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The sustainability of self-governingirrigation schemes is currently underpressure in many countries as publicfinancial support is decreasing.Furthermore, growing global concernregarding water scarcity means thatefficient water use is essential.Theoretically the choice and implementationof a water-pricing system should play acentral role in achieving this objective,both by recovering water costs and byencouraging farmers to adopt more efficientbehaviour. In the Senegal River Delta newlyestablished water users associations (WUAs)have chosen low water charges, which areaffordable for the majority of farmers butwhich underestimate long-term maintenancecosts. Combined with the difficulty ofcollecting and managing farmers' fees, thischoice has drawn them into a vicious circleleading to scheme deterioration and poorwater service. New alternatives have beendiscussed with them using a simulation toolthat takes into account both the watercosts and the farmers' incomes. Comparedwith the present fixed water charge basedonly on cultivated land, a two-part optionbased both on equipped and irrigated areasensures the recovery of fixed expenses suchas maintenance, while encouraging farmersto intensify their farming systems byadopting double cropping. Neverthelesschoosing a relevant water charge does notensure by itself the sustainability of anirrigation scheme. Combined supportproviding WUAS and farmers with efficientadvice regarding management andorganisational skills should alsocontribute significantly to achieve thisprime objective.  相似文献   
Data on tsetse fly, and on village Ndama cattle collected over a 4-year period in southern Senegal, were analysed. A total of 431 Ndama cattle in four herds of three villages in the Upper Casamance area of southern Senegal were monitored monthly. Glossina morsitans submorsitans and Glossina palpalis gambiensis are present in the study area. Mean tsetse apparent density was 5.4 flies/trap/day. Trypanosome (Trypanosoma congonlense and Trypanosoma vivax) infection rate in flies was 2.4 (s.e. 0.37)%. Tsetse challenge index was 17.3 (s.e. 4.18). Mean monthly trypanosome prevalence in cattle was 2.5 (s.e. 0.51)%. Highest trypanosome prevalence occurred during the dry season, and animals less than 1-year old were more frequently infected than older animals. The linear relationship between the log10+1 tsetse challenge and the arcsine of the trypanosome prevalence was significant only when mean monthly values of these variables over the 4-year period were used with tsetse challenge preceding infection rate by 3 months. Mean monthly prevalence of strongyle, Strongyloides spp., Toxocara spp. and coccidia were 34.4 (s.e. 0.60), 2.1 (s.e. 0.18), 1.2 (s.e. 0.45) and 15.6 (s.e. 0.47)%, respectively. Calf mortality rate at 1,6 and 12 months of age was 2.1 (s.e. 2.1), 5.2 (s.e. 2.8) and 12.2 (s.e. 3.3)%, respectively. Calving interval (584 s.e. 58 days) was not influenced by trypanosome status of the cow during lactation. Calving interval was shorter by 167 days when the calf died before 1 year of age in comparison to calving intervals for which the calf survived beyond one year. Live weight at birth, 6 and 12 months of age were 15.8 (s.e. 0.54), 48.1 (s.e. 2.56) and 71.1 (s.e. 5.44) kg, respectively. Mean lactation length, total and daily milk offtake were 389 (s.e. 16) days, 231 (s.e. 15) litres and 0.69 (s.e. 0.037) litres, respectively. Trypanosome infection during lactation did not have a significant effect on the amount of milk extracted for human consumption nor did trypanosome status affect calf growth.  相似文献   
Infections with the intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia in dogs and cats are common. Clinical signs vary from asymptomatic to small bowel diarrhea and associated discomfort. The control of infections in dogs is frequently a frustrating issue for animal owners and veterinarians. Drugs with antiprotozoal activity such as fenbendazole and metronidazole are recommended, however, they do not show 100% efficacy and superinfections occur regularly. Ronidazole is currently the drug of choice for the treatment of Tritrichomonas foetus in cats and there is now limited information available about its efficacy against Giardia spp. In the kennel investigated, dogs regularly showed loose feces and the presence of Giardia (assemblage C, renamed as G. canis) cysts. An elimination strategy of this parasite involving strict hygiene management and disinfection of the enclosures with 4-chlorine-M-cresol, oral treatment with ronidazole (30-50mg/kg BW bid for 7 days) and two shampooings (containing chlorhexidine) at the beginning and the end of the treatments was implemented for a group of 6 dogs. As a control another group of 7 dogs was transferred to the disinfected enclosures and shampooed, but left untreated. Dog feces were tested for the presence of Giardia cysts (SAF concentration technique) or Giardia antigen with a commercial ELISA (NOVITEC(?)) and a quick immunochromatography-based test (SensPERT(?)) before and between 5 and 40 days after the last treatment. All ronidazole-treated dogs were negative for Giardia cysts and antigen up to 26 days after the last treatment, while between 1 and 5 of the control animals tested positive in each of the test series. At this point, also dogs of the control group were again moved into clean enclosures, shampooed twice and treated with ronidazole. Five, 12 and 19 days after the last treatment, the dogs in the control group tested negative for Giardia cysts and antigen. However, all animals had again positive results at later time points in at least one of the three applied diagnostic techniques within 33-61 days after treatment. Furthermore, all dogs had episodes of diarrhea (for 1-4 days) within 14-31 days after treatment and unformed feces during the whole experiment. The positive effect of ronidazole against Giardia infections in dogs could be confirmed in this study. In particular, the combination of ronidazole treatment combined with the disinfection of the environment and shampooing of the dogs was highly effective in reducing Giardia cyst excretion and may therefore constitute an alternative control strategy for canine giardiosis.  相似文献   
The benefits of inoculation with six arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolates (Glomus aggregatum, G. fasciculatum, G. intraradices, G. manihotis, G. mosseae, and G. verriculosum) were investigated on seedlings of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd., a multipurpose tree legume highly valued for arabic gum production. Mycorrhizal root colonization, plant growth and relative mycorrhizal dependency (RMD) were measured in A. senegal seedlings growing in soils from three geographical sites in Senegal (Dahra, Bambey and Goudiry) and two soil conditions (sterilized vs unsterilized) in the glasshouse. The impact of inoculation on mycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth depended on AMF isolates, soil origins and soil conditions. Mycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth were increased in sterilized soils regardless of soil origin and AMF isolates. The degree of RMD of A. senegal seedlings varied with soil origin, soil condition and AMF isolates. A. senegal showed the highest RMD values, reaching a maximum of 45 %, when inoculated with G. manihotis. However, in unsterilized soils, no significant effect of AMF inoculation on plant growth was observed despite significant root colonization with certain AMF isolates in Dahra and Goudiry soils. This indicates that the most infective AMF isolates were not the most effective and unsterilized soils may contain effective mycorrhizal propagules. In conclusion, it is important to consider the native mycorrhizal component of the soils before harnessing mycorrhizal inoculation programs for sustainable agroforestry systems.  相似文献   
Fifty-one dogs (27 diabetic dogs, four that had recovered from diabetes and 20 healthy control dogs) were given 0.5 or 1.0 mg glucagon intravenously. Blood samples were taken before the injection and 10 and 20 minutes after it. Samples were analysed to determine C-peptide, insulin and glucose concentrations, and one sample from each dog was analysed for fructosamine. The median (interquartile range) concentrations of C-peptide in the samples taken at 10 minutes were 0.5 (0.3 to 0.8) nmol/l in the control dogs, 0.1 (0 to 0.2) nmol/l in the diabetic dogs, and 0.3 (0.2 to 0.4) nmol/l in the dogs that had recovered from diabetes. Seven of the 51 dogs showed mild adverse reactions after the injection of glucagon.  相似文献   
The protective activity of a non-bacteriocinogenic Lactococcus piscium CNCM I-4031 strain against Listeria monocytogenes was investigated in tropical cooked peeled shrimp stored at 8°C in modified atmosphere packaging (50% N2–50% CO2). When inoculated alone (L. piscium 107 CFU g?1 and L. monocytogenes 104 CFU g?1), protective culture and target strain grew very well on shrimp reaching a maximum cell number of 109 CFU g?1 after 7 and 14 days, respectively. In the presence of L. piscium, growth of L. monocytogenes was totally prevented after 3 days of storage. The count was 3.4 log CFU g?1 lower than in the control after 10 days and until the end of storage (31 days). Using the Seafood Spoilage and Safety Predictor Software (http://sssp.dtuaqua.dk), it was shown that pH decrease from 6.58 to 5.94 and lactic acid concentration of 89.65 mM measured in the co-inoculated batch did not fully explain the inhibition observed.  相似文献   
Vibrio nigripulchritudo is considered one of the major pathogens threatening shrimp aquaculture. In this study, we developed a novel and highly specific quantitative loop-mediated isothermal amplification (Q-LAMP) assay. A set of four specific primers were designed targeting the V. nigripulchritudo intergenic spacer region. The reaction time and temperature were optimized for 60 min at 63°C. Quantitative analysis was then performed by measuring the turbidity of the reaction solution using a real-time turbidimeter, allowing for quantification of the initial DNA concentration with a sensitivity of 102 copy numbers equivalent to 2.3 colony forming units/ml or 0.3 fg/μl. The LAMP assay was able to specifically detect two representative strains of V. nigripulchritudo, whereas other Vibrio and non-Vibrio species were not amplified. A standard curve was generated for V. nigripulchritudo by plotting the threshold time (T t) versus the log of bacterial number. A high correlation coefficient (R 2 = 0.9749) was observed for the Q-LAMP reaction. In conclusion, Q-LAMP assay is a sensitive, rapid, and simple tool that can be used for the detection and quantification of V. nigripulchritudo in shrimp, thereby facilitating surveillance of vibriosis infection.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To identify social, behavioural and cultural factors that explain the thinness of young women relative to their men in rural Maharashtra, India. DESIGN: Twelve focus group discussions were conducted to explore the villagers' understanding of why women in their area might be thinner than men. SETTING: Pabal village and surrounding hamlets, in the Pune district of Maharashtra, India. SUBJECTS: Samples of young mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers were selected from families in the village with children below 10 years of age. RESULTS: Four factors were identified that the villagers felt contributed to the disparity in thinness. First, marriage isolated girls from their own families and villages, and brought the expectation of early motherhood. Young brides were often unable to relax and eat adequately. Second, marriage increased the workload of young women. They were expected to do the heaviest household chores as well as farm work in this predominantly agricultural community. Third, women had no financial autonomy or freedom of movement, and were therefore denied access to supplementary food sources available to men. Fourth, young women felt responsible for their household's health and success. They were encouraged to fast regularly to ensure this. Despite feeling responsible, young women had no control over factors that might affect the household's well being. This made them anxious and worried a great deal of the time. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions to improve the nutritional status of young women in this region need to recognise the roles and responsibilities taken up by young brides.  相似文献   
A probabilistic spatial model was created based on empirical data to examine the influence of different fire regimes on stand structure of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) forests across a >500,000-ha landscape in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. We asked how variation in the frequency of large fire events affects (1) the mean and annual variability of age and tree density (defined by postfire sapling density and subsequent stand density) of lodgepole pine stands and (2) the spatial pattern of stand age and density across the landscape. The model incorporates spatial and temporal variation in fire and serotiny in predicting postfire sapling densities of lodgepole pine. Empirical self-thinning and in-filling curves alter initital postfire sapling densities over decades to centuries. In response to a six-fold increase in the probability of large fires (0.003 to 0.018 year−1), mean stand age declined from 291 to 121 years. Mean stand density did not increase appreciably at high elevations (1,029 to 1,249 stems ha−1) where serotiny was low and postfire sapling density was relatively low (1,252 to 2,203 stems ha−1). At low elevations, where prefire serotiny and postfire lodgepole pine density are high, mean stand densities increased from 2,807 to 7,664 stems ha−1. Spatially, the patterns of stand age became more simplified across the landscape, yet patterns of stand density became more complex. In response to more frequent stand replacing fires, very high annual variability in postfire sapling density is expected, with higher means and greater variation in stand density across lodgepole pine landscapes, especially in the few decades following large fires.  相似文献   
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