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[Objective] The aim of this study is to evaluate nitrogen efficient cotton germplasms and improve nitrogen use efficiency. [Method] Eighty cotton germplasms were selected and evaluated in the hydroponic experiment under low (0.25 mmol·L-1) and high (5 mmol·L-1) nitrogen concentration. Different traits for screening were identified and nitrogen use efficiency types were classified. Field experiments were also performed for comparison and confirmation of the identified germplasms. [Result] The results showed that there were significant differences in the total plant dry matter, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency in cotton germplasms at the two nitrogen levels. Based on coefficient of variation, principal component analysis and correlation, six traits including total plant dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total nitrogen accumulation, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency were used as screening indicators. According to the Heatmap clustering analysis and the nitrogen efficiency comprehensive index, two germplasms (Lu05R59 and CCRI 69) were identified as low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient, and two germplasms (Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30) as low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient. The results of field experiment were consistent with the results of the hydroponic culture at the seedling stage. [Conclusion] It was finally determined that Lu05R59 and CCRI 69 were the low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient germplasms, and Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30 were low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient germplasms. The results of these studies provide the possibility for screening and rapid identification of nitrogen use efficiency in cotton at the seedling stage, and provide the ideal materials and theoretical basis for further study of cotton nitrogen efficient.  相似文献   
概述了中棉所94A915的选育经过、特征特性,并总结了其关键栽培技术。  相似文献   
为解决渣浆泵在运行时轴封水供应困难的问题,计算了谏壁发电厂松林山泵站的装置特必,天详细分析论证的基础上,确定了泵站的改造方案,进行了叶轮的优化设计。  相似文献   
The hemolysis of unsensitized human erythrocytes by fresh bovine serums was investigated. Lysis occurred in ethylene glycol bis-amino tetraacetate buffers and with serums depleted of Clq. Serums extensively absorbed with packed human erythrocytes at 0 C effectively lysed human erythrocytes, but optimal lytic capacity required target cells "sensitized" with a heat-stable serum factor. Lysis did not occur with serums absorbed with zymosan at 17 C or heat inactivated at 50 C. These results indicate that human erythrocytes can activate the alternative pathway of complement in bovine serums. Lysis can proceed in the apparent absence of antibodies, although their presence may enhance the reaction.  相似文献   
茄子新品种蒙茄4号的选育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒙茄 4号是以 86D0 1 1 1 1为母本 ,79B0 1 2 2 2为父本配制的一代杂种。该品种中早熟 ,始花节位第 7~ 8节。果实近圆形稍扁 ,果皮深紫色 ,光泽度强 ,耐贮运 ,果肉紧密 ,商品性好。平均单果质量 4 0 0~ 4 5 0g,露地每6 6 7m2 产量 4 5 0 0kg左右。适宜露地栽培。  相似文献   
 ‘中猕1号’是从河南伏牛山区野生资源中选出的猕猴桃新品种,结果早,丰产,抗逆性强,果实大,品质优,果肉绿色,果心小,种子少,味甜,有浓郁清香味。  相似文献   
在气候变化和人类活动的综合影响下,青海省生态环境发生了明显变化。在此背景下,以GIMMS NDVI 3g.v1为数据源,采用Sen+Mann-Kendal方法研究青海省1982-2015年植被覆盖区域NDVI时空变化,将趋势分析和R/S(rescaled range analysis)分析叠加,研究植被生长季NDVI变化的持续性特征,并揭示植被对气候变化及人类活动的响应规律。结果表明:1)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈从西北到东南的增加趋势;且变异系数显示,波动性较大地区集中在柴达木盆地周边和青南牧区西北部等植被NDVI较低的区域,波动性较小地区集中在祁连山东部、东部农业区和青南牧区东南部等植被NDVI较高的区域。2)近34年青海省植被NDVI整体呈增加趋势,增长率为0.38%·10a~(-1);且NDVI变化具有明显的阶段性,存在1994年和2000年两个突变点。3)近34年青海省植被改善区域(75.4%)远大于退化区域(24.6%),其中显著改善面积占植被覆盖区域面积的40.9%,退化区随时间变化在空间上表现出明显的转移现象。4)Hurst指数表明,青海省植被变化反持续性较强,趋势分析与Hurst指数叠加得出,由退化转为改善的区域占植被覆盖区面积的13.7%,由改善转为退化的区域占植被覆盖区面积的44.3%,另41.5%的区域无法确定未来变化趋势。5)青海省植被生长季NDVI受气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,且不同植被类型对气候变化的响应存在较大差异。  相似文献   
非洲猪瘟(ASF)1957年首次扩散到欧洲,2014年再次从高加索地区传入,并迅速在波罗的海周边国家蔓延,至2018年4月已扩散至欧盟8个成员国,且逐渐呈现地方性流行态势。本文重点介绍了欧洲国家的ASF扩散史,综述了病毒在欧盟国家扩散的主要途径,梳理了欧盟的ASF防控法规和措施,并对我国ASF防控提出了建议,以期为ASF防控提供帮助。  相似文献   
为了掌握目前云南规划烟区在耕地资源配置方面的详细情况,以及市场经济对云南规划烟区坡度影响,以最新烤烟种植区划成果数据和坡度格点化数据为基础,分析各州市烤烟种植区划核心区,优质区和适宜区在坡度类型的分布状况和差异,在此基础上结合各州市农村人均可支配收入数据,分析市场经济对云南烤烟种植区坡度的影响.结果表明:云南省烤烟规划...  相似文献   
添加有机硅表面活性剂对低容量喷雾防治小麦蚜虫的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
室内试验表明,有机硅表面活性剂Silwet408、非离子表面活性剂OP-10和JFC可显著降低药液的表面张力,其中Silwet408在质量分数为0.05%时可使水的表面张力降到22.05 mN/m,表面活性最强。当药液中含有0.001%的有机硅表面活性剂Silwet408时,其在小麦叶片上的接触角即开始显著减小,且在小麦背面的接触角小于在正面的接触角。在10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂稀释2500倍药液中添加Silwet408,药液的表面张力和其在小麦叶片上的接触角明显降低,雾滴在小麦叶片上扩展面积明显增大。进一步田间试验表明,使用手持离心式低容量喷雾机喷雾,在10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂药液中添加质量分数为0.05%和0.1%的Silwet408,可显著增加对小麦蚜虫的防治效果。  相似文献   
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