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The Central Nervous (CNS) and Immune Systems (IS) are the two major adaptive systems which respond rapidly to numerous challenges that are able to compromise health. The defensive response strictly linking innate to acquired immunity, works continuously to limit pathogen invasion and damage. The efficiency of the innate response is crucial for survival and for an optimum priming of acquired immunity. During infection, the immune response is modulated by an integrated neuro-immune network which potentiates innate immunity, controls potential harmful effects and also addresses metabolic and nutritional modifications supporting immune function. In the last decade much knowledge has been gained on the molecular signals that orchestrate this integrated adaptive response, with focus on the systemic mediators which have a crucial role in driving and controlling an efficient protective response. These mediators are also able to signal alterations and control pathway dysfunctions which may be involved in the persistence and/or overexpression of inflammation that may lead to tissue damage and to a negative metabolic impact, causing retarded growth.This review aims to describe some important signalling pathways which drive bidirectional communication between the Immune and Nervous Systems during infection. Particular emphasis is placed on pro-inflammatory cytokines, immunomodulator hormones such as Glucocorticoids (GCs), Growth hormone (GH), Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), and Leptin, as well as nutritional factors such as Zinc (Zn).Finally, the review includes up-to-date information on this neuroimmune cross-talk in domestic animals. Data in domestic animal species are still limited, but there are several exciting areas of research, like the potential interaction pathways between mediators (i.e. cytokine-HPA regulation, IL-6-GCS-Zn, cytokines-GH/IGF-1, IL-6-GH-Leptin and thymus activity) that are or could be promising topics of future research in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   
Taking into account the role played by the neuroendocrine network in affecting the early development of the immune response, the present study aims to assess neonatal immunity in piglets by testing peripheral lymphocyte age-related changes in relationship to plasma levels of some relevant immunoregulatory hormones, such as growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and cortisol. For this purpose, we studied the peripheral lymphocyte age-related changes in relationship to plasma levels of GH, PRL and cortisol in conventional piglets from birth (day 0) to 41 days of age. A significant decrease was observed in the total number of lymphocytes at day 0, with a subsequent constant increment up to 41 days of age. Concomitantly, the number of T cell subsets (mainly CD8(+) cells and double positive CD4(+)CD8(+)) was low at birth, with strong increments between the 19th and 41st days of life. The CD4(+) T cell number subset was less diminished at birth than that of CD8(+), albeit with significant increments in the post-weaning period. Of interest, gammadelta T cells, which are more involved in innate immune efficiency, displayed the same trend as CD8(+) T cells from birth to the 41st day of life. From day 0 up to the 19th day, significant inverse correlations were found between T cell subsets and GH or PRL or cortisol, albeit with more significant inverse correlations with cortisol. The high levels of GH and PRL in the pre-weaning period may be due to the fact that they have to counteract the cortisol-mediated negative effect on lymphocyte production and development. These findings suggest that stress condition occurs at birth with decreases in the immune parameters, in the same way as in human newborns, with a subsequent gradual normalisation and immune development, as shown by decreased cortisol, GH and PRL normalisation and concomitant increments in T cell subsets.  相似文献   
The H1N1, H3N2 and, more recently, H1N2 subtypes of influenza A virus are presently co‐circulating in swine herds in several countries. The objectives of this study were to investigate the pathogenesis of Sw/Italy/1521/98 (H1N2) influenza virus, isolated from respiratory tissues of pigs from herds in Northern Italy, and to evaluate its potential cross‐protection against the Sw/Fin/2899/82 (H1N1) strain. In the pathogenesis test, eight pigs were intranasally infected with H1N2 virus; at pre‐determined intervals, these animals were killed and necropsied, along with eight uninfected animals. In the cross‐protection test, sixteen pigs were infected by intranasal (i.n.) and intratracheal (i.t.) routes with either H1N2 or H1N1 virus. Twenty days later, all pigs were challenged (by the same route), with either the homologous H1N2 or heterologous H1N1 virus strains. Control group was inoculated with culture medium alone. On post‐challenge days (PCD) 1 and 3, two pigs from each infected group, along with one control pig, were killed. Clinical, virological, serological and histopathological investigations were performed in both the pathogenicity and cross‐protection tests. In the pathogenicity test, mild clinical signs were observed in two pigs during 3 and 4 days, respectively. Virus was isolated from two pigs over 6 days and from lung samples of pigs killed on post‐infection days 2 and 4. Seroconversion was detected in the two infected animals killed 15 days after infection. In the cross‐protection study, mild clinical respiratory signs were detected in all pigs infected with either the H1N2 or H1N1 virus. The virus was isolated from nasal swabs of almost all pigs till 6 days. After the challenge infection, the pigs remained clinically healthy and virus isolation from the nasal secretions or lung samples was sporadic. Antibody titres in H1N1 or H1N2 infected groups were similar, whereas the H1N2 sub‐type induced less protection against re‐infection by homologous and heterologous virus than H1N1 sub‐type. The controls had no signs of the disease. In the H1N2 infected pigs, a reduced number of goblet cells in nasal and tracheal mucosa and small foci of lymphomononuclear cell infiltrates in the submucosa were detected. Furthermore, the goblet cell reduction was related to the time of infection. Diffuse mild interstitial pneumonia was also recorded in pigs infected with the H1N2 virus and challenged with either H1N1or H1N2 pigs. These studies showed the moderate virulence of the H1N2 virus and a partial cross‐protection against heterologous infection.  相似文献   
Grasslands and agroecosystems occupy one-third of the terrestrial area, but their contribution to the global carbon cycle remains uncertain. We used a set of 316 site-years of CO2 exchange measurements to quantify gross primary productivity, respiration, and light-response parameters of grasslands, shrublands/savanna, wetlands, and cropland ecosystems worldwide. We analyzed data from 72 global flux-tower sites partitioned into gross photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration with the use of the light-response method (Gilmanov, T. G., D. A. Johnson, and N. Z. Saliendra. 2003. Growing season CO2 fluxes in a sagebrush-steppe ecosystem in Idaho: Bowen ratio/energy balance measurements and modeling. Basic and Applied Ecology 4:167–183) from the RANGEFLUX and WORLDGRASSAGRIFLUX data sets supplemented by 46 sites from the FLUXNET La Thuile data set partitioned with the use of the temperature-response method (Reichstein, M., E. Falge, D. Baldocchi, D. Papale, R. Valentini, M. Aubinet, P. Berbigier, C. Bernhofer, N. Buchmann, M. Falk, T. Gilmanov, A. Granier, T. Grünwald, K. Havránková, D. Janous, A. Knohl, T. Laurela, A. Lohila, D. Loustau, G. Matteucci, T. Meyers, F. Miglietta, J. M. Ourcival, D. Perrin, J. Pumpanen, S. Rambal, E. Rotenberg, M. Sanz, J. Tenhunen, G. Seufert, F. Vaccari, T. Vesala, and D. Yakir. 2005. On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11:1424–1439). Maximum values of the quantum yield (α=75 mmol · mol?1), photosynthetic capacity (Amax=3.4 mg CO2 · m?2 · s?1), gross photosynthesis (Pg,max=116 g CO2 · m?2 · d?1), and ecological light-use efficiency (εecol=59 mmol · mol?1) of managed grasslands and high-production croplands exceeded those of most forest ecosystems, indicating the potential of nonforest ecosystems for uptake of atmospheric CO2. Maximum values of gross primary production (8 600 g CO2 · m?2 · yr?1), total ecosystem respiration (7 900 g CO2 · m?2 · yr?1), and net CO2 exchange (2 400 g CO2 · m?2 · yr?1) were observed for intensively managed grasslands and high-yield crops, and are comparable to or higher than those for forest ecosystems, excluding some tropical forests. On average, 80% of the nonforest sites were apparent sinks for atmospheric CO2, with mean net uptake of 700 g CO2 · m?2 · yr?1 for intensive grasslands and 933 g CO2 · m?2 · d?1 for croplands. However, part of these apparent sinks is accumulated in crops and forage, which are carbon pools that are harvested, transported, and decomposed off site. Therefore, although agricultural fields may be predominantly sinks for atmospheric CO2, this does not imply that they are necessarily increasing their carbon stock.  相似文献   
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex is the most frequent and important endometrial disorder encountered in bitches. The pathogenesis of the disease is related to the activity of progesterone [Feldman and Nelson, Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction (1996) W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia]. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) is an abnormal response of the bitch's uterus to ovarian hormones [De Bosschere et al. Theriogenology (2001) 55, 1509]. CEH is considered by many authors to be an exaggerated response of the uterus to chronic progestational stimulation during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle, causing an abnormal accumulation of fluid within the endometrial glands and uterine lumen (De Bosschere et al. 2001). The resulting lesions of pyometra are due to the interaction between bacteria and hormones. The aim of this study was to evaluate if transabdominal uterine ultrasonography can be a useful and reliable diagnostic method to confirm Dow's [Veterinary Record (1958) 70, 1102] and De Bosschere's histopathological classification of CEH-pyometra complex. The study was carried out on 45 bitches with pyometra, 10 purebreds and 35 crossbreeds, 1-15 years old, 20% of which had whelped at least once. None of these animals had received exogenous oestrogen or progesterone treatment. On admission the 45 animals were in the luteal phase of the oestrus cycle. Clinical signs, blood parameters, uterine ultrasonography, bacterial swabs and uterine histopathological results were recorded. Results suggest that ultrasonographic examination is a useful and reliable tool for the diagnosis of cystic endometrial hyperplasia.  相似文献   
Sixteen 20 day old pigs, devoid of neutralizing antibody to pseudorabies virus (PRV), were divided into two groups of eight, and the animals of each group were housed in a separate unit. In each group 6 pigs were inoculated intranasally with the thymidine kinase (TK) mutant (Group 1) or the field strain of PRV (Group 2), each pig receiving an inoculum of 4 ml. The remaining 2 pigs in each group served as uninoculated controls. The only clinical sign observed in the pigs of Group 1 was a transient febrile reaction, in the case of six pigs inoculated with the TK mutant of PRV, whereas no signs of disease were seen in the uninoculated controls. The virus was isolated from the 6 infected pigs of the group only on post infection day (PID) 2, whereas it was never isolated from the controls. By contrast, the pigs of Group 2, had a severe clinical response and one, among those that were inoculated with the field strain of the PRV, died on PID 9. Virus was consistently isolated from all pigs of Group 2, inoculated and control. On PID 30 all pigs, i.e. the 8 of Group 1 and 7 of the Group 2 which survived to the infection, were subjected to dexamethasone (DMS) treatment. After DMS treatment virus was never isolated from the nasal swabbings obtained from the pigs of Group 1, whereas it was consistently isolated from pigs of Group 2. After 30 d from the start of DMS treatment the pigs were killed and several tissues were collected from each pig for virus detection, by isolation in tissue culture and by PCR analysis. At necropsy no lesions were found in pigs of Group 1, whereas acute pneumonia and gliosis in the trigeminal ganglia were observed in pigs of Group 2. Virus was never isolated from any of the tissues taken from pigs of both, Group 1 and Group 2, nevertheless sequences of PRV were detected by PCR analysis in the trigeminal ganglia of the pigs of both Groups.  相似文献   
Cabassi  E.  Miduri  F.  Di Lecce  R.  Marin  A.  Ferri  L.  Corradi  A. 《Veterinary research communications》2007,31(1):217-220
Veterinary Research Communications - Cabassi, E., Miduri, F., Di Lecce, R., Marin, A., Ferri, L. and Corradi, A., 2007. Saliva, an alternative biologic matrix to detect glucocorticoid treatment in...  相似文献   
The capacity of a TK‐negative (TK ) and gI/gE‐negative (gI/gE ) pseudorabies virus (PRV) mutant to protect pigs against Aujeszky's disease carried out by experimental infection with a virulent PRV strain, was tested. There were three groups, each of four susceptible pigs which were inoculated twice by two different schedules. Group 1 received the modified virus by the intradermal (first inoculation)‐intramuscular (second inoculation) routes; group 2 was treated by the intranasal (first inoculation)‐intramuscular (second inoculation) routes. The third group was left untreated as the control. All of the pigs were challenged intranasally with a virulent PRV strain and they were subsequently injected with dexamethasone. Two pigs in each group were necropsied on days 5 and 15 after dexamethasone inoculation. The challenge exposure resulted in mild clinical signs, increase in growth and a shorter period of virus shedding in vaccinated pigs, whereas the control group showed severe signs of Aujeszky's disease. No difference in the titre of the virulent virus which was excreted by pigs of all three groups, was observed and all animals seroconverted. Both the mutant strain and the wild‐type virus established a latent infection although only the latter was reactivated and shed. Slight lesions were observed in target tissues of the vaccinated animals and no significant differences were detected between the two inoculation schedules.  相似文献   
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