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The tiger mosquito is a key vector of several human diseases and is considered a public health concern worldwide. The implementation of strategies aimed at maximizing mosquito control without affecting non-target insect groups is of major importance. In a field trial, we tested the efficiency of a natural pyrethrum-based vs. a synthetic pyrethroid-based insecticide in reducing tiger mosquito population and how they affect the diversity of non-target flower-visiting insects in green urban areas. Only the pyrethroid insecticide was effective in reducing mosquito abundance, although its effects disappeared nine days after application. The two adulticides did not significantly affect the diversity of flower-visiting insects, probably because of their large body size and the difference in flying and foraging activity. To effectively control mosquito populations while preventing intoxication of non-target flower-visiting insects, adulticide applications should be applied early in the morning and only on bushes and trees. Results from our small-scale applications cannot be extrapolate when larger areas are treated.  相似文献   
东方杉系杉科属间杂交新树种,半常绿高大乔木,具有耐水湿、耐盐碱、生长速度快、景观效果好、抗风等优良特性;东方杉不结实,且无性繁殖困难。该文介绍了东方杉温室大棚扦插设施准备,采穗圃营建,扦插育苗方法等育苗技术。应用于大规模苗木生产,平均成活率达到76.3%。  相似文献   
通过细菌分离、动物试验、细菌学与血清抗体之间相互关系、温度与感染动物之间相互关系等分离一例奶牛布鲁氏菌。发现细菌学与血清抗体呈平行关系,试管凝集反应与补体结合反应存在一定差异,感染动物14天出现波浪热,持续到剖杀前(31天)。  相似文献   
Over 54,600 ha of table grapes (Vitis vinifera), mainly cvs. ‘Thompson Seedless’, ‘Flame Seedless’ and ‘Redglobe’, are planted in Chile. Almost the entire production is exported to the USA, Europe, Asia, or one of several Latin American countries, which typically requires 15–40 d of maritime transportation. During this period, several physical, physiological, and pathological factors cause table grape deterioration. Because berry size is the main quality factor in international markets, farmers often overuse the growth regulators, gibberellic acid (GA3) and forchlorfenuron (CPPU), in an effort to increase berry size. We examined the effect of preharvest growth regulators on seedless (‘Thompson Seedless’, and ‘Ruby Seedless’) and seeded (‘Redglobe’) table grape cultivars during cold (0 °C) storage plus a shelf life period of 3 d at 20 °C. The overuse of GA3, eight instead of two GA3 applications on Thompson Seedless, and the use of one GA3 application on Redglobe and ‘Ruby Seedless’, increased berry pedicel thickness and lowered cuticle content but induced shatter and predisposed grapes to gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea. In contrast, CPPU increased berry pedicel thickness and cuticle content but did not increase shatter or gray mold incidence. Clusters that were subjected to overuse of combined GA3 and CPPU were highly sensitive to shatter, had the thickest pedicel, and developed a high gray mold incidence during cold storage. Hairline, a fine cracking developed during cold storage, was induced on ‘Thompson Seedless’ and ‘Ruby Seedless’ by growth regulators, but no hairline occurred on ‘Redglobe’ table grapes. Therefore, berry quality during cold storage is greatly influenced by growth regulator management in the vineyard.  相似文献   
用两株单克隆抗体混合后包被ELLISA微孔板,加牛冠状病毒抗原,加经白陶土处理过的兔抗牛冠状病毒免血清,再加上辣根氧化物酶标记的羊抗兔IgG抗体,加底物质显色间接ELISA检测牛冠状病毒抗原获得成功。用此方法检测细胞培养的牛冠状病毒上清液,其敏感度高出血凝试验(HA)8倍,从武汉市附近3个奶牛场采集犊牛腹泻粪便105份,用单抗ELISA检测牛冠状病毒抗原,共检出阳性36份,并与血凝及血凝抑制试验,  相似文献   
应用模糊相似优先比,对沂蒙山区23个县(市)进行果树气候区划,结果与山东省果树研究所测定的果树品质理化指标相吻合,为沂蒙山区开展以林为主、多种经营,发展名优特产品,加快农民脱贫致富,提供决策依据。  相似文献   
The cervical patency of six domestic female cats was monitored under sedation by infusion of contrast medium (Omnipaque) into the cranial vagina during early oestrus, mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and interoestrus or a radiopharmaceutical (99mTc‐HSA) during mid‐ and interoestrus in a non‐ovulatory oestrous cycle. The transport of the contrast medium or the radiopharmaceutical through the cervix and within the uterine horns was observed under fluoroscopy and with the aid of scintigraphy. In three of the queens, transcervical transport of contrast medium was demonstrated in all stages of oestrus, in one queen during mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and 1 day after oestrus, and in two queens only during late oestrus. The relations between the cervical patency to the contrast medium and the oestrous behaviour, cornification of the vaginal cells and the serum oestradiol‐17β concentration were evaluated, and a relationship was found between the cervical patency and the degree of vaginal cornification. Transcervical transport of the radiopharmaceutical was observed in three queens during mid‐oestrus. When the cervix was open, hysterography under a fluoroscope and hysteroscintigraphy were performed. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic recordings revealed the patterns of the uterine contractions during oestrus in both ascending and descending directions, and the movement of the uterine contents back and forth between the uterine horns. The hysterograms were classified according to the shape of the uterine horns and the appearance of the endometrial lining. Spiral‐shaped uterine horns with a smooth inner contour were observed in two queens, and a corkscrew appearance with irregular filling defects in the uterine lumen was shown in two queens that had developed subclinical cystic endometrial hyperplasia. These findings demonstrated that fluids or particles deposited in the cranial vagina of the cat can be transported into the uterus during some stages of the oestrous cycle. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic techniques developed in this study may be further modified to permit more detailed studies of uterine contractile patterns and sperm transport in the feline female reproductive tract. Hysterography proved useful to diagnose uterine disease. The information on cervical patency is of value also for the development of techniques for artificial insemination in this species, and should be studied also in the ovulatory cycle.  相似文献   
污水污物潜水旋流泵性能及设计方法试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响潜水旋流泵性能的6个主要过流件几何参数进行了试验研究,初步掌握了旋流泵叶轮及泵体主要几何尺寸对性能影响的规律。在分析16种优秀水力模型的基础上,计算出叶轮D2及b2函数回归方程式,并用设计实例进行检验,样机效率比国内外同类产品提高3%左右。  相似文献   
Abstract – The different reproductive roles of the sexes can predict the direction and magnitude of sexual dimorphism of external and internal morphology. Males should have enlarged structures that enhance the acquisition of mating opportunities, whereas females are predicted to have enlarged organs that are associated with the production of eggs. We tested these predictions in male and female lake whitefish, a species in which both sexes have similar overall body size and shape. After controlling for body size, male lake whitefish had significantly longer jaws and pectoral and pelvic fins, larger hearts, and more muscle than females. Sexual dimorphism in relative muscle mass may be one of the most fundamental morphological differences between males and females. Females had relatively heavier livers than males. Because the liver is important for the breakdown of fats and vitellogenesis, selection should favour an enlarged liver in females for the processing of energy and the production of large numbers of eggs.  相似文献   
1999年7月15日,遵化市某养猪场的60kg左右的育肥猪,因饲喂霉变的小干鱼,引起猪只急性发病和死亡。发病猪只75头,死亡21头,治愈54头,治愈率72%,现将情况报告如下。1 临床症状 病猪呆立,食欲废绝,精神沉郁,鼻端、眼结膜发绀,口角流涎并有泡沫,呼吸困难,腹壁松驰,有的腹泻,粪便呈黄绿色或灰绿色水样物,站立不稳或颤抖,尾下垂,不走动,叫声嘶哑,反应迟钝。后肢多呈瘫痪状,卧地不起,最后瞳孔散大,窒息死亡。病猪大多体温正常,个别达40~41℃。病程一般在1~3d,个别猪发病到死亡仅 5~6 h…  相似文献   
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