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Intravenous (i.v.) bolus administration of xylazine (XYL) (0.5 mg/kg) immediately followed by a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of 1 mg kg−1 hr−1 for 2, 4, and 6 hr produced immediate sedation, which lasted throughout the duration of the CRI. Heart rate decreased and blood pressure increased significantly (p > .05) in all horses during the first 15 min of infusion, both returned to and then remained at baseline during the duration of the infusion. Compartmental models were used to investigate the pharmacokinetics of XYL administration. Plasma concentration–time curves following bolus and CRI were best described by a one-compartment model. No differences were found between pharmacokinetic estimates of the CRIs for the fractional elimination rate constant (Ke), half-life (t1/2e), volume of distribution (Vd), and clearance (Cl). Median and range were 0.42 (0.15–0.97)/hr, 1.68 (0.87–4.52) hr, 5.85 (2.10–19.34) L/kg, and 28.7 (19.6–39.5) ml min−1 kg−1, respectively. Significant differences were seen for area under the curve ( ) (p < .0002) and maximum concentration (Cmax) (p < .04). This indicates that with increasing duration of infusion, XYL may not accumulate in a clinically relevant way and hence no adjustments are required in a longer XYL CRI to maintain a constant level of sedation and a rapid recovery.  相似文献   
Background: Nitrogen losses is an economic problem for wheat production and a high risk to the environment. Therefore, improved N fertilizer management is a key to increasing the N efficiency and minimizing N losses. To increase N efficiency, enhanced fertilizers such as urea combined with urease inhibitor can be used. Aims: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of different N forms on grain storage protein subunits in winter wheat and to examine whether the observed changes correlate with parameters of baking quality. Methods: The investigation was performed over two consecutive years at two locations in Germany. Protein subunits were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Results: Protein concentrations were similarly increased after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea + urease inhibitor. Analysis of the individual storage protein fractions indicated that both fertilizers specifically enhanced ω‐gliadins and HMW glutenins, but the effect was more pronounced in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Application of urea + urease inhibitor had greater influence on the protein composition and resulted in higher specific baking volume as well as the best fresh keeping ability, in comparison with urea treatment. Conclusion: Considering that the urea + urease inhibitor treatment resulted in almost comparable improvements of NUE and baking quality, with the additional benefit of reduced N losses in combination with easy handling, urea + urease inhibitor can be recommended as a viable alternative to both urea alone and ammonium nitrate treatments. This opens up an opportunity for the reduction of N loss in wheat production when use of urea is preferred.  相似文献   
In the 1970s unexpected forest damages, called “new type of forest damage” or “forest decline”, were observed in Germany and other European countries. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Federal States implemented a forest monitoring system in the early 1980s, in order to monitor and assess the forest condition. Due to the growing public awareness of possible adverse effects of air pollution on forests, in 1985 the ICP Forests was launched under the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). The German experience in forest monitoring was a base for the implementation of the European monitoring system. In 2001 the interdisciplinary case study “concept and feasibility study for the integrated evaluation of environmental monitoring data in forests”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, concentrated on in-depths evaluations of the German data of forest monitoring. The objectives of the study were: (a) a reliable assessment of the vitality and functioning of forest ecosystems, (b) the identification and quantification of factors influencing forest vitality, and (c) the clarification of cause-effect-relationships leading to leaf/needle loss. For these purposes additional data from external sources were acquired: climate and deposition, for selected level I plots tree growth data, as well as data on groundwater quality. The results show that in particular time series analysis (crown condition, tree growth, and tree ring analysis), in combination with climate and deposition are valuable and informative, as well as integrated evaluation of soil, tree nutrition and crown condition data. Methods to combine information from the extensive and the intensive monitoring, and to transfer process information to the large scale should be elaborated in future.
Sabine AugustinEmail:
Uniform and preferential flow produces typical infiltration patterns. We made three tracer experiments in a Norway spruce forest soil and qualitatively identified the dominant flow regime based on stained patterns. We analysed soil texture, fine root density and soil bulk density from preferential flow paths and the soil matrix by means of linear mixed‐effects models. These models can account for dependences in the data structure caused by hierarchical sampling and can deal with missing values. There were between 44% (topsoil) and 76% (subsoil) larger root densities in preferential flow paths than in the soil matrix. No significant differences in soil texture were detected. The bulk density was greater in the soil matrix by 0.12 g cm−3, which is probably because of a greater soil organic matter content of preferential flow paths. Using flow patterns and model results we identified the dominant flow mechanisms. At this study site, roots constituted the main preferential flow paths and induced macropore flow, especially in the topsoil. In the subsoil, root density decreased and inhomogeneous infiltration from preferential flow paths into the soil matrix caused unstable flow.  相似文献   
Gegenstand der Untersuchungen sind zwei Dauerfeldversuche, die im Jahr 1984 in Rauischholzhausen (Deutschland) und im Jahr 1996 in Wroc?aw‐Swqjec (Polen) mit vergleichbarer Methode und Zielstellung angelegt wurden. Ausgewertet wurden hier die Zuckerrübenerträge im Mittel der dreijährigen Rotation der Jahre 1997–1999 in Abhängigkeit von organischen und mineralischen Düngungsmaßnahmen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung der organischen Düngung für die Ertragssicherung im Zuckerrübenanbau. Die untersuchten organischen Dünger Stalldung, Stroh und Biokompost verbesserten die Ertragswirksamkeit mineralischer N‐Gaben.

Die ertragssteigernde Wirkung organischer Dünger war bei fehlender oder niedriger mineralischer N‐Düngung größer als bei hohen N‐Gaben. Auf stark lehmigem Sandboden (Wrozlaw) wurden höhere Ertragseffekte erzielt als auf schwerem Lehmboden (Rauischholzhausen). Die Blatterträge wurden durch die angewendeten Düngungsmaßnahmen stärker beeinflußt als die Rübenerträge. Stroh und Biokompost zeigten die gleichen Ertragseffekte wie Stalldung.  相似文献   
Results of field measurements and laboratory experiments were used to simulate the behaviour of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) in a loamy sand soil. Microbial activity was described using pre-set conditions to compute transformation rates as dependent on compound concentrations and temperature. These kinetics could only be analysed using non-linear transformation rates. To link the development of microbial populations and the consumption of the compound over time, an iterative technique was used to estimate the necessary parameters.  相似文献   
Transplantation of ovarian tissue has high potential for female gamete conservation. However, optimal timing of oocyte recovery for in vitro maturation and fertilization is still critical. Therefore the aim of the present study was to use high-resolution transcutaneous ultrasonography to monitor follicular development within xenografted ovarian tissue. Ovarian cortex fragments (n=44) from domestic cats were transplanted into athymic nude rats (n=12). Graft development in the animals was assessed weekly by high frequency ultrasound (10-22 MHz) under two different FSH regimes. Blood collection for serum estradiol determination and vaginal smears were performed simultaneously. The xenografts were removed at different time points according to the ultrasound findings. The survival rate of the transplants 4 weeks after surgery was 54.5% and antral follicular growth was observed within 10 grafts from 5 different hosts (8.6 +/- 6.43 follicles per graft). Early follicle antrums could be detected from 0.4 mm onwards. The growth rate of the antral cavity was calculated from weekly measurements (0.56 +/- 0.44 mm per week). Although vaginal cells and estradiol levels followed a cyclic pattern, no correlation was found between follicular diameter, estradiol and keratinized vaginal cells. We recovered 5, 1 and 4 cumulus oocyte complexes from three different individuals during weeks 19, 21, and 23 respectively. Extrusion of a polar body (1 oocyte) and germinal vesicle break down (7 oocytes) indicated progression of maturation after in vitro culture. We conclude that ultrasonography und provided a reliable method to examine xenograft survival and follicular development within the grafts. Furthermore, this technique is suitable for assessment of the efficiency of hormonal treatment and narrowing of the optimal time frame for oocyte retrieval. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the in vivo development of early antral follicles in mammalian species.  相似文献   
Pradofloxacin is a new veterinary 8-cyano-fluoroquinolone developed for use against bacterial infections in dogs and cats involving both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The minimal bactericidal concentrations have been determined against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus canis, Proteus spp., Fusobacterium spp., Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella species. A subset of these species was selected, and the in vitro rate of kill by pradofloxacin was determined. For 27 of the 30 tested aerobic strains the pradofloxacin MBC was within two doubling dilutions of the MIC. For the remaining strains, the MIC and MBC were within three to four doubling dilutions. Pradofloxacin also demonstrated bactericidal activity against all anaerobic strains, and the MBC was equal to the MIC for four of the strains, within 1 doubling dilution for three strains, within 2 dilutions for a further 3 strains and within 3 dilutions for the remaining five strains. As pradofloxacin concentration was increased, a faster rate of killing was observed; bactericidal effects were seen in all cases at concentrations ≤ 0.25 μg/mL. The bactericidal activity against the anaerobic strains was marked, of particular relevance was the complete absence of regrowth even at 48 h at concentrations as low as 0.125 μg/mL. In conclusion, pradofloxacin exhibits clear bactericidal activity in terms of MBC and kill kinetics against aerobic and anaerobic clinical isolates from dogs and cats at concentrations that are greatly exceeded within the systemic circulation after administration of the recommended therapeutic doses to the target animals. It is expected that such a rapid rate of kill will play a significant role in clinical efficacy. These data demonstrate the complete and rapid killing of anaerobic bacteria by a veterinary 8-cyano-fluoroquinolone.  相似文献   

Key message

Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy allows for the detection of local patterns of forest soil properties. In combination with dendrometric data, it may be used as a prospective tool for determining soil heterogeneity before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments.


Forest soils and stands generally exhibit higher spatial heterogeneity than other terrestrial ecosystems. This variability needs be taken into account before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments to avoid multiple interactions between local heterogeneity and the factors tested in the experiment.


We hypothesized that raw near- and mid-infrared spectra can be used as an integrated proxy of a large set of soil properties. The use of this method, in combination with dendrometric data, should provide a quick and cost-effective tool for optimizing the design of experimental forest sites.


We assessed the local soil heterogeneity at 11 experimental sites in oak and beech stands, which belong to a new forest long-term ecological research (LTER) network. We used near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy in soil and litter samples. The spectra were subjected to principal components analyses (PCA) to determine the intra-site variability of the soil and litter layers.


Based on mapped PCA coordinates and basic dendrometric data, it was possible to design the experiment and minimize the interactions between the treatment layout and the tested variables. The method was validated with chemical analyses of the soil. No interaction was detected at the set-up of the experiment between the treatment layout and chemical soil properties (C, N, C/N ratio, pH, CEC, Al, Mg, P2O5, Fe, Mn, Na, and K).


Near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is a useful tool for characterizing the overall heterogeneity of soil chemical properties. It can be used without any preliminary calibration. In combination with dendrometric data, it provides a reliable method for optimizing LTER plots in different types of ecosystems.
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