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In a previous study, we found that a 70% aqueous ethanol extract of the fresh aerial tissue of Geranium carolinianum L. showed antimicrobial activity against the pathogen causing soil rot of sweet potato. As the appropriate time for cultivation of sweet potato and the growing period of G. carolinianum do not overlap in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, the fresh aerial tissue is available in order to control soil rot of sweet potato. Thus, we examined the control effect of fresh aerial tissue against soil rot of sweet potato. The various trials (a single repetition of 20 m2) were performed in fields that had undergone 8 years of continuous cropping of sweet potato at Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, Horticultural branch. After harvest, when the disease severity was evaluated by determining the necrotic area of the storage root, the incorporation of fresh aerial tissue (5000 kg 1000 m-2) into the soil was considered to be highly effective, with a protective value of 75.4. This result shows that G. carolinianum could be used as a biological agent for the control of soil rot of sweet potato.  相似文献   
We assess the effect of drifting seaweed (Sargassum sp.) biomass, geography and hydrography on juvenile yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) abundance variation off the southeast coast of Japan, near the Kuroshio Current. The amount of drifting seaweed mats progressively increased northeastward into the cooler, coastal waters. Frontal structure indexed using a station‐to‐station ΔSST did not explain spatial variation in the seaweed mat distribution, although the western extent of the Kuroshio Current appeared to act as a boundary. Juvenile yellowtail constituted 51–62% of the fish collected in association with drifting seaweed mats in April 1996 and 1997 and 29% in June 1996. The abundance of juvenile yellowtail was positively correlated with seaweed biomass. The geographic distribution of juvenile yellowtail associated with drifting mats varied among sampling periods, being more southwesterly in April and more northeasterly in June. Simple multiple regression models based on seaweed biomass and geographic distribution (latitude) explained between 35% and 43% of the variation in juvenile yellowtail abundance in spring. Associations with spatial and temporal variations in hydrographic conditions did not contribute to explained variation in a meaningful manner. The results presented here indicate that, off the southeast coast of Japan during April, yellowtail juveniles are likely to be most abundant when seaweed biomass is high, occur offshore, and are bounded by the western extent of the Kuroshio Current near the 19–20°C SST isotherm.  相似文献   
自然农法条件下稻田有益微生物菌群多年施用累积效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在自然农法条件下,对稻田连续9年施用有益微生物群(EM) 的累积栽培效果进行了研究。连续施用EM 使土壤的养分状况发生了明显的改变,使水稻抽穗期推迟,花期延长,叶色加深。 EM 的应用还能有效地改善产量结构、提高产量,而且应用年限越长,效果越明显,并且有助于改善稻米品质、减少稻米中钾和镁的含量、增加直链淀粉含量和食味评价值,口感较好。EM 的应用在一定程度上可以抑制杂草的发生和生长  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Larval and juvenile ayu from seven year-groups (1986, 1987, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1999 and 2000) were collected in the Shimanto Estuary and adjacent coastal waters. The present study focuses on the variation among year-groups in the hatching period estimated by age determination using the otolith. The hatching period of the dominant cohorts in the 1986, 1987 and 1992 year-groups occurred from late October to mid-November. A delay of the hatching period of the dominant cohort was observed from the 1995 year-group, which occurred in late November to early December, and the dominant periods in the 1996, 1999 and 2000 year-groups were observed from early to late December. It appears that the delay of the hatching period of dominant cohorts was not due to a delay of spawning, but a high mortality of early hatched larvae. The water temperature in autumn in the coastal waters adjacent to the Shimanto River has tended to rise over the past 20 years and this trend was especially notable in the late 1990s. The delay in the hatching period of the dominant cohort observed from the 1995 year-group was likely to be related to the rise in seawater temperatures in autumn.  相似文献   
Histiocytic sarcomas are characterized by proliferation and/or infiltration of neoplastic histiocytes localized to specific organs, unlike malignant histiocytosis which involves many organ systems. Only a few cranial histiocytic sarcomas have been reported. Here we describe four dogs that presented with neurological deficits referable to the forebrain, and were diagnosed histologically as having histiocytic sarcoma. Using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, the tumors were characterized by a T2-hyperintense and T1-isointense mass in one dog, T2- and T1-isointense extraaxial masses in two dogs, and a diffuse T2-hyperintense lesion over the left cerebral cortex in one dog. All tumors had contrast enhancement. MRI features in three of the four dogs were similar to that of meningioma, supported by the observation of a dural tail in two of these three dogs, and a broad base of attachment in the other. In the other dog the imaging findings were similar to those of encephalitis. Intracranial histiocytic sarcoma does not appear to have specific MR imaging features and can be confused with meningioma or encephalitis.  相似文献   
We isolated an antimicrobial compound from the aerial tissue of Geranium carolinianum and identified it as ethyl 3, 4, 5-trihydroxy benzoate (ethyl gallate) by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity of ethyl gallate against three potato pathogens was assayed by the paper disk method. The activity against Ralstonia solanacerum , Streptomyces scabies , and Streptomyces acidiscabies was observed at concentrations >200, >300, and >300 µg disk−1, respectively. These results suggest that the antimicrobial activity of Geranium carolinianum against soil-borne plant disease pathogens is partly related to ethyl gallate.  相似文献   
The effects of giving oral estradiol-17β (E2) and 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) on gonadal sex differentiation in the F2 hybrid sturgeon, the bester ( Huso huso female ×  Acipenser ruthenus male), are investigated. Giving E2 at 10 μg/g diet to fish from 14 months until 31 months of age induced incomplete feminization and resulted in approximately 40% abnormal ovary development in which oocytes were observed without ovarian lamellar structures and gonadal shape was similar to normal testis. Giving MT at 25 μg/g diet for the same duration failed to induce masculinization, and resulted in approximately 30% undeveloped gonads even at 30–37 months of age. In contrast, E2 and MT at only 1 μg/g diet given from 3 to 18 months of age was sufficient to induce feminization and masculinization, respectively. In these fish, feminization and masculinization were observed at 9 months, when most putative ovaries and testes were histologically distinguishable by the shape of the gonadal surface. These results indicate that sex reversal can be induced in these fish by hormone treatment that is started at 3 months age, before morphological differentiation occurs on the stroma of the gonads.  相似文献   
日本庭园以再现自然风景为基调,与中国园林有共通之处,但是其细部表现技法有所不同。本研究从land-scape architecture的3个展开阶段,即从(1)concept making(构思力)(2)landscape planning(规划力)(3)landscape design(造景力)3个水准方面,将中国园林的思想和方法对日本造园和庭园产生的影响进行了论述。其结论是,作为人类理想目标建造Garden具有意义,从美好安全舒适有水有绿适于生存的景观和空间角度来看,可说是“造园思想”水准上日中是共通的,日本全面接受了中国原理。但是,当地各自不同的自然条件、政治、社会经济文化条件的日中之间,技术水平即意匠、材料、施工等“造园方法”迥然不同,可认为是“中国园林”和“日本庭园”典型的庭园样式发展,对世界造园形式的多样化作出了贡献。  相似文献   
不同耕作与施肥方法对水稻根系生长分布和活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以日本水稻品种Koshihikari为试材.采用不同的自然农法耕作及施肥处理如秋翻与否、春耕深度、施肥时期和种类等,对水稻根系的生长分布特点以及不同处理对根系生长分布的影响进行研究,结果表明:在垂直方向上,根系主要分布在0~10cm土层,15cm土层以下根系分布很少;在水平方向上,正下方根系约占71%.不同的耕作处理对根系具有不同的影响.秋季和春季深耕能有效地促进根系向斜下方向伸展,促进根系在中下层的生长和分布,但对根系活力的影响不大;春季浅耕促进根系在表层的分布.施肥时期对根系也具有明显的影响,与灌水前施肥相比,灌水后施肥有利于促进根系在上层土壤中的生长和分布;钙镁肥的施用能增加5~15cm土层根重,但对表层根的生长不利,施肥时期和钙镁肥施用与否对根系活力的影响也较大.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The mechanism of deciding a posture of the trolling depressor in the towing was investigated. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the trolling depressor, which has been widely used by Japanese coastal fishermen, were investigated using models with a 394.5 cm2 plane form area in different shapes and cambers. These models were rigged for an attack angle from −10° to 90°. The lift, drag and moment were measured by a three-component load cell in the circulating water tank. The difference in the shape of the trolling depressor did not affect the drag coefficient. Superior efficiency of the trolling depressor is considered to be due to the effect of camber. The position of the pressure center very near the front edge makes the trolling depressor move downward. Disagreement of points between the towing point and the pressure center accelerated the swinging movement of the trolling depressor.  相似文献   
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