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We conducted a study on 81 initially bulk-milk ELISA negative dairy herds taken from a random sample of Dutch dairy herds to evaluate variation in bulk-milk S/P ratios and to study reasons for bulk-milk conversion. These herds were repeatedly (3-month intervals) tested between April 2004 and August 2005 and serostatus of all animals had previously been established as negative (N), low-positive (LP) or high-positive (HP). Of these herds, herd- and test-related factors associated with variation in sample over positive (S/P) ratios were analysed using a multivariable linear-mixed model with ‘herd’ as random effect. In addition, changes of animal serostatus in converting herds were described. S/P ratios were calculated as the optical density of the bulk-milk sample minus the optical density of the negative serum control divided by the difference in optical density between the positive and negative serum control.

Sixteen bulk-milk conversions in 12 dairy herds were seen with few indications of serological conversion in lactating cattle except for one herd in which recrudescence of infection appeared likely in nine cows. The effect of HP serostatus on bulk-milk S/P ratio was 2–3 times stronger compared with LP serostatus. In addition, bulk-milk S/P-ratio increased when the proportion of HP animals between 1 and 60 days in milk increased and decreased when the average milk-production level of the herd increased. Besides these herd-related factors, the use of different ELISA-testkits between test rounds had a significant effect on the S/P-ratio in bulk-milk samples.  相似文献   

Experiments with the variety Fahl of Berseem clover and with different material of red clover have shown that the occurrence of tetraploid and diploid tissues can be detected in a rapid and reliable way by determining the number and arrangement of germinal pores of the pollen. The advantages over the conventional methods are mentioned and described.The determination of the germinal pore pattern, which is combined with pair crossing of the tetraploid heads, makes it possible to obtain in an efficient way completely tetraploid material with a great genetic variability.Samenvatting Proeven met het ras Fahl van Alexandrijnse klaver en met verschillend materiaal van rode klaver hebben uitgewezen dat het voorkomen van tetraploide en diploide weefsels op een snelle en betrouwbare wijze aangetoond kan worden door middel van bepaling van het kiemporiënbeeld van het stuifmeel.De bepaling van het kiemporiënbeeld gevolgd door paarsgewijze kruising van de tetraploide hoofdjes maakt het mogelijk op een efficiënte wijze te komen tot zuiver tetraploid materiaal met een grote genetische variabiliteit.  相似文献   
A serological follow-up study of 3.5 years duration was done of a dairy herd that had experienced a mass seroconversion to Neospora caninum following a point source exposure shortly before the 17th of January 2000. A total of 913 blood samples of 244 animals at seven sampling dates were used to investigate the seroprevalence dynamics in the herd. Most postnatally infected cattle remained seropositive during the period of investigation but 11 animals became seronegative after 6-27 months indicating transient infection. Six animals seroconverted later than the main group of 45 animals and 5 animals became seronegative after at least two seropositive records possibly due to a low infection dose or difference in the haplotypes of the infected animals. In total 58% (14/24) of the offspring of postnatally infected dams was seropositive. Nine of 16 (56%) daughters originating from inseminations after the postnatal infection of their dams were seropositive indicating endogenous transplacental infection.  相似文献   
A method is proposed to determine the extent of degradation in the rumen involving a two-stage mathematical modeling process. In the first stage, a statistical model shifts (or maps) the gas accumulation profile obtained using a fecal inoculum to a ruminal gas profile. Then, a kinetic model determines the extent of degradation in the rumen from the shifted profile. The kinetic model is presented as a generalized mathematical function, allowing any one of a number of alternative equation forms to be selected. This method might allow the gas production technique to become an approach for determining extent of degradation in the rumen, decreasing the need for surgically modified animals while still maintaining the link with the animal. Further research is needed before the proposed methodology can be used as a standard method across a range of feeds.  相似文献   
To eliminate unnecessary feeding trials, a mechanistic model of sugarcane digestion was used in the search for suitable supplements to improve milk production. Milk production simulated by the model was compared with data observed in four feeding trials published in the tropical literature where crossbred dairy cows were fed sugarcane/urea diets with different types of supplements. The predicted effects of the supplements on the ruminal microbial population, concentrations of ammonia and volatile fatty acids were also compared with the published results in one experiment. The model indicated the nutrient most limiting milk production for the different feeding situations. The addtion of Leucaena to the basal sugarcane/urea improved the availability of amino acids and long-chain fatty acids, with energy becoming the limiting factor. Supplementation with rice bran increased the availability of energy and long-chain fatty acids, but amino acids then became the limiting factor. Supplementation with both Leucaena and rice bran further improved the milk yield, but availability of energy now limited milk production. Supplementation with Leucaena increased milk production more than supplementation with king grass. The main reason for this increase was increased amino acid absorption due to increased microbial outflow. In all feeding situations, the average difference between the predicted milk production and that observed experimentally was 0.57 kg/d (ranging from 0.08 to 1 kg/d).  相似文献   
Summary For some years past at several places in the province of Brescia a mosaic disease of wheat has been detected which probably must be attributede to a virus (Grancini, 1959). Presumably the same disease has recently been constatated in other provinces of North Italy.Electron microscopical study of diseased wheat leaves showed that the preparations which were obtained with the dipping method ofBrandes (1957) all contained rod-shaped virus particles with a length of 300 m. These particles were absent from healthy plants. Whether or not this virus is directly responsible for the mosaic disease could not be established, since we did not succeed in transmitting the virus artificially.Samenvatting Sedert einige jaren wordt op verschillende plaatsen in de provincie Brescia een mozaïekziekte bij de tarwe gevonden, waarvna de oorzaak waarschijnlijk aan een virus moet worden toegeschreven (Grancini, 1959).Bij elektronemicroscopisch onderzoek van zieke bladeren is gevonden, dat de preparaten, welke met de doop-methode vanBrandes (1957) verkregen waren, alle staafvormige virusdeeltjes ter lengte van 300 m bevatten (fig. 1). In preparaten van gezond bladmateriaal kwamen deze deeltjes niet voor. Of dit virus direct aansprakelijk is voor de mozaïekziekte kon nog niet aangetoond worden, aangezien het tot nu toe niet gelukt is het virus langs kunstmatige weg over te brengen.  相似文献   
Improving N utilization in dairy cows and especially reducing N output in excreta is desirable due to global concerns of agricultural contribution of N to environmental pollution, particularly as ammonia. Data from five N balance experiments were used to develop a dynamic model that was evaluated with independent data. Model predictions of feces, urine, and milk outputs were close to observed values. Statistical analysis showed that 96% of mean square prediction error for feces and urine N output predictions was due to random variation. However, the model tends to overpredict milk N output, especially at higher N intake levels. Evaluation of model predictions for independent experimental observations from Agricultural Development Advisory Service at Bridgets (U.K.) showed good agreement between predicted and observed urine N output (95% due to random variation). However, there was a slight underprediction for fecal N output (14% mean square prediction error due to bias) and overprediction of milk N output (22% of mean square prediction error due to bias). The model predictions of N outputs in excreta were sensitive to changes in energy concentration of the diet. Dietary protein degradability had only a small influence on predicted fecal N output. However, the model was sensitive in its predictions of urine N when protein degradability was varied. Application of the model to assess reduction in ammonia emissions from dairy cows showed that increasing the energy concentration could potentially reduce ammonia emissions by up to 25% per cow. Similarly, reducing CP concentration in the diet to about 16% could reduce ammonia production by 20% and lower degradability of CP to match microbial requirement by 19% per cow. The model is a first step toward a mechanistic approach of nutrient modeling, and it is a valuable method for predicting N excretions and estimating N emissions from dairy systems.  相似文献   
A prepared shrimp food was impregnated at 3% by weight with oil extracted from heads of Penaeus setiferus. This procedure brought about a reduction in the level of ω6 fatty acids and an increase in the percentages of ω3 fatty acids and saturated acids in the diet.The lipid-augmented ration was fed to juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii for 12 weeks in the laboratory, with the unmodified diet as a control. Prawns fed the augmented diet grew significantly larger than those given the control feed, and this difference was apparent by the sixth week of the study. Final mean biomass (g prawn/m2 of tank floor) and efficiency of food utilization in the experimental group were about twice that in the control. Survival in the two groups was similar throughout the study and averaged 71 and 68%, respectively, for the experimental and control animals at the end of the experiment.Prawns fed both rations contained in their tissues about the same percentage of ω3 fatty acids as their diets, indicating conservation of these dietary acids and/or biosynthesis. In contrast, the animals contained substantially less 18:2ω6 (linoleic acid) than their diets, and the data suggested that some of this fatty acid may have been utilized as an energy source. Also, animals fed the augmented diet contained about 15 times more carotenoid pigments than those given the control ration.The study suggests that ω3 fatty acids are important in the nutrition of M. rosenbergii and that prawn diets might be made more effective by increasing the relative proportion of ω3 fatty acids in their composition. Waste shrimp heads may be one suitable source of fatty acids and pigments for use in prepared diets for aquaculture.  相似文献   
Impact of excreted nitrogen by grazing cattle on nitrate leaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. At De Marke experimental farm, data on water and nitrogen flows in the unsaturated zone were gathered on two grazed pastures on sandy soils during the years 1991 to 1994. These provided a basis for calibration and validation of simulation models. The different levels of nitrate-N concentrations of the two plots could largely be explained by differences in crop uptake and simulated denitrification as influenced by different groundwater levels. The irregular distribution of excreta was taken into account by a simulation study quantifying the variability of nitrate-N concentrations under a grazed field. The resulting distribution of simulated nitrate-N concentrations explained the average and peak values of the measured concentrations. Temporal variability of weather was used to assess the nitrate leaching risk under urine patches deposited in either July or September. At site A the probability of exceeding the EC-directive by drinking water (11.3 mg/1 nitrate-N) under a urination deposited in either July or September was respectively 10 and 25%. The average field concentration at this site will hardly ever be a high risk for the environment under the current farm management. At site B the EC-directive will be exceeded under any urine patch in almost 100% of the years, affecting the field average concentration. In field B careful grazing management would result in less nitrate leaching, but the environmental goals would not be reached.  相似文献   
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