Coxiella burnetti (sheep 1%, goats 10%). All other agents are of minor importance. An infectious cause of abortion based on histopathologic findings without isolation of agents was observed in sheep (10%) and goats (21%). Malformation occurred in sheep (2%) and goats (3%) and lesions suggestive for Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency were seen in goats only (2%).  相似文献   
Background: In people, hypercortisolism (HC) has been associated with acalculous cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, which may potentiate ascending biliary infections. In dogs, an association between HC and gallbladder disease recently has been documented, although the role of bacteria remains controversial. Furthermore, there is no information on the gallbladder bile microbial flora in healthy dogs.
Objectives: To investigate the microbial flora in gallbladder bile in healthy dogs, the relationship between iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism and bactibilia and possible changes in biliary microbial flora after cortisol withdrawal in dogs.
Animals: Six control dogs and 6 dogs treated with hydrocortisone.
Methods: Gallbladder bile obtained by percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecystocentesis was cultured aerobically and anaerobically and examined cytologically before (d0), during (d28, d56, d84), and after (d28p, d56p, d84p) administration of hydrocortisone (8 mg/kg PO q12h).
Results: In the control group, 2/42 bile cultures yielded bacterial growth ( Enterococcus sp.; Escherichia coli on d0) and 1/42 bile smears had cytological evidence of bacteria (d28). In the HC group, 2/42 bile cultures yielded bacterial growth ( Enterococcus sp. on d28; Bacillus sp. on d28p) and 3/42 bile smears had cytological evidence of bacteria (d84, d84, d28p). All dogs remained healthy throughout the study period (168d).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Based on the results of conventional bacterial culture techniques, gallbladder bile of healthy dogs periodically may harbor bacteria, which do not appear to be clinically relevant. A 3-month period of iatrogenic HC was not associated with bactibilia. A higher prevalence of bactibilia may be detected with micromolecular techniques.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity of a Chlamydia psittaci isolate of pigeon origin was assessed using a litter of gnotobiotic piglets. At 3 days of age, six piglets were inoculated intragastrically with egg-grown chlamydiae, the remaining six pigs were sham-inoculated. The animals were observed for clinical signs, and they were killed and necropsied sequentially between 4 and 15 days of age. Clinical manifestations consisted of slight softening of the faeces between 6 and 10 days post-inoculation (DPI). Immunohistochemistry revealed chlamydial replication predominantly in the small intestine, initially within villous enterocytes, after 4 DPI mostly in the lamina propria. Histopathology showed villous atrophy and increased numbers of inflammatory cells in the gut up to 6 DPI. Chlamydial stages of normal morphology were identified within enterocytes using transmission electron microscopy. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) run on faecal samples revealed shedding of chlamydial antigen from 3 until 11 DPI. Systemic dissemination of Chlamydia occurred to a limited extent according to polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry results of several extraintestinal organs. Corresponding histopathological changes were minimal. Sera of all pigs were negative for anti-chlamydial antibodies using a complement fixation test. In conclusion, inoculation of this isolate in gnotobiotic piglets resulted in a productive enteric infection with mild lesions, weak systemic dissemination, and faecal shedding, indicating the pig as a potential host for avian chlamydiae.  相似文献   
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