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The mean and range of indium content in unpolluted soils (Humic Andosols, Eutric Fluvisols, and Mollic Gleysols) was found to be 0.037 (0.016–0.078) μg/g dry wt. In soils polluted by common heavy metals, elevated values of indium up to 1.92 μg/g dry wt were observed together with an increase of cadmium, zinc, and lead. In contrast to indium, gallium content in polluted soils was nearly the same as that in unpolluted soils throughout the profiles. The mean and range of gallium content in all unpolluted and polluted samples was 14.2 (12.8–16.3) μg/g dry wt. The indium and gallium contents in 4 Canadian reference soils were also analyzed.  相似文献   
The aim of present experiment was to evaluate the plasma concentrations of estrone sulfate (E(1)S) and progesterone (P(4)) during late gestation in recipient cows transferred embryos produced by nuclear transfer (NT) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Blood samples were collected from recipients transferred embryos produced by NT (n=9) and IVF (n=13) at 160, 220, 240, 260 and 270 d of gestation and then at 5 d intervals until parturition. Plasma samples were analyzed for E(1)S and P(4) by ELISA. One NT and three IVF cows aborted between days 220 and 260 of gestation. Two NT and one IVF cow had prolonged gestation (over 290 d). One IVF cow had an overweight fetus (50 kg) after abortion (257 d). The patterns of changes in the concentrations of E(1)S during late gestation in the NT and IVF cows were almost identical. The NT and IVF cows that aborted had prolonged gestation and much higher E(1)S concentrations than the average. One NT cow aborted after 220 d of gestation and had a sudden high increase in its E(1)S concentration from 160 d to 220 d of gestation. The NT and IVF cows that had prolonged gestation also had significantly higher (P<0.05) P(4) concentrations than the average. These results raise the possibility that the E(1)S and P(4) profiles can be used to monitor some late gestational problems, such as higher birth weight, abortion and prolonged gestation.  相似文献   
A field trial was conducted over a 3-year period at the Hokkaido Kitami Agricultural Experiment Station to examine whether the grain protein content (GPC) of a winter wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chihokukomugi) suitable for Japanese noodle-making could be predicted before harvest. The prediction of the GPC was accurate based on the color of the second leaf (just below the flag leaf) at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence, when nitrogen application was graded. In order to evaluate the reliability of this test, a survey of 95 wheat fields in the eastern part of Hokkaido was also carried out during a 3-year period. The prediction of the GPC for this cultivar based on the color of the second leaf was less accurate across many sites. The results of this survey, however, suggested that the leaf color could be used as an index for ranking the GPC as low or high in relation to processing requirements. When the leaf color value of the second leaf measured with a chlorophyll meter at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence was less than 40, it was predicted that the GPC would be lower than the processing requirement. This index could be applied to the cultivars grown in the eastern part of Hokkaido, except for those grown on peat soils.  相似文献   
The lengths of conidiophores in fungal colonies of the melon powdery mildew pathogen Podosphaera xanthii Pollacci KMP-6 N cultured under greenhouse (natural) conditions differed markedly from those cultured in a growth chamber. We hypothesized that light wavelength was responsible for the differences in conidiophore length. In this study, we examined the effects of light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation (purple, blue, green, orange, and red light) and white light on colony development and conidiophore formation in KMP-6 N using a stereomicroscope and a high-fidelity digital microscope. Colonies on leaves were flat under greenhouse conditions and under red LED light irradiation but were stacked under growth chamber conditions and under purple, blue, green, and orange LED light irradiation. In addition, KMP-6 N formed catenated conidia comprising six conidia per conidiophore under greenhouse conditions and red light but more than seven conidia per conidiophore under growth chamber conditions and purple, blue, green, and orange light. Furthermore, almost none of the conidia on top of the conidiophores grown under blue light were fully constricted. Therefore, these fungi could not scatter their conidia and spread infection. This is the first report of the effects of LED lights on conidiophore formation in the melon powdery mildew fungus P. xanthii. The results provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the responses of conidiophores to light of specific wavelengths and conidial scatter from conidiophores of melon powdery mildew fungi.  相似文献   
Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd 1) was first detected in Japan from commercial grapevines. The viroid seems to be spreading in Japanese commercial vineyards but without causing noticeable disease symptoms. Two Japanese GYSVd 1 isolates from the cultivars Campbell and Steuben were sequenced. The Campbell isolate is included in the type 2 variant of GYSVd 1, and the Steuben isolate is included in the type 3. Both of the isolates were grouped into the yellow speckle-inducing variants in the nucleotide sequence ; however, the etiological importance of this viroid on the viticulture of Japan has not yet been determined. Received 14 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 25 August 1999  相似文献   
In epidemiological surveys on Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (CChMVd) in various chrysanthemums cultivated in Akita Prefecture, Japan, in 2002–2005, approximately 20% of cultivars harbored CChMVd, including more symptomatic types than nonsymptomatic. Large-flowered cultivars were less frequently infected than small-flowered and spray types. The number of CChMVd-infected chrysanthemums is increasing, and the disease is found throughout major chrysanthemum-producing districts. Chrysanthemums infected only with CChMVd, in general, had no noticeable symptoms of disease. Most of those dually infected with known viruses and/or viroid also had no symptoms characteristic of chlorotic mottle disease. The lack of noticeable symptoms in major Japanese cultivars may have resulted in the unnoticed spread of the viroid.  相似文献   
Comparative external morphology of cetacean spermatozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY: To compare size and morphology of spermatozoa in cetaceans, sperm and epididymis samples were collected from 10 species in four families and spermatozoa were observed with phase-contrast and scanning electron microscopes. According to the average total length of the spermatozoa, the 10 species examined were classified into the following four groups in order of increasing size: (i) Baird's beaked (Ziphiidae) and Bryde's whales (Balaenopteridae); (ii) Dall's and finless porpoises (Phocoenidae); (iii) common, bottlenose, and Pacific white-sided dolphins (Delphinidae); and (iv) killer and short-finned pilot whales, and Risso's dolphin (Delphinidae). Spermatozoa head length of Bryde's whale and the finless porpoise were shorter than those of the other species. Spermatozoa head width was widest in the killer whale and thinnest in the Baird's beaked whale. The lateral aspects of sperm heads from the 10 species were characterized as the 'anterior region of the sperm head is thin and flat while the posterior region is thick.' The dorsal aspects of sperm heads were 'paddle-shaped' in Bryde's whales, 'bowling pin-shaped' in Baird's beaked whales, 'Japanese fan-shaped' in killer whales, an 'elongated ellipsoid shape' in Delphinidae except for killer whales, and 'ellipsoid shaped' in Phocoenidae. Size and morphology of the spermatozoa showed interspecific differences among the 10 species examined, which correspond to cetacean taxonomic classification.  相似文献   
Commercially available tomato cultivars were hydroponically cultured for inoculation, with Ralstonia solanacearum (K-101), which causes bacterial wilt, by pouring an inoculum suspension into the nutrient solution. Cultivar susceptibility to the bacteria was evaluated, based on the highest percentage of wilting. Because the length of time for wilt appearance varied among cultivars, some cultivars appeared to be suppressive to the translocation and/or multiplication of the invading pathogen. Thus, this hydroponic inoculation system is effective for examining levels of susceptibility in tomato cultivars to bacterial wilt. Received 13 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 27 March 2001  相似文献   
At Mt. Hirugatake in the Tanzawa Mountains, Kanto district, Japan, the deciduous broadleaved forests have rapidly declined. In our previous studies, we reported that the amount of soil organic matter had significantly decreased at the early and final stages of forest decline, and that the soil microbial biomass also showed a large decrease at these stages, suggesting that the composition of soil organic matter might have also changed with forest decline. To clarify the influences of forest decline on the composition of soil organic matter, the amount of humic substances, optical properties of humic acid, and the amount of soil carbohydrates in surface soils at different stages of forest decline were investigated. The amounts of humic acid and fulvic acid decreased to a lesser extent at the early and middle stages of forest decline, and showed a significant decrease at the final stage. As the amount of humin significantly decreased at the early stage, it was plausible that the distinct decrease in the total carbon content of the soil surface horizons at the early stage of forest decline was induced by the decrease in the amount of humin, and at the final stage, by the decrease in the amounts of humic acid and fulvic acid. The amount of soil carbohydrates did not change appreciably with forest decline although the soil organic matter content markedly decreased. It was suggested that most of the carbohydrates in the soil surface horizons were in a stabilized form consisting of complexes with humic substances, metals, and minerals, and would not be affected by the environmental changes associated with forest decline.  相似文献   
When European Union regulations restricted the use of estrogenic compounds in food‐producing animals, refined hormonal protocols were no longer applicable for anovulatory cows. However, Ovsynch and its adaptations are routinely and uniformly applied to all cows regardless of ovarian function. To evaluate their efficacy on anovulatory cows, 143, 147 and 144 anovulatory cows received Ovsynch, Presynch and G6G protocols, respectively. In comparison, 150 cyclic cows were bred without using a synchronized protocol. Results showed that cows in the Presynch group had luteolysis responding to the last prostaglandin F (PGF2α) injection greater than the Ovsynch group. The serous progesterone levels at the first gonadotropin‐releasing hormone of Ovsych and the last PGF2α injection was greater in the G6G group than the other two hormonal treatment groups. Concentrations of Ca2+ and total protein in cervical mucus in all three hormone‐treated groups before artificial insemination (AI) were significantly different from the controls. The G6G group obtained a greater pregnancy rate compared with Ovsynch and Presynch, but significantly less than the controls. For open cows in the Ovsynch group, estrus rate within 24 days after the first AI was significantly less than the controls. In conclusion, the G6G treatment resulted to better reproductive performance in anovulatory cows.  相似文献   
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