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为了了解高原湖泊流域“3类空间”的布局结构,探析流域在发展过程中“3类空间”的格局变化及其变化趋势,本文以抚仙湖流域为研究对象,从土地功能空间分类的角度研究抚仙湖流域“3类空间”分类体系,并分析了2005—2015年流域“3类空间”时空格局变化特征,为抚仙湖流域生态环境保护决策和国土空间格局优化研究提供理论参考。结果表明:(1)2005—2015年抚仙湖流域城镇空间呈上升趋势,10 a增加了71.37%,农业空间呈下降趋势,10 a减少了6.38%,生态空间先升后降,总体增加了0.48%;(2)2005年、2010年和2015年抚仙湖流域“3类空间”格局基本一致,以生态空间为主,但城镇空间格局、农业空间格局和生态空间格局的分布存在明显差别,城镇空间和农业空间主要分布于抚仙湖流域的北部,而生态空间除抚仙湖湖泊水面外在流域四周均有分布;(3)从变化程度上看,“3类空间”格局变化差异显著,城镇空间和农业空间格局变化主要发生在流域北部,而生态空间则在湖泊中部沿岸地区。  相似文献   
In this study, the semen production and quality, hepato‐somatic index, haemato‐immunologic values, oxidative stress and the fatty acid contents in liver, muscle and semen of rainbow trout fed diets supplemented n‐3 series long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC‐PUFAs) under regular stripping condition were investigated. For this aim, three diets (Control, D1 and D2) were prepared. These diets were contained n‐3 LC‐PUFAs (as a percentage of dietary total fatty acid) at 3.14%, 7.84% and 13.63% respectively. Experimental fish were fed with the control and test diets. The highest hepato‐somatic index, spermatologic (semen pH and volume, sperm motility and density), haematologic (haematocrit value, haemoglobin, erythrocyte count, corpuscular volume, haemoglobin and its concentration in corpuscular), immunologic (nitroblue tetrazolium activity, leucocyte count, phagocytic index, protein and immunoglobulin [IgM] in total plasma) and antioxidants (reduced glutathione, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) values were found in fish fed the D2, D1 and control diets respectively (p < 0.01). Increase in the dietary n‐3 LC‐PUFAs was not significantly (p > 0.01) increased the oxidative stress (malondialdehyde) in fish. The results indicated that the n‐3 LC‐PUFAs at 13.63% level of total fatty acid in the diet could increase the semen production and quality, hepato‐somatic index, haematologic and immunologic values, and the n‐3 LC‐PUFA contents in liver, muscle and semen of rainbow trout broodstock under regular stripping condition.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate bee venom and hyaluronic acid in the intra-articular treatment of osteoarthritis in an experimental rabbit model. Forty-five rabbits were used and they were randomly divided into three groups (BVI, BVII, and HA) and each group was divided to two subgroups to evaluate the radiologic, magnetic resonance imaging, histopathologic, and biochemical evaluation in post treatment second week (a) and twelfth week (b). Radiologically, a significant difference was observed in the HA group (P<0.05). The MRI evaluation of at any time in group BVI(b) was found to be different. No significant differences were seen between the groups, biochemically. Histopathologically, cellularity, and orthochromasia was evident with Safranin-O in the BVI(b) and BVII(a); adhesions were seen in the BVII(a) group and clustering of chondrocyte in the HA(b) group were found to be different. Consequently, intra-articular application of HA and BV for experimental model of osteoarthritis has no significant influence upon recovery after therapy.  相似文献   
土壤侵蚀预报模型是定量评价水土流失和评估水土保持措施效益的重要手段。通用土壤流失方程(Universal Soil Loss Equation,USLE)和中国土壤流失方程(Chinese Soil Loss Equation,CSLE)被广泛应用于土壤侵蚀定量评价。这些模型中坡长的计算受汇水面积阈值的影响较大。为揭示汇水面积阈值对土壤侵蚀定量评价的影响,选取北方土石山区、西北黄土高原区、东北黑土区、南方红壤丘陵区、西南紫色土区、西南山地区和西南岩溶区210个流域面积在0.2~3.0km~2的小流域,以1∶10 000地形图10m分辨率DEM为数据源,分别计算了1 000,1 500,2 000,2 500,3 000,5 000,7 000,9 000,11 000,13 000,15 000m~2共11个汇水面积阈值下各小流域不同坡长、土壤侵蚀强度级别以及土壤侵蚀的面积比例,分析了它们对汇水面积阈值变化的敏感性。结果表明:平均坡长、土壤侵蚀面积和轻度以上各级别的侵蚀强度面积比例都随汇水面积阈值的增加先增加而后趋于稳定。微度侵蚀面积比例随汇水面积阈值的增加逐渐减小并趋于稳定。当汇水面积阈值由1 000m~2增加到15 000m~2时,北方土石山区、西北黄土高原区、东北黑土区、南方红壤丘陵区、西南紫色土区、西南山地区和西南岩溶区的平均坡长分别增至阈值为1 000m~2时的1.53,4.16,1.95,1.90,1.69,1.57,1.47倍;土壤侵蚀面积比例分别增至阈值为1 000m~2时的1.20,1.85,1.43,1.37,1.77,1.44,1.30倍。汇水面积阈值对各分区的影响程度存在差异。从平均坡长和土壤侵蚀面积来看,东北黑土区受汇水面积阈值的影响最大。研究结果不仅为精确评价土壤侵蚀提供了数据支撑,而且对水土保持综合防治措施的评价和优化具有指导意义。  相似文献   
The prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection was evaluated in stray dogs of Erzurum, Turkey. A total of 123 whole-blood and 93 sera samples were collected from stray dogs older than 6 months were lived in animal shelter. The PCR and direct microscopic examinations were used for the detection of microfilaria and indirect-ELISA was performed for the detection of anti-D. immitis antibodies. The prevalence of D. immitis in the canine population was 8.1% by PCR, 2.1% by ELISA. In addition, microfilaria burdens of Dirofilaria sp. was 4.8% by direct blood smear examination. There was a statistical difference (P=0.05) in the prevalence between males (10.5%) and females (2.3%) by direct blood smear examination. Similarly there was a statistical difference (P<0.05) in the prevalence between males (15.8%) and females (4.7%) by PCR. Dogs belonging to the 0.5-1 years old group showed the highest prevalence than 2-4 ages group with three tests. Among the 93 samples screened by the ELISA, two samples were positive for the D. immitis antibodies. Both positive dogs with ELISA were females.  相似文献   

Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a cosmopolitan species that feeds on numerous cultivated plants and herbaceaus plants. Agrotis ipsilon causes significant economic losses in various agricultural products, especially in indisturial plants and vegetables in Turkey and worldwide. In this study, the effects on the biology and reproductive potential of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., Asteraceae), maize (Zea mays L., Poaceae), sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera Alef.,Amaranthaceae) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanaceae) which are essential host plants of A. ipsilon were investigated under climatized conditions of 28?±?1 °C, 60%?±?10 r.h., and 16 h daily artificial light. The data obtained were analyzed by using an age-stage two-sex life table. Agrotis ipsilon had five larval stages fed on lettuce, whereas seven larval stages were fed on other host plants. Agrotis ipsilon showed the best development and reproduction on lettuce, followed by sugar beet. When A. ipsilon is reared on lettuce the intrinsic rate of increase (r?=?0.1237 d?1), finite rate of increase (λ?=?1.1317 d?1) and net reproductive rate (R0?=?403.06 offspring/individual) were found higher and the mean generation times (T?=?48.51 d) is shorter than those in other host plants. According to these results, A. ipsilon can cause the most damage to lettuce among studied plants.

为对厨余垃圾堆肥过程中的温室气体进行减排,在60 L强制通风静态堆肥装置中进行为期35 d的厨余垃圾和园林废弃物的联合好氧堆肥试验。在堆肥原料中分别添加复合微生物菌剂VT1000(VT)、枯草芽孢杆菌(BS)和地衣芽孢杆菌(BL)三种菌剂,并以不加菌剂的堆肥处理(CK)作为对照,监测堆肥过程中的CH4和N2O排放,以研究不同微生物菌剂对于厨余垃圾堆肥温室气体排放的影响。结果表明:微生物菌剂的添加会加快堆体升温和促进腐熟,同时能够实现不同程度的温室气体减排。堆肥过程中N2O的排放量在总温室气体二氧化碳排放当量中占比远高于甲烷,达到总排放当量的76.83%~88.57%,排放高峰期分别出现在堆肥初期和腐熟期。各处理的总温室气体排放当量分别为95.84 kg/t(CK)、52.31 kg/t(VT)、42.03 kg/t(BS)和62.49 kg/t(BL)。与CK处理相比,BS处理的总温室气体的减排效果最好,减排率为56.15%,BL处理的减排率最低,为34.80%,VT处理减排率为45.42%。相较于CH4,菌剂对N2O的减排效果更好,可达35.32%~61.86%。结合堆肥过程的温度及各腐熟度指标,该研究选取的微生物菌剂能够在保证堆肥效率和产品质量的前提下有效减少温室气体排放。  相似文献   
秸秆覆盖对沟灌水盐迁移与玉米水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究河套灌区盐渍化土壤垄背地膜和秸秆覆盖下的沟灌土壤水盐迁移特征,明晰沟灌作物产量及水分利用效率的变化规律,设置垄背秸秆覆盖量分别为0.3(P0.3)、0.6(P0.6)、0.9(P0.9)、1.2kg/m 2 (P1.2)和常规覆膜(DM)、裸地不覆盖(CK)6种处理,于2019年进行沟灌灌水试验,对比分析了不同秸秆覆盖量下玉米生育期前后沟断面土壤水盐分布、作物产量及水分利用效率的变化情况。结果表明:玉米苗期,覆膜和秸秆覆盖处理能显著降低作物无效耗水,保证生育后期对水分的需求;抽雄灌浆期,覆膜增温效应促进了作物生长,DM处理玉米耗水强烈,土壤储水量最低;玉米成熟期,垂直方向土壤水分运动较前期减弱。整体来看,P1.2、P0.9处理蓄水保墒效果较好(P<0.05)。沟灌灌水定额较小、盐分淋洗效果较差,且受土壤蒸发及地下水补给作用,因此造成根系层盐分累积。覆膜和秸秆覆盖处理均能有效抑制盐分聚集,P1.2和P0.9处理生育末期的土壤含盐量较初始含盐量增幅较小,分别为14.10%和24.74%。P0.9和DM处理产量和水分利用效率较CK分别提高20.01%、25.46%和11.32%、15.29%,增幅较大;过量秸秆覆盖造成播期土壤温度偏低,会影响玉米出苗,P1.2处理玉米产量和水分利用效率较DM处理略有降低,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。采用主成分分析法对沟灌秸秆覆盖下土壤保墒抑盐效果、玉米出苗、产量以及水分利用效率等因素进行综合评价,初步确定适宜的沟灌秸秆覆盖模式,建议采用0.9~1.2kg/m 2 的垄背秸秆覆盖量代替常规地膜覆盖,以减小地膜残留带来的环境污染。本研究可为灌区农业栽培提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   
由于贵州省空气湿度大,导致该地区干草系列产品发展的成本较高,且无法适应市场规律,因此,更适合发展优质饲草青贮及发酵全混合日粮(FTMR)等厌氧保存产品。而在实际生产过程中,农户和养殖企业则更加关心这些饲草产品的生产成本。介绍了优质饲草的青贮和FTMR加工技术,并以肉牛为例,分析了贵州省较为常见的青贮玉米、燕麦、苜蓿干草青贮和FTMR的饲喂价值、生产成本和效益,以期能为贵州饲草加工和草食家畜养殖企业提供参考。  相似文献   
基于多源遥感数据的TVDI方法在荒漠草原旱情监测的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨近年来广泛使用的低空间分辨率的MODIS数据以及高空间分辨率的Landast 8数据对同一地区的旱情状况,选择内蒙古自治区干旱频发的乌审旗荒漠草原为研究区,借助分裂窗算法反演地表温度(Ts),获取归一化植被指数(NDVI),建立温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)的干旱监测模型,分别反演MODIS-TVDI和Landast8-TVDI,并与同期野外实测的不同深度土壤含水量进行回归分析。结果发现,基于MODIS和Landast8 2种遥感数据计算得到的TVDI与各层的土壤水分线性相关显著,两者都能表征地表的干旱分布,且Landast8-TVDI与各层土壤含水量的相关性大于MODIS-TVDI与各层土壤含水量的相关性,其中0~10 cm表层土壤含水量的相关性要好于0~20 cm、0~30 cm的相关性。因此Landast8-TVDI能够更好地反映乌审旗荒漠草原的土壤水分状况,更适宜于旱情监测。  相似文献   
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