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An Airedale Terrier was presented for evaluation of depression and reluctance to be touched on the head. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the head was performed. The images revealed bone lesions affecting the calvarium at the level of the coronal suture and left mandibular ramus, with focal cortical destruction, expansion, and reactive new bone formation. Skull lesions were hypointense on T1‐weighted sequences, hyperintense on T2‐weighted sequences, and showed an intense and homogeneous enhancement after gadolinium administration. Reactive new bone formation and periosteal proliferation were confirmed histopathologically. The clinical signs, imaging findings, and histopathological examination were consistent with craniomandibular osteopathy.  相似文献   
The development of the shear strength of the phenol–formaldehyde (PF) adhesive bond during curing was investigated. Five different PF adhesive mixtures and 1.1 mm thick peeled beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) veneer were used to produce lap-shear specimens, which were cured at a pressing temperature of 160°C. Dielectric analysis (DEA) and modified ABES (automated bonding evaluation system) were used to evaluate the physical–chemical and mechanical aspects of PF adhesive cure in a miniature hot-press. The degree of cure, which was calculated from conductivity data, was dependent on pressing time and the composition of the PF adhesive. An addition of rye flour to the PF adhesive significantly postponed the curing process as determined by DEA. It was found that the adhesive bond started to develop in the last stage of the curing (vitrification), by which time most of the physical–chemical conversion of the adhesive had been completed.  相似文献   
Tree-specific management practice related to individual tree physiological condition is necessary for higher quality and quantity in apple fruit production. Detection of apple flowering abundance based on analysis of HSL (hue, saturation, luminance) images was used to estimate the number of flower clusters (FC) of individual trees in a high density apple orchard. The image acquisition was performed with a still camera and an industrial color camera during the day and night. The FC estimation algorithm included HSL thresholding with parameter optimization. Three hypothetical, tree-specific management practices (sprayings) were assumed, using >25, >50 and >100 FC thresholds to carry out the practice. When an industrial camera was used for image acquisition during the daytime and hypothetical spraying was done by on/off criterion >100 FC per tree, 10 % incorrect executions were identified. Comparable FC counting performance was achieved by using a still camera or an industrial camera.  相似文献   
The damage caused by Thrips tabaci to a susceptible hybrid of early white cabbage was studied in field experiments undertaken during 2004 and 2005. The three treatments tested were beds of cabbage mulched with: (1) barley straw, (2) hay, and (3) black polyethylene (PE) sheeting. Bare-soil (un-mulched) beds were used as the control treatment. One early and one late experiment were performed in both years. In the early experiments, the mulches were applied at the start of the experiment, whereas in the late experiments the soil was first covered with black polyethylene for approximately 1 month. In both years, the springs were cold and wet, and so the thrips appeared late and their numbers were low. The highest mean actual weight and trimmed weight were recorded for cabbage grown in 2005 under PE mulch (actual early: 995 g, actual late: 1184 g, trimmed early: 870 g, trimmed late: 1056 g). Year 2004 gave lower values (110g for both variables) under barley straw and hay mulch (165 g and 160 g, respectively). There was no evidence of an allelopathic effect of water extracts of either barley straw or hay.  相似文献   
In 2017, we conducted a field experiment to test the influence of a mixture of two plant growth-promoting bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Azospirillum brasilense) on the yield of three potato varieties. In addition, the influence of the mixture on potato susceptibility to infection by the pseudofungus Phytophthora infestans and fungus Alternaria solani and to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) was investigated. It was the first experiment of its kind in Europe. In the unusually hot and dry year, a positive influence on the yield (17%–31%) was found in all three varieties when the tubers were soaked in the bacterial mixture prior to sowing. We observed no significant differences in potato resilience/susceptibility to harmful organisms among the different treatments (soaked tubers, sprayed tubers, untreated tubers); however, there were significant differences in the productivity between the tuber varieties. The results of our research indicate the bacterial mixture used in this study has a high potential to support satisfactory potato yields under dry conditions and under low levels of infection by foliar fungal diseases and attacks by foliar insects.  相似文献   
This paper presents a study of mitigation of the heat island effect in the built environment with urban (city) parks. The park cooling island (PCI) effect, considering park grass cover and trees’ density and age, is determined for selected extreme summer days at various wind speeds under the optimum soil water conditions in the root zone based on an all-day quasi-stationary thermal response. PCI was determined numerically by coupling a CFD model of an urban park and quasi-steady state, two-zone thermal response boundary condition models of each park element. The boundary models are evaluated in form of multi-parameter approximation polynomials taking into account the sensible and latent heat transfer and the geometrical, optical and thermal properties of park elements. Three-dimensional CFD modelling was used for the determination of temperature, humidity and air velocity fields in an urban park with a size of 140 m × 140 m. Based on the comparison of the measured and numerically determined air temperatures in the tree crowns, we proved that the method of linking the models is adequate for temperature and flow condition modelling in the city park environment.The results are presented in the form of local PCI as the difference between local air temperature in the pedestrian zone and the reference air temperature preceding the park. The study proved that it is possible to normalise the cooling effect using the specific dimensionless coefficient of leaf area (LAIsp), which includes an approximation of the density of trees planted in the park and their size or age. It was found out that the cooling effect of the park is up to ?4.8 °C at LAIsp, equal to 3.16, which corresponds to a planting density of 45 trees per hectare, with an age of 50 years. It was also found that with the length of the park cooling effect change decreases. The optimal length of the park with a LAIsp 3 is 130 m.  相似文献   
Simultaneous planting and final ridge formation using a deeper planting depth is necessary in order to achieve good soil cover of tubers and fewer green tubers. Three planting depths were used: planting depth 1 (the shallowest), planting depth 2 (the medium), and planting depth 3 (the deepest). Planting depth 3 led to the largest minimum distance of tubers from the ridge side, and the smallest percentage of tubers in the upper layer of the ridge (0 to 5 cm). However, the highest yield and percentage of green tubers and the smallest marketable yield occurred at the shallowest planting depth (1). The tuber cluster covers 80 to 90% of the area of the ellipse. Empty spaces surrounding the tuber cluster in the ridge also affect the percentage of green tubers in the ridge, which predominantly occur at planting depth 3 and are the rarest at planting depth 1.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne ethiopica is a tropical root-knot nematode species which has recently been found in Europe. We examined its ability to survive in open fields located in regions with sub-Mediterranean and continental European climates. The outdoor microplot experiment consisted of two locations and lasted three growing and two winter seasons. It was demonstrated that M. ethiopica was able to survive at both locations and also that it retained its infection ability although temperatures below zero were recorded. The correct species was confirmed after each winter season by isozyme electrophoresis. Furthermore, the influence of temperature on the reproduction cycle of M. ethiopica was investigated. Meloidogyne ethiopica required 67, 48 and 36 days to complete the reproduction cycle at mean daily temperatures of 18.3, 22.7 and 26.3°C, respectively. At 13.9°C, M. ethiopica was not able to reproduce. The data obtained from these experiments were used to develop a correlation between temperature and the time needed for M. ethiopica to complete a reproduction cycle using a mathematical equation. Furthermore, eight vegetable crops that are important for agricultural production in Slovenia were tested for their suitability as hosts for M. ethiopica.  相似文献   

In 2005, preparations of four species of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema feltiae, S. carpocapsae, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, and H. megidis, were tested under laboratory conditions for their ability to kill adult flea beetles, Phyllotreta spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The nematode preparations were tested at doses of 200, 1000, and 2000 IJs per adult and at temperatures 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C. The numbers of beetles killed were recorded two, four, six, and eight days after treatment. The nematodes were more effective at 20°C and 25°C than at 15°C. At 20°C, the nematodes had killed between 44% (H. megidis at the lowest dose tested) and 77% (S. feltiae at the lowest dose tested) of the beetles eight days after treatment. At the two highest doses tested, the S. feltiae, S. carpocapsae, and H. bacteriophora preparations each killed at least 74% of the beetles at 25°C. Steinernema feltiae was the most effective nematode (LC50=483–1467 IJs/adult) and, as an alternative to chemical insecticides, appears to have the highest potential for controlling overwintered flea beetles (May) under field conditions. The nematodes S. feltiae, S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora would all be suitable for controlling adult flea beetles during warm summer months, when flea beetles occur in high numbers in Slovenia.  相似文献   
Laznik  Ž.  Tóth  T.  Lakatos  T.  Vidrih  M.  Trdan  S. 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2010,117(3):129-135
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes in controlling Leptinotarsa decemlineata on potato was tested in a field experiment. A Slovenian strain of...  相似文献   
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