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为了丰富紫花槭转录组数据,进一步开展紫花槭秋季叶片呈色机制研究.本研究以紫花槭秋季转色期三个阶段(前期,中期,后期)叶片为材料,采用高通量测序技术进行转录组初步分析.转录组数据共获得50501条Unigene,有35316条Unigene在数据库中得到注释,其中NR数据库中注释到的Unigene数量最多,共35024条,占69.4%.在注释到的物种中,紫花槭比对的Unigene与甜橙(Citrus sinensis)相似度最高,共有4290条,占12.25%.紫花槭转录组中的Unigene根据GO功能可分为生物学过程、细胞组分和分子功能3大类,共有25375条,其中生物学过程的基因最多,主要聚集于代谢过程和细胞过程等.基于Unigene库的基因结构分析,其中SSR分析共获得12711个SSR标记,占Unigene总数的36%.SSR位点共包含150种重复基元,单碱基重复所占比例最高(7184个,61.86%),四碱基重复、五碱基重复和六碱基重复所占比例较低.Unigene库中共有328239个SNP位点,发生频率为1/190 bp,SNP位点分为转换和颠换两种类型的碱基替换方式,其中碱基转换位点213787个(65.13%),碱基颠换位点114452个(34.87%),碱基转换类型发生频率高于颠换类型.6种单碱基变异中,2种转换类型A/G、C/T的发生频率分别为33.03%和32.10%;4种颠换类型中A/T发生频率最高,为11.52%;C/G发生频率最低,为5.79%.紫花槭转录组秋季叶色表达的转录组分析,可为紫花槭叶色基因调控、定向分子育种和培育彩叶新品种提供研究提供基础的数据信息.  相似文献   
目前农村所建户用沼气池基本上都是厕所、猪圈、沼气池三结合,人畜粪便虽能自流入池,但厕所常有积便,每到夏季蝇蛆滋生,既不卫生,又易传播疾病,要保持厕所卫生就必须经常冲洗.  相似文献   
近几年,笔者从事南美白对虾人工育苗工作,对SPF(无特定病毒)种苗生产和健康种苗培育技术进行探索,从南美白对虾养殖情况来看,SPF种苗具备生长优势,但抗逆性不足,仅适应封闭式池塘养殖,而在一般的池塘中养殖则死亡率比普通的南美白对虾种苗高,所以,筛选本土的优质亲虾来繁育健康的南美白对虾种苗,在现有的养殖条件下更具有推广价值.对于南美白对虾健康种苗生产技术,笔者认为有以下几点要素可供同行参考.  相似文献   
促性腺激素释放激素基因及其受体基因的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者简要介绍了促性腺激素释放激素基因及其受体基因的位置、结构、表达、调控机理,并初步探讨了这两个基因与繁殖性能的关系。  相似文献   
AIM:To observe the dynamic changes of expression of PKCα, TGF-β1 and α-SMA in glomeruli of diabetic rats induced by the alloxon and to invesitigate their roles in the diabetic nephropathy(DN).METHODS:Rats were randomly divided into four groups: normal control group (group A), diabetic group of one week (group B), diabetic group of one month (group C), diabetic group of two months (group D). Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting were used to detect the expression of PKCα, TGF-β1 and α-SMA in renal tissue of all groups. Blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine and urine protein were analysed by chemical methods. The morphological changes of renal tissue were checked through microscopy.RESULTS:The expression of PKCα and TGF-β1 in renal tissue of diabetic groups were increased comparing with those of nomal control group(P<0.05). The mesangial cells expressed α-SMA in two months group. Chronologically the expression of PKCα, TGF-β1 and α-SMA were positively correlative with each other and the impairment of kidney was also observed.CONCLUSIONS: During the DN process the expression of PKCα increased. PKCα raised GFR and the permeability of glomerular filtration membrane which enhanced urinary albumin excretion. PKCα also increased expression of TGF-β and therefore to induce the expression of α-SMA. The appearance of α-SMA was a marker of the phenotypic transform of renal cells.  相似文献   
本研究实现了一种用于静态虚拟场景漫游的分布式的多通道并行渲染系统。系统采用OGRE(O-OGraphics Rendering Engine)进行场景渲染,MPI构成消息传递环境,介绍了与OGRE相关的视角分配算法和渲染同步问题。实验证明,该系统能取代昂贵的图形工作站,成本低,且易于扩展,有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   
A reovirus, designated mud crab reovirus (MCRV), associated with large economic losses was recently isolated from marine cultured mud crab, Scylla serrata, in southern China. The complete viral particle is 70 nm in diameter, icosahedral and non-enveloped. The virus infects connective tissue cells of the hepatopancreas, gills and intestine in mud crab and develops in the cytoplasm. Hundred per cent mortality was observed in mud crab experimentally infected by intramuscular injection, bath inoculation and oral inoculation, while cohabitation infection caused 80% mortality. The viral genome consists of 13 linear dsRNA segments, with an electrophoretic pattern 1/5/7. The results of this study suggest that the virus is highly pathogenic and can be transmitted enterically as well as via the body surface of mud crab. Although the genomic organization of this virus is different from that of the other crab reoviruses, CcRV-W2 and DpPV, all three of these reoviruses have similar electrophoresis patterns. Therefore, MCRV may be a new member of the DpPV and CcRV-W2 group.  相似文献   
广义螺旋曲面工件轮廓度统一测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国标规定的标准螺旋曲面的测量方法进行分析,得出普通螺纹和丝杠形位误差测量方法中的共性问题。利用微分几何的曲面包络理论,结合坐标投影变换法和相对运动法对工件的曲面方程进行研究,得到了在母线曲面已知的情况下广义螺旋曲面的统一方程。通过广义螺旋曲面测量要素分析,得出异型螺旋面的测量方法。结合曲面统一方程,提出了广义螺旋面的统一测量方法。实例表明,该方法能够快速、准确地测量出对应工件的型面尺寸,避免了测量的复杂性和低效性。  相似文献   
参照通用标准值,检测与评价福州市郊22个蔬菜地土样的镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)、砷(As)4种重金属,从污染范围和程度上阐明蔬菜基地污染现状。结果表明,Pb,As未超标,污染指数分别为0.01~0.64和0.02~0.11;Cd的污染指数为0.17~29.0,但大多在6~10之间,表现出污染面广、污染程度重;Hg的污染指数为0.47~9.0,但大多为1.5,虽表现出污染面广,但污染程度相对较轻。由于这4种重金属之间并无显著的相关性(r<0.4),说明菜地重金属污染源的复杂性。灰色关联分析结果表明,菜体Cd含量与土壤Cd总量关联度最大(0.75067),菜体Pb含量与土壤pH关联度最大(0.70949),而菜体Hg,As含量与土壤有机质关联度最大(0.67921,0.76537),表明菜体某种重金属污染与否,除与土壤重金属含量有关外,还与不同土壤类型及其相关的理化性状有关。菜地污染标准值应以是否造成菜体污染为依据,即要将土壤重金属污染标准值与菜体重金属污染指标有机结合起来,并以此来合理评价菜地污染状况,提出因地制宜的治理菜体重金属污染方法。  相似文献   
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