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The immunodominant 33/35kDa antigen of a Theileria isolate from West Java, Indonesia, was characterised and immuno-affinity purified by use of a monoclonal antibody, KUL-a4, and was shown to be representative of the T. orientalis/sergenti/buffeli group. The aminoterminal sequence of the purified 35kDa peptide (20 residues) was determined by automated Edman degradation and found to correspond to the predicted amino acid sequence of a prospective p33 gene previously sequenced from the same isolate. The cleavage site of a putative signal peptide was identified and conforms the (-3, -1) rule for signal peptidases. The existence of dimeric and trimeric forms of the p33/35 antigen is hypothesised from Western blot profiles. KUL-a4 appeared specific for the T. orientalis/sergenti/buffeli group. It did not recognise in indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT), intraerythrocytic bodies of Anaplasma marginale or piroplasms and schizonts of T. mutans, T. parva and T. annulata, whereas cattle antisera raised to these species showed cross-reactivity in IFAT. It however, appeared weakly cross-reactive in Western blot and ELISA, with the 34kDa piroplasm antigen of one T. annulata (Gharb) isolate. The present study indicates that the isolated antigen belongs to the p33/34 antigen family described within the T. sergenti/orientalis/buffeli group, and documents the group-specificity of one of its epitopes.  相似文献   
An alpaca and a llama in late stages of gestation were evaluated for lethargy, anorexia, and recumbency. Both camelids had cloudy, white, turbid serum, elevated serum triglyceride (1564, 5658 mg/dL, respectively) and cholesterol (158, 297 mg/dL, respectively) concentrations, and ketonuria. Signs of fetal stress were evident ultrasonographically in the alpaca, and a live cria was delivered by Cesarean section performed under general anesthesia. The alpaca developed severe metabolic acidosis, hepatic lipidosis, and acute renal failure secondary to renal lipidosis and died 36 hours after admission despite medical therapy. Histopathology revealed renal and hepatic lipidosis and neutrophilic pancreatitis. The cria died 72 hours after birth. The llama responded to IV electrolyte, dextrose, and regular crystalline insulin therapy. The pregnancy was maintained, and the llama was discharged from the hospital 20 days after admission. Two months after discharge, the llama gave birth to a live, 5 kg cria. Findings of hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, elevated sorbitol dehydrogenase activity, metabolic acidosis, azotemia, and ketonuria occurred in these two camelids. Based on this report, camelids appear to be similar to both horses and cattle in their response to severe energy imbalances in late gestation.  相似文献   
Plasma cell myelomas in horses have been reported infrequently. Data from 10 cases, 9 from the literature and 1 new case, are used to characterize the disease in the horse. Hot-blooded horses (7/10), specifically Quarter Horses (4/10), were most often affected. Median age at diagnosis was 11 years (range, 3 mo-22 yr) and both male (5) and female horses (5) were represented equally. Clinical findings included weight loss (6/8), anorexia (4/8), fever (4/8), limb edema (4/8), pneumonia (3/8), rear leg paresis/ataxia (3/8), epistaxis (3/8), palpable lymphadenopathy (2/8), and bone pain (2/8). Anemia (8/8) was present routinely, and in three horses, RBCs were macrocytic. Leukopenia (2/8), thrombocy-topenia (2/8), and circulating plasma cells (3/8) were variable findings. Except for abnormal protein concentrations and hyponatremia (3), abnormal results from serum biochemical analysis including hypo-cholesterolemia (1), hypercalcemia (1), and azotemia (1) were reported infrequently. Hyperproteinemia (8/9), hypoalbuminemia (7/9), and hyperglobulinemia (8/9) were characteristic but not invariable findings. Monoclonal proteins (7/7) were detected in the α2, β, or γ region by serum electrophoresis. The paraprotein's heavy chain, determined in four horses, was a subclass of IgG. Three horses had decreased concentrations of normal immunoglobulins. Variable proteinuria (trace to 4+) was detected by routine urinalysis in four of six horses. Bence Jones proteinuria was detected in one of five horses (heat precipitation) and monoclonal proteins were detected in two of three electrophoresed urine samples. Three of the horses had lytic bone lesions detected radiographically. Bone marrow aspirates were diagnostic in two of five horses. Atypical plasma cells or increased numbers of plasma cells or both were present in histologic sections of bone marrow in six of eight horses. Common extraosseous sites of plasma cell infiltration included lymph nodes (8/8), kidney (5/8), spleen (5/8), liver (3/8), lung (3/8), brain (2/8), and orbit (2/8). Two horses had intracellular and extracellular crystalline deposits.  相似文献   
The lipid class and fatty acid (FA) composition of juvenile Artemia fed continuously on four diets—the microalga Tetraselmis suecica , a mix of oat bran-wheat germ-lecithin (OWL), OwL-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and OWL-EPA-arachidonic acid (AA)—were examined over a 9-d experiment in an attempt to approximate the FA profile of phyllosoma larvae of wild southern rock lobster Jasus edwardrii . The main difference in lipid class composition of Artemia fed the four diets was the relative level of polar lipid (PL) and triacylglycerol (TAG). By day 9, the algal-fed Artemia were highest in PL (95% of total lipid) and lowest in TAG (2%), whereas the remaining diets resulted in Artemia with 16–30% PL and 41–82% TAG. After 2 d, the relative FA composition of all Artemia treatments closely reflected those of the diets, with no marked change after further feeding (to day 9). In terms of the content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), by day 5 Artemia fed: 1) with the algal diet contained 7 mg/g FA dry mass (0.3% DHA, 6.3% EPA, 3.4% AA of total FA); 2) with the OWL diet contained 3 mg/g (0.3% DHA, 0.9% EPA, 0.7% AA); 3) with the OWL-EPA diet contained 55 mg/g (6.2% DHA, 11.6% EPA, 1.1% AA); and 4) with the OWL-EPA-AA contained 83 mg/g (3.8% DHA, 7.5% EPA, 17.4% AA). The PUFA profiles of Artemia using the OWL-oil diets were similar to wild rock lobster phyllmmata, although levels of doco-sahexaenoic acid (DHA) were lower (10% DHA) than in J. edwardsii larvae. On the basis of PUFA composition data alone, the results suggest the suitability of the OWL-oil mixed diets for consideration for feeding to Artemia used in the culture of southern rock lobster larvae, particularly if the level of DHA can be further enhanced.  相似文献   
Conadal production was studied in Loxechinus albus (Molina, 1782) maintained in cages suspended from a long-line in the Estero Castro, Chiloé for 3 mo during the austral summer. The sea urchins were fed either an artificial diet or a natural diet consisting of the macroalgae Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva sp. Both diets were tested for four size ranges: 40–45, 50–55, 60–65 and 70–75 mm diameter. For all four size ranges, highest gonad production was with the artificial diet. Gonad production was greatest in the 40–45 mm individuals with an increase of about 1,400% and 750% in the wet weight of gonads in individuals fed the artificial and natural diet, respectively. With the three other size ranges, the increase was nearly 100% with the artificial diet and nearly 0% with the natural diet The gonad index showed similar patterns, being highest in the smallest individuals. Small individuals fed the artificial diet would provide the most cost effective aquaculture as production is best. It is not necessary to grow L. albus to the minimal legal size for fisheries (70-mm diameter) for cost effective gonad production.  相似文献   
Fifty different mineral samples were tested as potential heterogeneous or epitaxial nucleants for four commonly crystallized proteins. It was found, by conventional protein crystallization techniques, that for each protein there was a set of mineral substrates that promoted nucleation of crystals at lower critical levels of supersaturation than required for spontaneous growth. Numerous examples, involving all four proteins, were observed of modification of crystal habit and, in some cases, unit cell properties promoted by the presence of the mineral nucleants. In at least one case, the growth of lysozyme on the mineral apophyllite, it was shown by lattice analysis and x-ray diffraction that the nucleation and growth of the protein crystal on the mineral was likely to involve a direct lattice match.  相似文献   
Electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation is a well-established technique for restoration of sinus rhythm in humans. While transthoracic cardioversion is more commonly used, transvenous electrical cardioversion (TVEC) has been reported as having higher efficacy at substantially lower energy levels. In horses, treatment of atrial fibrillation has essentially been limited to the administration of quinidine salts either orally or intravenously. TVEC provides an alternative to quinidine salts, especially for those animals in which quinidine is neither effective nor tolerated. The present report details this technique in horses, discusses possible complications of the procedure, and provides guidance for successful outcome. Still and video images are used to illustrate details with regard to TVEC techniques in horses. Please view supplemental material for the videos.  相似文献   
The carambola (Averrhoa carambola L., family Oxalidaceae) is believed to have originated in Sri Lanka and the Moluccas but it has been cultivated in southeast Asia and Malaysia for many centuries. The evergreen tree is slow-growing, has a rounded crown and reaches 6 to 9 m in height. The 5- to 6-angled fruits (6 to 15 cm long and up to 9 cm wide) have thin, waxy, orange-yellow skin and juicy, yellow flesh. The fruit has a more or less pronounced oxalic acid odor and the flavor ranges from very sour to middle sweetish. The carambola is a tropical and subtropical tree, it can tolerate freezing temperature (?2°C) for short periods and sustain little damage. Trees can be propagated by seed, grafting, budding, and air layering. Tissue culture propagation has met only limited success. Plant spacing varies with growing region and cultural practices. Tree training is practiced intensively in different countries. Harvest timing and postharvest handling are critical to successful marketing of fresh fruit. Carambola is a nonclimateric fruit. Growers carefully harvest fruit by hand at color break — light green fruit with yellow color. The storage conditions should be 5 to 10°C and 85 to 95% relative humidity. Most carambola fruit is eaten fresh, used in salads, desserts, and cooked as star-shaped slices; fruit can also be dried, canned and frozen. The leaves have been eaten as a substitute for sorrel. Commercial production occurs in Taiwan, Malaysia, southern China, the Philippines, Australia, USA (Florida, Hawaii), Brazil, Suriname and Guyana. Production and consumption appears on the rise throughout the world and will most likely increase as selection and breeding for superior tasting cultivars with improved handling characteristics and storage conditions are found.  相似文献   
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