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植保无人机低空低量施药雾滴沉积飘移分布立体测试方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着植保无人机在中国的广泛使用,植保无人机的沉积分布均匀性与雾滴飘移流失也引起各方面的重视。目前,针对植保无人机施药雾滴沉积飘移的测试方法较少,且着重于从沉积或飘移中某一方面分析植保无人机雾滴沉积飘移规律,未对作业中全方位的雾滴的沉积飘失规律进行系统测试。该文基于国际标准ISO22866和ISO24253建了1套针对低空低量植保无人机的立体测试方法,分别在地面布置沉积和飘移收集器,在空中架设立体沉积和空中飘移收集器,结合航拍影像所获取的植保无人机准确作业参数,对4个型号植保无人机分别搭载德国Lechler公司的IDK120-015和TR80-0067喷头进行了测试,系统分析了无人机周边的总沉积以验证方法准确性,计算了总地面沉降以表征可利用部分和空中耗散以评估环境风险。结果表明,各植保无人机地面沉积率在53.6%~76.6%,地面飘移率最高17.4%,空中飘移率可高达14.7%;该测试系统可收集62.4%~101.7%无人机喷洒出的雾滴。测试的4种植保无人机在搭载IDK喷头后均明显降低了雾滴飘移,但也同时降低地面沉积率;各植保无人机在搭载2种喷头时沉积规律不同,不同植保无人机设计需要选择不同喷头。该测试方法能够有效的收集并分析植保无人机在作业区域的雾滴立体分布状态,可为植保无人机综合评估提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   
PRIMARY BONE TUMORS IN THE CAT:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is presented which determines the bromide ion content of foodstuffs using a bromide specific ion electrode. For low levels of bromide (< 10 mg/kg) or for accurate work, bromide was extracted from the ground commodity with water and then separated from interfering compounds by ion-exchange chromatography before estimation. Alternatively, bromide ion can be estimated approximately by direct measurement on the aqueous extracts after heating to denature proteins. The method was checked against three standard methods of bromide estimation in foods, using wheat that had been repeatedly fumigated with methyl bromide. The equipment required is inexpensive and can be adapted for field use. The method has been used to determine the bromide and chloride contents that occur naturally in wheat, maize, copra, soya beans and sorghum.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of formaldehyde fixation on equine platelets using flow cytometric methods to evaluate markers of platelet activation. SAMPLE POPULATION: Blood samples from 6 Thoroughbreds. PROCEDURE: The degree of fluorescence associated with binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-human fibrinogen antibody and FITC-annexin V in unactivated and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-, platelet activating factor (PAF)-, and A23187-activated platelet samples in unfixed and 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% formaldehyde-fixed samples was assessed by use of flow cytometry. RESULTS: In samples incubated with FITC-anti-human fibrinogen antibody prior to fixation, addition of 2.0% formaldehyde resulted in a 30% increase in total fluorescence in ADP- and PAF-activated samples and a 60% increase in A23187-activated samples. Fixation for 24 hours prior to addition of antibody resulted in reduced fluorescence of samples containing antihuman fibrinogen antibody for all 3 concentrations of formaldehyde in PAF-activated samples. The addition of all 3 concentrations of formaldehyde after incubation with FITC-annexin V resulted in significant increases in fluorescence in unactivated and activated platelet samples. As length of fixation time increased, there was a gradual increase in fluorescence that was significant at 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: Because fixation with 2.0% formaldehyde results in significant changes in fluorescence in activated platelet samples containing anti-fibrinogen antibody, lower concentrations of formaldehyde should be used to fix equine platelet samples. Formaldehyde-fixed platelet samples should be analyzed within 12 hours of fixation to avoid artifactual increases in fluorescence. Fixation of samples containing FITC-annexin V should be avoided because of significant increases in fluorescence that may interfere with interpretation of results.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare preoperative administration of meloxicam and butorphanol to perioperative administration of butorphanol alone for control of postoperative signs of pain in dogs. ANIMALS: 40 client-owned dogs scheduled for surgical repair of a cranial cruciate ligament rupture. PROCEDURE: Group-1 dogs received butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg, IV) and meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg, IV) just prior to surgery. Group-2 dogs received butorphanol just prior to surgery (0.2 mg/kg, IV) and at incision closure (0.1 mg/kg, IV). Pain assessment began 1 to 2 hours before surgery and from extubation until 24 hours after surgery by obtaining the following measurements: the visual analog scale (VAS) score, cumulative pain score (CPS), adjusted cumulative pain score, modified cumulative pain score, and the adjusted modified cumulative pain score (AMCPS). Serum cortisol concentration was measured between 12 to 24 and between 1 to 2 hours prior to surgery, and at 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 18, and 24 hours after extubation. RESULTS: No significant differences between treatment groups were observed in CPS or VAS score. At 8, 9, 10, and 11 hours after extubation, meloxicam-butorphanol-treated dogs had a significantly lower AMCPS, compared with butorphanol-alone-treated dogs. Total serum cortisol concentration (area under the curve) during the measurement period was significantly lower in meloxicam-butorphanol-treated dogs, compared with butorphanol-alone treated dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Preoperative single dose administration of meloxicam-butorphanol is equivalent to or slightly better than the administration of 2 perioperative doses of butorphanol for the control of postoperative signs of pain in dogs.  相似文献   
Abstract: Three flow cytometric techniques were evaluated for determination of differential cell counts on canine clinical bone marrow specimens. Techniques included staining bone marrow specimens with 2'7'-dichlo-rofluorescein (DCF) or 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC6) and evaluation of forward-angle light scatter vs. side-angle light scatter plots. Flow cytometric evaluation of bone marrow cells stained with DCF failed to separate bone marrow cells into distinct cell populations. Staining with DiOC6 resulted in separation of bone marrow cells into populations of mature and immature erythroid cells, mature and immature myeloid cells, and lymphocytes. The scatter plot method resulted in identification of mature and immature erythroid cells, immature myeloid cells, metamyelocytes, and bands and segmenters. Lymphocytes could not be differentiated from mature erythroid cells by the scatter plot method. When the results of the DiOC6 method and the scatter plot method were compared with manual bone marrow differential cell counts, the scatter plot method had more similar mean values and higher correlation coefficients. The scatter plot method has the potential of providing rapid semiquantitative assessment of bone marrow differential cell counts in dogs for specimens that contain low numbers of lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Given the expectations of clients and the resultant impact of end-of-life conversations on pet owners and the veterinary team, compassionate end-of-life communication is considered to be an ethical obligation, a core clinical skill, and integral to the success of a veterinary team. End-of-life communication is related to significant clinical outcomes, including enduring veterinarian-client-patient relationships and veterinarian and client satisfaction. Effective techniques for end-of-life communication can be taught and are a series of learned skills. The purpose of this article is to present best practices for delivering bad news and euthanasia decision-making discussions. In this article, the SPIKES six-step model (setting, perception, invitation, knowledge, empathize, and summarize) currently employed in medical curricula is utilized to structure end-of-life conversations in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   
“2003中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会”于10月28—30日在上海召开,我参与了此次会议的策划、组织、推广工作,主要负责会议的国际招商。“2003中国木制品进出口贸易洽谈会”是在“2002年全国木材进出口贸易会”基础上策划组织的,旨在促进中国木制品出口和原材料的进口交流和贸易。 2003会议的策划与2002会议最大的不同在于:更加注重国际国内公司直接的面对面的贸易交流洽谈,而且在会议期间加入产品展示区域。这样,吸引国际  相似文献   
During the Schmallenberg virus (SBV) epidemic, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) collected data on SBV occurrence across Europe in order to provide an assessment of spread and impact. By May 2013, twenty-nine countries were reporting to EFSA and twenty-two countries had reported cases of SBV. The total number of SBV herds reported was 13,846 and the number of SBV laboratory confirmed herds was 8730. The surveillance activities were based on the detection of SBV clinical cases (either adults or newborns). Malformation in newborns was the most commonly reported clinical sign of SBV-infection. All countries were able to provide the date when the first suspicion of SBV in the herd was reported and nineteen could report the location of the herd at a regional level. This allowed the spread of SBV in Europe to be measured both temporally and spatially. The number of SBV confirmed herds started to increase in December 2011 and two peaks were observed in 2012 (February and May). Confirmed herds continued to be reported in 2012 and into 2013. An increase during winter 2012 and spring 2013 was again observed, but the number of confirmed herds was lower than in the previous year. SBV spread rapidly throughout Europe from the initial area of detection. SBV was detected above the latitude of 60° North, which exceeds the northern expansion observed during the bluetongue virus serotype 8 epidemic in 2006–2009. The impact of SBV was calculated as ratio of the number of herds with at least one malformed SBV positive foetus and the total number of herds in this region. The 75th percentile of the malformations ratio in the various affected countries for the whole reporting period was below 1% and 3% for cattle and sheep herds, respectively. International data collection on emerging diseases represents a challenge as the nature of available data, data quality and the proportion of reported cases may vary widely between affected countries. Surveillance activities on emerging animal diseases are often structured only for case detection making the estimation of infection/diseases prevalence and the investigation of risk factors difficult. The impact of the disease must be determined to allow risk managers to take appropriate decisions. Simple within-herd impact indicators suitable for emerging disease outbreaks should be defined that could be measured as part of routine animal health surveillance programmes and allow for rapid and reliable impact assessment of emerging animal health diseases.  相似文献   
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