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塔里木河流域水量变化对生态环境影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以塔里木河流域的10个水文站1961~2000年观测资料为基础,对塔里木河流域的径流变化及其对下游生态环境影响进行了分析。分析得出:(1)20世纪60年代以来,塔里木河各源流的出山口径流量增加23.82×108m3,增幅达14.97%,但是,能汇入塔里木河干流的水量并没有增加,而且比60年代减少了8.8×108m3,减幅达17.41%。(2)近40年以来,由于塔里木河干流上中游地区的耕地面积急剧扩大,用水量剧增,使下游的来水量比60年代减少7.72×108m3,减幅达76.13%。(3)由于塔里木河上中游耗水量的增加,塔里木河下游来水量逐年减少以至断流,由此造成下游生态环境出现较大的变化,主要表现有:河水盐化严重,灾害性天气出现的次数大幅增加,河道断流,地下水位下降,天然植被严重衰败,沙漠化过程加重。(4)实施塔里木河流域水资源的统一管理,统筹分配上、中、下游水量,调整大农业生产方向,完善流域节水改造配套工程,发展节水型农业,是塔里木河下游受损生态环境恢复与重建的关键。  相似文献   
利用研究区棉花种植面积和产量相关统计数据,探究研究区棉花种植面积和产量的时空变化特征及单产和面积作用对棉花产量的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 近62年来,研究区的棉花种植面积、棉花产量和单产均呈上升趋势,而且表现出明显的阶段性和波动性,1949—1985年间增长缓慢,1986—2011年增长迅速。(2) 就棉花总产波动来看, 单产的作用占42.04%,面积作用占50.96%,在1949—1985年间单产增加对棉花总产量提高的贡献较大,在1986—2011年间棉花种植面积扩大对棉花总产量提高的贡献较大。(3) 1985年前棉花种植面积较稳定,波动不大,主要靠挤占粮食作物面积来扩大,1986年之后棉花种植面积扩大迅速,主要途径为开荒造地。(4) 棉花市场价格的波动、生产成本的上升、产量的徘徊、生产环境的恶化和品种等直接影响着研究区棉花生产的竞争力和棉农增收。  相似文献   
利用研究区棉花种植面积和产量相关统计数据,探究研究区棉花种植面积和产量的时空变化特征及单产和面积作用对棉花产量的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 近62年来,研究区的棉花种植面积、棉花产量和单产均呈上升趋势,而且表现出明显的阶段性和波动性,1949—1985年间增长缓慢,1986—2011年增长迅速。(2) 就棉花总产波动来看, 单产的作用占42.04%,面积作用占50.96%,在1949—1985年间单产增加对棉花总产量提高的贡献较大,在1986—2011年间棉花种植面积扩大对棉花总产量提高的贡献较大。(3) 1985年前棉花种植面积较稳定,波动不大,主要靠挤占粮食作物面积来扩大,1986年之后棉花种植面积扩大迅速,主要途径为开荒造地。(4) 棉花市场价格的波动、生产成本的上升、产量的徘徊、生产环境的恶化和品种等直接影响着研究区棉花生产的竞争力和棉农增收。  相似文献   
渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲植物气候生产力变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集位于渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲区的库车气象站和沙雅气象站1961~2000年的气温和降水实测资料,应用Thamthwaite Memorial模型计算渭于河一库车河三角洲绿洲区近40 a来自然植被净第一性气候生产力,并以回归分析和趋势线分析方法分析了其年际变化特征.结果表明:①近40 a来渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲区自然植被净第一性气候生产力呈现出明显的增长趋势,其变化倾向率为28.21 g/(m2·10a),在40 a中增加约为112.84 g/m2,近40 a来研究区自然植被净第一性气候生产力的变化趋势为自北向南显著增加.②由于研究区水热条件的不同,自然植被净第一性气候生产力有明显的区域差异,整个研究区近40 a的自然植被净第一性气候生产力平均值为123.35 g/(m2·a),北部库车县137.10 g/(m2·a),南部沙雅县110.16 g/(m2·a),即自然植被净第一性气候生产力的空间分布是北高南低.③研究区自然植被净第一性气候生产力与年降水量的相关性优于自然植被净第一性气候生产力与年均气温之闻的相关性,因为渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲是个干旱区绿洲,气候干燥,水资源短缺,降水是自然植被净第一性气候生产力的主要限制因子.  相似文献   
Quantitative field measurements of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and biomass production by four different understorey pastures in a Pinus radiata-pasture agroforestry system were determined over a period of one year. The trees were two years old at the beginning of this study and the understorey pastures were being cut and removed for silage. The BNF was determined using the 15N dilution technique. Pastures of ryegrass+clover, cocksfoot+clover, phalaris+clover and lucerne were used. Substantial amounts of BNF were found (71 to 230 kg N ha–1 year–1) with lucerne showing the highest N fixation. However, lucerne derived only 71 to 72% of its N from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) during the spring/summer period compared to 83–97% with clovers, thus the net N demand from the soil was substantially higher with lucerne. This caused increased N stress to the trees. Clover in ryegrass+clover pasture fixed more N than the other grass+clover pastures. Although pasture position in relation to trees did not affect annual pasture total DMY and %Ndfa, pastures north of tree row grew better than those in other positions. Trees significantly affected the BNF of legumes and the botanical composition of pastures with highest BNF and legume production occurring in pastures midway between two rows of trees. These results suggest that it would be advantageous to evaluate different legumes and grasses for tolerance of shade and moisture stress in future studies. As the trees studied were only 1.5 to 3 m in height, their effects on BNF, seasonal pasture biomass production and botanical composition are expected to increase with tree dominance in the ecosystem with time. Amounts of N fixed were related to the productivity (i.e. dry matter and N yield) and seasonal persistence of the legumes. The productivity was high in spring and summer and low in autumn and winter.  相似文献   

Goat production is an important agricultural activity in Jordan. The country is one of the poorest countries in the world in terms of water scarcity. Provision of sufficient quantity of good quality drinking water is important for goats to maintain feed intake and production. This study aimed to evaluate the seasonal availability and quality of goats’ drinking water sources, accessibility, and utilization in different zones in the Karak Governorate in southern Jordan. Data collection methods comprised interviews with purposively selected farmers and quality assessment of water sources. The provision of drinking water was considered as one of the major constraints for goat production, particularly during the dry season (DS). Long travel distances to the water sources, waiting time at watering points, and high fuel and labor costs were the key reasons associated with the problem. All the values of water quality (WQ) parameters were within acceptable limits of the guidelines for livestock drinking WQ with exception of iron, which showed slightly elevated concentration in one borehole source in the DS. These findings show that water shortage is an important problem leading to consequences for goat keepers. To alleviate the water shortage constraint and in view of the depleted groundwater sources, alternative water sources at reasonable distance have to be tapped and monitored for water quality and more efficient use of rainwater harvesting systems in the study area is recommended.

BACKGROUND: Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system occurs during the development of heart failure in dogs with chronic mitral valvular disease (CMVD). HYPOTHESIS: The use of beta-blockers to modulate the activation of the sympathetic nervous system would be useful in dogs with CMVD. ANIMALS: Group A included 13 dogs who received the conventional treatment (digoxin, benazepril, a reduced sodium diet, and codeine, and a diuretic when indicated), and group B included 12 dogs who received the protocol above plus carvedilol (0.3 mg/kg q12h). METHODS: Blinded, placebo, controlled study. RESULTS: The main echodopplercardiographic variables, heart rate, biochemical data, functional classification (FC) (New York Heart Association) and quality of life score (functional evaluation of cardiac health questionnaire) were assessed at baseline (TO) and after 3 months (T1). Only group B showed improvement in score of quality of life (13.8 +/- 8.8 versus 6.0 +/- 6.3; P < .001), in FC (2.4 - 0.9 versus 1.8 +/- 0.7; P = .032) and a reduction in systolic blood pressure (151.2 +/- 18.3 versus 124.5 +/- 23.4; P = .021). Two deaths from group A and 1 from B were related to CMVD. CONCLUSION: The studied dose of carvedilol in this group did not improve the sympathetic activation and echocardiographic variables over 3 months of chronic oral treatment. However, the results suggested a beneficial effect on the quality of life score, functional classification, and a reduction on systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   
  • 1. Generalized additive models of sighting data for cetaceans collected during two surveys of waterways in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh indicated that Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica gangetica distribution was conditionally dependent (P<0.05) on low salinity, high turbidity, and moderate depth during both low and high freshwater flow; and Irrawaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris distribution was conditionally dependent (P<0.05) on low salinity during high freshwater flow, high and moderate depths during low and high freshwater flow, respectively; low and high‐low extremes of turbidity during low and high freshwater flow, respectively; and high temperature and increasing numbers of large–small channel confluences during low freshwater flow.
  • 2. According to sighting data collected over a 3‐year period by the captains of three nature tourism vessels, there were significant differences between the actual and expected frequencies of Ganges River dolphin sightings and individuals according to various channel types (chi‐square=64.22, P<0.0001 and chi‐square=134.14, P<0.0001, respectively, df=6) and of Irrawaddy dolphin sightings and individuals (chi‐square=15.28, P=0.0182, and chi‐square=29.42, P<0.0001, respectively, df=6), with shared preferences for wide sinuous channels with at least two small confluences or one large confluence.
  • 3. The dependency exhibited by both species for environmental characteristics associated with abundant freshwater flow, including low salinity and the availability of confluences, make them particularly vulnerable to habitat loss due to upstream water abstraction and sea‐level rise.
  • 4. Although the results of this study may not affect plans for construction in India of large‐scale, inter‐basin water transfer projects that will result in further declines in freshwater flows, or decisions within the international community about CO2 emissions affecting global sea levels, they can be used to prioritize locations where protective measures could be employed to benefit the long‐term conservation of both species.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
近 5 0年来 ,渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲地区在人类不合理活动的作用下 ,水文与生态环境发生了一系列变化。1绿洲地表径流总量多年变化有增有减呈现波动性趋势 ,但是水体盐化和含沙量趋势加剧。2绿洲森林面积持续减少 ,其天然屏障作用减弱 ,草地面积减少、退化严重 ,载畜能力大大降低。 3土地退化面积扩大 ,土地沙漠化发展强烈 ,土壤肥力降低 ,生产能力下降。因此 ,进行水资源统筹利用规划与管理 ,统筹兼顾各县的经济发展与生态环境建设对水的需求 ,以生态系统健康发展为原则 ,遵循生态规律来进行土地资源的开发利用 ,开展整个绿洲为单元的生态功能保护与建设是提高绿洲可持续发展能力的根本途径  相似文献   
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