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There has been a rapid development in the construction of wetland parks in China in recent years.This paper discussed the progress in the research of Chinese wetland parks that covered the aspects of wetland resources,landscape and environment.The function of wetland parks,the evaluation of landscape and the exploiting of resources;the landscape concept and landscape planning and design;the plant environment,the water environment and the recreation environment were all reviewed.The research of Chinese wetland parks started later but developed rapidly,having remarkable achievements in practice and functional studies,and there are still some shortcomings in the researches to be improved.At last,the key points which should be researched urgently in the future were discussed.  相似文献   
在水电站控制电路中,为完成全站逻辑选控开停机,逻辑选控同期合油开关、跳油开关的功能,用CMOS集成电路替代分立元件,从而提高了水电站的自动化程度,缩小了集控台体积,也有利于安装、调试和维修。  相似文献   
采用H.E.染色、显微镜观察法对东方蝾螈、太行隆肛蛙、丽纹龙蜥的心脏进行研究.结果显示:东方蝾螈、太行隆肛蛙心脏结构基本相同,丽纹龙蜥的心脏与二者有一定差别.3种动物的心脏均为两心房一心室,但丽纹龙蜥的心室开始出现不完全分隔,为不完全的双循环系统;红细胞均为有核红细胞;心脏壁有内、中、外3层结构,分别为心内膜、心肌层及心外膜.心内膜位于心脏内层,表面是一层不规则的多角形内皮细胞,胞核为椭圆形.心肌层主要由心肌纤维构成,心肌纤维间充满结缔组织和血管.心肌纤维由心肌细胞组成,胞核呈圆形或椭圆形,位于细胞中央.心外膜位于外层,由结缔组织构成,内含较多弹性纤维.3种动物心脏结构的差别是两栖类、爬行类动物在进化过程中对环境不断适应的结果.  相似文献   
本文通过7×7的双列杂交,对玉米籽粒品质性状进行了遗传研究。蛋白质和赖氨酸含量的中亲优势和超高亲优势均为负值,其它品质性状均为正值。所有品质性状的 GCA 和 SCA均方均显著或极显著。蛋白质含量的显性效应略大于加性效应,赖氨酸、赖氨酸/100g 蛋白质、油分含量均以加性效应为主,而淀粉含量则以显性效应为主,且具有一定上位性;蛋白质和赖氨酸含量为显性减效,其余为显性增效。分析了相关关系并讨论了品质育种的有关问题。  相似文献   
本文报告了磺胺—6—甲氧嘧啶(DS—36)在京Ⅲ鸡体内的药物代谢动力学(简称药动学)。用夏普PC—1500袖珍计算机,对血药浓度—时间数据进行药动学模型嵌合,并选用合适的动力学模型描述了DS—36的药动学特点。结果表明:静注DS—36后,血药经时过程符合无吸收因素二室模型。tyαβ=9.26±0.60(hr),Vd=8.40±1.60(100ml/kg·hr),Tcp(ther)=11.29±2.94(hr)。京Ⅲ鸡在单剂量胃管投服DS-36混悬液(100mg/kg)后,血药浓度变化符合有吸收因素一空模型。ka=0.513±0.0992(hr~(-1)),T_(max)=4.42+0.57(hr)、C_(max)=9.11±0.25(mg%),tyαke=9.38±0.49(hr),生物利用度F=94.47%。根据单剂量给药参数计算出多剂量给药参数,推荐的口服治疗方案为:负荷剂量Do=170mg/kg,维持剂量Do=100mg/kg,给药间隔L=12(hr)。  相似文献   
田间条件下转玉米C4型PEPC基因小麦的光合生理特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴琼  许为钢  李艳  齐学礼  胡琳  张磊  韩琳琳 《作物学报》2011,37(11):2046-2052
为了检验转PEPC基因小麦是否具有C4光合生理特性,以转PEPC基因小麦和对照周麦19为试验材料,分别于抽穗期、开花期、花后第7天和花后第15天测定其单株旗叶的气体交换参数日变化,对净光合速率日变化进行单位日光合总量分析, 并且对净光合速率日变化与单株气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率日变化的相关性进行了分析;在花后第15天测定其单株叶绿素荧光参数,并在成熟期调查了单株产量性状。与对照相比,转基因株系在4个测定时期的旗叶净光合速率明显提高,尤其在花后第15天,单位日光合总量较对照提高29.1%和23.3%,气孔导度和蒸腾速率均明显增加,胞间CO2浓度降低;花后第15天12:00与8:00相比,转PEPC基因小麦的Fv/Fm、qp、NPQ、ΦPSII的变幅均小于对照;单茎重、千粒重、单穗重和收获指数较对照显著增加。以上结果表明,转PEPC基因小麦材料在田间条件下光合特性明显优于对照,且具有提高小麦产量水平的潜力。  相似文献   
Influenced by traditional methods in the landscape architecture,the studies in landscape architecture science of China are fundamentally subjective and qualitative,and aim at aesthetic elements.The quantitative methods are commonly used in the physicism domain,and there is a great potential for the application of quantitative methods to landscape architecture science.The paper summarized the progress in the application of quantitative methods to landscape architecture science in China,in which the evaluation of eco-effect,sightseeing effect,result of disposing,economic benefit,engineering quality,greenbelts landscape,landscape patterns and usage of greenbelts,etc.were involved.It proves that quantitative methods have aroused general concern and have been well applied in certain fields and there are still some shortcomings in the researches to be improved.Finally,the important directions of Chinese landscape architecture science are proposed.  相似文献   
Thirty-two Wistar rats were divided randomly into four groups of eight with six females and two males in each group. The rats were exposed to high fluoride drinking water (45 mg F- L-1 from 100 mg NaF L-1), low dietary iodine (0.0855 mg kg-1), or both together in order to assess the effects of these three regimens on the thyroid function of the offspring rats. After the animal model was established, the offspring rats were bred and 10-, 20-, 30-, 60-, and 90-d-old rats were used for the experiment. The treatments for the offspring rats were the same as those of their parents. In comparison with control rats, the relative thyroid glands were changed by three regimens, but the mean values of thyroid weight in the experimental groups saw no marked difference. Serum TT3 levels were increased in all stages in the low iodine (LI) group. In the high fluoride (HiF) group, increase in TT3 levels was observed except in 20-d-old rats. Decrease in TT3 at 20- and 90-d and increase in TT3 at 30- and 60-d were found in HiF+LI group. Serum TT4 levels first saw an increase, and then dropped in the LI and HiF+LI group. However, an increase in TT4 was found in the HiF group. The levels of TSH in serum rocketed at d 20, and then dropped in the next stages in experimental groups. The results suggested that thyroid disorder could be induced by high flroride in drinking water, low iodine diet, or both of them. Exposure time to fluoride or low iodine diet was one of the important factors that fluoride can induce the development of thyroid dyfunction.  相似文献   
A detecting method based on machine vision was put forward to test the performance of seedmeter with corn and soybean seeds as test samples, in which MATLAB software was applied to process image data and analyze the results. The experimental results showed that the mean value of absolute error of the sowing speed for soybean was 0.004-0.68 seed · s?1; the mean value of relative error was from 6.5% to 130%, and there were no significant differences of mean value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of flowing seeds between manual statistics and MATLAB statistics. The machine vision method was proved to be time-saving, labor-saving and no-touching in the seedmeter precision detecting.  相似文献   
CO_2施肥时树脂膜培养容器在文心兰试管苗培养中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用在培养室内CO2 施肥的方法 ,以C3植物文心兰 (Oncidium)品种‘AlohaIwanaga’试管苗为实验植物材料 ,分别以氟乙烯树脂膜容器 (CP)和三角瓶作为培养容器进行培养 .结果表明 :CO2 施肥时 ,树脂膜培养容器 (CP)内生长的试管苗在株高、叶数、叶长、叶幅、根数、根长、鲜重、干物重、干物率、叶绿素指数 (SPAD值 )等生长指标上高于无CO2施肥处理 .采用SSR法进行比较 (显著水平P≤ 0 0 5 ) ,其中在株高、叶长、叶幅、根数、鲜重、干物重等重要生长指标之间存在显著性差异 .以三角瓶为培养容器时其生长虽优于无CO2 施肥处理 ,但多数指标差异并不显著 .实验证明 ,使用CP作为培养容器 ,培养室内CO2 施肥对促进文心兰试管苗的生长和提高其品质效果明显 .  相似文献   
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