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ABSTRACT A potential antagonist, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain RC-2, against Colletotrichum dematium, mulberry anthracnose fungus, was obtained from healthy mulberry leaves by in vitro and in vivo screening techniques. Application of culture filtrate of RC-2 inhibited disease on mulberry leaves, indicating that suppression was due to antifungal compounds in the filtrate. Development of mulberry anthracnose on mulberry leaves was inhibited only when the culture filtrate was applied before fungal inoculation, and it was not inhibited by application after inoculation. These results suggest that the antifungal compounds in the filtrate exhibit a preventive effect on the disease. Peptone significantly increased production of the antifungal compounds. The culture filtrate of RC-2 also inhibited the growth of several other phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria, such as Rosellinia necatrix, Pyricularia oryzae, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, in vitro. From the culture filtrate of RC-2, seven kinds of antifungal compounds were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography analysis, and one of the compounds was determined as iturin A2, a cyclic peptide, by nuclear magnetic resonance and fast atom bombardment mass analysis.  相似文献   
We analysed the effect of three antioxidants that have different functional mechanisms on the in vitro maturation (IVM) of porcine oocytes. Single oocyte monoculture using the hanging drop (HD) system has some advantages such as improving analysis efficiency brought by the smaller number of samples than the number of oocytes cultured in one drop. Direct effects of ligands on single oocytes could also be detected without considering the effects of paracrine factors from other oocytes. After 22 h of pre‐culture, denuded oocytes were cultured for 22 h with 0.01 and 0.1 μg/ml of L‐carnitine (LC), lactoferrin (LF) or sulforaphane (SF) in the presence/non‐presence of oxidant stress induced by H2O2 supplementation to evaluate the reducing effects against oxidative stress on nuclear maturation. As a result, compared with LC and SF, LF showed effective reduction in oxidative stress at a lower concentration (0.01 μg/ml), suggesting that LF is a more effective antioxidant in porcine oocyte IVM. Additionally, LF also increased maturation rate even in culture without H2O2. Our results clearly suggest that the HD monoculture system is useful for screening the substances that affect porcine oocyte culture.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Colletotrichum dematium, the causal agent of mulberry anthracnose, was examined to produce phytotoxins in vitro and in planta. Raw and autoclaved mulberry leaves infected with the fungus, as well as the fungus incubated with several solid or liquid media, were extracted with acetone. Extracts obtained from the fungus grown on raw and autoclaved mulberry leaves caused brown necrotic lesions on susceptible mulberry leaves when they were placed (10 mul) on the wounded adaxial surface. Whereas, no extracts obtained from media, except inoculated medium containing homogenized mulberry leaves, induced the necrosis, suggesting that the fungus produced phytotoxins in planta and that some components in mulberry leaves may be indispensable substrates for producing the toxins. The phytotoxins obtained from the diseased leaves induced necrosis on nonhost plants leaves as well as on mulberry leaves. The toxins were present in the border of anthracnose lesions on the leaves, and the sensitivity to the toxin correlated with that to the fungus infection in each susceptible or resistant mulberry cultivar. These results suggest that the phytotoxins are host nonspecific and play a role in fungal pathogenesis in the development of the lesions. Four toxic compounds were isolated and purified from anthracnose lesions. However, due to the low yield, the chemical structure of the compounds could not be identified.  相似文献   

Under iron (Fe)-deficient conditions like in calcareous and/or high pH soils, mugineic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs: mugineic acid (MA), 2′-deoxymugineic acid (DMA), 3-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA) etc.) are secreted from graminaceous plants and solubilize the slightly soluble Fe in soil as MAs-Fe complexes (Takagi 1976, 1993). Due to their high availability to higher plants (Roemheld and Marschner 1986), the behavior of MAs and their Fe complexes in the soil environment is of interest in connection with the iron nutrition of these plants.  相似文献   
The adsorption of 2-(2,4-dichloro-3-methylphenoxy)propanoic acid (DMPA) on the surface horizon of a humus-rich Andosol was examined. To investigate the mechanisms of adsorption, chemically treated Andosols, such as organic matter removed Andosol, organic matter and active metals removed Andosol, and clay minerals of the Andosol, were prepared. Furthermore, humic acid was extracted from the Andosol. The mechanisms of the DMPA adsorption were identified by using those untreated and chemically treated Andosols and the humic acid. The amount of DMPA adsorbed increased with decreasing equilibrium pH value. Active surface hydroxyl groups were identified as the most important soil functional group in DMPA adsorption. The predominant mechanism of DMPA adsorption on the Andosol is a ligand-exchange reaction, in which an active surface hydroxyl on Al and/or Fe is replaced by a carboxylic group of DMPA. A comparative study revealed that the amount of DMPA adsorbed was slightly greater than that of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D), especially at equilibrium pH values below 5. This is because the octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow) of DMPA in the equilibrium pH range is higher than that of 2,4-D, and SOM participates in the adsorption process through a hydrophobic interaction.  相似文献   
To examine the possibility that the Al13 polymer ([A104Al12(OH)24(H20)12]7+) could be formed in soils after gypsum application, an analytical method using a cation exchange resin and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was applied to gypsum-treated Kitakami Andosol (fine, mixed, mesic, Andic Dystrochrept). The NMR spectra of the cation exchange resins which retained artificially synthesized hydroxy-AI, showed two broad peaks at 0 and 63 ppm. These results indicated that monomer and/or dimer Al and Al13 polymers adsorbed on the cation exchange resin could be detected with 27Al NMR. The amount of polymer Al increased by gypsum application in the Kitakami soil. The NMR spectrum of this resin showed only one peak at 0 ppm indicating that the polymer Al formed in the gypsum treated Kitakami soil was not the Al13 polymer.  相似文献   
Soil water repellency (SWR) is known to lead to preferential flow and to degrade the soil's filtering efficiency. However, no method is available to quantify directly how SWR affects the transport of reactive solutes. We propose a new method for conducting solute transport experiments in water‐repellent soils. It involves sequentially applying two liquids, one water, the other a reference fully wetting liquid, namely aqueous ethanol, to the same intact soil core with air‐drying between liquids. We applied this approach to quantify the impact of SWR on the filtering of the herbicide 2,4‐Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D) in two Andosols. In batch experiments conducted prior to the transport experiments, 2,4‐D sorption was not influenced by aqueous ethanol for one soil. However, sorption in the second soil followed the co‐solvency theory, which predicts decreasing sorption with increasing solvent fractions. Thus, sorption experiments are necessary to complement our new method. Breakthrough curves were characterized by preferential flow with large initial concentrations, tailing and a long prevalence of solutes remaining in the soil. In the soil in which 2,4‐D sorption was unaffected by aqueous ethanol, SWR increased 2,4‐D losses by four and 50 times in the first 5‐mm outflow compared with the 2,4‐D losses with water. After 50‐mm outflow, the 2,4‐D losses were similar for one core, but in the other core they were still about four times greater with water than with aqueous ethanol. This method to quantify the reduction of the soil's filtering efficiency by SWR is needed for assessing the increased risk of groundwater contamination by solutes exogenously applied to water‐repellent soils.  相似文献   
Velvetbean ( Mucuna pruriens ) has been reported to release 3-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine (L-DOPA) as an allelochemical that inhibits the growth of other plants, although the inhibitory activity depends on the soil type and it is extremely reduced in Andosols. To clarify the effects of Andosols and their components on the chemical structure and plant-growth-inhibitory activity of L-DOPA, an L-DOPA solution was reacted with an Andosol and its components (weathered pumice and purified allophane), and the resultant solution was subjected to 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and ultraviolet-visible spectral analyses, and plant-growth-inhibitory activity tests. When the L-DOPA solution was added to the soil components, the concentration of L-DOPA in the solution decreased by adsorption and transformation (polymerization) reactions. The adsorption mechanism included a ligand exchange reaction. The rate of L-DOPA transformation was faster at higher pH values. The soil components displayed a catalytic activity and accelerated the transformation of L-DOPA. Similar transformation occurred when light was irradiated. At pH values higher than 4.0, the transformed products from L-DOPA consisted of humic substances-like heterogeneous components, whereas specific components with low molecular weight were included when L-DOPA was transformed at a pH value of 9.7 or higher. The plant-growth-inhibitory activity of L-DOPA was extremely weakened when L-DOPA was adsorbed on or transformed (polymerized) by soil components. Therefore, in soils with high abilities of adsorption and transformation of L-DOPA such as in Andosols, it was likely that the L-DOPA concentration in the soil solution decreased quickly by adsorption and transformation reactions and the allelopathic activity of L-DOPA was lost.  相似文献   
Sclerotium grains in soil contain humus-metal complexes that are probably produced from fungal metabolites. The characterization of major elements in sclerotium grains collected from volcanic ash soils in Mt Myoko was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, FT-IR spectrometry and CHN analysis, and the concentration of trace elements was determined by PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission spectrometer) analysis. The content of major elements, C, H, N, O and Al, was approximately 47.6, 3.32, 0.78, 30.2 and 1.4% by mass, respectively. Trace elements such as Ti, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Br and Pb were detected in the grains at concentrations between 10 and 100 μg g−1. Functional carbon groups for the whole grain were characterized by the dominance of O-alkyl C associated with aromatic C. The comparison between the surface and subsurface (matrix) of the grain showed that the concentrations of O, C and N were relatively greater on the surface of sclerotium grains than in the matrix. The proportion of carbon having C–O, C=O, and O–C=O bonds, O and N showed a tendency to decrease from the surface towards the matrix. The proportion of C assigned as C–C and/or C–H bonds had a tendency to increase towards the matrix associated with Al.  相似文献   
Although aluminum (Al) is abundant in soil environments, it is not an essential element and it is toxic to most organisms. Since the toxicity of Al depends on their chemical forms, the importance of Al speciation has been recognized worldwide. Difficulties in Al speciation are caused by the complex coordination chemistry of Al for the hydrolysis and formation of polynuclear species with a variable degree of solubility in aqueous solution. Nondestructive analyses, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, could supply primarily im-portant information on the chemical forms of Al and may enable to evaluate the results ob-tained by other methodologies. In the present report, NMR spectral characteristics of environmentally important Al-containing components, such as hydoxyaluminum ions, Alinorganic complexes, Al-organic complexes, and primary and secondary minerals, are summarized for the nuclei of 27Al and 29Si determined by solution NMR and solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR. Applications of NMR techniques to soil science, including speciation of phytotoxic Al in soil environments and whole soil NMR studies, are described.  相似文献   
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