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The productive potential of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. cvs. Norland, Superior, Norchip, and Kennebec) was assessed for life support systems being proposed for space stations and/or lunar colonies. Plants were grown in walk-in growth rooms for 15 weeks at 20 C under 12-, 16- and 20-h photoperiods of 400 μmol mt-2st-1 photosynthetic photon flux (PPF). Norland yielded the greatest tuber fresh weight, producing 2.3, 2.4, and 2.9 kg/plant under 12-, 16-, and 20-h photoperiods, respectively. The respective yields for the other cultivars under 12-, 16-, and 20-h were: Superior, 1.9, 1.5, and 1.8 kg/plant; Norchip, 1.8, 1.4, and 2.0 kg/plant; and Kennebec, 2.3, 0.2, and 0.8 kg/plant. Shoot and total plant biomass increased with lengthening photoperiods except for Kennebec, which showed increased shoot growth but no change in total growth with the longer photoperiods. Kennebec shoot growth under the 20-h photoperiod, and to some extent under 16-h, was noticeably stunted with shortened internodes. In addition, leaves of these plants showed mild chlorosis with rusty “flecking” of the surfaces. The harvest index (ratio of tuber yield/total biomass) was highest for all cultivars under the 12-h photoperiod, with a maximum of 0.69 for Norland. Similarly, the tuber yield per input of irradiant energy also was highest under 12-h for all cultivars. The tuber yield expressed on an area basis for the highest yielding treatment (Norland under 20-h) equaled 2.2 kg dry matter mt-2. Over 15 weeks this equates to a productivity of 20.7 g tuber dry matter mt-2 dayt-1. Assuming 3.73 kcal per g tuber dry matter and a daily human dietary requirement of 2800 kcal, then 36 m2 of potatoes could supply the daily energy requirement for one human. Potential for increasing productivity is discussed.  相似文献   
The synthesis of massive arrays of monodispersed carbon nanotubes that are self-oriented on patterned porous silicon and plain silicon substrates is reported. The approach involves chemical vapor deposition, catalytic particle size control by substrate design, nanotube positioning by patterning, and nanotube self-assembly for orientation. The mechanisms of nanotube growth and self-orientation are elucidated. The well-ordered nanotubes can be used as electron field emission arrays. Scaling up of the synthesis process should be entirely compatible with the existing semiconductor processes, and should allow the development of nanotube devices integrated into silicon technology.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate an axonopathy of Merino sheep that caused progressive hindlimb ataxia and slight to moderate paresis, with the purpose of understanding its pathogenesis.

METHODS: Tissues were fixed in buffered paraformaldehyde or paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, processed into wax and epoxy resin, respectively, and examined by light and electron microscopy. Fresh frozen spinal cord and trigeminal nerve roots were subjected to homogenisation, centrifugation and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Selected protein spots were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI) mass spectrometry.

RESULTS. By light microscopy, there were large pale foamy spheroidal axonal swellings affecting peripheral as well as central axons. By electron microscopy, these were shown to contain many membrane-bound vesicles. The main abnormalities in expressed proteins involved cytoskeletal elements and myosin heavy chain, the latter interpreted as associated with the molecular motor myosin Va.

CONCLUSIONS: The disorder is the same as that described in Merinos in Australia as segmental axonopathy, and believed to have an inherited aetiology. The lesions and protein changes indicate abnormalities of the cytoskeleton, its relationship with the myelin sheath, and myosin Va molecular motor. The consequence appears to be abnormal axonal transport and inability to maintain the integrity of axons and their myelin sheaths.  相似文献   
Polyurethane foam plugs commonly are used as collars or supports to grow plants in solution culture. Despite their utility, these foam plugs can be quite toxic to plants, particularly to small seedlings. We have observed tissue injury in tests using plugs to support lettuce, red beet, and potato plants in solution culture. Typically, the injury is initiated on the hypocotyl or stem tissue in direct contact with the foam, and appears within 30 hr as a brownish discoloration on the tissue surface. This discoloration can be followed by complete collapse of affected tissue and eventual death of the seedling. When injury does not progress beyond surface browning, the seedling survives but growth is slowed. In this paper, we report on different treatments that can be used to remove the toxicity of these plugs so they can be used in plant research.  相似文献   
Plants of Norland potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were maintained for 42 days at Mg concentrations of 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 1, 2, and 4 mM in a nonrecirculating nutrient film system under controlled environment. With the increased Mg supply from 0.05 to 4 mM, Mg concentrations in the leaves of the 42-day old plants increased significantly from 1.1 to 11.2 mg g-1 dry weight. Plant leaf area and plant and tuber dry weights increased with increased Mg concentrations up to 1 mM in solution or 6.7 mg g-1 in leaves, and then decreased with further increases in Mg concentrations. Rates of CO2 assimilation measured on leaflets in situ at ambient and various intercellular CO2 concentrations were consistently lower at 0.05 and 4 mM Mg than at other Mg treatments, which may indicate decreased photosynthetic activity in mesophyll tissues at the lowest and highest Mg concentrations. Dark respiration rates in leaves were highest at 0.05 and 4 mM Mg, lowest at 0.25 and 1 mM Mg, and intermediate at 0.125 and 2 mM Mg. The different Mg treatments also influenced accumulation of other minerals in leaves. Leaf concentrations of Ca and Mn decreased with increased Mg supply except that Ca and Mn were lower at 0.05 mM than at 0.125 mM Mg. Leaf K concentrations were lower at 1, 2 and 4 mM Mg than at other Mg treatments. Foliar concentrations of P, Fe, Zn, and Cu had small but inconsistent variation with different Mg concentrations. Leaf concentrations of N, S, and B were similar at different Mg concentrations. This study demonstrates that various Mg nutrition, along with altered accumulation of other nutrients, could regulate dry matter production in potatoes by affecting not only leaf area but also leaf carbon dioxide assimilation and respiration.  相似文献   
Two separate experiments were conducted to investigate plant growth and mineral composition of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) at varied solution concentrations of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+). Each experiment evaluated five nitrogen (N) concentrations of 0.5, 2, 4, 8, and 12 mM, which were maintained with a non-recirculating nutrient film system in controlled environment. Plants were harvested on day 42 with NO3-; and day 35 with NH4+ after transplanting of tissue culture plantlets, and growth measurements were taken as leaf area, tuber number, and dry weights of different parts. With NO3-, plant growth was greatest and similar at 2, 4, and 8 mM of N whereas with NH4+, plant growth was best only at 2 and 4 mM of N. At 12 mM of N, plants exhibited interveinal ammonium toxicity with NH4+ nutrition, but healthy growth appearance with NO3- nutrition. With either N form, total N concentrations in tissues tended to increase with increased N concentrations, and tissue phosphorus (P) concentrations were reduced at 0.5 and 2 mM of N. Tissue concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) changed only slightly at particular N concentrations, yet changed substantially with different N forms. The data indicate that the optimal ranges of N concentrations in both solution and tissues are wider and higher with NO3- than with NH4+ nutrition, and thus a careful control of NH4+ concentrations is necessary to minimize possible ammonium toxicity to potato plants.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the responses of potatoes to six K solution concentrations maintained with a flow-through nutrient film system. Potato plants were grown for 42 days in sloping shallow trays containing a 1 cm layer of quartz gravel with a continuous flow of 4 ml min-1 of nutrient solutions having K concentrations of 0.10, 0.55, 1.59, 3.16, 6.44, 9.77 meq L-1. Plant leaf area, total and tuber dry weights were reduced over 25% at 0.10 meq L-1 of K and over 17% at 9.77 meq L-1 of K compared to concentrations of 0.55, 1.59, 3.16 and 6.44 meq L-1 of K. Gas exchange measurements on leaflets in situ after 39 days of growth demonstrated no significant differences among different K treatments in CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, and transpiration. Further measurements made only on plants grown at 0.10, 1.59, 6.44 meq L-1 of K showed similar responses of CO2 assimilation rate to different intercellular CO2 concentrations. This suggested that the photosynthetic systems were not affected by different K nutrition. The leaves of plants accumulated about 60% less K at 0.10 meq L-1 of K than at higher K concentrations. However, Ca and Mg levels in the leaves were higher at 0.10 meq L-1 of K than at higher K concentrations. This indicates that low K nutrition not only reduced plant growth, but also affected nutrient balance between major cations.  相似文献   
Plants of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Denali, Norland, Haig and Kennebec were grown for 42 days under three temperature cycling periods (thermoperiods) with continuous irradiation in two repeated experiments to help determine if temperature cycling might be varied to optimize tuber development of potatoes in controlled environments. Thermoperiods of 6/6 hours, 12/12 hours and 24/24 hours were established with the same temperature change of 22/14C and same controlled vapor pressure deficit of 0.60 kPa. The thermoperiod of 24/24 hours significantly promoted tuber initiation but slowed tuber enlargement in all four cultivars, compared to the thermoperiods of 6/6 hours and 12/12 hours. Denali' produced the highest tuber and total dry weights under the 6/6 hours thermoperiod. Kennebec' produced the highest tuber dry weight under the 12/12 hours thermoperiod. Thermoperiods had no significant effect on shoot and root dry weights of any cultivars. The major effect of thermoperiods was on initiation and enlargement of tubers.  相似文献   
Space agencies in several countries are planning for the culture of plants in long duration space bases. The challenge of developing crop production procedures suitable for space projects will result in a new approach of problems we may meet today or in the near future in our common production systems. You may keep in mind subjects as: minimizing wastes or pollution problems, saving materials, introductions robotic helps. Discussion between scientists involved with food production for space programmes and protected horticultural cultivation may open new perspectives.  相似文献   
Lizard and spider populations were censused immediately before and after Hurricane Lili on islands differentially affected by the storm surge. The results support three general propositions. First, the larger organisms, lizards, are more resistant to the immediate impact of moderate disturbance, whereas the more prolific spiders recover faster. Second, extinction risk is related to population size when disturbance is moderate but not when it is catastrophic. Third, after catastrophic disturbance, the recovery rate among different types of organisms is related to dispersal ability. The absence of the poorer dispersers, lizards, from many suitable islands is probably the result of long-lasting effects of catastrophes.  相似文献   
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