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As a key parameter in the management of fish populations, individual growth rate (GR) variations were examined in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla; > 150 mm) using extensive mark–recapture surveys in the lotic habitats of two small rivers of western France: the Frémur, supposed to be saturated, and at the same latitude, the Oir with densities fivefold lower than those of the Frémur. In both systems, generalised linear models were used to test whether spatiotemporal factors such as dominant habitat type or local density affect GR variability. In the presumed unsaturated system, the Oir, GR variability is mainly explained by a set of habitat suitability drivers (density, dominant habitat type). In the Frémur, GRs appear independent of differences in habitat density or productivity. Below saturation, an increase in density will decrease the GR through intraspecific competition. At saturation, intraspecific competition reaches such high levels that regardless of eel density and productivity, the resources available by individual are similar throughout the system. In these circumstances, the effect of density on growth was presumed undetectable. Despite these contrasted results, mean GRs observed in both catchments were closed (~20 mm·year?1). This is an unexpected result as GR is expected to be higher in unsaturated systems. This similarity could be explained by the difference between the two systems in terms of: (i) sex ratio (the Frémur is dominated by male, whereas the female is dominant in the Oir), (ii) habitat type distribution or (iii) possible interspecific competition (important salmonid populations in the Oir).  相似文献   
  • 1. The topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva Schlegel, 1842, a south-east asian cyprinid, was introduced accidentally in the Danube Delta in Romania in the 1960s and has now achieved a pan-Danubian distribution. P. parva has been introduced into other countries, such as Greece, usually inadvertently included with other species imported for fish farming. In 1984–85, during a study of the fish populations of Lake Mikri Prespa (north-west Greece), several topmouth gudgeon were caught. Our aim was to study the changes in the population size of P. parva over nearly 10 years, to study its life history traits and to assess its potential impacts on native fish species.
  • 2. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) in spring increased significantly between 1984 and 1992. We found evidence that P. parva has established a breeding population in the lake. P. parva combines many characteristics likely to favour a successful colonization (resistance to harsh climatic conditions, early sexual maturity, extended breeding season, broad dietary spectrum). Growth in Lake Prespa, where the oldest individuals captured were 3 years old, is very similar to that observed within its native range.
  • 3. There is evidence for dietary overlap between P. parva and three endemic species: Paraphoxinus epiroticus prespensis, Cobitis meridionalis and Alburnoides bipunctatus ohridanus. No decline in the populations of these three species has yet been demonstrated. Other possible impacts are discussed. The successful colonization by P. parva was certainly favoured by the absence of a true piscivorous fish in the lake and by the isolation and high level of endemism of fish communities.
  • 4. The conservation of the many endemic species in the lake should be a priority and the introduction of exotic species should be banned.
The recent history, current status and prospects in the immediate future of the seven species of the Pelecanidae are reviewed. As a consequence of pesticide poisoning, Pelecanus occidentalis suffered severe population declines in the 1950s and 1960s in portions of its range in the United States. However, since the ban on use of DDT in 1972 the species is again laying eggs of near normal thickness, reproductive success appears to be normal and populations are stable or increasing. Similarly, available data indicate that the world populations of P. rufescens, P. conspicillatus, and P. erythrorynchos remain stable, although local population fluctuations do occur. Data for P. onocrotalus show a stable population in Africa but a decline in Asia and Europe, both in numbers of birds and breeding colonies. More seriously, only very small populations of P. crispus and P. philippensis exist. Fewer than 1000 pairs of P. crispus next in 19 colonies in eastern Europe and Asia. Fewer than 1200 pairs of P. philippensis nest in four colonies in eastern/southern India and 23 colonies in Sri Lanka. The populations of both species have declined considerably in the past few decades. The causes for the declines are not documented but are thought to result from a combination of human disturbance in nesting colonies; destruction of nesting and roosting-loafing areas; declines in fish availability; and pesticide contamination. Only immediate action and concerted efforts at stabilizing the populations in the wild, in conjunction with the establishment of captive breeding populations, will preserve these two species from extinction.  相似文献   
While several population viability analyses (PVAs) have been performed on anadromous salmonids, less attention has been given to stream-living salmonids. In this work, we explore the role of PVA as a tool in the recovery of threatened stream-living salmonid species. The analysis has been performed with reference to marble trout Salmo marmoratus, a salmonid with a limited geographic distribution and at risk of extinction due to hybridization with the non-native introduced brown trout. Demographic parameters, such as survival, fecundity and density-dependent patterns were estimated from an eight year on-going monitoring program of two translocated marble trout populations in pristine, previously fishless streams (Zakojska and Gorska) in the Soca and Idrijca river basins (Slovenia). To explore the importance of disturbance events such as floods on marble trout population dynamics, we performed a PVA under three scenarios: (1) occurrence of both severe and moderate floods; (2) occurrence of only moderate floods; (3) no flood events. Our analysis shows that population viability is threatened only by severe flood events, otherwise the two populations prove to be fairly stable with population abundance fluctuating around stream carrying capacity. A sensitivity analysis performed on model parameters highlighted that density-dependence in first-year survival and the magnitude of reduction in population size after a severe flood are the two most crucial parameters affecting population abundance and quasi-extinction probability, respectively. While only extreme floods can drive the population to extinction, the increase in juvenile survival when population abundance collapses after a major flood may allow the populations to quickly recover from few reproductive individuals back to stream carrying capacity.  相似文献   
Abstract –  Knowledge of maturation state of eels ( Anguilla anguilla , L.) based on ocular index (OI) serves management and research functions, such as estimating how much silver eel actually could escape from a particular basin or determining more precisely the developmental biology of a particular eels. OI implies the measurements of five variables (total length and eyes diameters) in a formula which can be sensitive to measurement error. To investigate this issue, we carried out a comparative study using 13 European eels harvested in Camargue (Rhône Delta, France) and three replicated measurements by three different observers. The estimated amplitude of OI imprecision at a 95% confidence level was 1.8 whatever eel and observer. Such error may lead to classification problems particularly when OI values are close to the threshold values used to discriminate between yellow and silver stages. This study not only raised the problem of the OI imprecision but also brought up the need to develop standardised protocol for identifying silver eels. To reach this goal, two different ways are proposed in conclusion.  相似文献   
The immune responses of mucus from the skin of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, were studied in relation to changing water temperature. Groups of fish were exposed to a programmed increase of 3 °C per 48 h, until the experimental water temperatures of 16, 20, 23, 25, 27 or 28 °C were reached. After 48 h at the relevant temperature, the expressions of immune‐related factors were determined, including immunoglobulin M (IgM), IL‐1β, hepcidin, transferrin, lysozyme, acid/alkaline phosphatase and superoxide dismutase using RT–PCR and spectrophotometric methods. Significant changes in mucus immunity were observed, which paralleled with those previously reported for serum in other fish species. Hence, it is suggested that the serum and mucus immune system of turbot have a similar regulatory system. This information could be useful in better understanding the role of the mucus as a component of the innate immune system.  相似文献   
Populations of the marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) are critically declining due to introgression by brown trout (S. trutta) strains. Hybrids between the two forms are fertile and presently predominant in most rivers of the species’ range.The involved hybridization mechanisms have been studied through two large scale in-stream experiments (Driselpoh and Stopnikarca) as 50% of each species have been stocked at the age of one year in fishless streams, each fish being individually marked. Diagnostic molecular markers were applied to test a partial reproductive isolation between the two species. Emphasis was put on survival and growth patterns of stocked fish (parental generation) as well as on fish hatched within the stream (F1 generation).No evidence of a partial reproductive barrier between the two species was observed. Survival of the parental generation depended on the year in both streams, as well as on the species in Stopnikarca, but was identical for both species in Driselpoh. In both streams survival of instream hatched individuals measured from 0+ to 2+ was lower for brown trout. In Driselpoh, F1 0+, 1+ and 2+ hybrids were larger than pure individuals. Larger hybrids were only observed in Stopnikarca when analyses focused on individuals in inter-specific competition suggesting that heterosis and stress effects may explain the observed size differences.Our results point out important ecological differences between marble and brown trout and have shown that hybridization can easily take place. The findings indicate that high F1 hybrid presence, survival and heterosis effects may impede marble trout rehabilitation in the area.  相似文献   
Vincenzi S, Crivelli AJ, Jesensek D, De Leo GA. Detection of density‐dependent growth at two spatial scales in marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) populations.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 338–347. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Density‐dependent body growth has often been observed in freshwater salmonid populations. Several studies suggest this compensatory pattern as a potential mechanism of population regulation. The choice of the spatial scale is important for the detection of density‐dependent growth, as study areas need to be of the appropriate size to capture the density of conspecifics actually experienced by individuals over the preceding growth period. Here, we used four marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) populations (Gatsnik, Gorska, Huda and Zakojska) living in Slovenian stream to study the relationships between early density of marble trout and subsequent body growth. As streams are divided in sectors delimited by natural barriers that prevent or strongly limit movement of individuals, we tested the relationship between early density and body size through the lifetime at two spatial scales, that is, sector level (for Gatsnik and Zakojska) and whole stream level (the four populations were pooled). Sector length in Gatsnik and Zakojska ranged from 113 to 516 m. At both sector and whole stream level, temporal data were pooled. Growth declined significantly with increasing density both at the sector and whole stream levels, and the density‐dependent relationship was described by negative power curves. However, at the sector level the density‐dependent pattern was stronger in Gatsnik, a stream in which fish could move across sectors, than in Zakojska, where upstream movement across sectors is prevented by waterfalls.  相似文献   
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