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用电沉积法制备Mo-W-Ni-Pb-Ca多元活性阴极,研究了在0.5mol/L H2SO4中的析氢反应,结果表明,多元阴极具有较高的电催化活性,其析氢过电位比软钢阴极降低305mV,i0提高三个数量级,且有较好的稳定性,并用光电子能谱研究了表面组成和结构。证实表面有:Ni,NiO,MoO2,MoO^2-4,WO3,PbO2,PbO,Ca^++等物质。  相似文献   
噻苯隆是脆蜜金柑生产上常用的保花保果剂,随着噻苯隆的使用,其在农产品中的残留问题逐渐显现,目前噻苯隆在脆蜜金柑上使用后的残留和降解变化规律不清楚。本试验使用6种浓度的噻苯隆混合配方,在谢花期喷施,喷施后定期采集共10批果实样品检测残留。结果表明施药后35d生产上常用浓度处理的果实已无噻苯隆残留,施药后130d采收上市的果实不存在任何的食品安全风险,且在冷藏条件下噻苯隆仍快速降解。生产上建议噻苯隆用于脆蜜金柑保花保果使用浓度以1.0mg/kg左右为宜,施药间隔期6-8d。  相似文献   
广西产区柑橘叶片大中量元素营养丰缺状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】系统研究广西产区柑橘树体大中量营养元素的丰缺情况,为广西柑橘平衡施肥提供理论依据。【方法】2018年调查分析了广西15个市区县207个柑橘园6月龄春梢营养枝叶片氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)和硫(S)元素的含量变化。【结果】广西柑橘叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg和S含量分别为:(29.70±2.75)、(1.25±0.14)、(14.87±5.49)、(33.47±8.44)、(2.52±0.72)和(3.03±0.62)g·kg~(-1)。其中,N和K元素含量不足与超量并存,处于低量及以下水平的果园比例分别为13.53%和30.43%,而处于高量及以上水平的比例分别为45.41%和27.05%;P、Ca和Mg元素主要存在含量不足问题,其在适量水平的比例分别为67.63%,63.77%和51.21%,而在低量及以下水平的比例为32.37%,35.75%和48.79%;产区绝大部分地区S元素含量正常,处于适量水平的比例为92.75%。【结论】广西柑橘树体N、P、K、Ca和Mg元素营养明显失衡,生产上应合理施用N、K肥,适量补充P肥,重视补充Ca和Mg肥,确保树体正常生长,以促进广西柑橘产业的持续稳定发展。  相似文献   
[Objective]To compare the differences of seed morphological characters among provinces of Quercus variabilis Bl.,and explore the adaptive growth status of seedlings growing in the central distribution area. [Method]The seeds of 6 Q. variabilis provenances from six provinceswerecollected, and the seedlings were cultivated and transplanted to experimental field in the centre of natural distribution range (Wuhan Jiufeng National Forest Park), then the seed morphology and one-year seedling growth traitswere surveyed. [Result](1)There were significantor extremely significantdifferences among provenances in seed length, seed width, seed length/width ratio and 100-seed mass, the order of seed length among provenances was Beijing Provenance (22.28 mm),Hubei Provenance (22.10 mm), He'nan Provenance (20.80 mm), Shaanxi Provenance (19.57 mm), Yunnan Provenance (18.93 mm)and Liaoning Provenance (18.81 mm), the seed width of Beijing Provenance (19.71 mm) and Hubei Provenance (19.16 mm) was higher than that of the others, the seed length/width ratio of He'nan Provenance (1.38) was extremely significantly higher than that of the others; (2)There were significant or extremely significant differences among provenances in seedling height, ground diameter, leaf number, branching number and seedling height/ground diameter, the Beijing Provenance and Hubei Provenance were better in seedling height and leaf number, which were respectively 19.54 cm and 20.26 cm, 8.32 leaves and 9.50 leaves; (3)A decreasing trend with time for seedling growth traits among provenances was found; (4)There was a positive relationship between seed morphological characters and seedling growth traits except seed length/width ratio; the leaf number was significantly related to ground diameter and branching number and the seedling height and leaf number were closely related to the seed morphological characters; (5)It showed a decreasing trend with the growth time in the relationship between seedling growth traits and 100-seed mass. [Conclusion]The seedlings of Beijing Provenance and Hubei Provenance grew better in the experimental field which might be related to their larger seed mass, and the Yunnan Provenance in the south margin and the Liaoning Provenance in the north margin of distribution area of Q. variabilis grew weaker than the provenances in the centre of distribution area.With the effect of climate change, provenances in the margin of distribution area may lose in the community competition in the seedling stage if it cannot take advantage of its dispersal and settlement and affected by the disadvantage of growth and competition, so that the distribution and population renewal would surely be affected.  相似文献   
以三峡库区2类典型的森林类型马尾松纯林和马尾松-杉木混交林为研究对象,测定土壤理化性质与不同季节酶活性,以揭示土壤酶的季节动态及其与养分的关系。结果表明:5种酶活性最低值均出现在冬季(1月),除多酚氧化酶活性最高值出现在夏季(7月)外,其余4种酶活性最高值出现在秋季(10月)。蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性的季节变化规律一致,从夏季到冬季呈现先升高后降低再升高的变化趋势,多酚氧化酶、过氧化氢酶和纤维素酶的季节变化则呈现从春季到秋季持续升高再降低的动态规律。除多酚氧化酶外,其余4种酶活性均与土壤有机质、全氮、土壤含水量、硝态氮呈极显著正相关,4种酶之间均存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   
1发生与流行1.1牛弓首蛔虫的感染牛弓首蛔虫病,又称犊新蛔虫病,是指由弓首蛔虫寄生于0~5月龄内的犊牛小肠而引起疾病,患畜呈现严重的下痢和消瘦,重者可导致死亡。其成虫与猪蛔虫相似,成年雌虫寄生在水黄牛的小肠内产出的卵随粪便排出体外,在适宜条件下发育为感染性虫卵。  相似文献   
海藻饲料的营养及其在养殖业中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海藻含有丰富的矿物质、微量元素和生物活性物质,具有促进动物生长和繁殖、提高免疫力、改善动物产品质量等功能,是一种新型的饲料资源,值得在养殖业中推广应用。现对海藻的营养成分、生物学功能及其在养殖业中的应用和开发前景进行综述。  相似文献   
河岸植被缓冲带的功能及其设计与管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对河岸植被缓冲带的主要功能、河岸植被缓冲带设计中应注意的影响因素和模型及地理信息系统在河岸植被缓冲带管理中的应用情况进行探讨,提出今后河岸植被缓冲带领域的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   
采用6种不同纸袋对纽荷尔脐橙进行套袋试验,结果表明,对脐橙品质的影响因不同果袋而异.与对照相比,外棕内红双层袋、外灰内红双层袋和外黄内黑双层袋提高了果皮亮度、色饱和度和黄色度,而红色度没有显著差异;果实完熟采收时,各处理与对照相比,类胡萝卜素提高12~49 μg/g FW,叶绿素差异不明显,而单果质量则下降了8.9~83.6 g,除外灰内红双层袋处理的可溶性固形物上升0.2百分点外,其余处理的下降0~1.3个百分点;酸含量下降0~0.9百分点,外黄内黑双层袋处理大幅度降低Vc含量.纽荷尔脐橙宜选用外灰内红双层袋或外棕内红双层袋进行果实套袋,不宜选用外黄内黄双层袋.  相似文献   
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