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Only a few of the registered insecticides against Cydia pomonella L. are still effective in areas where insecticide resistance has emerged in this pest. Resistance mechanisms are multiple, and their lone or cumulative effects in a single population are not completely understood. A detailed estimation of resistance spectrum is still required to define the suitable insecticides to use against a given population. The efficacy of ten insecticides was therefore investigated together with the resistance mechanisms expressed in four laboratory strains and 47 field populations of C. pomonella from five countries. Bioassays were performed using topical applications of diagnostic concentrations on diapausing larvae, and resistance mechanisms were analysed on adults emerging from control insects. All populations exhibited a reduced susceptibility to at least one insecticide when compared with the susceptible laboratory strain. Cross-resistances were observed between azinphos-methyl or phosalone and more recent compounds such as spinosad and thiacloprid. Resistances to azinphos-methyl, diflubenzuron, spinosad, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were significantly correlated with mixed-function oxidase activity, while increased glutathione-S-transferase and reduced non-specific esterase activities were correlated with resistance to azinphos-methyl and emamectin, respectively. Conversely, resistances to azinphos-methyl, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were negatively correlated with increased esterase activity. None of the observed mechanisms explained the loss of susceptibility of populations to chlorpyrifos-ethyl, and no significant correlation was detected between resistance to deltamethrin and the presence of the kdr mutation. The suitability of such non-target instars to monitor insecticide resistance in field populations is discussed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A wide range of methods has been used for monitoring resistance in Cydia pomonella L. However, the results from specific tests are not always concordant and they generate doubts over the extent to which the data represent the field situation. Therefore, the variability in the expression of resistance mechanisms and in resistance ratios between developmental stages and their reliability in a field situation were studied. RESULTS: Neonate larvae showed the highest insecticide resistance, except to spinosad. Resistance ratios were from 2 to 9.5, depending on the insecticide and the strain tested, when compared with the susceptible strain. Spinosad exhibited the highest resistance ratio for diapausing larvae (4.4, 12.2 and 4.4 for Raz, Rdfb and RΔ strains, respectively). Enzymatic ratios were higher in adults than in neonates or diapausing larvae, and the highest enzymatic ratios were observed for mixed‐function oxidases (7.3–36.7 for adults of resistant strains). CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity of different instars depends on the insecticides used, and there is a differential expression of resistance mechanisms between stages. For the population considered in this study, tests on neonates provided the most consistent results to the field situation, but adult response to chlorpyrifos‐ethyl and azinphos‐methyl in the laboratory was also consistent with the field results. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) may bio-accumulate high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) during harmful algal blooms of the genus Alexandrium. These blooms regularly occur in coastal waters, affecting oyster health and marketability. The aim of our study was to analyse the PST-sensitivity of nerves of Pacific oysters in relation with toxin bio-accumulation. The results show that C. gigas nerves have micromolar range of saxitoxin (STX) sensitivity, thus providing intermediate STX sensitivity compared to other bivalve species. However, theses nerves were much less sensitive to tetrodotoxin. The STX-sensitivity of compound nerve action potential (CNAP) recorded from oysters experimentally fed with Alexandrium minutum (toxic-alga-exposed oysters), or Tisochrysis lutea, a non-toxic microalga (control oysters), revealed that oysters could be separated into STX-resistant and STX-sensitive categories, regardless of the diet. Moreover, the percentage of toxin-sensitive nerves was lower, and the STX concentration necessary to inhibit 50% of CNAP higher, in recently toxic-alga-exposed oysters than in control bivalves. However, no obvious correlation was observed between nerve sensitivity to STX and the STX content in oyster digestive glands. None of the nerves isolated from wild and farmed oysters was detected to be sensitive to tetrodotoxin. In conclusion, this study highlights the good potential of cerebrovisceral nerves of Pacific oysters for electrophysiological and pharmacological studies. In addition, this study shows, for the first time, that C. gigas nerves have micromolar range of STX sensitivity. The STX sensitivity decreases, at least temporary, upon recent oyster exposure to dinoflagellates producing PST under natural, but not experimental environment.  相似文献   

? Context

Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases of oaks in Europe. After alarming reports in the beginning of the twentieth century following the presumed introduction of the invasive fungus, the disease has become familiar to foresters. However, its impact may vary greatly according to intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

? Aims

We aimed at providing updated and synthesised information on the impact of powdery mildew on oak and on the effects of environment on disease.

? Methods

A comprehensive literature review was performed, including old reports of the early epidemics to more recent data.

? Results

Tree growth patterns are of critical importance to explain the severity of the disease and the differences between juvenile and mature trees. A critical element, especially for infection of mature trees, is the availability of spores during the production of the first leaf flush. High disease impact is often related to modified growth patterns, either by environmental factors (insects or frost) or silvicultural practices (e.g., coppicing).

? Conclusion

Powdery mildew can have important impacts in natural oak regenerations and a significant role in decline of mature trees. Climate change might influence the disease severity mainly by altering the host pathogen phenological synchrony. Process-based models are required for reliable predictions.  相似文献   
In temperate and boreal mixedwood forests of eastern North America, partial disturbances such as insect outbreaks and gap dynamics result in the development of irregular forest structures. From a forest ecosystem management perspective, management of these forests should therefore include silvicultural regimes that incorporate medium- to high-retention harvesting. We present 12-year results of a field experiment undertaken to evaluate the effects of variable retention harvesting on stand structure, recruitment, and mortality. Treatments were gap harvesting (GAP), diameter-limit harvesting (DL), careful logging (CL), and careful logging followed by scarification (CL + SCAR), and an unharvested control. Although post-harvest basal area in the GAP treatment was significantly lower than that of controls, it maintained a diameter distribution profile and densities of balsam fir regeneration similar to those of pre-harvest conditions. Lower retention treatments (DL, CL, and CL + SCAR) tended to favor regeneration of pioneer, shade-intolerant species. Except for black spruce (for which mortality was highest in DL), stem mortality was similar among harvesting treatments. From an ecosystem management perspective, this study suggests that gap harvesting can maintain, in the short term, forest stand composition and structure similar to unharvested forests, and could be used where management objectives include the maintenance of late successional forest conditions.  相似文献   
芦苇作为环保型有机基质的可能性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
20世纪80年代以来,岩棉一直是蔬菜无土栽培的主要栽培基质。但由于用后的岩棉条成为大量的不可降解的废物,于是科学家们开始寻找可多年重复利用的无机基质如海绵,以及环保型有机基质如椰子壳丝等。90年代以后,瑞士等国家将芦苇作为有机无土栽培基质应用于蔬菜无土栽培。本文分析比较了芦苇、松木、椰子壳基质使用前的物理和化学特性,并通过栽培樱桃番茄(品种EVITA)的试验,与椰子壳基质和海绵基质栽培性能进行了比较研究。结果表明,芦苇可作为很有应用价值的环保型有机基质在生产中推广与应用。而且由于芦苇生产适应性好,分布广泛,来源充足,基质生产成本低等特点,而显示出很好的应用前景。  相似文献   
The internodes length of seedlings is ofimportant during propagation and planting.One of the mostcommon methods of retardingstem elongation is the application of chemicalplantgrowth regulators.Whereas it is not le-gal on vegetables in many countries today be-cause of the potential danger of chemicalresidues.In the presentexperiments,a practi-cable Mechanical Brusher was constructed.They were expected to demonstrate how Me-chanical Brushing ( MB) might be applied toproduce compact seedlings …  相似文献   
Logistic regression models integrating disease presence/absence data are widely used to identify risk factors for a given disease. However, when data arise from imperfect surveillance systems, the interpretation of results is confusing since explanatory variables can be related either to the occurrence of the disease or to the efficiency of the surveillance system. As an alternative, we present spatial and non-spatial zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regressions for modelling the number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks that were reported at subdistrict level in Thailand during the second epidemic wave (July 3rd 2004 to May 5th 2005). The spatial ZIP model fitted the data more effectively than its non-spatial version. This model clarified the role of the different variables: for example, results suggested that human population density was not associated with the disease occurrence but was rather associated with the number of reported outbreaks given disease occurrence. In addition, these models allowed estimating that 902 (95% CI 881–922) subdistricts suffered at least one HPAI H5N1 outbreak in Thailand although only 779 were reported to veterinary authorities, leading to a general surveillance sensitivity of 86.4% (95% CI 84.5–88.4). Finally, the outputs of the spatial ZIP model revealed the spatial distribution of the probability that a subdistrict could have been a false negative. The methodology presented here can easily be adapted to other animal health contexts.  相似文献   
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