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Transitioning farmland to certified organic vegetable production can take many paths, each varying in their costs and benefits. Here, the effects of four organic transition strategies (i.e., tilled fallowing, mixed-species hay, low-intensity vegetables, and intensive vegetable production under high tunnels), each with and without annual compost applications for 3 years prior to assessment, were characterized. Although transition cropping strategies differed in soil chemistry (P < 0.05), the magnitude of the changes typically were marginal and pairwise comparisons were rarely significant. In contrast, the compost amendment had a much greater impact on soil chemistry regardless of cropping strategy. For example, percent C and total P increased by 2- to 5-fold and K increased from 6- to 12-fold. Under controlled conditions, damping-off of both edamame soybean (cv. Sayamusume) and tomato (cv. Tiny Tim) was reduced from 2 to 30% in soils from the mixed-hay transition. In the field, damping-off of both crops was also significantly lower in plots previously cropped to hay (P < 0.05). Although not always significant (P < 0.05), this pattern of suppression was observed in all four of the soybean experiments and three of the four tomato experiments independent of compost application. The compost amendments alone did not consistently suppress damping-off. However, plant height, fresh weight, and leaf area index of the surviving seedlings of both crops were greater in the compost-amended soils regardless of the transitional cropping treatment used (P < 0.05 for most comparisons). These data indicate that mixed-hay cropping during the transition periods can enhance soil suppressiveness to damping-off. In addition, although compost amendments applied during transition can improve crop vigor by significantly enhancing soil fertility, their effects on soilborne diseases are not yet predictable when transitioning to certified organic production.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The abundance and diversity of phlD(+) Pseudomonas spp. colonizing the rhizospheres of young, field-grown corn and soybean plants were assayed over a 3-year period. Populations of these bacteria were detected on the large majority of plants sampled in the state of Ohio, but colonization was greater on corn. Although significant variation in the incidence of rhizosphere colonization was observed from site to site and year to year on both crops, the magnitude of the variation was greatest for soybean. The D genotype was detected on plants collected from all 15 counties examined, and it represented the most abundant subpopulation on both crops. Additionally, six other genotypes (A, C, F, I, R, and S) were found to predominate in the rhizosphere of some plants. The most frequently observed of these were the A genotype and a newly discovered S genotype, both of which were found on corn and soybean roots obtained from multiple locations. Multiple isolates of the most abundant genotypes were recovered and characterized. The S genotype was found to be phylogenetically and phenotypically similar to the D genotype. In addition, the novel R genotype was found to be most similar to the A genotype. All of the isolates displayed significant capacities to inhibit the growth of an oomycete pathogen in vitro, but such phenotypes were highly dependent on media used. When tested against multiple oomycete pathogens isolated from soybean, the A genotype was significantly more inhibitory than the D genotype when incubated on 1/10x tryptic soy agar and 1/5x corn meal agar. Seed inoculation with different isolates of the A, D, and S genotypes indicated that significant root colonization, generally in excess of log 5 cells per gram of root, could be attained on both crops. Field trials of the A genotype isolate Wayne1R indicated the capacity of inoculant populations to supplement the activities of native populations so as to increase soybean stands and yields. The relevance of these findings to natural and augmentative biocontrol of root pathogens by these bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to identify genetic markers associated with biological control of plant pathogens by Bacillus subtilis. The genomes of two commercialized strains, GB03 and QST713, were compared with that of strain 168, which has no defined biocontrol capacities, to obtain a pool of DNA fragments unique to the two biocontrol strains. The sequences of 149 subtracted fragments were determined and compared with those present in GenBank, but only 80 were found to correspond to known Bacillus genes. Of these, 65 were similar to genes with a wide range of metabolic functions, including the biosynthesis of cell wall components, sporulation, and antibiotic biosynthesis. Sixteen subtracted fragments shared a high degree of similarity to sequences found in multiple B. subtilis strains with proven biocontrol capacities. Oligonucleotide primers specific to nine of these genes were developed. The targeted genes included five genes involved in antibiotic synthesis (bmyB, fenD, ituC,srfAA, and srfAB) and four additional genes (yndJ, yngG, bioA, and a hypothetical open reading frame) not previously associated with biological control. All nine markers were amplified from the commercialized B. subtilis strains GB03, QST713, and MBI600, with the exception of ituC, which was not detected in GB03. The markers also were amplified from four other B. subtilis isolates, but they were not amplified from other related Bacillus strains, including the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria IN937a and IN937b. Sequencing of the amplified markers revealed that all seven of the isolates that scored positive for multiple markers were genotypically distinct strains. Interestingly, strains scored positive for the amplifiable markers generally were more effective at inhibiting the growth of Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum than other Bacillus isolates that lacked the markers. The potential utility of the defined genetic markers to further define the diversity, ecology, and biocontrol activities of B. subtilis are discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Analyses of multiple field experiments indicated that the incidence and relative abundance of root-colonizing phlD+ Pseudomonas spp. were influenced by crop rotation, tillage, organic amendments, and chemical seed treatments in subtle but reproducible ways. In no-till corn plots, 2-year rotations with soybean resulted in plants with approximately twofold fewer phlD+ pseudomonads per gram of root, but 3-year rotations with oat and hay led to population increases of the same magnitude. Interestingly, tillage inverted these observed effects of cropping sequence in two consecutive growing seasons, indicating a complex but reproducible interaction between rotation and tillage on the rhizosphere abundance of 2,4-diacetlyphloroglucinol (DAPG) producers. Amending conventionally managed sweet corn plots with dairy manure compost improved plant health and also increased the incidence of root colonization when compared with nonamended plots. Soil pH was negatively correlated to rhizosphere abundance of phlD+ pseudomonads in no-till and nonamended soils, with the exception of the continuous corn treatments. Chemical seed treatments intended to control fungal pathogens and insect pests on corn also led to more abundant populations of phlD in different tilled soils. However, increased root disease severity generally was associated with elevated levels of root colonization by phlD+ pseudomonads in no-till plots. Interestingly, within a cropping sequence treatment, correlations between the relative abundance of phlD and crop stand or yield were generally positive on corn, and the strength of those correlations was greater in plots experiencing more root disease pressure. In contrast, such correlations were generally negative in soybean, a difference that may be partially explained by difference in application of N fertilizers and soil pH. Our findings indicate that farming practices can alter the relative abundance and incidence of phlD+ pseudomonads in the rhizosphere and that practices that reduce root disease severity (i.e., rotation, tillage, and chemical seed treatment) are not universally linked to increased root colonization by DAPG-producers.  相似文献   
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are important membrane components that influence membrane integrity and fluidity. In the present study, the effect of oral supplementation for 60 days with essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9) and vitamin E on canine semen quality was evaluated. Sixteen dogs were selected for the experiment; eight were used as the control group and eight received the fatty acid supplemented diet for 60 days. Semen samples were taken every 15 days during the entire experimental period and were analyzed for volume (ml), motility (%), vigour (0–5), concentration (×106/ml), morphology of spermatozoa (%), plasma membrane integrity (%; using the hyposmotic swelling test) and thermoresistance (motility and vigour after 4 h at 38°C). We concluded that, daily supplementation with omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, together with vitamin E, for a period of 60 days, significantly increased the semen volume of the treated group after 15 days of supplementation; the vigour and concentration of spermatozoa were superior after the first month of supplementation, while the percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa decreased and the cells were protected against thermal stress.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Pseudomonas fluorescens strains producing the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) have biocontrol activity against a broad spectrum of root and seedling diseases. In this study, we determined the effect of genotype on the ability to isolate and quantify introduced 2,4-DAPG producers from the rhizosphere of wheat using three different methods: traditional dilution plating on selective media, colony hybridization followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and phlD-specific PCR-based dilution endpoint assay. Regression analysis of the population densities of 10 2,4-DAPG-producing P. fluorescens, representing five genotypes, determined by the three different methods demonstrated that the relationship was linear (P < 0.001) and the techniques were very similar (i.e., slopes equal to 1.0). The phlD-specific PCR-based assay had a slightly lower limit of detection than the other two methods (log 3.3 versus log 4.0 CFU/g of fresh root weight). With the colony hybridization procedure, we observed that the phlD probe, derived from strain P. fluorescens Q8r1-96, hybridized more strongly to colonies of BOX-PCR genotypes D (strains W2-6, L5.1-96, Q8r1-96, and Q8r2-96) and K (strain F113) compared with strains of genotypes A (Pf-5 and CHA0), B (Q2-87), and L (1M1-96 and W4-4). Colony hybridization alone overestimated the actual densities of some strains, thus requiring an additional PCR step to obtain accurate estimates. In contrast, population densities estimated for three of the bacterial treatments (strains CHA0, W2-6, and Q8r2-96) with the PCR-based assay were significantly (P < 0.041) smaller by 7.6 to 9.2% and 6.4 to 9.4% than population densities detected by the dilution plating and colony hybridization techniques, respectively. In this paper, we discuss the relative advantages of the different methods for detecting 2,4-DAPG producers.  相似文献   
Abstract: Aggregation of feline platelets in vitro results in difficulty assessing platelet number. A citrate-based anticoagulant containing the platelet inhibitors theophylline, adenosine, and dipyridamole (CTAD; Diatube-H, Becton Dickinson, Oxford, UK) has been developed for use in human platelet studies and heparin assays. To evaluate the efficacy of CTAD in reducing platelet aggregation in feline blood samples, aliquots of blood from 51 cats were anticoagulated with EDTA, CTAD, and for 12 samples, citrate solution. Samples preserved in CTAD had significantly higher (P ≤ .001) platelet counts, as determined by an impedance counter, hemacy-tometer, and smear estimation, than samples preserved in EDTA. In addition, subjective assessment of blood smears showed significantly fewer platelet aggregates (P<.001) in CTAD-treated samples compared with EDTA samples. Although values were similar, automated platelet counts and smear estimates of platelet number were significantly higher (P < .05) and platelet aggregation was significantly less (P < .05) in CTAD samples than in citrate samples. These results suggest that the platelet inhibitory activity of CTAD reduced feline platelet aggregation. Automated total WBC counts in CTAD samples were significantly lower (P<.001) than automated counts in EDTA samples but were similar to manual WBC counts in EDTA samples. Differences in both platelet and WBC counts between CTAD and EDTA or citrate samples were clinically relevant. Mean platelet volume and MCV were significantly lower (P< .05) in CTAD samples than in EDTA samples. No effect was seen on cell morphology or staining characteristics. The anticoagulant CTAD offers an advantage over both EDTA and citrate for feline hematologic analysis, by decreasing pseudothrombocytopenia and pseudoleukocytosis.  相似文献   
Multiple statistical analyses of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) data were used to screen and identify bacterial populations involved in general disease suppression in an organically managed soil. Prior to sampling three different management strategies (i.e. mixed hay (H), tilled fallowing and open-field vegetables production) were used during the transition from conventional to organic farming, with and without compost amendment. The H transition strategy consistently led to the lowest damping-off disease incidence on two different crops in separate greenhouse and field experiments. Bacterial population structure in bulk soil and the rhizosphere of both crops was characterized using T-RFLP analyses of amplified 16S rDNA sequences. First, principal component analysis (PCA) revealed changes in the relative abundance of bacterial terminal restriction fragments (TRF) in response to transition strategy and/or compost amendment in eight different experimental contexts. In each context, a different subset of TRF substantially contributed to the variation along the first two principal components. However, terminal restriction fragment M148 contributed significantly to the observed variation in 6 out of the 8 experiments, and moderately in the remaining 2 experiments. As a second approach, nonparametric analyses of variance revealed that the relative abundance of TRF differed among treatments. While the responsive subsets identified varied somewhat by experimental context, M137, M139 and M141 were more abundant in samples from the H transition strategy in multiple experimental contexts. Subsequent correlation analyses revealed that TRF associated with disease suppressive treatments (i.e. H with and without compost) were frequently negatively correlated with damping-off disease incidence. As a group, these TRF were disproportionately associated with lower disease levels further indicating their role in disease suppression. Interestingly, in silico analysis of the bacterial 16S rDNA sequence database revealed that the TRF identified in this study (e.g. M137, M139, M141, and M148) might correspond to well-characterized genera of bacterial biological control agents.  相似文献   
The purpose of this retrospective study is to characterize the clinical signs, laboratory values, treatment modalities and mortality outcomes related to cycad palm toxicosis in dogs and to identify medical interventions that potentially correlate with mortality. Dogs with confirmed cycad palm ingestion were identified by reviewing medical records from two private veterinary referral centres for key terms and phrases indicative of cycad palm toxicosis. Of 130 dogs included, 107 (82.3%) presented with clinical signs. A total of 2 (1.5%) died and 14 (10.8%) were euthanized. Diarrhea, lethargy and mortality were all associated with an elevated initial alanine transaminase (ALT) concentration. Overall mortality was 12.3%, with a significantly higher proportion of dogs with an ALT concentration <125 U/L surviving compared to dogs with an elevated ALT concentration. Treatment with activated charcoal reduced the odds of death among all dogs by 82% and was even more protective among dogs with an elevated initial ALT concentration. Among dogs that had an initial platelet count performed, the presence of thrombocytopenia (<200,000/μL) was a negative prognostic indicator and was associated with a significant increase in mortality. Given the high mortality rates reported for cycad palm toxicosis, it is imperative to identify early clinical indicators of mortality as well as treatments that reduce mortality.  相似文献   
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