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Atlantic halibut larvae were fed Artemia enriched with two different oil emulsions (cod liver oil and 2050TG) from first feeding to 70 days after first-feeding (dpff). Larvae fed 2050TG enriched Artemia had better growth, survival and eye migration than larvae fed the cod liver oil enriched Artemia, while pigmentation rate was similar in the two groups. In addition to the difference in fatty acids, the two emulsions differed in lipid class composition, since 2050TG is a synthetic oil and a mixture of mono-, di- and tri-acylglycerol, while cod liver oil is a tri-acylglycerol. Total lipid level, estimated as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) was similar in the two Artemia types, but sum of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids, arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, ARA), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) were higher in Artemia enriched with 2050TG than in the cod liver oil enriched Artemia. However, the main difference in fatty acid composition in the larvae, was a higher DHA (% of total fatty acids) in 2050TG larvae than in cod liver oil larvae. The lipid level measured as FAME was up to four times higher in the 2050TG larvae than in the cod liver oil larvae, and the reason for this may have been a better bioavailability of the partly digested lipid in the 2050TG emulsion. The correlation between a high level of lipid in the larval tissues (e.g. high energy status) and improved eye migration in larvae fed the 2050TG enriched Artemia supports the hypothesis that energy limitation on the larval stage may be a cause of the impaired eye migration commonly observed in farmed Atlantic halibut juveniles.  相似文献   
A selection of 43 bovine viral diarrhoea viruses isolated from mainly persistently infected cattle on 23 Slovenian farms between 1997 and 2001 were characterised genetically. Viral RNA was extracted from infected cell cultures, reverse transcribed and amplified by PCR with primers targeting the 5'-UTR and the N(pro) gene, followed by direct sequencing of purified PCR products obtained for both genomic regions. The N(pro) sequences provided the best genetic resolution, and gave also higher statistical support for phylogenetic classification of the viruses. Thirty-eight of the Slovenian isolates were of genetic subtypes 1d and 1f, four were 1b, and one subtype 1g. No BVDV type 2 viruses were found. This genetic prevalence matched those previously reported for neighbouring countries, as opposed to findings reported for more distant European countries, e.g. France, Spain and the UK. From eight cattle herds several virus isolates were analysed; with one exception all isolates from each herd were of the same genetic group. Extended sequencing of the N(pro) and part of the C gene of virus isolates with identical 5'-UTR sequences allowed differentiation between isolates obtained at different times from one herd.  相似文献   
We have tested and compared the performance of 12 different assays representing four different real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) chemistries in the context of genetically modified organism detection. Several different molecular beacon, SYBR Green, TaqMan, and MGB assays were designed for the event specific detection and quantification of the 3' integration junction of GTS 40-3-2 (Roundup Ready) soybean. Sensitivity as well as robustness in the presence of background DNA were tested. None of the PCR-based approaches appeared to be significantly better than any of the other, but the molecular beacon assays had the lowest efficiency and also seemed more sensitive to changes in experimental setup.  相似文献   
Extensive studies of precipitation chemistry during the last 20 yr have clearly shown that highly polluted precipitation falls over large areas of Scandinavia, and that this pollution is increasing in severity and geographical extent. Precipitation in southern Norway, Sweden, and Finland contains large amounts of H+, SO= 4, and NO? 3 ions, along with heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, that originate as air pollutants in the highly industrialized areas of Great Britain and central Europe and are transported over long distances to Scandinavia, where they are deposited in precipitation and dry-fallout. In Norway the acidification of fresh waters and accompanying decline and disappearance of fish populations were first reported in the 1920s, and since then in Sørlandet (southernmost Norway) the salmon have been eliminated from several rivers and hundreds of lakes have lost their fisheries. Justifiably, acid precipitation has become Norway's number-one environmental problem, and in 1972 the government launched a major research project entitled ‘Acid precipitation — effects on forest and fish’, (the SNSF-project). Studies of freshwater ecosystems conducted by the SNSF-project include intensive research at 10 gauged watersheds and lake basins in critical acid-areas of southern Norway, extensive surveys of the geographical extent and severity of the problem over all of Norway, and field and laboratory experiments on the effect of acid waters on the growth and physiology of a variety of organisms. Large areas of western, southern, and eastern Norway have been adversely affected by acid precipitation. The pH of many lakes is below 5.0, and sulfate, rather than bicarbonate, is the major anion. Lakes in these areas are particularly vulnerable to acid precipitation because their watersheds are underlain by highly resistant bedrock with low Ca and Mg contents. Apart from the well-documented decline in fish populations, relatively little is known about the effects of acid precipitation on the biology of these aquatic ecosystems. Biological surveys indicate that low pH-values inhibit the decomposition of allochthonous organic matter, decrease the species number of phyto-and zooplankton and benthic invertebrates, and promote the growth of benthic mosses. Acid precipitation is affecting larger and larger areas of Norway. The source of the pollutants is industrial Europe, and the prognosis is a continued increase in fossil-fuel consumption. The short-term effects of the increasing acidity of freshwater ecosystems involve interference at every trophic level. The long-term impact may be quite drastic indeed.  相似文献   
The effects of landscape composition on species and populations have become increasingly important due to large and rapid habitat changes worldwide. In particular, concern is raised for several forest-dwelling species such as capercaillie and black grouse, because their habitats are continuously changing and deteriorating from human development. Conservation of these species is linked to sustainable forest management that seeks to benefit multiple species, which demands knowledge about demographic rates in relation to forest composition and structure. We related the spatial variation in adult density and chick production of capercaillie and black grouse to landscape characteristics from 13 areas within the boreal forest of Norway. Linear mixed effects models showed that black grouse and capercaillie had similar associations to landscape characteristics. Adult density of both species was positively related to the proportion of old forest (>80 years), but only if the area had large proportions of mid to high productive forests. Chick production was negatively related to the proportion of old forest, but positively to habitat diversity and more so for black grouse compared to capercaillie. However, the result for chick production suggest that other forest types also are important, and that forest grouse needs a variety of habitats during their life history stages. Management that seeks to simultaneously conserve populations of black grouse and capercaillie needs to ensure a matrix of various forest types. A special focus must be on the critical life history of local populations to successfully preserve viable populations, for black grouse and capercaillie this implies protection of old and mid to high productive forest while keeping a heterogeneous landscape.  相似文献   
Acid deposition has led to acidification and loss of fish populations in thousands of lakes and streams in Norway. Since the peak in the late 1970s, acid deposition has been greatly reduced and acidified surface waters have shown chemical recovery. Biological recovery, in particular fish populations, however, has lagged behind. Long-term monitoring of water chemistry and fish populations in Lake Langtjern, south-eastern Norway, shows that around 2008, chemical recovery had progressed to the point at which natural reproduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta) reoccurred. The stocked brown trout reproduced in the period 2008–2014, probably for the first time since the 1960s, but reproduction and/or early life stage survival was very low. The results indicate that chemical thresholds for reproduction in this lake are approximately pH?=?5.1, Ali?=?26 μg l?1, ANC?=?47 μeq l?1, and ANCoaa?=?10 μeq l?1 as annual mean values. These thresholds agree largely with the few other cases of documented recovery of brown trout in sites in Norway, Sweden, and the UK. Occurrence and duration of acidic episodes have decreased considerably since the 1980s but still occur and probably limit reproduction success.  相似文献   
The first attempts to rear Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus L., larvae were carried out in Norway in the period from 1974 to 1980, when ripe adult specimens of Atlantic halibut were net-caught, and stripped for eggs and milt. Both incubation of yolk-sac larvae and first-feeding were carried out in large submerged plastic bags and the larval food consisted of natural zooplankton collected from surrounding lagoon water. This semi-extensive production method was further developed and led to the establishment of several commercial production trials by the end of the 1980s. During recent years, research has been focused on intensive methods for first-feeding and the combined effort of several research institutes has resulted in a reliable production method. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the main research activity was focused on the biology of and rearing techniques for eggs and yolk-sac larvae. These techniques provided satisfactory yields for several years. However, during the past few years, a certain decrease in survival through the yolk-sac stage has been experienced at several hatcheries. Since the early 1990s, the first-feeding period has represented the bottleneck in the development of a reliable rearing method. The main effort has been concentrated on system configuration and on improving live prey quality. In the future, new feeding strategies including further improvement of live prey (i.e. Artemia), the use of copepods and early weaning onto a formulated diets should be emphasized. Further research on hygiene and technological improvements is needed to increase growth and survival through metamorphosis.  相似文献   
An intensive method of juvenile Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.), production has been under development over the last decade because of the problems associated with the extensive method. The lack of initiation of feeding behaviour has been the main obstacle for successful indoor rearing under artificial light and feeding conditions. In the present paper, an intensive method for the first feeding of halibut larvae is described and verified by practical feeding trials. The method involves circular 1.5-m3 indoor tanks with a peripheral ring-shaped cover, the use of continuous light, UV-A radiation during the first 24 h, central up-welling of water made by aeration and the use of microalgae in the rearing water. The single most important factor in such systems is to maintain a current pattern which allows the larvae to orientate and position themselves to face the water current for easy capture of prey.  相似文献   
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