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本文用约1000块样地资抖,系统地研究了黑龙江省落叶松人工林的地位指数级导向曲线模型。通过林业统计分析软件Statistica6.0对各落叶松人工林数据进行拟合、分析比较,结果为:从拟合精度、曲线走向与散点分布趋势、残差分布等综合考虑,舒马切尔曲线函数比较适合落叶松人工林地位指数级导向曲线模型的拟合。  相似文献   
共同农业政策作为联系欧盟成员国农业的纽带,在经历2003年的改革后,虽然在价格补贴、农村发展等方面取得一定的成效,但仍然面临财政负担、食品安全、新成员国加入等来自内外部的挑战和压力.为应对这些挑战和压力,欧盟进行了降低政策价格、微调配额等一系列的最新改革.  相似文献   
 ‘乾兴银凤’桃是从日本引进品种中选出的优良品种, 经品种比较试验和多点区域试验, 表现丰产, 抗逆, 不裂果等特性。  相似文献   
前些年新红星等元帅系短枝型以其丰产易管的优点,受到广大果农的欢迎,大大增加果农的收益,也使许多果农管理粗放,造成新红星口味淡、色泽差。但随着果品总量的增加和人民生活水平的提高,对苹果的质量提出了更高的要求,所以我们采取以下栽培管理技术,取得了较好效果,改善了红星苹果的品质。1、加强土肥水管理由于许多农民片面追求产量,大量偏施氮肥,使果实个头小,风味淡和着色差问题越来越  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate inhibition of K562 cell growth by antisense drug targeted VEGF mRNA. METHODS: X7, 20-mer antisense sequences were selected, synthesized and modified with phosphorothioate. The drug was transfected into K562 cells in the present of lipofection. Cell growth was assayed by trypan blue dye exclusion assay and MTT. The level of VEGF protein in the media was determined by ELISA. The morphology of apoptotic cells were observed by Giemsa staining, and the propotion of apoptotic cells was detected by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The antisense drug inhibited growth of K562 and downregulated expression of VEGF protein significantly, compared with Scrambed control group and showed dose-dependent relation. Signs of apoptosis of K562 cells were not observed. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of K562 cell proliferation, but not cells apoptosis induction is the mechanism of inhibing growth of K562 cells by antisense drug targeted VEGF mRNA. At same time, VEGF has function of promoting K562 cell proliferation, and VEGF mRNA may be a new target attached by drugs.  相似文献   
旨在探究脂肪酸氧化(fatty acid oxidation,FAO)对BCG介导的RAW264.7细胞自噬和促炎因子表达的调控作用。用BODIPY染色和游离脂肪酸定量试剂盒检测BCG感染后RAW264.7细胞中脂滴聚集情况以及脂肪酸含量;Western blot检测BCG感染对肉毒碱棕榈酰基转移酶1A (CPT-1A)表达的影响;Etomoxir (100 μmol·L-1)预处理细胞2 h后,BCG感染细胞6 h,检测RAW264.7细胞中BCG存留量,并用Western blot方法检测自噬相关蛋白(Beclin1、LC3-II)和溶酶体蛋白(Rab7)的表达情况;用免疫荧光方法和mRFP-GFP-LC3荧光双标腺病毒分别检测自噬小体聚集和自噬流;荧光定量PCR和ELISA分别检测促炎因子IL-1β、IL-6和TNF-α mRNA表达情况以及在细胞培养上清中的含量。结果显示,BCG感染促进RAW264.7细胞中脂滴聚集和CPT-1A的表达,而游离脂肪酸含量降低;Etomoxir预处理抑制了细胞中BCG存活,并上调了Beclin1、LC3-II和Rab7表达,且细胞中出现大量自噬小体聚集,自噬流增强,却抑制了促炎因子IL-1β、IL-6和TNF-α mRNA表达与分泌。综上表明,抑制FAO可促进BCG感染诱导的RAW264.7细胞自噬,并抑制BCG感染引起的炎症反应。  相似文献   
文章分析了基于人因工程学原理构建虚拟驾驶训练、绩效测评系统的特点,系统运用人因工程学原理设计,人机交互界面友善、交互性强、可视化效果增强,探讨了系统的软硬件结构及作用机理,给出了系统开发思路及流程-模型数据获取、数据处理、Creator建模、Vega程序设计和系统测试,应用GIS、虚拟现实技术和虚拟GIS技术建立了集汽车驾驶虚拟训练、驾驶员操作绩效数据获取、交通事故重现于一体的多功能虚拟系统。  相似文献   
马尾松实生种子园遗传多样性分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以福建白砂林场马尾松实生种子园家系及其自由授粉子代为研究对象,从215对微卫星(SSR)引物中筛选出12对多态性比较理想者作为分子标记对种子园进行遗传多样性分析,研究结果主要如下:(1)子代群体等位基因数(A)平均为5.9167个,有效等位基因数(Ne)平均为2.3788个,Shannon多样性指数(I)为1.0348,平均期望杂合度(He)0.5745,Nei多样度为0.5740。各项指标均表明马尾松实生种子园子代群体具有较高的遗传多样性。群体的变异主要来源于群体内,群体间分化较小,遗传分化系数仅为0.504。(2)将冠层分上、中、下三层进行遗传多样性研究,发现其在冠层上无明显差异。(3)将所得的亲代群体指数与子代群体指数相比,发现子代群体遗传多样性未减弱。(4)两年度的多样性调查结果发现遗传多样性始终保持较高的水平。  相似文献   
针对分析参数变化对电机损耗效率的影响建立了永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)损耗模型,推导出电机损耗最小的最优定子电流。然后,分析铁损电阻、铜损电阻以及磁链变化对损耗精度的影响。结果表明,当铁损电阻变为原来的1.2倍时,总损耗效率增加1.0%;当铜损电阻变为原来1.5倍时,总损耗效率下降28%;当磁链变为原来的1.4倍时,总损耗效率下降1.4%。通过电机损耗的参数敏感性分析,为基于模型的电机高效率控制提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
BackgroundASF was first reported in Kenya in 1910 in 1921. In China, ASF spread to 31 provinces including Henan and Jiangsu within six months after it was first reported on August 3, 2018. The epidemic almost affected the whole China, causing direct economic losses of tens of billions of yuan. Cause great loss to our pig industry. As ELISA is cheap and easy to operate, OIE regards it as the preferred serological method for ASF detection. P54 protein has good antigenicity and is an ideal antigen for detection.ObjectiveTo identify a conservative site in the African swine fever virus (ASFV) p54 protein and perform a Cloth-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting the ASFV antibody in order to reduce risks posed by using the live virus in diagnostic assays.MethodWe used bioinformatics methods to predict the antigen epitope of the ASFV p54 protein in combination with the antigenic index and artificially synthesized the predicted antigen epitope peptides. Using ASFV-positive serum and specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), we performed indirect ELISA and blocking ELISA to verify the immunological properties of the predicted epitope polypeptide.ResultsThe results of our prediction revealed that the possible antigen epitope regions were A23–29, A36–45, A72–94, A114–120, A124–130, and A137–150. The indirect ELISA showed that the peptides A23–29, A36–45, A72–94, A114–120, and A137–150 have good antigenicity. Moreover, the A36–45 polypeptide can react specifically with the mAb secreted by hybridoma cells, and its binding site contains a minimum number of essential amino acids in the sequence 37DIQFINPY44.ConclusionsOur study confirmed a conservative antigenic site in the ASFV p54 protein and its amino acid sequence. A competitive ELISA method for detecting ASFV antibodies was established based on recombinant p54 and matching mAb. Moreover, testing the protein sequence alignment verified that the method can theoretically detect antibodies produced by pigs affected by nearly all ASFVs worldwide.  相似文献   
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