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The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is an important economic resource for Morocco's rural populations. This species is used in reforestation actions and its cultivation in modern orchards is being undertaken to valorize marginal lands and substitute for drought sensitive species. However, little data is available on its intra-specific variability and its adaptability. Morphological characters of pods and seeds from 13 ecoregions of private-domesticated carob were used to assess phenotypic variation of this species. These stands extend from south-west to north-east and cover a wide range of Morocco's ecoregions. Pods length, width, thickness, seeds number, pulp weight, seeds yield and seeds length, width, thickness and weight were measured for 390 trees (30 trees per ecoregion). Statistically significant differences were found between ecoregions for all characters which were examined, what indicates a high phenotypic diversity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster of all ecoregions lead to identify two major and opposite groups (the northern ecoregions; and the central and south-western ecoregions). Ecoregions of the north of Morocco exhibited the largest and the thickest pods with the highest pulp weight while other ecoregions have relatively short pods but largest proportion of seed yield. Similarly, the northern ecoregions are characterized by the heaviest seeds. A correlation matrix between morphological characters, geographic parameters and precipitation exhibits a positive and a negative correlation of pods thickness and pulp weight with the latitude and the altitude, respectively. Seed yield and weight are negatively and positively correlated to pod width, pod thickness and pulp weight, respectively. In addition, seed weight is positively correlated with the latitude. The geographic pattern of the carob tree and its variability are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
Aphid control in Moroccan citrus orchards is based mainly on carbamate and neonicotinoid sprays, especially methomyl and imidacloprid. The extensive use of these insecticides may have side effects on natural enemies and environment quality and raises human health concerns. This research aimed to assess the control of aphids with insecticidal soap, kaolin and augmentative biological control using the indigenous predator Adalia decempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The insecticides were applied and the predators were released in April 2009 and 2010. Under field experimentation, the methomyl and imidacloprid foliar pulverization were very effective against aphids. In contrast, the insecticidal soap and kaolin application were less efficient while A. decempunctata adults were effective only in the first week after release. The side effects on beneficial insects were also assessed and discussed. The possibility of employing A. decempunctata in an integrated pest management package in citrus groves is discussed in relation to effectiveness and side effects on beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   
In this study, we report on the relationship between individual antioxidant carotenoids, phenolic fractions, and flavonoids and attenuating NaCl toxicity in two contrasting varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Verte and Romaine), as a means of developing more precise targets for lettuce breeding. In seedling leaves, carotenoid levels increased under NaCl stress in Verte, but remained unchanged in Romaine. Chlorogenic acid (CGA), a soluble polyphenol abundantly present in leaves, was the only phenolic acid that accumulated significantly in both varieties and was predominant under salinity. Remarkably, CGA was more prominent in Verte than Romaine at moderate salinity levels (100 mM). Foliar flavonoid levels were also differentially increased in both seedling types grown under 100 mM NaCl, but dropped significantly in both varieties under 200 mM NaCl. Germination, which was overall more salt‐resistant in Romaine, was significantly increased under salt stress by application of low dosage (10–6 to10–5 M) of CGA to Verte, but not to Romaine. These results suggest that CGA is involved in modulating NaCl‐induced oxidative‐stress responses during seed germination in Verte.  相似文献   
The identification of burnt forests and their monitoring provide essential information for the suitable management and conservation of these ecosystems. This research focuses on the use of remote sensing with MODIS sensor data in a Mediterranean environment, precisely in the Rif region known for its high occurrence of forest fires and the largest burnt areas in Morocco. It mapped the burnt areas during the summer of 2016 using spectral indices from MODIS images, namely the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and the Burnt Area Index for MODIS (BAIM). Two field surveys were used to calibrate spectral indices and validate the maps. First, a monotemporal analysis using a single pre-fire image determined the appropriate threshold of the spectral indices (BAIM and NBR) for burn detecting. Secondly, a multitemporal method was applied based on dBAIM and dNBR images which represented pre-fire and postfire differences of the BAIM and NBR images, respectively. The results show that separate use of monotemporal postfire and multitemporal methods produced an overestimation of the burnt areas. Finally, we propose a new algorithm combining both methods for burnt area mapping that we name Burnt Area Algorithm. MCD45A1 and MCD64A1 MODIS burnt area products were compared to the proposed algorithm. Validation of the estimated burnt areas using reference data of the Moroccan High Commission for Water, Forests and Fight against Desertification showed satisfactory results using the proposed algorithm, with a determination coefficient of 0.68 and a root mean square error of 44.0 ha.  相似文献   
Ce travail a pour objectif de connaitre la richesse spécifique des ennemis naturels associés aux vergers d'agrumes au Maroc de 2001 à 2011. Les parasitoides Aphytis hispanicus Mercet, Aphytis lepidosaphes Compere, Aphytis melinus De Bach, Aphidius spp., Cales noacki Howard, Comperiella bifasciata Howard, Leptomastix dactylopii Howard, Citrostichus phyllocnistoides Narayanann et Semielacher petiolatus Girault, sont les plus abondants. Seules quatre espèces contribuent rèellement à la diminution de certains ravageurs du verger : A. melinus pour Aonidiella aurantii Maskell, C. noacki pour Aleurothrixus floccosus Maskell, et C. phyllocnistoides et S. petiolatus pour Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton. La cératite Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann est uniquement parasitée par Psyttalia concolor Szepligeti, mais sans avoir un impact réel de réduction de ses populations. Les prédateurs Adalia decempunctata L., Aphidoletes Aphidimyza Rondani, Chrysoperla carnea Stephens, Coccinella septempunctata L., Cybocephalus spp., Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer, Rodolia cardinalis Mulsant, Rhyzobius lophantae Blaisdell, Scymnus spp. et Stethorus punctillum Weise, sont les plus abondants. La coccinelle S. punctilllum et certaines espèces des genres Euseius, Iphiseius, Phytoseiulus, Neoseiulus, Typhlodromus, limitent essentiellement les populations des acariens. La conservation et la prise en compte de ces espèces bénéfiques dans les programmes de protection intégrée en vergers d'agrumes au Maroc est une nécessité. Certaines de ces espèces utiles inventoriées, en particulier celles introduites et reconnues comme efficaces en lutte biologique sur agrumes au Maroc, devraient êtres inscrites dans la Norme PM 6/3 de l'OEPP (Organisation Européenne et Méditerranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes).  相似文献   
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Drought is one of the main environmental factors affecting grain yield and plant architecture in durum wheat. The present work was conducted to evaluate...  相似文献   
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