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Basidiocarps of the violet root rot fungus, Helicobasidium mompa, are less frequently used for isolation than are mycelial strands and sclerotia even though the basidiocarps are conspicuously produced at the trunk base of diseased plants. Basidiocarps are also more suitable for storage. This paper describes an improved method for obtaining pure cultures from basidiocarps using microcentrifuge tubes to facilitate the awkward steps of rinsing fungal materials under a dissecting microscope. Received 28 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 4 August 2000  相似文献   
(pp. 17–24)
A trial calculation was performed of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity and the amount of nitrogen input based on various statistical data, which were compiled from each city, town and village in Hokkaido prefecture. The relationship between the excess quantity of nitrogen, after nitrogen input, and the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity and the nitrate-nitrogen concentration of the groundwater was considered.
Environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity = nitrogen output by the crops + acceptable level of residual nitrate in the soil profile.*
*It is calculated by the amount of nitrate precipitation evapotranspiration ×10 mg L−1.
  • 1) 

    The average value of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity in Hokkaido Prefecture was observed to be 183 kg ha−1. The maximum and minimum values of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity were 308 kg ha−1 and 94 kg ha−1, respectively. When the average value of the environmental nitrogen-assimilation capacity with respect to main agricultural land use was compared across municipalities, it was largely in the following order · grassland (218 kg ha−1), upland (169 kg ha−1), and paddy land (157 kg ha−1).

Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like 1 (Tinagl1, also known as adrenocortical zonation factor 1 [AZ-1] or lipocalin 7) is a matricellular protein. Previously, we demonstrated that Tinagl1 expression was restricted to extraembryonic regions during the postimplantation period and detected marked expression in mouse Reichert’s membranes. In uteri, Tinagl1 is markedly expressed in the decidual endometrium during the postimplantation period, suggesting that it plays a physical and physiological role in embryo development and/or decidualization of the uterine endometrium during pregnancy. In the present study, in order to determine the role of Tinagl1 during embryonic development and pregnancy, we generated Tinagl1-deficient mice. Although Tinagl1–/– embryos were not lethal during development to term, homologous matings of Tinagl1–/– females and Tinagl1–/– males showed impaired fertility during pregnancy, including failure to carry pregnancy to term and perinatal lethality. To examine ovarian function, ovulation was induced with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); the number of ovulated oocytes did not differ between Tinagl1–/– and Tinagl1flox/flox. In vitro fertilization followed by embryo culture also demonstrated the normal developmental potential of Tinagl1-null embryos during the preimplantation period. Our results demonstrate that Tinagl1 deficiency affects female mice and results in subfertility phenotypes, and they suggest that although the potential of Tinagl1–/– oocytes is normal, Tinagl1 is related to fertility in adult females but is not essential for either fertilization or preimplantation development in vitro.  相似文献   
In order to determine the role of the cecum on energy use in growing chickens, metabolizability of the dietary energy and energy expenditure were examined in the week following bilateral ligation and washing out of the cecum. Apparent metabolizable energy (AME) values were 14.30 and 13.69 kJ/g air‐dry matter for sham‐operated and cecally ligated chickens, respectively. These values were found to be significantly different (P < 0.05). Although AME intake and fasting heat production were decreased by cecal ligation, the distribution of AME (measured as fasting and feeding heat production, as well as heat increment and energy retention, as a proportion of AME intake) was not affected. These results suggest that the cecum helps chickens extract AME from corn‐soybean type diets with little, if any, effect on AME use, based on the present study of growing chickens in the week following cecal ligation.  相似文献   
In this study, the effect of fibronectin on the neurite outgrowth from embryoid bodies (EBs) in neurodifferentiated embryonal carcinoma P19 cells was examined. The neurite outgrowth on fibronectin was maintained for a longer time in comparison with those on collagen or laminin. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed that mRNA level corresponding to sonic hedgehog (Shh) in neurodifferentiated P19 cells was upregulated on fibronectin, whereas collagen or laminin did not affect. Further knockdown of integrin αv subunit in P19 cells demonstrated that expression of Shh was mediated through interaction between fibronectin and integrin. Additionally, exogenous Shh agonist accelerated neurite outgrowth from embryonic stem cell-derived EBs without large change of neuronal phenotype expression. Taken together, fibronectin could maintain neurite outgrowth via increased Shh expression.  相似文献   
Monoclonal integration of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) proviral DNA into bovine genomes was detected in peripheral blood from two clinical cases of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) without enlargement of superficial lymph nodes. A BLV-specific probe hybridized with 1 to 3 EcoRI and HindIII fragments in these 2 atypical EBL cattle by Southern blotting and hybridization, as well as in 3 typical EBL cattle. The probe also hybridized to a large number of EcoRI and HindIII fragments in 5 cattle with persistent leukosis. These results suggest that the detection of monoclonal integration of BLV provirus into the host genome may serve as a marker of monoclonal proliferation and malignancy in difficult to diagnose EBL cattle.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The present study examined the changes in texture and protein components during cold storage of different squid varieties. Raw oval squid, Japanese common squid and arrow squid were sliced fresh and the muscles were stored at 4°C for 0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 48 and 120 h. The rheological measurements, protein components and amounts of collagen were examined. The adhesiveness of each squid increased significantly in the early stage of cold storage. In all varieties, penetration decreased at 4 h, which is considered to be rigor mortis, then increased. The amounts of total collagen, 20°C water-soluble collagen and 70°C water-soluble collagen did not change significantly in each variety during cold storage. Sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) pattern showed that the 580 kDa component gradually disappeared up to 48 h. The correlations between the amounts of 580 kDa component and adhesiveness or firmness were high. Models of fit based on chemical kinetics accurately expressed the behavior of adhesiveness, firmness and penetration showing that 63.2% of adhesiveness changes occurred in 13–19 h and that 63.2% of firmness changes occurred in 18–24 h.  相似文献   

Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident of 2011, the potential for radiocesium transfer from contaminated soils, such as Andosols, to agricultural crops became a significant concern. Andosols account for up to 70% of paddy soils in the northern and northwest areas of Tochigi Prefecture, where the radiocesium concentration is 1000 Bq kg?1 or greater in the soil of some fields. The present study was carried out in order to determine the phytoavailability of radiocesium in Andosols by comparing it with that of gray lowland soils in the first 3 years following the accident. The transfer factor (TF) tended to be higher in Andosols than in gray lowland soils, leading to higher radiocesium concentrations in brown rice grown in Andosols. The exchangeable potassium (Ex-K2O) in Andosols was highly and negatively correlated with TF, followed by clay. The Ex-K2O value was positively correlated with the clay/total carbon (T-C) value, suggesting that a high T–C ratio could weaken K2O adsorption on clay mineral sites; hence, the low clay/T-C values can partially explain the relatively large TF values of Andosols. Samples with Ex-K2O contents less than 200 mg kg?1 and with low clay/T-C values showed striking decreases in TF values from 2011 to 2012. However, the decrease from 2012 to 2013 was quite small; radiocesium in these samples was potentially available for rice uptake for a long time, likely due to the reversible adsorption and fixation characteristics of allophane. Most gray lowland soil samples showed very low TF values over the 3 years of the study, except for those with TF values greater than 0.1 due to low Ex-K2O and clay contents; the geometric mean (GM) value of TF was below 0.01 in 2012. The extraction of exchangeable radiocesium (Ex-Cs) with a 1 mol L?1 ammonium acetate solution may not be an appropriate method for explaining the variability in radiocesium TF in Andosols. This is because the Ex-Cs value was significantly correlated with Ex-K2O in Andosols, but not in gray lowland soils, indicating that Ex-K2O explained this variability in relation to Ex-Cs.  相似文献   
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