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天然林保护工程自1998年启动以来,取得明显成效.国家对其投资已累计到位200.7亿元.其主要经验是各级领导重视是组织工程建设的关键;营造良好的社会氛围是工程实施的前提;制定完善规章制度是规范工程管理的保证;探索建立有效的利益机制是工程实施的动力.在今后的发展中应把握保护与发展、保护与经营、保护与稳定、当前利益与长远利益关系、严格工程资金与提高资金使用效益等问题.  相似文献   
漆树酶在漆酚树脂上的固定化研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了漆酚树脂吸附金属离子后对漆树酶的固定化方法,比较了Fe^3+和Al^3+、漆酚树脂和漆酚-水杨酸接枝树脂对漆树酶的固定化结果显示,漆酚-水杨酸-Al螯合树脂对漆树酶的固定化活力最高,测定了溶液PH,环境温度对固定化漆树酶活性的航固定化漆酶的重作用性。另外,测定了固定化漆树酶的米氏常数,Km=4.9×10^-3,并讨论了Km小于天然漆树酶的米氏常数的原因。  相似文献   
CIDR、PMSG、FSH联合使用对初产供体羊Borderdale(波德代)3♂15♀、Poll Dorset(无角陶赛特)5♂18♀和Ger-man Mutton Merino(德国肉毛兼用美利奴—德美)3♂15♀进行同期发情和超数排卵。同期化发情波德代、无角陶赛特和德美分别为100.00%、88.89%和93.33%,羊只同期化发情时间经历和各时间点分布3个品种各有特点。超数排卵效果品种间存在差异,波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为6.60±2.97(枚)、3.63±2.25(枚)、5.50±3.32(枚),波德代极显著地高于无角陶赛特(P<0.01)。超排有效率波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为100.00%、87.50%、92.86%。未受精卵波德代极显著地高于德美羊和无角陶赛特羊(P<0.01)。胚胎总数德美羊极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。有效胚胎波德代羊、无角陶赛特羊、德美羊分别为2.40±2.31、2.75±2.05、4.07±3.79,德美极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。同一方法进行同期化发情,羊只经历时间和各时间点均衡分布能否有效控制是同期发情的焦点问题,是有效胚胎数目差异的主导因素之一。  相似文献   
Experimental and field trials were conducted to evaluate an ELISA for its ability to detect Trichinella-infected domestic swine and to compare ELISA results with muscle-digestion test results. The ELISA used was a commercial double-antibody kit, containing an excretory-secretory antigen, and was evaluated principally for epidemiologic use. Experimentally induced infection in swine (4 groups of 3 pigs each; inoculated with 0, 50, 500 or 5,000 larvae) was detected as early as postinoculation week 4, with seroconversion of all inoculated swine by postinoculation week 8. The rate of seroconversion appeared to be affected by initial larval dose, time after inoculation, and immunocompetence of the individual host. Determination of antibody kinetics generally revealed rapidly increasing antibody titer, followed by its steady decrease in most pigs. Once seropositive, however, all pigs remained seropositive for the duration of the 10-week study. Presence of muscle larvae was confirmed in all infected pigs at termination of the study. We recognize that the experimental conditions may not be truly representative of those under which natural infection develops in pigs; however, the ELISA detected an infected pig with muscle larval density of 0.87 larvae/g of tissue. Results of a field trial (n = 310) indicated no muscle digestion test-positive pigs (35 g of diaphragm muscle digested/pig), but 3 samples tested positive by ELISA for specificity of 99.0%.  相似文献   
Summary The potential for increased productivity of N'Dama cattle in response to small supplementary inputs of proteinaceous by-products has been shown to be substantial under village husbandry conditions in The Gambia. Young N'Dama bulls were used to compare sesame cake with cottonseed as sources of supplementary protein during the wet and early dry seasons of 1987. They were fed 0, 40, 80 or 160 g crude protein/day in these forms for four months. Supplementation significantly increased growth rate from 169 g/d in controls to means of 272 and 271 g/d for those given sesame cake and cottonseed respectively; there were no significant differences among the supplemented groups. During the four months of the dry season immediately after supplementation ceased all previously supplemented groups grew significantly more rapidly than the controls (at leastP<0·05), indicating a substantial carry over effect of the supplements. Over this period the mean gain of the groups previously given sesame cake exceeded that of those that had received cottonseed (217 cf. 158 g/d;P<0·01). The economic benefits of these responses were substantial.
Comparacion de torta de sesamo y de semilla de algodon como fuente suplementaria de proteina para terneros destetos N'Dama en Gambia
Resumen Se ha demonstrado el potencial para incrementar la productividad del ganado N'Dama, como resquesta a peque?as cantidades de insumos suplementarios de proteína, bajo condiciones de villorrio en Gambia. Se utilizaron terneros destetos N'Dama par comparar la torta de sésamo y de semilla de algodón como fuente de proteína suplementaria durate la estaicón lluviosa y principio de la seca del a?o 1987. Se les dió a los animales 0, 40, 80 o 160 g de proteína cruda/día en éstas formas durante cuatro meses. La suplementación incrementó significativamente la tasa de crecimiento, de 169 g/día en controles a 272 y 271 g/día en aquellos que recibieron torta de sésamo y de algodón respectivamente; no hubo diferenca estadística entre los grupos suplementados. Durate los cuatro meses de la estación seca inmediatamente después de que la suplementación fue suspendida, todos los grupos que habían sido suplementados crecieron sgnificativamente más rápido que los controls (P<0·05), indicando un efecto compensatorio en los suplementados. Durante ese período la media de crecimento de los grupos que recibieron torta de sésamo excedió a aquella de los que habían recibido torta de algodón (217 cf. 158 g/d;P<0·01). Los beneficios económicos de estos resultados fueron substanciales.

Comparaison entre le tourteau de sesame et la graine de coton comme sources complementaires de proteines pour les taurillons N'Dama sevres en Gambie
Résumé Le potentiel de réponse à de petites quantités supplémentaires de sous-produits proteiniques pour accroitre la productivité de bétail N'Dama, s'est révélé manifeste, dans les conditions d'élevage villageois en Gambie. De jeunes taureaux N'Dama ont été utilisés pour comparer le tourteau de sésame et la graine de coton en tant que source de complémentation protéinique pendant la saison sèche et le début de la saison humide au cours de l'année 1987. Ils ont re?u respectivement 0, 40, 80 ou 160 g de proteines brutes par jour sus ces deux formes pendat quatre mois. Cette supplémentation a accru de fa?on significative le taux de croissance, de 169 g/jour pour les témoins jusqu'à des moyennes de 272 et 271g/jour respectivement pour ceux qui ont re?u du tourteau de sésame et de la graine de coton. Quant aux groupes complémentés, il n'ont révélé aucune différence significative. Pendat les quatre mois de la saison sèche et immédiatement après l'arrêt de la supplémentation, tous les lots ayant fait précédemment l'objet d'une distribution complémentaire ont eu une croissance significativement plus rapide que les animaux témoins, du moins pourP<0,05, ce qui indique un effet important de report des suppléments. Durant cette période, le gain moyen des lots qui ont re?u le tourteau de sésame a dépassé celui des lots auxquels on a donné de la graine de coton, soit 217 g/jour contre 158 g/jour pourP<0,01. Les profits économiques de ces réponses ont été appréciables.
In a previous study we found a positive correlation between early weaning in calves and morphological parameters which were indicative of ruminal development, i.e. the length and width of the papillae. The objective of the present study was to determine to what extent this observation could be reflected by modulations of absorptive and secretory functions of the rumen mucosa. For this purpose the short-circuit currents (Isc) as a measure of electrogenic net ion fluxes and the transepithelial conductances (G(T)) as a measure of the overall tissue permeability were measured in vitro applying the Ussing-chamber technique. Simultaneously, the unidirectional flux rates of sodium and chloride across rumen wall epithelia were determined in the absence of electrochemical gradients. Under these conditions, significant positive net flux rates (Jnet) clearly indicate active mechanisms for electrolyte absorption. For the experiments 12 male Holstein calves 7 d of age were assigned to three groups of 4 animals each: milk group (I, slaughtered after 6 weeks of age), late weaning group (II, slaughtered after 9 weeks of age) and early weaning group (II, weaned after 6 weeks of age and slaughtered after 9 weeks of age). Whereas G(T) values remained unaffected by different age and feeding, Isc values were significantly affected by early weaning but were not influenced by age. Irrespective of weaning time active absorption of Na+ tended to be higher by about 60% in 9 weeks old animals. Active absorption of chloride was significantly increased in milk fed 9 weeke old calves and this effect was further stimulated by early weaning. In conclusion, the data show an increasing active Na+ absorption with age in calf rumen that could not be influenced by early weaning. Similarly, active Cl- absorption was initially increased during postnatal development and this effect could be stimulated further by early weaning.  相似文献   
The present study examined the distribution of particle sizes in two experimental standardized lipid emulsions (distributed by ICES, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) as a function of the preparation method (hand shaking or ultrasonic blending) and as a function of storage time. A 24-h enrichment trial compared the incorporated HUFA levels in the nauplii of Artemia franciscana .
The emulsion droplets in the 50% HUFA emulsion (ICES 50, ethyl ester based) were much smaller than in the 30% HUFA emulsion (ICES 30, triacylglycerol-based) in which 90% of the droplets had a diameter below 12.3 μm as compared to 1.3 pn in ICES 50. The blending method highly affected particle sizes. High-shear blending instead of the classical hand shaking of the emulsion of both ICES 30 and 50 reduced the mean particle size from 5.06 to 1.07 μm and from 0.38 to 0.11 μm, respectively. The particle size distributions remained stable during the 1-wk storage, suggesting the absence of agglomeration or bacterial development. The fatty acid composition of 24-h enriched Artemia reflected differences in the HUFA profile of the emulsions, but was independent of observed differences in the size of the particles.  相似文献   
开发利用水土资源,推进黄土山区经济结构调整,实现经济社会可持续发展,是值得研究的重要课题,结合柳林县的实际,从农田水利基本建设,水土保持生态建设,水资源统一管理,科技兴水,落实政策,更新机制等方面论述了如何发展水利事业,推进结构调整。  相似文献   
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