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Numerical parameters of soil color were studied according to the CIE-L*a*b color system before and after the Tamm’s and Mehra-Jackson’s treatments; we also determined the total Fe content in the samples from the main genetic horizons of the alluvial gray-humus soil, two profiles of burozems, and two profiles of podzols in the Sakhalin Island. In the analyzed samples, the numerical color parameters L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) are found to vary within 46–73, 3–11, and 8–28, respectively. A linear relationship is revealed between the numerical values of a* parameters and Fe content in the Mehra-Jackson extracts; the regression equations are derived with the determination coefficients (R2): 0.49 (typical burozem), 0.79 (podzolized burozem), 0.96 (shallow-podzolic mucky podzol), 0.98 (gray-humus gley alluvial soil). For the surface-podzolic mucky podzol contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, R2 was equal to only 0.03. In the gray humus (AY) and structural-metamorphic (BM) horizons of the studied soils, a* and b* parameters decrease after their treatment with the Tamm’s reagent by 2 points on average. After the Mehra-Jackson treatment, the a* parameter decreased by 6 (AY) and 8 (BM) points; whereas b* parameter, by 10 and 15 points, respectively. In the E horizons of podzols, the Tamm’s treatment increased a* and b* parameters by 1 point; whereas the Mehra-Jackson’s treatment decreased these parameters by only 1 and 3 points, respectively. The redness (a*) decreased maximally in the lower gley horizon of the alluvial gray humus soil, i.e., by 6 (in the Tamm’s extract) and 10 points (in the Mehra-Jackson’s) extract. Yellowness (b*) decreased by 12 and 17 points, respectively. The revealed color specifics in the untreated samples and the color transformation under the impact of reagents in the studied soils and horizons may serve as an additional parameter that characterizes quantitatively the object of investigation in the reference databases.  相似文献   
Eurasian Soil Science - The relationship between soil formation and sedimentation on the floodplain of the Utyaganka River (the Ural River basin) in the Arkaim Reserve (Chelyabinsk oblast, Southern...  相似文献   
Eurasian Soil Science - The content and profile distribution of 137Cs in iron-illuvial dwarf and shallow-podzolic podzols (Albic Podzols) under bilberry-lichen and green-lichen-bilberry pine...  相似文献   
Soils of the Arkaim Reserve were studied before the establishment of the reserve and, then, 12 and 18 years after the reservation of this territory. Former pastures and hayfields occupy 70% of the reserve, and former plowlands occupy about 30%. Some of them have been converted into sown meadows. The soil cover of the reserve is composed of chernozems (about 50% of the area), solonetzes and salt-affected soils (32%), meadow-chernozemic soils (7%), and forest soils (1%). In eighteen years of reservation, the Corg content in the upper 20 cm has increased by 0.5–0.8%, or by 14–25% of the initial content with the average rate of 60–100 g C/m2 per year. The accumulation of Corg has been more intensive in the soils of former plowlands than in the soils of former pastures and in the chernozems than in the meadow-chernozemic soils. Self-restoration of most of the soils of the reserve is accompanied the rise in the content of the labile fraction of organic carbon. In some soils, the contents of the labile fraction (0.3%) and light-weight fraction (>25% of Corg) have reached optimum values. After 18 years of reservation, the biomass of microorganisms has reached 500–800 μg/g of soil (or 1.1–1.9% of Corg); the basal respiration has reached 0.7–1.5 μg C-CO2/g per hour. These characteristics are the highest for meadow-chernozemic soils under former pasture and the lowest for postagrogenic chernozems. The rise in the Corg content and changes in the particular forms of soil organic matter under the regime of a reserve greatly depend on the soil type and on the former land use. The role of parent materials is smaller. Many soils of the reserve require a long period of rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Podzols in oil-mining areas of northeastern Sakhalin were examined. The physicochemical properties of the podzols on the industrial plot, on the adjacent territory, and in the background landscapes were characterized. It was found that the distribution of the particular forms of radium-226 in the podzols contaminated with slightly saline and slightly radioactive stratal water differs from that in the background soils. In the contaminated podzols, the portion of exchangeable radium-226 increases in the lower part of the profile; the accumulation of mobile water-soluble and acid-soluble radionuclid increases in the illuvial horizons and decreases in the upper organic horizons.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the radioecological conditions of the Chashnikovo Training and Experimental Soil Ecology Center (TESEC) of Moscow State University in the Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow oblast. We have estimated the rate of soils, plants, air layer near the soil surface, and soil air by the main natural and technogenic radionuclides evaluated. It is shown that the area is radiation-safe with respect to the main parameters.  相似文献   
A simulation model of the 90Sr dynamics in the soil and stand components of deciduous forest ecosystems with a 1-day step was developed; this model was used to conduct numerical experiments to clarify the mechanisms of the 90Sr behavior. The algorithm allows one to take into account the effect of meteorological, phenological, and physiological factors on the behavior of the radionuclide and simulate different fallout conditions. The results of simulation can be used in the valuation of deciduous forest products. The model is applicable for studying the redistribution of calcium in the stand of deciduous forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
We assessed the suitability of a video system based on a Mikmed-6 optical microscope as a tool for objective measurement in the Allium test for estimating soil genotoxicity. Digitized microimages of the apical meristem of common onion (Allium cepa L.) fix the data needed for calculating mitotic and phase indices and create an objective scheme of mitotic errors and chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   
Soils of the Arkaim Reserve in the area around a unique settlement-fortress of the Bronze Age in Chelyabinsk oblast have been studied. These soils are generally typical of the entire Trans-Ural Plateau. The soil properties are characterized in detail on the basis of factual data on 170 soil pits and four soil catenas. The soil cover of the reserve is specified into six geomorphic groups: (a) denudational surfaces of the low mountains, (b) accumulative-denudational surfaces of the low mountains, (c) denudational-accumulative plain surfaces, (d) lacustrine-alluvial plain surfaces, (e) floodplain surfaces, and (f) slopes and bottoms of the local ravines and hollows. Chernozems occupy about 50% of the reserve; solonetzes and saline soils, 32%; meadow chernozems, 7%; and forest soils, 1%. The soils of the reserve are relatively thin; they have a distinct tonguing of the humus horizon and are often saline and solonetzic. The latter properties are inherited from the parent materials and are preserved in the soils for a long time under the conditions of a dry continental climate. The genetic features of the soils differ in dependence on the composition and age of the parent materials. With respect to the thickness of the soil profiles and the reserves of soil humus, the soils can be arranged into the following lithogenic sequence: the soils developed from the eluvium of igneous rocks-redeposited kaolin clay-montmorillonite-hydromica nonsaline and saline loams and clays. The content of Corg in the upper 20 cm varies from 2.5 to 5.6%, and the reserves of Corg in the layers of 0?C0.5 and 0?C1.0 m reach 57?C265 and 234?C375 t/ha, respectively. The soils of pastures subjected to overgrazing occupy two-thirds of the reserve. Their humus content is 10?C16% higher in comparison with that in the analogous plowed soils. Another characteristic feature of the humus in the soils of the pastures is its enrichment in the labile fraction (28?C40% of Corg).  相似文献   
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