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Summary Diallel crosses were made between 15 tomato genotypes with varying performance under a low energy regime. It appeared that differences between genotypes for 11 vegetative and generative plant characters are determined mainly by additive genetic variation. For breeding cultivars adapted to low energy conditions, crossing genotypes with a high GCA for weight of trusses and fruits (WTF) and genotypes with a high GCA for weight of vegetative plant parts (WVP) seems most promising. Complications may arise from the negative correlation between GCA values for WTF and WVP, and the strong positive correlation between GCA values for fruit number and WTF, causing small fruits.  相似文献   
Oxolinic acid (OA) has been the only bactericide used against fire blight in pear and quince orchards in Israel since 1998. OA-resistant Erwinia amylovora strains (Ea-OAR) were detected in several orchards in two restricted areas in the northern Galilee region during 1999–2001. In the following years, resistant strains could not be detected in some of these locations. Documenting the fate of Ea-OAR strains in commercial orchards at eight sites in northern Israel during 2000/03 revealed that the resistant population appeared irrespective of the number of sprays applied and the severity of the disease. The persistence of the Ea-OAR populations varied from site to site, ranging from 4 to 20 months; these differences could be attributed to the fire blight management activities of growers. Comparative studies on the fitness of Ea-OAR and E. amylovora strains sensitive to OA (Ea-OAS) were conducted in vitro and in planta using two strains of each group. In four of the six comparisons, disease incidence on detached blossoms inoculated with Ea-OAS was significantly higher than that on blossoms inoculated with Ea-OAR. In two experiments conducted on 8-year-old pear trees grown under netting, the colonization of Ea-OAS in blossoms, annual shoots and perennial spurs was significantly higher than that of the Ea-OAR. In two experiments conducted on 2-year-old trees grown under netting in an experimental station, the incidence of shoots exhibiting fire blight symptoms and the rate of symptom progress within the branches were significantly higher in trees inoculated with Ea-OAS than in those inoculated with Ea-OAR. The results of this study suggest that OA-resistant E. amylovora strains have lower fitness than wild-type strains. These findings may have implications for fire blight management.  相似文献   
In this study, the interrelation between nitrogen availability and prokaryotic diversity are studied using a well-characterised system from a long-term field experiment on a loamy sandy soil. The prokaryotic potential functional diversity and community composition were assessed using community-level physiological profiling (CLPP), and their phylogenetic diversity was analysed using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) in combination with sequencing analysis. Highest prokaryotic potential functional diversity was measured in the control soil receiving no N fertilisation, indicating an efficient as well as versatile utilisation of the substrates in this soil. Both substrate utilisation richness and substrate utilisation evenness, the two constituents of the functional diversity, were decreased with increasing N supply. Furthermore, distinct prokaryotic community compositions were generated in N-enriched soils compared to unfertilised control soils. These differences suggest a dominance of populations adapted to utilising readily available substrates. We demonstrated that the shift in prokaryotic functional diversity was connected to a shift in the phylogenetic structure of the bacterial and archaeal communities. Taken together, our data clearly show that, for the sandy soil system, prokaryotic diversity and N availability were interrelated.  相似文献   
A comparison was made between the genes in 29 new selections of wild emmer wheat resistant to yellow rust over wide geographic areas and the previously extensively studied selectionTriticum dicoccoides G-25. In 23 selections the resistance may be conferred by 1 dominant gene; these include 11 selections in which the gene is different from the dominant gene in sel. G-25 and two others in which the genes were closely linked or allelic to the gene in G-25, differing from sel. G-25 by race-specificity. Two dominant genes different from the gene in sel. G-25, seem to be present in one selection. In five selections the resistance may be conferred by one or two recessive genes, including three instances in which the recessive gene was associated with a dominat gene. Our findings show that at least 19 out of the 29 selections studied possess genes which are different from the gene inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25.Samenvatting In dit onderzoek werden 29 nieuwe resistente wilde-emmer selecties (Triticum dicoccoides) gekruist met de reeds uitvoerig bestudeerde resistente selectie G-25, om na te gaan of de resistentie van de nieuwe selecties wordt veroorzaakt door genen op dezelfde locus als het dominante gen in sel. G-25 of dat er andere loci bij zijn betrokken. De ouders, de F1-en F2-populaties van een bepaalade selectie werden in het kiemplantstadium getoetst met één Israëlisch gele-roest isolaat van fysio 2E0 of van fysio 2E18. In de uitsplitsende F2-populaties werden de niet-sporulerende planten als resistent beschouwd en de sporulerende als vatbaar.In de F2-populaties van 12 herkomsten werden geen vatbare planten gevonden, hetgeen er op duidt dat de resistentie wordt veroorzaakt door een gen op dezelfde locus als het gen in G-25 of door een gen dat neuw gekoppeld is aan het gen in G-25. Voor twee van deze herkomsten kan op basis van een fysio-specifieke interactie worden vastgesteld dat de resistentie berust op allelen die verschillen van het allel in sel. G-25. In 11 herkomsten werd een uitsplitsing voor twee dominante gene gevonden (RS=151), waarbij het tweede dominante gen uit de getoetste nieuwe selectie afkomstig is. De aanwezigheid van twee dominante genen verschillend van het gen in sel. G-25 werd gevonden in één herkomst (631). In de overige vijf selecties bleek de resistentie te worden veroorzaakt door één of twee recessieve genen waarnaast in drie gevallen ook nog een dominant gen werd gevonden.De resultaten tonen aan dat tenminste 19 van de 29 bestudeerde selecties resistentiegenen bezitten die verschillen van het gen inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25. Slechts in twee van deze selecties kan het gen allel zijn met het gen in sel. G-25.  相似文献   


Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) is an emerging disease in pigs of multifactorial origin, but associated to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection. PMWS was first diagnosed in Sweden at a progeny test station that received pigs aged five weeks from 19 different nucleus herds on the day after weaning. The objective of this study was to examine, for the first time in an index outbreak of PMWS, the relationship between PCV2 virus, antibodies to PCV2 and serum amyloid a (SAA) in sequentially collected serum samples from pigs with and without signs of PMWS.


Forty pigs of the last batch that entered the station at a mean age of 37.5 days were monitored for signs of PMWS during the first 55 days after arrival. Serum was collected on six occasions and analysed for presence of PCV2 DNA and antibodies to PCV2, as well as for levels of SAA.


Four of the pigs (10%) were concluded to have developed PMWS, with necropsy confirmation in three of them. These pigs displayed low levels of maternal antibodies to PCV2, more than 107 PCV2 viral DNA copies per ml serum and failed to mount a serological response to the virus. Starting between day 23 and 34 after arrival, an increase in PCV2 viral load was seen in all pigs, but PCV2 did not induce any SAA-response. Pigs that remained healthy seroconverted to PCV2 as the viral load was increased, regardless of initially having low or high levels of PCV2-antibodies.


In this index case of PMWS in Sweden, pigs affected by PMWS were not able to mount a relevant serum antibody response which contributed to the disease progression. The maximal PCV2 virus load was significantly higher and was also detected at an earlier stage in PMWS-affected pigs than in healthy pigs. However, a viral load above 107 PCV2 DNA copies per ml serum was also recorded in 18 out of 34 pigs without any clinical signs of PMWS, suggesting that these pigs were able to initiate a protective immune response to PCV2.  相似文献   
Keuls  M.  Garretsen  Frida 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):51-64
Summary In the first part of this paper some experimental conditions necessary for a valid statistical analysis of differences in growth curves are discussed.Next the multivariate character of growth curves is considered. Data on the growth curves of three genotypes of an experiment with tomatoes of the IVT are used for illustrating the computational procedure and some aspects of interpretation.The growth curves of log dry leaf weight for each plot could be described by a quadratic function of time and were characterised by three components: mean level m, slope 1 (linear component) and curvature q (quadratic component).Univariate analyses of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences between cultivars for each growth component: however, this is only part of the information as the correlation between the components is not involved. From a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) it appeared that in this experiment the differences in growth between the cultivars were best expressed by using mean level m only.An estimate of the final (reduced) statistical model underlying the tomato example is derived.It is advised to split up growth into different phases of development each with its own analysis. At least four harvest dates for every phase seem desirable.  相似文献   
Thirteen streams in the province of Jämtland in northern Sweden were monitored during spring in 1995 (December 94 – July 95) to study changes in water chemistry and metal concentrations during snow melt. The brooks are not treated with lime, with one exception, and can be approximately divided into three groups according to watershed characteristics; A) > 65% above tree line, B) > 65 % wetland, C) > 55% forested. During peak flow, pH dropped 0.5–2.5 units and alkalinity generally to zero. The brooks above tree line were lowest in base cations and reached the lowest pH-values (4.4–4.6) during peak flow, while sulphate levels were about the same as in the forested watersheds. During peak flow, organic anions showed the highest increase in the wetland and forested catchments. Compared to base flow, Al, Zn, Pb and to some extent Mn was enriched during peak flow. The results also illustrate the difficulties in generalising the reasons for alkalinity losses during spring flood in this kind of streams. In some of the brooks, the use of either base cations or silica, when calculating dilution effects, gave deviating results concerning the relative contribution of strong acids in the snow pack.  相似文献   
Water chemistry and plankton has been monitored in three Lakes in Tyresta National park SE of Stockholm since 1977. Liming operations started in Lake Långsjön and Lake Trehörningen in 1978 and were repeated every 3–5 years, while Lake Årsjön is an unlimed reference Lake. During 1991–1999, the annual pH median in Lake Långsjön and Lake Årsjön ranged between 6.6–7.1 and 5.2–5.8, respectively, and the composition of phyto- and zooplankton in these lakes did not change markedly. After a final treatment in 1991, the liming of Lake Trehörningen was terminated intentionally. As a result, pH decreased from an annual median 7.1 in 1991, to 6.1 in 1999 (5.8 in 1998). Total organic carbon (TOC) did not change markedly during this period, while the levels of calcium decreased. Metals, known to be influenced by acidification, especially cadmium, manganese and aluminium (Al), increased. The labile-inorganic forms of Al also reached higher levels, especially in 1998. Following the decreasing pH, the total number of phytoplankton taxa decreased by ca 40%. Among zooplankton, the cladocerans Holopedium gibberum, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia longispina, common during the limed period, became rare.  相似文献   
The biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in different fractions from the forest floor was studied. Soil leachate (SL, the soil solution in macropores which is freely drained from forest floor after rainfall), the soil matrix solution (SMS, the soil solution in meso-/micropores of the soil matrix), and soil water extracts (SWE) from two different beech forest floors were compared. Zero-tension and tension lysimeters were used to collect SL and SMS, respectively. Loss of DOC (during 21 days) and respiration of CO2-C (during 7 days) were used as conventional measures of the availability of DOC. Bacterial production, measured using the leucine incorporation technique, and bacterial growth efficiency were also estimated. All methods were used to study differences in biodegradability between plots with and without ground flora (Deschampsia flexuosa or Anemone nemorosa) and different type of forest floor (with an organic (O) horizon or a mull (A) horizon). There were no differences in bioavailability of DOC from soil solutions extracted from plots with and without ground flora. The bioavailability of DOC in the different collected soil solutions varied, however. DOC in SWE was the most available, with a mean of 39% of DOC-loss in 21 days, and 18% of DOC being respired in 7 days. DOC in soil matrix solution was the least available of the soil solutions (7% respired), significantly less than DOC in soil leachate (11% respired). The methods measuring biodegradation of DOC, DOC-loss and CO2-C respiration gave similar results and were comparable to bacterial production and bacterial growth efficiency, with the exception of SWE from the O-horizon at the D. flexuosa site, which had low bacterial production and bacterial growth efficiency, indicating a limitation of the bacterial growth. This study is one of the first to use bacterial production and bacterial growth efficiency for measuring bioavailability in terrestrial environments, giving an extra dimension for the process of biodegradation of DOC.  相似文献   
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