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Serum progesterone concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of blood neutrophils were determined in 3 groups of cows (n = 5 each) on days 1 and 2 and then at 3-day intervals up to 32 days post-partum. Group I cows had a normal delivery, Group II cows had dexamethasone-induced parturition and Group III cows were subjected to a caesarian section. All cows in Group III and 2 cows in Group II retained their fetal membranes. Mean serum progesterone concentrations declined the second day after calving (to < 0.67 ng/ml) and remained at low levels (< 0.54 ng/ml) throughout the observation period, except for the values in Group III, which were elevated on day 16 (0.94 ng/ml), declined again on day 26 (0.46 ng/ml) and peaked (1.05 ng/ml) on day 32 portpartum. Significant (P < 0.01) differences were found between serum progesterone concentrations on day 1 and on each of the other sampling days in Groups I and III. Day X parturition group interaction was significant (P < 0.05) for the progesterone concentrations. No significant differences were found between the overall means of ALP activity of blood neutrophils in the 3 parturition groups nor between days of the experiment. No significant correlation was found between serum progesterone concentrations and ALP activity values of blood PMN during the first 32 days post-partum. Inhalt: Serum Progesteron Konzentrat und Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase in neutrophilen Blutzellen bei Küken mit normalem und abnormalen Geburtsverlauf Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und alkalische Phosphatase- (ALP) Aktivität von neutrophilen Granulozysten, nach der Abkalbung am Tag 1 und 2 und dann im Abstand von 3 Tagen bis zum 32. Tag p.p. bei Kühen untersucht, die in drei Untersuchungsgruppen (n = 5) eingeteilt waren. Gruppe I kalbte normal ab, in Gruppe II wurde die Geburt durch Dexamethason eingeleitet, und Kälber der Gruppe III wurden via Kaiserschnitt gewonnen. Alle Tiere der Gruppe III und 2 Kühe der Gruppe II wiesen Nachgeburtsverhaltungen auf Der mittlere Serum-Progesterongehalt sank am 2. Tag p.p. auf < 0,67 ng/ml ab und blieb auf niederigem Niveau (< 0,54 ng/ml) während der gesamten Untersuchungs-periode. Lediglich in Gruppe III, mit erhöhten Werten (0,94 ng/ml) an Tag 16 p.p., sanken die Werte wieder an Tag 26 p.p. (0,46 ng/ml) und erreichten einen Maximalwert an Tag 32 p.p. mit 1,05 ng/ml. Signifikante (P 0,01) Unterschiede in der Serum-Progesteronkonrentration wurden zwischen Tag 1 p.p. und allen anderen Untersuchungstagen in den Gruppen I und III gefunden. Interaktionen zwischen den Gruppen für Tag X waren signifikant (P 0,05). Keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden für den Gesamtmittelwert der ALP-Aktivität in den neutrophilen Granulorysten zwischen den Gruppen und im Vergleich der Untersuchungstage gefunden. Es wurden auch keine signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen den Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und der ALP-Aktivität der PMN während der ersten 32 Tage p.p. nachgewiesen.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Mastreviruses are an emerging group of viruses transmitted by leafhoppers and infect both monocot and dicot plants. Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus...  相似文献   
Flow conditions, which could not be explained, occurred in the stilling basin and outfall channel of the Feni Regulator sited at the western end of the Feni River closure dam. This regulator controls outflows from the upstream reservoir which supplies irrigation water to Muhuri Project in Bangladesh. Analysis of flood discharge data revealed that the design discharge for the structure was not exceeded; yet abnormal scour occurred in the outfall channel and the brick block rip-rap placed thereon was damaged. A model study was conducted to understand the causes of such unusual local erosion downstream of the stilling basin and to provide answers to two main questions:
  • -Is potential scour serious in terms of the stability of the structure?
  • -What protection measures could be taken to stabilize the scour at a safe level?
  • Using a 1:30 scale model, the probable maximum scour was simulated, and the performance of alternative rip-rap designs including that of the existing one were examined. The results of this study supplemented by field scour data collected during subsequent flood seasons indicated that even if the flow rate through the regulator approaches the design flood discharge, the downstream scour is not likely to extend up to an elevation of ? 10.7 m, a scour level observed in the previous year at a lower discharge. It also showed that the existing rip-rap blocks were marginally undersized and consequently the rip-rap was prone to failure if flow conditions departed from uniform. A suitable method of scour protection downstream of the stilling basin at the regulator exit also evolved from the study.  相似文献   
    Poor functioning of theirrigation system in Pakistan has been asource of concern for the last few decades,during which time it has been the subject ofconsiderable external assistance andinternal policy reforms. Consequently, thegovernment of Pakistan introducedinstitutional restructuring in irrigationand drainage subsectors to impartnecessary improvements. Under thesereforms, management at secondary canallevel has recently been handed over to theFarmers Organizations (FOs) of selecteddistributaries in pilot areas. This studywas designed to evaluate a farmer-manageddistributary in southern Punjab. Fieldmeasurements revealed that hydraulicaspects of the irrigation service deliveredby the FO management has been significantlyimproved and as a result highlyproportionate and equitable waterdistribution was observed, particularly atthe tail reaches of the distributary. Dueto effective FO management farmers'interventions to increase the outletdischarge by illegal means has been almosteradicated. As a result of theseimprovements imparted by the FO in systemmanagement, the extent of irrigated area hasincreased on average by 6 to 7%, evenunder severe drought-like conditionsprevailing in the country during recentyears. Further cost recoveries haveincreased by an amount of 14% for summerand 23% for winter growing seasons,respectively, from the irrigated area of thedistributary. Thus experience from Hakra4-R distributary has shown that even underundesirable natural circumstancesIrrigation Management Transfer (IMT) wasquite effective in achieving the keytargets of the institutional reformslaunched at pilot scale in the country.  相似文献   
    This study was conducted on Gugera Branch of Lower Chenab Canal, Punjab, Pakistan. Sample distributaries off taking from Gugera Branch were selected for the study. The existing conditions of water distribution among the distributaries were studied. Field data were collected during the whole of 1988. Field observations suggested that the variability at the head of distributaries is much greater than the variability in the Gugera Branch under existing operational practices. The distribution of water among the distributaries is rarely in accordance with design criteria. Some channels get priority over other channels. The annual closure period varied from 17 to 41 days for different channels. The discharge at the head of distributaries remained lower than the standard operational range for 69 to 183 days in a year. The data suggested that a regulating gate at the head of the distributary can reduce discharge variation up to 2.4 times compared with a Karrees System (wooden stop logs used for water regulation). The data indicated that the adjustments in the head gate of a distributary on daily basis can substantially improve discharge conditions at the head of distributary. Rotational schedules are not being followed as per design and need to be improved. Most of the existing head discharge relationships of discharge measuring structures are not reliable. A frequent calibration of these structures is recommended.  相似文献   

    Inoculation effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on phosphorus (P) transfer from composted dung of cattle with a diet supplemented with powdered rock phosphate (RP) and their successive uptake by mung bean plants was assessed in alkaline soil. The efficacy of composted RP fed dung alone or/and in combination with AMF inoculums containing six different species were compared with SSP in six replicates per treatment in pots. The results showed that the association of AMF with composted RP fed dung had a positive effect on mung bean shoot (3.04?g) and root (2.62?g) biomass, chlorophyll (a, b), carotenoid contents and N (58.38?mg plant?1) and P (4.61?mg plant?1) uptake. Similarly, the percent roots colonization (56%) and nodulation of mung bean plant roots and their post-harvest soil properties were also improved by the inoculation of AMF together with composted RP fed dung. It is concluded that the combined application of AMF with composted RP fed dung has almost the same effect as SSP for improving mung bean plants growth and their nutrients uptake. Moreover, AMF inoculants can be used as a suitable biofertilizer in combination with locally available organic sources of fertilizers for improving P status and growth of plants in alkaline soils.  相似文献   
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the yield and quality of sugar beet genotypes (Beta vulgaris L.). Therefore, a field trial was carried out in Peshawar, Pakistan, during the winters in 2012–2013. The field experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with split plots, having three replications. Fertilizer treatments (control, composted manure Higo Organic Plus at 5 t ha?1, Maxicrop Sea Gold seaweed extract at 5 L ha?1, farm yard manure at 10 t ha?1, inorganic nitrogen–phosphorus (NP) at 90:60 kg ha?1, NP at 120:90 kg ha?1 and NP at 150:120 kg ha?1) were allotted to main plots, while genotypes (Sandrina, Serenada and Kawe Terma) were allotted to the sub-plots. Plots treated with the application of NP at 120:90 kg ha?1 produced the highest beet yield (76.4 t ha?1) and sugar yield (11.1 t ha?1), and had the second highest polarizable sugar content (14.52%) and more economic return (Rs. 553,000 per hectare) as compared to control plots. Sugar beet genotype Serenada had significantly higher beet yield (55.5 t ha?1) and sugar yield (7.9 t ha?1) and a higher economic return (Rs. 380,000 per hectare) than the other genotypes. Sugar beet genotype Serenada supplied with NP at 120:90 kg ha?1is recommended for the general cultivation in the agro-climatic conditions of Peshawar valley.  相似文献   
    This study was conducted to evaluate the simultaneous use of plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (QS1) and different combinations of urea-nitrogen and biogas slurry-nitrogen for improving growth, yield, and nutritional quality of field grown okra. The isolate QS1 was identified as Bacillus sp. QS1 based on its ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequence analysis. Results revealed that among the combinations, the application of 50% urea-nitrogen + 50% biogas slurry-nitrogen was optimal for improving crop performance. This combination significantly (p ≤ 0.05) promoted okra growth viz. plant height (69.63–80.03 cm), no of branches per plant (14–18), shoot fresh weight (86.66–136.25 g/plant), root fresh weight (22.5–26.58 g/plant), and fruit yield (8.5–13.5 kg/plot) compared to the plants receiving 100% urea-nitrogen. The interactive effective of this nitrogen combination and QS1 inoculation produced the highest growth and yield response. Similarly, the same treatment improved nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and protein contents in shoot and fruit of okra compared to other treatments.  相似文献   
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