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  1. Seamounts host some of the most important deep-sea ecosystems. The unique environmental characteristics of seamounts sustain rich biological hot spots, which, in recent times, have suffered the effects of intense fishing pressure.
  2. Biodiversity and vulnerability data are extremely scarce for Mediterranean seamounts, and this, in addition to the complex socio-economic and juridical status of offshore sites, results in difficulty in identifying the best management strategies.
  3. An extensive remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey was used to characterize the megabenthic assemblages of the summits of two upper bathyal seamounts, Ulisse and Penelope (Ligurian Sea, north-west Mediterranean Sea). The biogeographic implications of these findings and the possible environmental factors favouring the occurrence of these communities are discussed.
  4. High densities of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (mainly longlines) and a reduction in the average size of the fragile and slow-growing habitat-forming gorgonian Callogorgia verticillata indicate the occurrence of high levels of anthropogenic impacts on the summit regions, which are fishing grounds for artisanal and recreational fishers.
  5. The recovery of fishing data describing the first catches in the 1970s proved to be useful in inferring the short- and long-term effects of fishing practices in these previously unexploited offshore areas. In particular, the local extinction of demersal top predators, subjected to exceptional catches nearly 50 years ago, highlights the slow recovery rate of such species.
  6. Criteria defining vulnerability are discussed for the two study areas, and specific conservation actions, including the creation of regulated protected areas, are proposed.
Prolonged exposure to captive conditions has led to the development of a rainbow trout ‘farmed’ phenotype, which is different from that of wild trout. Selection for desirable productive traits in hatcheries has resulted in the development of some morphological traits that are maladaptive in nature. The recent development of organic aquaculture, guided by the well‐being of the fish, could potentially produce a new farmed phenotype that would be more adaptive in nature. In this study, rainbow trout reared in intensive and organic farms were compared by means of shape analysis, to detect patterns of shape variation associated with rearing environment. The results of this study highlight a significant effect of the rearing method on rainbow trout shape: organically reared trout showed a higher body profile, in particular in the head and trunk regions, shorter median fins and a deeper caudal peduncle. A combined effect of density and habitat complexity could have contributed to the observed shape differences: in organic rearing systems, lower densities and steady water could increase territoriality and aggressive interactions, promoting body designs more functional in rapid attacks and escapes.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic value of aerobic microbial culture and cytologic evaluation of corneal specimens in the diagnosis of infectious ulcerative keratitis (IUK). DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 48 animals (26 dogs, 13 horses, 7 cats, 1 bird, and 1 llama) with corneal ulcers. PROCEDURE: Scrapings from corneal ulcers were examined cytologically. Corneal swab specimens were submitted for microbial culture. Animals were grouped according to whether they had been receiving antimicrobials at the time of admission. RESULTS: Of the 38 animals receiving antimicrobials, 19 had positive results for IUK on cytologic evaluation, 20 on microbial culture, and 26 on cytologic evaluation, microbial culture, or both. Of the 10 animals not receiving antimicrobials at the time of admission, 7 had positive results for IUK on cytologic evaluation, and 9 had positive results on microbial culture. In this group of 10 animals, additional animals with IUK were not identified on the basis of cytologic evaluation alone. When all 48 animals were considered irrespective of antimicrobial treatment, 26 and 29 had positive results for IUK on cytologic evaluation and microbial culture, respectively, whereas IUK was confirmed in 35 animals on the basis of cytologic evaluation, microbial culture results, or both. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Microbial culture and cytologic evaluation of corneal specimens maximizes identification of IUK, especially in animals receiving antimicrobial treatment. Because of serious consequences of untreated IUK, we recommend that both diagnostic tests be used to tailor treatment and reduce risk of vision impairment in animals.  相似文献   
Grain hardness (kernel texture) is of central importance in the quality and utilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain. Two major classes, soft and hard, are delineated in commerce and in the Official U.S. Standards for Grain. However, measures of grain hardness are empirical and require reference materials for instrument standardization. For AACC Approved Methods employing near‐infrared reflectance (NIR) and the Single Kernel Characterization System (39‐70A and 55‐31, respectively), such reference materials were prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Federal Grain Inspection Service. The material was comprised of genetically pure commercial grain lots of five soft and five hard wheat cultivars and was made available through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (SRM 8441, Wheat Hardness). However, since their establishment, the molecular‐genetic basis of wheat grain hardness has been shown to result from puroindoline a and b. Consequently, we sought to define the puroindoline genotype of these 10 wheat cultivars and more fully characterize their kernel texture through Particle Size Index (PSI, Method 55‐30) and Quadrumat flour milling. NIR, SKCS, and Quadrumat break flour yield grouped the hard and soft cultivars into discrete texture classes; PSI did not separate completely the two classes. Although all four of these methods of texture measurement were highly intercorrelated, each was variably influenced by some minor, secondary factors. Among the hard wheats, the two hard red spring wheat cultivars that possess the Pina‐D1b (a‐null) hardness allele were harder than the hard red winter wheat cultivars that possess the Pinb‐D1b allele based on NIR, PSI, and break flour yield. Among the soft wheat samples, SKCS grouped the Eastern soft red winter cultivars separate from the Western soft white. A more complete understanding of texture‐related properties of these and future wheat samples is vital to the use and calibration of kernel texture‐measuring instruments.  相似文献   
The state of demersal fishery in the Southern Adriatic Sea (GFCM-GSA 18, Central Mediterranean), years 1996–2003, from a biological, social and economic point of view was analysed using 47 indicators: 22 biological indicators obtained from fishery-independent data through yearly experimental bottom trawl surveys (“Medits” Programme), and 25 socio-economic indicators estimated from fishery-dependent data, available from the monitoring system of the Italian Institute for Economic Research on Fisheries and Aquaculture (IREPA). Biological indicators were applied for “single-species” (Eledone cirrhosa, E. moschata, Illex coindetti, Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Nephrops norvegicus, Parapenaeus longirostris, Raja clavata, Zeus faber) and for “multi-species” analysis. Economic indicators describing economic performance, productivity, costs and prices, and the overall economic sustainability of fishery were estimated. Social indicators and a general indicator summarising social sustainability were also considered. Indicators’ values were displayed using the Traffic Light system. Both fishery-independent and fishery-dependent indicators highlighted a progressive decline of the trawl fishery system in the GSA 18. This decline was mainly related to the ongoing depletion of the traditional fishery target species (mostly long-living, late-maturing species) partially replaced by the increase of traditional accessory species (generally short-living species), as well as to the reduction of productivity and increasing costs. The whole procedure was proposed as a contribution to the identification and applicability of bio-economic indicators for fishery management purposes.  相似文献   
In this study, the results of two-year investigations on herbicide resistance in silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti) populations are presented. Two populations of A. spica-venti were sown in a winter wheat field at the Ihinger Hof Research Station near Stuttgart in Germany in October 2008. Whole-plant bioassays conducted with both populations in the greenhouse before the field trial was set up revealed that population A was strongly resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibitors, whereas population B was sensitive to this group of herbicides. Each block was treated with isoproturon, fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, sulfosulfuron and meso-iodosulfuron at the recommended field dose. One treatment remained unsprayed. It was found that the average number of silky bent grass panicles was significantly higher in the second year (2010) with 343 panicles m? 2 in the untreated control compared to 44 panicles m? 2 in the first year (2009). Efficacy of both ALS-inhibitors was significantly reduced in the resistant population compared to the sensitive population. Grass-weed plants surviving treatments with ALS-inhibitors produced the same number of seeds as the untreated plants. It was found that germination rate of seeds from the resistant population was more than threefold higher than from the sensitive population. Grain yield was equal in all treatments and populations in 2009. In 2010, applications of isoproturon and fenoxaprop-P-ethyl resulted in higher grain yields, with a mean of 4.6 t ha? 1 compared to an average of 3.9 t ha? 1 in the plots treated with sulfosulfuron and meso-iodosulfuron and 4.3 t ha? 1 in the untreated plots. However, these differences were not statistically significant. The sensitive population of the second generation (2009/2010) was approximately 20% more tolerant to ALS-inhibitors than the sensitive population of the first generation (2008/2009) which indicates introgression of herbicide resistance traits already after one year. These results clearly show that herbicide resistance to ALS-inhibitors in silky bent grass is likely to spread rapidly causing significant economic losses. Therefore, management strategies need to be developed and tested to prevent and overcome herbicide resistance in European cereal production systems.  相似文献   
In order to make a first approach in the identification of the genetic diversity of Potato virus Y (PVY) in Argentina, 46 PVY isolates from different potato growing regions of Argentina were characterized both, biological and serologically. Five of them (ST11, RCA5a, RCA6, RCA14b and SSF6) were selected for further genomic analyses. Four genomic fragments containing hot spot regions of recombination (HSR) reported previously were sequenced in each isolate and compared to PVYN (CS434575.1) and PVYO (U09509.1) reference genomes looking for genomic recombinations. Isolates with one, two or three recombination points were identified among these, including the two strains considered typical PVYN (RCA5b) and PVYO (SSF18) used as controls. This is the first report of the presence of recombined PVY in Argentina using a combination of biological, serological and molecular tools that shed light on the genetic diversity of PVY viruses in this country.  相似文献   
Large-scale copy number polymorphism in the human genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent to which large duplications and deletions contribute to human genetic variation and diversity is unknown. Here, we show that large-scale copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) (about 100 kilobases and greater) contribute substantially to genomic variation between normal humans. Representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis of 20 individuals revealed a total of 221 copy number differences representing 76 unique CNPs. On average, individuals differed by 11 CNPs, and the average length of a CNP interval was 465 kilobases. We observed copy number variation of 70 different genes within CNP intervals, including genes involved in neurological function, regulation of cell growth, regulation of metabolism, and several genes known to be associated with disease.  相似文献   
广州地区禽类隐孢子虫病的初步调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用饱和蔗糖浮卵法,对广州地区5个鸡场,5个鸭场和3个鹅场的隐孢子虫自然感染情况进行了调查,882份鸡的粪样中隐孢子虫卵囊阳性者有124份,其阳性率为74.1%,1004份鸭的粪样中阳性者273份,其阳性率为27.2%,571份鹅的粪样中阳性者为71份,其阳性率为12.4%,根据卵囊形态和大小,卵囊鉴定为贝氏隐孢子虫。  相似文献   
Modelling nutrient absorption can contribute to the management of hi-tech cultivation systems in greenhouse horticultural production. Nevertheless, previous studies to understand the kinetics of nutrient absorption, rarely take into consideration the accumulation of salt ions in the nutrient solution. In this project we develop and validate an empirical model for sodium uptake concentration in hydroponic rose (Rosa spp. cv. Kardinal) production. Model development and validation was conducted using a series of experiments in both greenhouse and growth chamber conditions. The model framework takes into account plant developmental stage and external sodium concentration. While model calibration data were collected at levels of sodium up to 40 mol m3 NaCl as root environment salt concentration, model validation was carried out at lower ranges.The proposed model not only shows a high predictive capability, but also provides useful output parameters such as electrical conductivity, which is the main parameter currently monitored for managing nutrient solution in greenhouse cultivation. Incorporated as part of a larger DSS, our model can be used to improve nutrient solution management in production regions that do not have economically valid alternatives other than the use of poor quality (saline) irrigation water.  相似文献   
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