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  1. River regulation has extensively changed the ecology and hydrology of rivers worldwide, particularly downstream of dams, affecting the viability of freshwater species. The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semiaquatic monotreme, endemic to eastern Australia, with a distribution overlapping Australia’s most regulated rivers.
  2. Dams and changes to flow regimes have affected critical platypus habitat, yet our understanding of the impacts of these threatening processes on platypus ecology remains poor. Over a period of 3 years (2016–2018), platypuses were surveyed across three regions (Upper Murray, Snowy, and Border river regions), above and below large dams, and in adjacent unregulated rivers, comparing captures, demographics, abundances, and densities. We hypothesized that platypus captures and abundances would be lower downstream of dams, owing to altered flow regimes that have secondary impacts on the demographics of these populations.
  3. In the Upper Murray Rivers region, captures were significantly lower in the Mitta Mitta River below Dartmouth Dam, compared with captures upstream of the dam and the unregulated Ovens River, probably reflecting significant alteration to the seasonality and temperature of flows caused by the dam. Conversely, there were no significant differences in captures or abundance and density estimates above and below the dams in the Snowy or Border river regions, where the extent of regulation was less severe, probably as a result of restoration efforts in recent years on some rivers.
  4. Low proportions of juveniles on the Snowy River and Mitta Mitta River downstream of the dams, compared with upstream, raises concerns of other impacts of altered flow regimes to platypus breeding success and juvenile survival, given the sensitivity of juveniles to unseasonably high flows.
  5. The results highlighted the potential impact of river regulation, with direct implications for the management of regulated rivers, providing opportunities to mitigate impacts through improved management of the seasonality and temperature of flows, to the benefit of platypuses and other freshwater species.
Cytosolic calcium oscillations control signaling in animal cells, whereas in plants their importance remains largely unknown. In wild-type Arabidopsis guard cells abscisic acid, oxidative stress, cold, and external calcium elicited cytosolic calcium oscillations of differing amplitudes and frequencies and induced stomatal closure. In guard cells of the V-ATPase mutant det3, external calcium and oxidative stress elicited prolonged calcium increases, which did not oscillate, and stomatal closure was abolished. Conversely, cold and abscisic acid elicited calcium oscillations in det3, and stomatal closure occurred normally. Moreover, in det3 guard cells, experimentally imposing external calcium-induced oscillations rescued stomatal closure. These data provide genetic evidence that stimulus-specific calcium oscillations are necessary for stomatal closure.  相似文献   
 Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles, together with Biolog substrate utilization patterns, were used in conjunction with measurements of other soil chemical and microbiological properties to describe differences in soil microbial communities induced by increased salinity and alkalinity in grass/legume pastures at three sites in SE South Australia. Total ester-linked FAMEs (EL-FAMEs) and phospholipid-linked FAMEs (PL-FAMEs), were also compared for their ability to detect differences between the soil microbial communities. The level of salinity and alkalinity in affected areas of the pastures showed seasonal variation, being greater in summer than in winter. At the time of sampling for the chemical and microbiological measurements (winter) only the affected soil at site 1 was significantly saline. The affected soils at all three sites had lower organic C and total N concentrations than the corresponding non-affected soils. At site 1 microbial biomass, CO2-C respiration and the rate of cellulose decomposition was also lower in the affected soil compared to the non-affected soil. Biomarker fatty acids present in both the EL- and PL-FAME profiles indicated a lower ratio of fungal to bacterial fatty acids in the saline affected soil at site 1. Analysis of Biolog substrate utilization patterns indicated that the bacterial community in the affected soil at site 1 utilized fewer carbon substrates and had lower functional diversity than the corresponding community in the non-affected soil. In contrast, increased alkalinity, of major importance at sites 2 and 3, had no effect on microbial biomass, the rate of cellulose decomposition or functional diversity but was associated with significant differences in the relative amounts of several fatty acids in the PL-FAME profiles indicative of a shift towards a bacterial dominated community. Despite differences in the number and relative amounts of fatty acids detected, principal component analysis of the EL- and PL-FAME profiles were equally capable of separating the affected and non-affected soils at all three sites. Redundancy analysis of the FAME data showed that organic C, microbial biomass, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate-extractable P were significantly correlated with variation in the EL-FAME profiles, whereas pH, electrical conductivity, NH4-N, CO2-C respiration and the microbial quotient were significantly correlated with variation in the PL-FAME profiles. Redundancy analysis of the Biolog data indicated that cation exchange capacity and bicarbonate-extractable K were significantly correlated with the variation in Biolog substrate utilization patterns. Received: 8 March 2000  相似文献   
A range of improved pasture herbage feed allowances (1 to 5 kg dry matter/head/day) were offered to young sheep, grazing underPinus radiata grown at 0, 50, 100 and 200 stems per hectare. Six trials were conducted, each for 30 days duration between spring 1986 and autumn 1988, at tree age 13–15 years. Mean liveweight gain over all trials for 0 (open pasture), 50, 100 and 200 stems per hectare were 170, 155, 136 and 94 g/sheep/day, respectively. Liveweight gain increased curvilinearly with increasing pasture allowance at all tree stockings and tended to level off above 3 kg green dry matter/head/day. Green matter pasture in vitro digestibility of the green pasture fraction changed little with increasing tree stocking despite changes in pasture composition. Pine needle accumulation under the higher tree stockings depressed the quality of the total feed on offer. Livestock performance under low tree stocking agroforestry regimes can be satisfactory, providing pasture management encourages fresh nutritious feed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a program of human interaction or alterations in diet composition would alter activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in dogs housed in an animal shelter. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 40 dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were (n = 20) or were not (20) enrolled in a program of regular supplemental human interaction (20 min/d, 5 d/wk, for 8 weeks) involving stroking, massaging, and behavioral training. In addition, half the dogs in each group were fed a typical maintenance-type diet, and the other half were fed a premium diet. Plasma cortisol and ACTH concentrations were measured during weeks 0, 2, 4, and 8 and before and after exposure to a battery of novel situations during weeks 0 and 8. RESULTS: Plasma cortisol concentration was significantly decreased by week 2, but plasma ACTH concentration was not significantly decreased until week 8 and then only in dogs fed the premium diet. Following exposure to novel situations, plasma cortisol and ACTH concentrations were significantly increased. However, during week 8, dogs enrolled in the program of human interaction had significantly lower increases in cortisol concentration than did dogs not enrolled in the program. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that both a program of human interaction and alterations in diet composition have moderating effects on activity of the HPA axis in dogs housed in an animal shelter and that activity of the HPA axis may be increased for a longer period during shelter housing than measurement of plasma cortisol concentration alone would suggest.  相似文献   
The effect of a change of tillage and crop residue management practice on the chemical and microbiological properties of a cereal-producing red duplex soil was investigated by superimposing each of three management practices (CC: conventional cultivation, stubble burnt, crop conventionally sown; DD: direct-drilling, stubble retained, no cultivation, crop direct-drilled; SI: stubble incorporated with a single cultivation, crop conventionally sown), for a 3-year period on plots previously managed with each of the same three practices for 14 years. A change from DD to CC or SI practice resulted in a significant decline, in the top 0-5 cm of soil, in organic C, total N, electrical conductivity, NH4-N, NO3-N, soil moisture holding capacity, microbial biomass and CO2 respiration as well as a decline in the microbial quotient (the ratio of microbial biomass C to organic C; P <0.05). In contrast, a change from SI to DD or CC practice or a change from CC to DD or SI practice had only negligible impact on soil chemical properties (P >0.05). However, there was a significant increase in microbial biomass and the microbial quotient in the top 0-5 cm of soil following the change from CC to DD or SI practice and with the change from SI to DD practice (P <0.05). Analysis of ester-linked fatty acid methyl esters (EL-FAMEs) extracted from the 0- to 5-cm and 5- to 10-cm layers of the soils of the various treatments detected changes in the FAME profiles following a change in tillage practice. A change from DD practice to SI or CC practice was associated with a significant decline in the ratio of fungal to bacterial fatty acids in the 0- to 5-cm soil (P <0.05). The results show that a change in tillage practice, particularly the cultivation of a previously minimum-tilled (direct-drilled) soil, will result in significant changes in soil chemical and microbiological properties within a 3-year period. They also show that soil microbiological properties are sensitive indicators of a change in tillage practice.  相似文献   
Francisella sp. is an emergent bacterial pathogen that causes acute to chronic disease in warm and cold water cultured and wild fish species. During the past 3 years, the bacterium has been detected in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus , cultured in Costa Rica. Infected fish presented non-specific clinical signs, such as erratic swimming, anorexia, anaemia, exophthalmia and high mortality. Upon macroscopic and microscopic examination, several internal organs (mainly spleen and kidney) were enlarged and contained white nodules. Histological examination revealed the presence of multifocal granulomatous lesions, with the presence of numerous small, pleomorphic, cocco-bacilli. The bacteria were isolated from infected tilapia on selective media and grown on several media with and without antibiotics. Specific PCR primers to the Francisella genus were used to confirm the preliminary diagnoses. In comparison with several bacterial 16S rRNA sequences, our isolate was found to share 99% identity with other Fransicella spp. isolated from fish, and more than 97% identity to the human pathogen Francisella tularensis . Koch's postulates were fulfilled after experimental intraperitoneal and gill exposure challenges.  相似文献   
A study was made to compare the numbers of infective ovine nematode parasite larvae on an open pastured block and an adjacent block forested with Pinus radiate at 200 stems per hectare. Each block consisted of two paddocks which had similar nematode parasite egg contamination. Infective larvae of six genera were recovered over a 12 month period viz., Trichostrongylus spp., Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Nematodirus spp., Chabertia/Oesophagostomum spp. and Haemonchus sp. A significantly higher recovery of Trichostrongylus spp. (p<0.01) and Ostertagia spp. (p<0.05) from the pine forested block was probably due to the more favourable climatic environment under the pines.

The lower mean body weights of sheep grazing the pine block was considered to be due to the greater exposure to infective larvae and marginal undernutrition.  相似文献   
A study was made to compare the numbers of infective ovine nematode parasite larvae on an open pastured block and an adjacent block forested with Pinus radiata at 200 stems per hectare. Each block consisted of two paddocks which had similar nematode parasite egg contamination. Infective larvae of six genera were recovered over a 12 month period viz., Trichostrongylus spp., Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Nematodirus spp., Chabertia/Oesophagostomum spp. and Haemonchus sp. A significantly higher recovery of Trichostrongylus spp. (p<0.01) and Ostertagia spp. (p<0.05) from the pine forested block was probably due to the more favourable climatic environment under the pines. The lower mean body weights of sheep grazing the pine block was considered to be due to the greater exposure to infective larvae and marginal under-nutrition.  相似文献   
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