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In fish larvae the costs of rapid growth may be accommodated by a decrease in the rate of protein turnover or by a reduction in the costs of protein synthesis. Protein growth, synthesis and degradation were measured in yolk-sac larvae of Clarias gariepinus and the costs of protein synthesis and protein growth were estimated. Growth rates were over 100% protein weight day-1. Protein synthesis retention efficiency (retained protein per unit of synthesis) was estimated to be 69.6%, a value comparable to that of larger fish. The larvae used 43% of their oxygen consumption for protein synthesis. Nevertheless, protein synthesis costs were close to theoretical minima. Therefore, the high growth rates of catfish yolk-sac larvae seem to be possible through minimisation of the costs of protein synthesis. These low costs are associated with high rates of protein synthesis (138%protein weight day-1), and elevated RNA concentrations (107 µg RNA mg-1protein), which together suggest very high RNA efficiencies (12.9 g protein synthesized g-1RNA day-1).  相似文献   
This study shows that alternatives for fishmeal in a fish diet affect not only fish growth but also faeces stability and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) waste production. Wheat gluten diet (WGD), soybean meal extract diet (SBE), soybean meal diet (SBM), duckweed diet (DWD) and single‐cell protein diet (SCP) were evaluated as a fishmeal replacement on a 15% weight weight?1 basis in tilapia diets. Fishmeal replacement affected dry matter (dm), protein, ash and P digestibility significantly. Faeces recovery (6.8–11.2%) was not significantly affected, although the amount of non‐recovered faeces and total faeces showed significant differences. Duckweed diet and SCP resulted in the largest amounts of non‐recovered and total faeces (199–210, 224–225 g dm kg?1 feed dm). Compared with fishmeal diet (FMD), the WGD and SBE resulted in similar growth, but higher non‐faecal N losses (471–495 vs. 416 g N kg?1 N). Soybean meal diet, DWD and SCP resulted in lower growth but less non‐faecal loss (409–450 g N kg?1 N). The DWD and FMD had the highest N retention (480 g N kg?1 N) compared with the other diets (431–451 g N kg?1 N). Carbon retention, faecal and non‐faecal losses and P retention were similar for all diets (302–358, 142–176 and 489–523g C kg?1 C, 606–704 g P kg?1 P). Phosphorus faecal loss was lower for all diets (329–381 g P kg?1 P) than for the FMD (401 g P kg?1 P).  相似文献   
The present research investigated the effect of stocking density on pond (75 m2, depth 1.2 m) production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) stocked at a fixed 3:1 tilapia:prawn ratio. Three stocking densities were tried in triplicate: 20 000 ha−1 (treatment TP‐20), 30 000 ha−1 (TP‐30) and 40 000 ha−1 (TP‐40). The ponds were provided with bamboo as substrate for periphyton development. Bamboo poles (mean diameter 5.5 cm and 5.0 poles m−2) were posted vertically into pond bottoms, resulting in 60% additional substrate area in each pond. On average, 43 genera of algae and 17 genera of zooplankton were identified from pond water, whereas 42 genera of algae and six genera of microfauna were attached to bamboo substrates. No differences were observed between treatments in the ash‐free dry matter (AFDM), chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a content of periphyton (P>0.05). Survival of tilapia and prawn and individual weight gain of tilapia were lower (P<0.05) in treatment TP‐40. The net yields were higher (P<0.05) in treatments TP‐30 (2209 and 163 kg ha−1 105 day−1 of tilapia and prawn respectively) and TP‐40 (2162 and 141 kg ha−1 of tilapia and prawn respectively) than in treatment TP‐20 (1505 and 136 kg ha−1 of tilapia and prawn respectively). The net tilapia yields were quadratic correlated (R2=0.92) with fish stocking density. The cost–benefit analysis shows that the net profit margin was highest in treatment TP‐30 (69%), followed by TP‐20 (50%) and TP‐40 (44%).  相似文献   
Abstract.— The protein quality of carboxymethylcellulose microbound diets (MBDs) made with decapsulated cysts of Artemia andlor fishmeal as protein sources was used as an indicator of their suitability as starter feed for fish larvae. Studies on the proximate, fatty acid and amino acid composition. in vitro protein digestibility. diet solubility, and protein structure were combined with an in vivo feeding experiment with African catfish Clarias gariepinus larvae to evaluate the protein quality of the MBDs and a commercial diet. The growth of catfish larvae was higher when fed Artemia -based MBDs than with fishmeal-based MBDs, despite the higher protein and amino acid content of the latter. The in vitro protein digestibility was high for all the MBDs in comparison to a commercial diet. Differences were found in the protein molecular weight among the diets. Most of the proteins in the fishmeal-based diets had low molecular weight in the range between 7.4 and 49.2 kDa. The Artemia-based MBDs had larger protein fractions between 29.4 and 82 kDa. Decapsulated cysts improved the utilization of the MBDs when used in combination with fishmeal. Besides the effect of chemical attractants, the explanation for the positive effect of Artemia has yet to be elucidated. However, attention should be given to interactions between nutrients (e.g., protein-lipid) in live food, which might have an effect on the functional properties of food proteins.  相似文献   
The drumfilter effluent from a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) can be used as substrate for heterotrophic bacteria production. These bacteria can be reused as aquatic feed. In RAS drumfilter effluents are organic carbon deficient for bacteria production. This is due to nitrogen accumulation in the system water. In the present experiment, a bacteria growth reactor (3.5l) was connected to the drumfilter (filter mesh size 60 μm) outlet of a recirculation system. To counteract carbon deficiency, different supplementation levels of molasses (organic carbon) were tested (carbon fluxes of 0.0, 3.2, 5.8, 7.8, 9.7 gC molasses/l/d; C:N ratios: 3.4, 6.4, 9.4, 13.0 and 16.5). The hydraulic retention time in the bacteria reactor was 6 h. For the maximum flux, the VSS and crude protein productions were about 168 gVSS and 95 g crude protein per kg feed. The maximum conversion of nitrate and ortho-phosphate was 24 g NO3−N and 4 gP/kg feed. This equals a conversion of 90% of the inorganic nitrogenous waste and 98% of the ortho-phosphate-P. Furthermore the maximum substrate removal rate and the Ks for molasses were determined (1.62 gC/l/h and 0.097 gC/l respectively). The maximum specific removal rate was 0.31 gC/gVSS/h and the related half saturation constant was 0.008 gC/l. The observed growth rate reached a maximum for C fluxes higher than 8 g/l/d. The present integration of heterotrophic bacteria production in RAS represents, therefore, an innovative option to reduce waste discharge by conversion. If the bacteria are reused as feed, system's ecological sustainability increases.  相似文献   
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV), a rod-shaped double-stranded DNA virus, is an infectious agent causing fatal disease in shrimp farming around the globe. Within shrimp populations WSSV is transmitted very fast, however, the modes and dynamics of transmission of this virus are not well understood. In the current study the dynamics of disease transmission of WSSV were investigated in small, closed populations of Penaeus monodon and Penaeus vannamei. Pair cohabitation experiments using PCR as a readout for virus infection were used to estimate transmission parameters for WSSV in these two species. The mortality rate of contact-infected shrimp in P. monodon was higher than the rate in P. vannamei. The transmission rate parameters for WSSV were not different between the two species. The relative contribution of direct and indirect transmission rates of WSSV differed between the two species. For P. vannamei the direct contact transmission rate of WSSV was significantly lower than the indirect environmental transmission rate, but for P. monodon, the opposite was found. The reproduction ratio R0 for WSSV for these two species of shrimp was estimated to be above one: 2.07 (95%CI 1.53, 2.79) for P. monodon and 1.51 (95%CI 1.12, 2.03) for P. vannamei. The difference in R0 between the two species is due to a lower host mortality and hence a longer infectious period of WSSV in P. monodon.  相似文献   
Understanding the major causes of growth variation is crucial for the success of fish farming since its reduction contributes to maximize production efficiency, reduce food waste and improve water quality. The growth variation observed in aquaculture has been associated with the establishment of social hierarchies. However, some studies suggest that this variation may not be mainly a consequence of social hierarchies but mainly a result of inherent (genetic) differences. This study investigates the magnitude of individual responses, independently of group effects (fish housed individually), in growth efficiency and feeding behaviour of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Despite the low variation in initial body weight (6.5%) and cumulative feed consumption (7.5%) over the experimental period, catfish exhibited high variation in final body weight (18.1%), specific growth rate (17.2%) and feed conversion ratio (27.9%), suggesting that individual variation in growth efficiency is important in determining growth rate. This individual variation may be related with individual differences in protein/fat deposition since faster growing fish deposited more protein and less fat than slower growing fish. Pronounced individual differences in feeding behaviour (reaction towards feed and time spent eating) were also observed and correlated with individual differences in growth efficiency. Fast eaters were the fast growers. We suggest that the growth variation observed in African catfish may be inherent and that the use of grading to increase uniformity should be further investigated.  相似文献   
Analysis of nutrient flows in integrated intensive aquaculture systems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper analyses nutrient conversions, which are taking place in integrated intensive aquaculture systems. In these systems fish is cultured next to other organisms, which are converting otherwise discharged nutrients into valuable products. These conversions are analyzed based on nitrogen and phosphorous balances using a mass balance approach. The analytical concept of this review comprises a hypothetical system design with five modules: (1) the conversion of feed nutrients into fish biomass, the “Fish-Biomass-Converter”; (2) the separation of solid and dissolved fish waste/nutrients; the “Fish-Waste-Processor”; (3) the conversion of dissolved fish waste/nutrients, the “Phototrophic-herbivore-Converter”; (4 and 5) the conversion of solid fish waste, the “Bacterial-Waste-Converter”, or the “Detrivorous-Converter”. In the reviewed examples, fish culture alone retains 20–50% feed nitrogen (N) and 15–65% feed phosphorous (P). The combination of fish culture with phototrophic conversion increases nutrient retention of feed N by 15–50% and feed P by up to 53%. If in addition herbivore consumption is included, nutrient retention decreases by 60–85% feed N and 50–90% feed P. This is according to the general observation of nutrient losses from one trophic level to the next. The conversion of nutrients into bacteria and detrivorous worm biomass contributes only in smaller margins (e.g. 7% feed N and 6% feed P and 0.06% feed N 0.03 × 10−3% feed P, respectively). All integrated modules have their specific limitations, which are related to uptake kinetics, nutrient preference, unwanted conversion processes and abiotic factors.  相似文献   
This study compares growth, intake and retention efficiencies of nutrients and energy between common sole (Solea solea L.) fed ragworm (Nereis virens, Sars), blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) and an artificial (commercial) feed. Food types were fed to common sole (mean initial body weight: 44.9 ± 2.3 g) in excess three times a day over a 54‐day‐period. The growth rate in common sole fed the natural prey (8.5 g kg?0.8 d?1) was significantly higher compared to the growth rate in fish fed the artificial feed (5.1 g kg?0.8 d?1). Nutrient and energy intake was significantly lower in common sole fed the artificial feed than in fish fed natural prey. The only exception was fat intake which was higher in common sole fed the artificial feed in contrast to fish fed the natural prey. Nutrient and energy retention efficiencies were significantly lower in common sole fed the artificial feed than in fish fed the natural prey. In conclusion, the low growth in common sole fed the artificial feed was related to lower nutrient and energy intake as well as lower nutrient and energy retention efficiencies. It is suggested that reduced intake of the artificial feed might be related to the high dietary fat content of the artificial feed.  相似文献   
This study aims to analyze the economic feasibility of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in pangasius farming in Vietnam. The study uses a capital budgeting approach and accounts for uncertainty in key parameters. Stochastic simulation is used to simulate the economic performance of medium and large farms operating with a traditional system or RAS. Data are obtained through structured surveys and a workshop in the Mekong River Delta. Results show that for large farms, net present value increases from an average of 589,000 USD/ha to 916,000 USD/ha after implementing RAS. Overall, the probability that RAS is a profitable investment is found to be 99% for both farm sizes. With RAS, the crucial parameters determining profitability are price, yield, costs of fingerling, feed, and initial investment. Findings on the robustness of the economic performance of RAS are useful to support public and private decision making towards increasing the sustainability of pangasius production.  相似文献   
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