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Chlorophyll fluorescence induction was used as a probe to detect herbicide detoxification in tolerant or susceptible wheat cultivars. Experimental conditions have been carefully examined for establishing detoxification kinetics of chlorotoluron and metribuzin, two photosystem-II-inhibiting herbicides. After a root treatment, leaves were cut, placed in glass tubes and maintained in the dark. The fluorescence induction rise was examined repeatedly and detoxification kinetics were established from these data for the same position on the individual leaves. The herbicide-dependent fluorescence rise decreased within hours in chlorotoluron-tolerant but not in susceptible Triticum aestivum cultivars. In contrast, no significant reversion could be detected after metribuzin application in both tolerant and susceptible cultivars of Triticum durum. Near the fluorescence-determined half-inhibition of photosystem II, linear detoxification kinetics were obtained in individual leaves, thus providing an accurate measurement of relative detoxification rates.  相似文献   
The Si concentration in 1 year old needles from Norway spruce (P. abies) was determined at 39 sites within an area of 150 km2. The sites had uniform elevation, precipitation and immission characteristics. The mean value was 1423 μg Si g?1, and the coefficient of variation between sites was 29 %. There was no correlation of Si concentration in needles with soil pH in the range of pH 3.5 to 7.6, but significant negative correlations with soil organic matter concentration and with the effective cation exchange capacity were found. Silicon in needles correlated positively with Al, La, and Fe in needles, but showed no correlation with 20 other elements. The seasonal variation of Si concentration in needles showed a nonuniform increase with time. The seasonal changes of Si were similar to those of Ca. The investigation of 4 successive needle age classes, however, showed a strictly linear increase of the Si concentrations.  相似文献   
Huitlacoche is the ethnic name of the young fruiting bodies of Ustilago maydis, a common parasite of maize. In Mexico and other Latin American countries, this fungus has been traditionally appreciated as a local delicacy. In this work a metallomics approach was used with the determination of eight elements in huitlacoche by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry as one facet of this approach. The results obtained indicated relatively lower concentrations of commonly analyzed metals, as referred to the data reported for other mushroom types. This effect was ascribed to different accessibilities of elements, depending on fungus substrate (lower from plant than from soil). Subcellular fractionation was accomplished by centrifugation of cell homogenates suspended in Tris-HCl buffer. Recoveries of the fractionation procedure were in the range of 71-103%. For six elements (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Pb), the mean relative contributions in cytosol, cell walls, and mixed membrane fraction were 50.7, 48.2, and 1.1% respectively. To attain the molecular weight distribution of compounds containing target elements as an additional aspect of the metallomics approach, the fungus extract (1% sodium dodecyl sulfate in Tris-HCl, 30 mmol L(-)(1), pH 7.0) was analyzed by size exclusion chromatography with UV and ICP-MS detection. With spectrophotometric detection (280 nm), the elution of high molecular weight compounds was observed in the form of one peak (MW > 10 kDa), and several lower peaks appeared at higher retention times (MW < 10 kDa). On ICP-MS chromatograms, a coelution of (59)Co, (63)Cu, (57)Fe, (202)Hg, (60)Ni, and (80)Se with the first peak on the UV chromatogram was clearly observed, indicating that a fraction of each element incorporated with high molecular weight compounds (12.7, 19.8, 33.7, 100, 19.4, and 45.8%, respectively, based on the peak area measurements). From a comparison of (80)Se and (33)S chromatograms (for sulfur analysis, the extract was obtained in the absence of SDS), both elements coeluted with the first UV peak, but their lower molecular weight compounds were apparently different. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of the accumulation of elements in mushrooms.  相似文献   
Sixto  H.; Grau  J.M.; Alba  N.; Alia  R. 《Forestry》2005,78(1):93-104
The elemental concentrations of K, Rb and Cs were determined in needles from individual spruce trees as a function of the needle age class. The concentrations are highest in current year's needles and decrease smoothly in older needles, approaching a constant value. Rb and Cs show similar behaviour, whereas that of K differs in so far as its relative decrease with time is less pronounced. Intra- and intersite variation of the needle concentrations are largest for Cs and smallest for K. Individual trees show a highly significant correlation between the log (Cs) and log (Rb) values. Total soil concentrations were determined at 9 sites with different parent material. Intra- and intersite variations of K are comparable for soils and for needles, whereas those for Rb and Cs are much smaller for soils than for needles. All three elements are correlated in soil samples. There is no close connection between soil and needle concentrations at the various sites. However, the results suggest that needle concentrations of Rb and Cs, but not of K, are strongly dependent on the sorption properties of the associated soils.  相似文献   
Growth and production in the first year, as additional selection criteria, were assessed for nine poplar clones to be used as short rotation woody crops (SRWC) in the production of biomass for energy purposes. In order to identify the most promising clones in terms of growth and yield and also to assess their stability, trials were established at different locations in Spain. The majority of these clones, which form part of the European list of base materials, have frequently been used in plantations aimed at timber production but not for biomass in Mediterranean conditions. Others, such as those selected in Italy specifically for biomass production (currently provisionally admitted), are being tested for the first time under different soil and climatic conditions in Southwest Europe. The early selection of clones for rapid juvenile growth provides a valuable additional input to the clonal selection process, especially where very short rotations are desired (no more than 3 years). In any case, determining clonal stability in terms of growth is of great use not only when deciding on the clones to be used in plantations but also when developing breeding programs. ANOVA and Genotype plus Genotype × Environment (GGE) biplot analyses were used to analyse the growth and stability of the clones, which were then ranked according to mean performance and stability. Differences were detected between clones as well as between the different environments tested. The biplot analysis allowed different groups of clones to be identified according to their performance and degree of interaction displayed, thus providing useful information for the selection process. The production of aboveground biomass in the first vegetative period ranged from 1.7 to 8.0 Mg DM ha−1 at the different sites. ‘Monviso’, ‘Guardi’, ‘AF2’ and ‘2000 verde’ were the most productive clones whereas ‘Unal’, ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ were the least productive. The stability analysis identified ‘AF2’, ‘Guardi’, ‘I-214’ and ‘MC’ as more stable clones while ‘Monviso’, ‘2000 verde’, ‘Unal’, ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ were found to be specifically adapted to certain environments. This implies that where information on site conditions is not available, the ‘AF2’ and ‘Guardi’ clones offer greater assurance of successful establishment and higher initial growth. The growth of ‘Monviso’ ‘2000 verde’ ‘Unal’ ‘Pegaso’ and ‘USA 49-177’ clones is highly dependent on site conditions during the establishment phase. Similarly, the SH (Shore Henares river) and LT (La Tallada) sites were identified as the most highly discriminative environments for the set of clones while CS (Cubo de la Solana) and AR (Atarfe) were identified as those where performance levels were average.  相似文献   
In this work, the determination of moving averages is proposed as a method for quantifying metal, arsenic, and sulfate discharges into a water course undergoing acid mine drainage processes which flows into a public water supply dam in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The analysis of the results obtained by applying moving averages shows that the highest metal and sulfate concentrations occur in October, coinciding with the first rainfall and the sponging of mine dumps, with November and December being the months when the highest contributions to the Andevalo Dam take place. The discharge of acid mine waters with its corresponding metal load into the Andevalo Dam means, for a single hydrological year, more than 6,000 t of sulfates, almost 600 t of iron, and 1 t of As, of special relevance for the hydrochemical quality of the stored waters. When they arrive at the dam, these metals precipitate, since the water pH is near 7, and remain latent in the bottom sediment as long as the chemical makeup of the dam water does not change.  相似文献   
The incorporation of Se to fungi has been studied, focusing on element distribution among different cellular compartments and, in particular, polysaccharide structures contained in cell walls. Se-enriched mycelia of Pleurotus ostreatus were obtained in submerged cultures. The incorporation of selenium from the growth medium to mycelia was observed with the relative distribution between cytosol plus cell membranes fraction (CCM) and cell walls fraction (CW) of about 44 and 56%, respectively. CCM fractions were analyzed by size exclusion chromatography with on-line UV (280 nm) and ICP-MS detection (80Se). The results obtained showed selenium binding to components of different molecular masses (about 24% of total selenium coeluted with the compounds of molecular mass > 10 kDa). A polysaccharide-containing fraction of mycelia was treated alternatively with Tris-HCl at pH 7.5 or with chitinase. Better solubility and increased contribution of low molecular mass compounds were observed in chitinase extracts (UV detection), confirming the degradation of polysacharides by the enzyme. The total area under the ICP-MS chromatogram of chitinase extract was 2 times higher with respect to the area for Tris-HCl extract. Furthermore, the relative contribution of selenium in the low molecular mass fraction (molecular mass < 1 kDa) in chitinase extract was 72% as compared to 45% in Tris-HCl extract (based on peak area measurements with respect to total area under the chromatogram). The results obtained suggest selenium binding to chitin-containing polysaccharide structures in fungi cell walls.  相似文献   
In a poplar clonal plantation with different species and hybrids, established at 13,333 cuttings ha?1, biomass production was assessed at the end of the first rotation (3 years) and the potential of the different clones for sugar production was evaluated. The highest biomass production was observed for clones ‘AF2’ and ‘Viriato’ (46.5 and 42 t dm ha?1, respectively). After a mild acid pretreatment and an enzymatic saccharification, the highest sugar digestibility was found for ‘Viriato’ and ‘Unal’. A clear relation between sugar digestibility and xylan removal during pretreatment was observed, while no relation with lignin content was found. Taking into account the results, the highest production of sugars per hectare was estimated for the poplar clone ‘Viriato’, being 18–48% higher than that achieved with the other clones. Therefore, this clone is a promising candidate to be used as feedstock for sugar production in a forest biorefinery.  相似文献   

Aquacultured northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, set in the environment for overwintering have experienced episodes of anomalous, highly variable and site-specific overwinter mortality. Prior research has revealed factors likely contributing to mortality during isothermal winter lows, when M. mercenaria do not feed, and the postwinter approach to spring. However, a synthesis of prior studies suggests juvenile M. mercenaria survival during the prewinter period of temperature may be subject to the timely dietary availability of two highly unsaturated fatty acids, 20:5n-3, eicosapentaneoic acid, and 22:6n-3, docosahexaneoic acid, and the biosynthesis of the nonmethylene interrupted fatty acids, 22:2Δ7,13 and 22:2Δ7,15.  相似文献   
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