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Plasma vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites were measured in Atlantic salmon parr during smoltification and after transfer to seawater. The fish were fed commercial feed for 5 months under natural light, and Na+/K+ ATPase was measured as an indicator of the smoltification status. No significant differences were recorded in the level of plasma vitamin D metabolites. However, a tendency of increasing plasma concentration of 25OHD3 and also a temporary increase in plasma 1,25(OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3 were recorded prior to seawater transfer. The minor changes in plasma levels of the metabolites indicate a role of the vitamin D metabolites during parr–smolt transformation, although we do not know whether the increased levels are caused by increased synthesis of the metabolites or by decreased binding to receptors or decreased excretion.  相似文献   
Using Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, as a model for the stress response in gadoid fish, the changes in the expression of some stress and immune genes as well as the profiles of plasma cortisol were examined. Adult fish were kept at a density of ca. 100 kg m?3 by lowering the water level in the rearing tank for 1 h and this short‐term crowding stress was repeated thrice over a 12‐h interval period. Blood samples were collected before exposure and at 2, 24 and 72 h post crowding. Plasma cortisol level significantly increased at 2 h post crowding but returned to pre‐crowding levels 24 h after exposure. The relative expression of the stress response genes, glucose transporter‐3 and a putative heat shock protein 70 significantly increased at 2 and 24 h post crowding respectively. Significant up‐regulation of the pro‐inflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)‐1β and IL‐8, as well as anti‐bacterial genes, g‐type lysozyme and bactericidal permeability‐increasing protein/lipopolysaccharide‐binding protein (BPI/LBP) was also observed at 2 h and the levels were maintained until 72 h post exposure, except for BPI/LBP which had maximum up‐regulation at 24 h. The present observations have implications with respect to fish welfare and assessment of the health status of the farmed fish.  相似文献   
This study focused on a suite of vascular plant species (six herbs and two grasses) common to traditionally managed, species-rich grasslands in Western Norway. We assessed the suitability of two species transfer methods (seed sowing and soil seed bank) for restoration of species-rich grassland on a newly established road verge. We compared the species' frequencies one and three years after they were sown on a naked, newly created road verge with their frequencies in aboveground vegetation and soil seed banks of comparable, local grasslands. Species frequencies in the aboveground vegetation differed significantly from those in the seed banks. Moreover, the frequencies in the seed banks differed from those recorded one year after sowing, and the frequencies in the aboveground vegetation differed from those recorded three years after sowing. Avenula pubescens and Knautia arvensis, found in more than 25% of the aboveground grassland plots, did not germinate from any of the seed bank samples. Festuca rubra, Galium verum, Pimpinella saxifraga and Silene vulgaris were more frequent in the aboveground plots than in the seed bank samples. Pimpinella saxifraga, Galium verum and Lychnis viscaria emerged quite well both from sown seeds and from the seed bank. Avenula pubescens was frequent in the aboveground vegetation, but did not germinate from sown seeds. Six species established well from seeds, and most increased in frequency in the sown plots from the first to the third year. No species was found in the sown plots only, but three years after sowing, three species were more frequent in the sown plots than in the aboveground vegetation of donor grassland plots. Our fine-scale, point-to-point study demonstrates that different restoration methods produce widely differing species composition even when the donor material is identical. We propose that different substrates and a combination of establishment methods (sowing and hay transfer) are needed as supplements to seed banks to re-establish species-rich grassland.  相似文献   
Many studies of land-cover and structural changes in cultural landscapes have used historical maps as a source for information about past land-cover. All transformations of historical maps onto modern coordinate systems are however burdened with difficulties when it comes to accuracy. We show that a detailed land survey of the present landscape may enable transformation of an old cadastral map directly onto the present terrain with very high accuracy. The detailed resulting map enabled us to locate remnants of semi-natural grasslands and man-made structures with continuity from 1865 and to test hypotheses about relationships between landscape changes and landscape characteristics. The main land-cover change 1865–2002 was decrease of arable fields, and addition of three new land-cover classes: horticultural, orchard and abandoned areas. Of the 330 man-made structures present in 1865, only 58 remained in 2002, while 63 new structures had been built after 1865. We found that semi-natural grasslands with continuity since 1865 were situated on ground with significantly lower production capacity than mean 1865 production capacity. The man-made structures with continuity since 1865 were also associated with areas with significantly lower production capacity than the 1865 mean, situated in significantly steeper terrain but not further from the hamlet. Our study illustrates the potential of digitised and accurately transformed historical cadastral maps combined with detailed field surveys for analysis of land-cover and structural changes in the cultural landscape.  相似文献   
The peripheral plasma progesterone levels in bitches with spontaneously developed pyometra did not differ significantly from those in normally cycling or pregnant bitches. The macroscopic ovarian morphology gave no indication of an increased corpus luteum activity. Ovarian follicular cysts were found in 4 out of 31 cases. There was no detectable difference of results between 14 bitches that had received hormonal medication 10 years to 1 week previous to the pyometra diagnosis, and the other patients.  相似文献   
Four semi-domesticated reindeer were ovariectomized and 3 both ovariectomized and hysterectomized, 30-70 days before expected parturition. Anaesthesia with etorphine/propyonylphenthiazine was followed by an increase in the plasma concentration of progesterone of peripheral blood. The concentration of progesterone returned to pre-anaesthetic values before ovariectomy. Ovariectomy did not result in any substantial change in the plasma progesterone concentration within an observation period of 35-120 min. Hysterectomy was followed by a marked decrease in peripheral plasma progesterone within 60 min. The progesterone concentration in ovarian venous blood was slightly higher than the jugular venous blood in 1 animal and 150 and 400 times higher in the 2 other animals examined. Thus, despite lack of marked changes of progesterone in jugular venous blood upon ovariectomy, it is concluded that the ovaries are a major production site of progesterone in pregnant reindeer. The progesterone in uterine venous blood was close to that in the jugular vein in 1 animal, and slightly higher in 2 others. This observation, and the maintenance of pregnancy in spite of ovariectomy in 2 out of 4 animals, point to the foeto-placental unit as an additional source of progesterone production.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the occurrence of bacteriuria in adult, healthy cats is scarce in the scientific literature. A study was designed to investigate the occurrence of bacteriuria in healthy cats without current or previous signs of lower urinary tract disease. The study included 108 cats, 53 males (49.5%) and 55 females (50.5%). The cats ranged in age between 7 months and 18 years, with a mean age of 4.4 years and a median age of 4.0 years. Urine was obtained by cystocentesis from all the cats, and was submitted for bacteriological analyses. Urine and urine sediment was cultured on separate blood agar plates for quantification and species identification by standard procedures. Detection of ≥10(3)colony forming units (cfu) per ml urine was defined as significant bacteriuria. Significant bacteriuria exceeding 10(5) cfu/ml was detected in one sample with a combination of Enterococcus species and Staphylococcus species. There was no bacterial growth in the urine samples from 107 cats (99.1%). Results from our study indicate that the prevalence of bacteriuria in clinically healthy, adult cats is low. Also, that contamination of samples is rare when urine is collected by cystocentesis.  相似文献   
Considering overcrowding as a stressor, the effects of a short-term exposure on the immune responses of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. were determined at 2, 24 and 72 h post-crowding. While plasma glucose and total antioxidant capacity were quantified as stress responses, immune responses were based on humoral indices. Bactericidal capacity of plasma was also assessed. There was a significant increase in plasma glucose and total antioxidant capacity at 2 h post-crowding, however the former returned to pre-stress levels 24 h later and the latter remained elevated until 72 h. The plasma protein did not reveal any significant change, but there was a transient upregulation of globulin at 24 h post-crowding. The myeloperoxidase activity increased at 2 h after the stress, but returned to its pre-stress levels at 24 h. The lysozyme activity was upregulated even from the first time point after stress, although the differences were significant only at 24 and 72 h compared to the activity prior to stress. At 72 h post-crowding there was a significant increase in alkaline phosphatase activity while haemolytic activity showed a significant decrease. An increase in the proliferation of the bacterial pathogens, Vibrio anguillarum and Aeromonas salmonicida was seen from 24 h in the plasma of the stressed fish. Thus, our finding suggests that short-term crowding stress modulates the immune responses in Atlantic cod and therefore husbandry procedures should consider these effects while addressing better management strategies.  相似文献   
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