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Tuberculosis in wild seals and characterisation of the seal bacillus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 3 otariid seals found dead on beaches at 3 locations on the south coast of Western Australian between May 1990 and March 1991. This confirms that tuberculosis is present in the 2 native seals (Neophoca cinerea and Arctocephalus forsteri) in Western Australian waters. Mycobacterium sp isolated from the lungs of 2 of the seals were studied to determine the similarity of the strains to each other, to the strains isolated during 1986 from Australian sea lions and New Zealand fur seals kept in captivity at a marine park near Perth, Western Australia, and to a strain isolated in 1988 from a seal trainer who worked with the infected captive seals for 3 years. After restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) with the endonucleases Bst Ell, Bcl I and Pvu II, one of the wild seal strains appeared to have identical DNA fragment patterns to the strains from the captive seals and the seal trainer. The other wild seal isolate had identical REA profiles using Bst EII and Bcl I, but a minor difference was detected using Pvu II. Differences in these isolates were more clearly seen in restriction fragment length polymorphisms after hybridisation with two DNA probes. The secretory protein MPB70, present in M bovis, was not detected in wild seal isolates using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting techniques. Analysis of protein and DNA fragment profiles indicated that seal tuberculosis isolates form a unique cluster within the M tuberculosis complex.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. that produce the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphoroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) are among the most effective rhizobacteria controlling diseases caused by soilborne pathogens. The genotypic diversity that exists among 2,4-DAPG producers can be exploited to improve rhizosphere competence and biocontrol activity. Knowing that D-genotype 2,4-DAPG-producing strains are enriched in some take-all decline soils and that P. fluorescens Q8r1-96, a representative D-genotype strain, as defined by whole-cell repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with the BOXA1R primer, is a superior colonizer of wheat roots, we analyzed whether the exceptional rhizosphere competence of strain Q8r1-96 on wheat is characteristic of other D-genotype isolates. The rhizosphere population densities of four D-genotype strains and a K-genotype strain introduced individually into the soil were significantly greater than the densities of four strains belonging to other genotypes (A, B, and L) and remained above log 6.8 CFU/g of root over a 30-week cycling experiment in which wheat was grown for 10 successive cycles of 3 weeks each. We also explored the competitive interactions between strains of different genotypes inhabiting the same soil or rhizosphere when coinoculated into the soil. Strain Q8r1-96 became dominant in the rhizosphere and in nonrhizosphere soil during a 15-week cycling experiment when mixed in a 1:1 ratio with either strain Pf-5 (A genotype), Q2-87 (B genotype), or 1M1-96 (L genotype). Furthermore, the use of the de Wit replacement series demonstrated a competitive disadvantage for strain Q2-87 or strong antagonism by strain Q8r1-96 against Q2-87 in the wheat rhizosphere. Amplified rDNA restriction analysis and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA showed that species of Arthrobacter, Chryseobacterium, Flavobacterium, Massilia, Microbacterium, and Ralstonia also were enriched in culturable populations from the rhizosphere of wheat at the end of a 30-week cycling experiment in the presence of 2,4-DAPG producers. Identifying the interactions among 2,4-DAPG producers and with other indigenous bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere will help to elucidate the variability in biocontrol efficacy of introduced 2,4-DAPG producers and fluctuations in the robustness of take-all suppressive soils.  相似文献   
We have measured endometrial oxytocin receptor concentrations during prepuberty in ewe lambs, and have investigated the effect of progesterone on the activity of these receptors. In the first study, oxytocin receptor concentrations were undetectable in 2-week prenatal lambs but had increased immediately following birth and were then maintained throughout prepubertal life. Despite the presence of oxytocin receptors animals showed no prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) release in response to exogenous oxytocin challenge at either 3 or 5 months of age. In a second study in 4-month-old ewe lambs treatment with exogenous progesterone resulted in the appearance of PGF(2alpha) release in response to oxytocin after 10 days of treatment. Thus, during the prepubertal life, ewe lambs possess the prerequisites of a luteolytic mechanism in that they have a dormant population of oxytocin receptors in which progesterone can induce oxytocin-stimulated PGF(2alpha) release.  相似文献   
Administration of morphine before anesthesia leads to gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) in over 50% of dogs during the subsequent anesthetic. This GER is clinically silent but can lead to aspiration pneumonitis, esophagitis and esophageal stricture. In this prospective clinical study we aimed to determine the effect of metoclopramide on gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) in dogs undergoing elective orthopedic surgery. Dogs were admitted to the study if they were healthy, and had no history of vomiting or dysphagia. Dogs were fasted for an average of 18.2 ± 4.3 (mean ± SD) hours prior to induction of anesthesia. Anesthesia in all dogs included acepromazine, morphine, thiopental and isoflurane in oxygen. By random allocation, half the dogs received metoclopramide (M) as an IV bolus (0.4 mg kg–1) and then infusion (0.3 mg kg–1hour–1), the others received equivalent volumes of saline (S). To measure esophageal pH a sensor-tipped catheter was placed with the tip 5–7 cm cranial to the lower esophageal sphincter, and connected to a computer for continual data collection. The pH of any fluid running from the mouth or nose was measured. Gastro-esophageal reflux was defined as a decrease in esophageal pH below 4 or an increase above 7.5. Fisher's Exact test was used to test significance of differences in incidence between groups. Separate multivariable logistic regression models were created for each outcome to assess the effects of risk factors on outcome. There were seven cases of GER in 16 dogs receiving M and 8/14 in those receiving S. There were no significant differences between M and S treated dogs in age, weight, duration of anesthesia and fasting, thiopental dose or incidence of vomiting. The administration of metoclopramide at this dose did not significantly reduce the incidence of GER in these anesthetized dogs.  相似文献   
Take-all disease of wheat caused by the soilborne fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici is one of the most important root diseases of wheat worldwide. Bacteria were isolated from winter wheat from irrigated and rainfed fields in Hebei and Jiangsu provinces in China, respectively. Samples from rhizosphere soil, roots, stems, and leaves were plated onto King's medium B agar and 553 isolates were selected. On the basis of in vitro tests, 105 isolates (19% of the total) inhibited G. graminis var. tritici and all were identified as Pseudomonas spp. by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. Based on biocontrol assays, 13 strains were selected for further analysis. All of them aggressively colonized the rhizosphere of wheat and suppressed take-all. Of the 13 strains, 3 (HC9-07, HC13-07, and JC14-07, all stem endophytes) had genes for the biosynthesis of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) but none had genes for the production of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, pyoluteorin, or pyrrolnitrin. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of 2-day-old cultures confirmed that HC9-07, HC13-07, and JC14-07 produced PCA but no other phenazines were detected. HPLC quantitative time-of-flight 2 mass-spectrometry analysis of extracts from roots of spring wheat colonized by HC9-07, HC13-07, or Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79 demonstrated that all three strains produced PCA in the rhizosphere. Loss of PCA production by strain HC9-07 resulted in a loss of biocontrol activity. Analysis of DNA sequences within the key phenazine biosynthesis gene phzF and of 16S rDNA indicated that strains HC9-07, HC13-07, and JC14-07 were similar to the well-described PCA producer P. fluorescens 2-79. This is the first report of 2-79-like bacteria being isolated from Asia.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas CMR12a was previously selected as an efficient biocontrol strain producing phenazines and cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs). In this study, biocontrol capacity of Pseudomonas CMR12a against Rhizoctonia root rot of bean and the involvement of phenazines and CLPs in this ability were tested. Two different anastomosis groups (AGs) of Rhizoctonia solani, the intermediately aggressive AG 2-2 and the highly aggressive AG 4 HGI, were included in growth-chamber experiments with bean plants. The wild-type strain CMR12a dramatically reduced disease severity caused by both R. solani AGs. A CLP-deficient and a phenazine-deficient mutant of CMR12a still protected bean plants, albeit to a lesser extent compared with the wild type. Two mutants deficient in both phenazine and CLP production completely lost their biocontrol activity. Disease-suppressive capacity of CMR12a decreased after washing bacteria before application to soil and thereby removing metabolites produced during growth on plate. In addition, microscopic observations revealed pronounced branching of hyphal tips of both R. solani AGs in the presence of CMR12a. More branched and denser mycelium was also observed for the phenazine-deficient mutant; however, neither the CLP-deficient mutant nor the mutants deficient in both CLPs and phenazines influenced hyphal growth. Together, results demonstrate the involvement of phenazines and CLPs during Pseudomonas CMR12a-mediated biocontrol of Rhizoctonia root rot of bean.  相似文献   
Objective To assess the effectiveness of a detomidine infusion technique to provide standing chemical restraint in the horse. Design Retrospective study. Animals Fifty‐one adult horses aged 9.5 ± 6.9 years (range 1–23 years) and weighing 575 ± 290.3 kg. Methods Records of horses presented to our clinic over a 3‐year period in which a detomidine infusion was used to provide standing chemical restraint were reviewed. Information relating to the types of procedure performed, duration of infusion, drug dosages and adjunct drugs administered was retrieved. Results Detomidine was administered as an initial bolus loading dose (mean ± SD) of 7.5 ± 1.87 µg kg?1. The initial infusion rate was 0.6 µg kg?1 minute?1, and this was halved every 15 minutes. The duration of the infusion ranged from 20 to 135 minutes. Twenty horses received additional detomidine or butorphanol during the procedure. All horses undergoing surgery received local anesthesia or epidural analgesia in addition to the detomidine infusion. A wide variety of procedures were performed in these horses. Conclusions Detomidine administered by infusion provides prolonged periods of chemical restraint in standing horses. Supplemental sedatives or analgesics may be needed in horses undergoing surgery. Clinical relevance An effective method that provides prolonged periods of chemical restraint in standing horses is described. The infusion alone did not provide sufficient analgesia for surgery and a significant proportion of animals required supplemental sedatives and analgesics.  相似文献   
Four Neofabraea species are responsible for bull’s eye rot, which is an important postharvest disease of apples and pears. The species diversity of its causal agents in Europe has not been thoroughly explored using molecular genetic methods. Eighty-one Neofabraea isolates were obtained mostly from apples with bull’s eye rot symptoms in the Czech Republic over a two year period. The isolates were identified using PCR fingerprinting and DNA sequencing of the ITS rDNA region, the mitochondrial SSU rDNA and the β-tubulin and EF1α genes. The most common species was N. alba (89 %), followed by N. perennans (5 %) and N. kienholzii (5 %). This is the third published record of N. kienholzii in Europe. The species identity of the isolate CPPF507, which was placed close to N. kienholzii, remains unclear. EF1α was shown to be a suitable marker for the identification of species of the genus Neofabraea and was comparable to the previously used β-tubulin gene. Furthermore, the aggressiveness of individual species was compared and species distribution across Europe was summarized. N. perennans and isolate CPPF507 proved to be the most aggressive, whereas the least aggressive was N. kienholzii. Two N. alba isolates isolated from symptomless apple fruits and leaves were pathogenic to apples in the infection tests.  相似文献   
Objective— Force platform gait analysis is a recognized clinical evaluation tool that captures and documents the in vivo pathomechanics of osteoarthritis (OA). In a clinical trial designed to evaluate the impact of 2 specific diets, an increase in body weight (BW) was observed in lame client-owned dogs. Covariance analysis was used to evaluate the interference of BW changes toward the evolution of peak vertical force (PVF) values. These secondary findings are reported in this study.
Study Design— Prospective study.
Animals— Lame dogs (n=26).
Methods— Dogs with radiographic evidence of OA and low PVF values were fed with 2 specific diets for 30 and 60 days. PVF and BW were recorded at baseline, day 30 (D30), and D90.
Results— Mean (±SD) PVF values (%BW) did not differ significantly over time (D0: 63.9±17.2; D30: 65.5±17.4; and D90: 66.5±20.1). In contrast, BW (kg) was significantly higher at D90 (41.3±7.9) when compared with D30 (39.9±8.4) and D0 (40.0±8.7). Upon covariance analyses, BW changes interfere significantly with PVF values already normalized in %BW ( P =.013). Values of PVF adjusted using BW as a covariate were then 63.4±17.1 (D0), 65.0±17.3 (D30), and 67.6±20.5 (D90), whereas D90 was significantly higher than D0.
Conclusion— These findings highlighted the interference of changes in BW toward locomotor function of OA dogs when using PVF values normalized in %BW. Exacerbation of lameness when a gain in BW occurred was also sustained, raising a possible bias in clinical study outcomes.
Clinical Relevance— A BW increase in dogs with OA could exacerbate a preexisting lameness and induce a bias in clinical trials.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo assess the suitability of lingual venous blood (LBG) as an alternative to arterial blood (ABG) samples in determining acid–base balance and blood–gas status in dogs anesthetized for elective procedures and with medetomidine and isoflurane administration under experimental conditions.Study designProspective, randomized clinical and experimental study.AnimalsClinical population of 18 ASA I/II dogs for elective surgery and five healthy Beagles (3 females and 2 males) for the experimental study.MethodsBlood sampling was simultaneously performed at dorsal pedal arterial and lingual venous sites, generating paired data. Two paired samples were collected from each dog in the clinical part and four from each dog in the experimental part (two during isoflurane anesthesia and two during isoflurane plus medetomidine). A modified Bland and Altman method was used to examine data from the clinical part and the experimental data were subjected to a paired sign's test following transformation where appropriate.ResultsThe pH of LBG overestimated ABG, with limits of agreement of (?0.01, 0.02). The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) of LBG overestimated ABG by 0.6 mmHg [0.1 kPa], with limits of agreement of (?3.5, 4.6) mmHg [?0.5, 0.6 kPa]. The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of LBG underestimated ABG by 86.3 mmHg [?11.5 kPa], with limits of agreement of (?199.8, 27.3) mmHg [?26.6, 3.6 kPa]. During medetomidine administration values for PO2 (p = 0.03) and lactate (p = 0.03) were lower for LBG when compared with ABG. The LBG value of PO2 was lower (p = 0.03) during medetomidine and isoflurane administration versus isoflurane alone.Conclusions and clinical relevanceThe pH and PCO2 of LBG samples provide clinically acceptable substitutes of ABG samples in the dog population studied. The wider limits of agreement for PO2 render it less reliable as a substitute for ABG. The difference in PO2 identified between LBG and ABG during medetomidine administration may not preclude the use of LBG as substitutes for ABG samples.  相似文献   
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